Horse News

Update: Ginger Kathrens and March for Mustangs on CNN, TONIGHT

Tune into CNN’s Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell on Thursday at 7:30 PM EST for an in-depth discussion on our wild herds and a recap of the D.C. Rally with Wendie Malick and Ginger Kathrens.

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13 replies »

  1. FYI – Just checked the time for Jane Valdez-Mitchell’s show in MDT areas. We have Dish Network, and it’s on HLN (Channel 202) at 5pm (7pm EDT?).


  2. Must look for Jane on video. I hope someone gets back to us soon to tell us how they feel the day went and what went on…. I hope there will be a video of RT and Ginger speaking! mar


  3. Just watched the show. It was so thrilling to FINALLY have a network cover “the real deal”. Now maybe some other news outlets will pick up the ball and run with it, and more and more folks will get on board with stopping this cruelty. The footage alone should get people’s attention.

    Wendy, Ginger, and Madeline were so focused. The reporter was very well-informed. And Jane is such a strong and passionate interviewer. I was glad she included the invitation to the DOI/BLM that was turned down. “Go to our website” was not only rude, but dismissive. They didn’t earn any points or respect there, and she called them on it.

    If Salaczar ever accepts Jane’s invitation, it won’t be until officials have scoured the interview and lined up direct rebutttals. The DOI dissed her, and she doesn’t seem the type to forgive or forget. If anyone from the government does show up, I think she’ll rip into them.

    APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE to everyone involved in putting this interview and the protests together, and to all those working tirelessly for the wild ones!


  4. R.T.–great to finally meet you and shake your hand! Sandy, your “Cowgirl” hat gave you away–nice to meet you and all the other Wild Horse Advocates. I had to leave DC before the Park horses arrived to back up “their brothers and sisters”. Looking forward to those pictures and please print all those inspiring words that came from all the speaker’s hearts!


  5. In case anybody missed it you can watch Jane’s almost TEN MINUTE segment (way to go Jane!) online. With more prime time coverage like this we can win this fight! Something I’ve noticed in news articles about the round ups, they always seem to end with… “Once captured, the Mustangs will be trucked to Fallon, Nevada, for veterinary care. After that they will be offered for private adoption or transferred to pastures in the Midwest.” The reporters seem to think this is what is going to happen to all the horses. Its like these mystical Midwestern sanctuaries are a done deal. Do they know something we don’t?


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