Horse News

BLM Violates Own Safety Policies to Dazzle New York Times

(News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart”

All Rules Broken for the Sake of BLM Propaganda

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SUSANVILLE, CA (SFTHH) – For weeks the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has kept the American public and concerned citizens at extreme distances from the wild horse trapping operations at the Twin Peaks helicopter stampede.  Each morning observers must tolerate a law enforcement briefing by BLM Security Chief Jason Parker who clearly states that the public will be held back from the private land, where the trap is located, due to safety and liability issues and should anyone not comply, “things will be escalated to the next level”.  Today that changed when the BLM allowed a New York Times photographer to not only locate himself on the private land but to be within the chute of the trap and exposed to both the horses and the aggressive, low altitude helicopter.

Blown up Shot of NYT Photographer inside BLM Wild Horse Trap Chute on "Private Land" ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

Horseback Magazine photographer, Terry Fitch,  unknowingly captured a shot of the New York Times photographer right in the middle of the stampede while both herself and press credentialed reporter Laura Leigh, who’s credentials are recognized by a Federal Judge, were held at arm’s length over one half mile away and not granted access to the operations site on public land.

The New York Times notified the BLM, yesterday, that they would be sending a reporter and photographer to document the operations at the stampede, today.  Before sunrise the reporter was on hand at BLM’s Litchfield holding facility just north of Susanville, CA.  The reporter took down names and information from several citizens before being whisked away by early arriving BLM officials.

Unlike in days past, multiple numbers of BLM officials and management personnel were on hand to speak with and direct the activities of the visiting NYT reporter and photographer.  After the first helicopter stampede where the horse were run at breakneck speed the NYT team was allowed to enter the operations area while other credentialed professionals were restricted to the distant observation location.  When local BLM officials were asked why the observations area was so distant from the trap and subsequent activities the standard BLM reply was repeated “Contractors request”.

NYT Photographer, on left, prior to being allowed out into trap area ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

Helicopter stampede contractor, Sue Cattoor, did make a surprise visit to the remote observation area to “dispel” rumors that there have been no injured or lame foals suffering since the beginning of the ill planed stampede.  This “news” flies in the face of the direct observation by this reporter that approximately  60% of the foals held at the Litchfield wild horse holding facility display signs of serious lameness.

Later during the day, another round of stampeded horses raced their way into the basin which lay before the Cattoor’s  jute and fence “funnel” into their trap.  Skillfully, for the sake of the NYT team, the chopper slowed the horses to a slow trot as they were pressed into the trap, this is where the photos of Fitch show the NYT photographer right within the trap zone and on the “private property” that the rest of the taxpaying observers were restricted from nearing.

While the handful of citizens stood almost a mile away, the BLM violated all of the rules and guidelines stated prior to any and/or all stampedes that the public has been allowed to observe.  The dance of influence and power continues as the BLM makes up new rules as they see fit and customize to suit their purpose.

Telling Video by Laura Leigh

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101 replies »

  1. WTH? That was pretty stupid as it only makes BLM look more guilty of suppression of 1st Amendment rights. Then again, they are so desperate, they apparently have lost what little commonsense they might have had. NYT is about as liberal a paper as it gets and most all liberals embrace HUMANE treatment of animals in a big way. You have to wonder why on earth BLM would ever dream coverage by the NYT would be favorable, I’m sure it will not paint a pretty picture of BLM.

    Way to go, BLM. You’ve just given us MORE reasons to demand BLM be removed from administering this program! And, never fear, we will continue to do just that until you are all out on the street, looking for fitting employment which will NOT include working with animals.

    Thanks for being there, RT and Terri. Along with the other stalwart advocates, your work is so very much appreciated.


    • Yes RT! Did anyone get the names of the photographer and reporter? Want to go a step with the BLM? If you don’t have the names, ask them for the names. That shouldn’t be “classified,” should it? If they don’t give it, wouldn’t that be another BLM first amendment violation? If they say they don’t have it, wouldn’t that be another demonstration of BLM incompetence? Letting citizens into the trap site without documenting their I.D.?

      Forage well, my friends. The range is lush.


      • don’t have to ask the blm anything. Call the NYT and ask them what reporter is doing the story. Can also buy all the footage they shot, even footage not used in their story. All newspapers will sell their footage. With that camera angle he may have outstanding footage in the hours edited out for the story. Any statements made to the press can be used in any court of law.


      • That is right, Rob!! Sic ’em. They never cease to amaze me with their lack of regard for right….I feel like I’m in a different country or something. This is becoming the norm.


    • If you want the footage. I am considering process here with the BLM. I want to ask the BLM things so that they either answer, or don’t answer. It’s very simple. When you ask, you get a win-win. Any answer, Yes, No, I don’t know, or No Answer by the BLM to “may I have the names of the NYT people, please” gets you something. It makes the BLM accountable for what they say and do. This is the biggest challenge we face with BLM, about nearly everything.

      That is why we need to keep asking questions and making requests, and documenting them and the results. The simplest questions and requests and BLM responses are important. It is part of Not Going Away, or in the positive, Being Here Now, and Being Here Tomorrow. It connects us to all the rest of the questions we need to keep asking, including the long standing ones, like First Amendment rights, why horses and burros off and livestock on, and what the hell is AML, Bob?


  2. Hey!!? Any of you guys actually know someone who said a bad word or threw a stick at the BLM?
    I know they read the Advocate blogs; so do I. And while everyone opinionates in a manner that’s not quite ‘flattering’, I have never seen the comments that would escalate this ‘to the next level’.
    I’m all for preparedness, but this is the most childish, arrogant, Bully in the Schoolyard behavior I’ve ever witnessed by a group of grown folks who have continually looked down their noses at us for simply trying to look out for the welfare of the Wild Ones, a task they themselves seem unwilling to perform.
    Escalation to this level means the Bureau is looking for a reason, open to interpretation, to do a little bodily harm.

    This isn’t a warning; it’s a prophecy: First Advocate that gets gassed, tazered, a bullet in the backside or body-slammed into the rocks for annoying a ranger or BLM law enforcement? It won’t be Wild Horse Advocates on the receiving end of some very bad press.


    • Agree Lisa. Anyone who “escalates” with BLM at a roundup site in my view will be just like a Judas Horse running wild horse advocacy into the mouth of the BLM PR trap. They will spin that. You think they are being crude now? Give them a chance to label advocates eco-terrorists. Give them a chance to say advocates resisted law enforcement, threatened the safety of employees and contractors, or endangered horses. Give them a chance to say advocates stopped a BLM gather of innocent horses they were rescuing. Don’t you remember? They already made that one up COMPLETELY about legal proceedings at Owyhee! Think what they’ll say if someone “escalates.”

      Is it frustrating? Of course. But our job is to be TRUE TO THE HORSES and SMART LIKE THEM. There is plenty of action we can continue to take, TOGETHER folks — we have to decide to GET ‘ER DONE TOGETHER.

      Si Se Puede. Rob Pliskin


      • They say the meek shall inherit the earth. Unfortunately, many of the humbly patient- even under provocation from others- will be trampled in the process. We just need to keep our eyes on the prize.


      • Unfortunately Rob, that is and has been- the intended consequence of BLMs behavior to silence us..I guess its working..because we are not gaining any national media attention that favors the wild by all means lets not challenge them and take control of the conversation, We expect the media to see the same heartbreaking story we do..and they are not..There are a whole range of options betwenn silence and ecco terrorists…and quite frankly I know for a fact..they just think we are a bunch of teary eyed ecco terrorists…


  3. Do you see what all of you have accomplished? THE NEW YORK TIMES, in Susanville, to document a round-up. Keep on doing what all of you have been doing. Keep the press out there.


      • Yes, Lisa, Louie, Manages to make things look brighter. But just reading how the BLM acts hurts.
        Did anyone speak to the NYT reporter. I wonder how much of the actural true stuff he got.
        We should all write the NYT and tell them about the Senators letter to Salazar, and other true facts.
        Keep on truckin’


    • Sounds to me like they only interviewed the out spoken ignorantt name calling ranchers..LOL..NOW does that tell you anything? Let me know when the story comes out.


  4. WOW! Louie, you couldn’t be MORE RIGHT! Even though we are all mad as Hell that the NYT ‘got in’… It IS the NYT and it IS big-time PRESS!! Coast to Coast coverage, Bay-beee! ;0)

    So, to keep going with that, as Lisa stated, it isn’t a warning! She’s right! They are ready and waiting to pounce on anyone who dares ‘cross that line’. Eh-hem… Is anyone willing to ‘take one for the team’ here? I know, sounds just down right flippin’ crazy, right?! Stay with me, you KNOW where I’m going here… If the NYT is there and say oh someone starts to throw a ‘tantrum’ of sorts, and the so-called ‘peace keepers’ with Mace or tazers or whatever gets pissy and does something to that said tantrum thrower; wouldn’t that be just SOMETHING to have documented in the NYT… Coast to Coast!? Even if ‘we’ loose face for just a second, it could bring oh so much needed ‘light’ to the um… trap site!

    I’ve said from the ‘get go’ of this hot and heated up summer ‘gather’ B.S. that if we give the BLM just enough rope to hang themselves with, they WILL do it! They proved themselves to be the glutonous, glory grabbing beasts that I KNEW they could not subdue! Oh, the glamour Sue Cattoor must be feeling to be interviewd by the NYT! So, glamourous in fact, that she forgot that one little ‘rule’ she made up, her very own self! Oh, how she must be proud.

    Do ya ‘spose the ‘Oh Shit’ factor has set in yet…?

    Naaaww! Me either!

    Thanks doens’t seem to quite cover what you all have been through this summer. Seeing our Wild Ones captured with tears in your eyes, lips tightly locked for fear of crossing that proverbial ‘line’ and fists clenched just wanting to ‘pop’ one of the nasty S.O.B’s… I am forever grateful for you being our eyes, ears and voices.

    I have good ‘vibes’ today… feeling a bit hopeful because of their stupidity.

    Keep it up, Gang… Hang tough. We are all here, at ‘home’, firing away at our keyboards, phones and using our voices. We have your backs…

    Be safe and blow a kiss to the wind, for me, for OUR Wild Ones..


    • Be very careful with anything that BLM can use to say “activists impeded the gather of innocent horses…etc.” I am telling you, they will take that and run with it. They will take the line between advocacy, peaceful resistance, and eco-terrorism and put advocates on the WRONG side of it. Do you want to read the BLM party line that comes out, “We had no choice but to stop the rescue of these horses due to law enforcement and safety concerns regarding the activities of activists at the trap site…” ??

      Peaceful resistance can be well organized and effective, but I wouldn’t impede a roundup. It is playing into the BLM’s hands. Good things can be planned folks, there is a right way to demonstrate and be effective. And there is a wrong way.

      In this case, I would ask myself before I decide, especially if I am at a roundup location, “what will this do for the horses and burros, these right here, and all of them everywhere, if I…..?”

      Because I guarantee, it will never be as simple as “losing face for a second.”


  5. There are several government agencies, including within the DOI, that are cracking down on what employees say and do with regard to the public. They’re trying to create a consistent public image, with consistent answers about what’s going on within the agencies. They’re really putting a lot of focus on public relations.
    Given that fact, it really makes me wonder why the BLM continues to allow the Cattoors to talk to the press. Is this agency purposely letting Sue talk, offering contradictory statements about what’s going on during round ups so that no one really knows for sure what’s happening? I don’t know what this woman’s education is, but she comes off sounding like a hick and actually makes the BLM look stupid almost any time she opens her mouth. Definitely not helpful for public image. So what’s up with that? Is it a smoke screen?
    I don’t want to see anyone get arrested, but let’s face it: civil disobedience gets results and media attention. If some peaceful, un-armed observer were documented being hauled off by the cops for doing nothing more than stepping over an invisible line, that’s a huge PR nightmare for the BLM. And I think it could very well happen with the hefty law enforcement presence on hand, despite our observers extreme care in being cooperative. I’m NOT suggesting that anyone purposely get arrested. Just saying that, with the high level of security, it could happen.
    Perhaps the BLM’s best strategy would be to allow observers closer to the trap sites. As has been said before, if the BLM isn’t doing anything wrong — and observers have done nothing more than simply report what they’ve witnessed — then what’s the big deal in letting them get a little closer?


    • The idea that the Cattoor’s are running the show (Imagine that conversation: “Move them people back or we don’t roundup these animals.”) is more than just a little distasteful. And illustrates pretty well who’s makin’ up the rules as we go along.

      We can hope the NYT reporter & photographer are intelligent enough to realize that the Princess Fairydust version of the roundup they saw isn’t the reality of the Daily Grinder these Horses actually face.


      • Shirley- Better than that if the reporter was NOT a horse person, just a regular guy from the city who has a brain in his head AND a heart in his chest.


  6. The BLM is hiding behind a private contractor, just like DOI hid and continues to hide behind BP in the Gulf. Outrageous behavior!

    Does anyone know if the NYT publishes the “First Amendment” in their paper and on their website? It’s prominently displayed on the Opinions page of our little paper every day.


  7. True, Louie ! The NYT covers a round-up! I just hope they tell the “real” truth in their article– not the BLM “truth”–whatever is fed to them by the agency–that stampedes and lameness are for the horses’ own good. Thank you RT, Terry,Laura and all the other observers for being there and reporting to us.


  8. Why does the BLM have to have armed guards around the observers? While they take down everyone’s license numbers etc they could easily do a body scan for weapons etc.

    Sorry but I think its the BLM looking to escalate things. One of the first things our city cops do is learn to DE-escalate things. Arming people with weapons and tasers is just escalating things.

    And if the observers are a mile away how in the world could they possibly interfere with the rounding up????

    By the way does anyone know if those armed guards are licensed??? Like cops. Do they have to hold some kind of license to be armed? What kind of training are they getting???? I ask because if BLM is hiring just anyone to do this armed guarding business the advocates could accidentally escalate something without even knowing it ahead of time.


    • They are waiting for someone to go “postal” and they will use bushes anti-terror laws to put them in federal prison.

      Just like they did with the clueless driver of the car of the group that burned down the old horse slaughterhouse. They didn’t charge them with arson, ‘domestic terror’ and they spent years and years in a single cell with almost no contact with humans. much stiffer sentence than plain arson of a empty old building.

      be smart like the horses, go around them, under them, find the fraud.
      Any pictures the gov. releases are free for the public to use. Thats why the BLM refuses to use pictures and vids. remember how they tried to get the observer to sign a paper they would not publish anything.


      • Just a reminder that the “anti-terror” laws passed in the U.S. in recent years had broad bi-partisan support. The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), for example, that was introduced in the Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. Thomas Petri (R-WI) and Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, according to Wikipedia. Unanimous consent is a procedure used to expedite what the Senate considers “non-controversial bills.” The House passed its version of the bill under “suspension of rules,” a procedure similar to unanimous consent in the Senate. The lone dissent against a unified Congress was registered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich who feared the bill was “written in such a way as to have a chilling effect on the exercise of the constitutional rights of protest.”

        The AETA (Pub.L. 109-374; 18 U.S.C. § 43) amends the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992 (AEPA) (Pub.L. 102-346) and is intended to give the U.S. Department of Justice stronger tools to respond to threats posed by what the legislation calls “animal rights extremists.” The Acts prohibit any person from using force, violence, or threats “for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise.” The definition of “animal enterprise” in the AEPA was expanded by the AETA to include “a person or entity having a connection to, relationship with, or transactions with an animal enterprise.” As Laura Allen of the Animal Law Coalition points out in her excellent overview of the Act (posted August 21, 2007), “the AETA is so vague and confusing, it is not clear exactly what conduct is prohibited or will be punished as terrorism.”

        I recommend a close reading of both Acts and of Laura’s analysis.


  9. Did any of the observers get to talk to the NYT reporter and let them know that this is not the norm. If I see another piece like has been done on network news and “investigative” journalism shows I am going to flat out scream. I think we need to write to the reporter and let them know the story of our lives as observers, our experiences at meetings. The fact that this whole day was run completely differently than most is another incident we can use. Apparently they are not that worried about injury after all. Heck if the reporter had gotten injured good ole Dave would have been there to euthananize him with that rifle.


    • The time to make the case with the reporter would have been at the roundup..opportunity missed apparently. I have yet to read a piece yet by the NYT that hasn’t come straight from the pr dept of the BLM..Its called “speak now-or forever hold your piece, I would imagine that lady that talked to the ranchers is the one who got interviewed by the NYT -if anyone was..everyone else was ‘silent”..I think the real story here is of that lady, anyone get her name or her story..she was the hero of the day in my opinion.


  10. Now, maybe y’all misunderstood me… I do NOT want anyone to face Federal Prison… Seriously…
    I’m just saying, a small, attention getting ‘act’ while the Media is abundant…

    It would grab attention and I highly doubt BLM will take anyone to Prison as they are already on extremely ‘thin ice’ in the public’s eye.

    It’s hard to convey meaning sometimes in writing..

    Something has got to ‘give’ very soon, Gang.. Or we’re NOT gonna have OUR Wild Ones any longer.

    All some ‘go get’em Cowboy Cop would have to do is make too much out of something small to start a HUGE ‘ball of wax’ rolling. I’ve talked with others.. If I were closer, I would NOT mind being the ‘bait’ at all.

    Just thinking out loud today?


    • There will be no “act” as we ARE the media. Laura, Terry and I are credentialed media and the issue here is that First Amendment rights continue to be violated.

      We want the best for the horses and it is imperative that the American public is exposed to exactly what goes on during these inhumane gathers. We are witnesses for the horses and professional in our demeanor and stance.

      Any acts of stupidity will be spun in such a manner to only hurt the progress that we are collectively attempting to achieve.

      Also, any comments on this blog regarding subversive activities will be promptly deleted. We are going to turn this thing around acting within the system, as slow and unresponsive as it may seem, and not by any activity that will label us as either activists or nutcases. We are law abiding taxpayers who want our government to stop wasting our money and to cease harming the horses…FULL STOP!


      • R.T. is VERY right on this, guys. I remember the ’60s myself, and I’m not sure all that civil disobedience didn’t do more harm than good. I know some others don’t share my viewpoint, but, it is a valid one from someone who HATED the 60s.

        I did NOT want to be identified with any of the anti-everything people. I didn’t like the brawls, the drugs, the psychedelic anything. Now, I’m not suggesting everyone who protested was a lawless druggie – by no means! But, that’s often the way it APPEARED, and it was a real put off to those of us who were a few years older and hopefully wiser. I missed being a Boomer by one year – but the gulf between me and what APPEARED to be the Boomer mind-set was as deep and wide as the Pacific.

        I didn’t believe the Govt. on Vietnam, but I was horrified at the way our troops were treated – both while they were in ‘Nam and when they got home. And let’s not even mention Jane Fonda. Maybe I’m a square, but I thought there were much better ways to get things done.

        All that talk about the “Revolution” and so on. What revolution? There was a lot of violence and people on both sides got hurt and even killed. And what really changed?

        This is JUST my take, but that’s what I mean. We all know how the BLM can spin. They’ll make us out to be worse than PETA if we don’t remain professional and businesslike.


      • RT you are very right. In my post I was asking questions because I haven’t been to a roundup. I’m scared that I’ll somehow cross that invisible line and will eat pavement (dirt). And will undo surgery that I recently had done.

        I was not promoting any kind of “protest” or “acts”. If that somehow came across in my post I deeply apologize.

        It all just seems so unnecessary. Not just the roundups but the way BLM is handling security. And that is scary to me.


      • UMMMM…. I was a teenager in Canada in the 60’s.
        I watched in horror as Martin Luther King Jr. and people from everywhere including my country, marched peacefully for Civil Rights…I also watched in horror as innocent people were verbally, physically abused and killed while standing up for EVERYONE’s rights.
        I saw JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King shot and killed….
        I also so a young, untrained bunch called the National Guard open fire at a University and kill 4 students proven to be UNinvolved in the NON-violent protest that Americans consider to be their Constitutional Rights…
        From my viewpoint, you no longer have those Rights. They were systematically taken from you over several decades. There seems to be a lot of denial going on, and not enough courage…. The mercenaries hired by BP had no Rights at ALL to stop the press or anyone else from observing, saving wildlife, taking samples in International Waters. They did it anyway and of course were in NO way suffering consequence, even when completely ignoring an ORDER from your PRESIDENT. The same is obviously true of a mercenary, Cattoor, who has decided that she is above your laws and your Constitution along with the Agency that hires her and pays her millions of your tax money….
        The world has once again become a sad, frightening place. The tarnished ‘reputation’ of your country is not getting any better… we, outside the USA, get news that none of you get… reports that no network or paper in your country would, apparently show or write….As Gandhi did, sometimes standing your ground whatever the consequences in the only right thing to do to maintain your integrity as a human being. Do mercenaries in your country actually have the right to tell accredited journalists what, where, how they can cover the news??? Apparently so.


      • Apparently, Madeleine, yes, Mercenaries are thinking they are the law down here. It is not lost on us what we are fighting for; freedom and our rights and the laws we believe in not the laws that exclude us and keep us from fighting for the fair values we cherish.
        This struggle will keep growing and simply become the force of the people and our will can still make change and find mercy and respect for our wild herds. We are here for the duration. mar


      • I’ve said this before but need to say again here. Just by the BLM having “security” and armed rangers already gives the public…and the courts…a reason to think there might have been violence by advocates. And how more obvious can it get than this NY Times cowboy scenario that the BLM is really goading, big time, for “acting out” by advocates, observers. How sad the scene was, but how beautiful and noble our people there, where it is happening, to have the dignity and integrity to act and not REACT. And it came naturally. This gives me a more security, and a knowing that eventually, we will have justice for our wild horses and burros.


      • RT, I want to address this specifically with you. If you are aware of any specific activity or threats going on-I think we should hear the specifics of it..To my personal knowledge-this story of threats being made to BLM personel and Illeagle acts attributed to advocates has continual been circulated by 2 so called “advocates” who have personal ties to the BLM and are constantly trying to derail our efforts by putting this kind of information out there..I confronted one about the exact facts on one of these so called death threats..and found that an advocate had called Bolstead a no good SOB for the lousy care he was giving the Calico horses..and yet it was put out on the blog that he had received death threats. I suggest a good reporter would verify that information by checking with local police and the FBI to see if any such report has been filed..before we give that rumor legs and credibility by discussing it on the blogs as if it were the truth..To my such complaint has been filed-nor has there been any plans circulated about any subversive activities..I would like some hard proof before we discuss this as if it were fact-just the fact that we discuss it gives it credibility it does not deserve, and serves the purpose of those circulating the story..the last rumor i heard in a personal call..was an implication if we did not back off of our attacks, there would be retaliation by Bolstead and that implication was that it would be against the horses..That is the kind of tactic being used by this person to derail us.


      • RT, There is this word that has become a bad impression again; “Activist” and I think being an activist is fine. Why is this word becoming such a problem??? I am not hearing the behind the scenes on this and I am hearing this as something that we should avoid? How? Actions speak louder than words. You are in the field and that is activism. mar


      • I agree with Sandra, too. I think most of us are on the same page — but I’ve wondered about some of the stories I’ve heard and who started them. To me, rumors are just rumors until proven fact. Carry a block of salt around wherever you go. 🙂
        Also, we really don’t know each other, other than personal stories we’ve shared. Except for some advocates whose faces have appeared on the blogs, I wouldn’t know any of you if I passed you on the street. Maybe we could keep a folder of “whose who” … or is that just way too weird?
        This is me:
        I haven’t updated my blog in awhile, but the basics are still the same.


      • Agreeing with Sandra and mar, we need to get a clear story on exactly what threats are recorded as real. And we need to not give this any more attention unless in fact it is real. Local authorities would most certainly have to be involved, don’t you think?

        Words do have power and this is becoming more a war of words. Activist is being used to brand us as radicals instead of as what its definition implies, people active in changing standard operating procedures.

        I think this threat business BLM throws around is just one more tactic to quell advocacy efforts just as the police presence tactic is intended to do. To accomplish that would only make their lives a little easier and so as dirty and underhanded it would be to make up the story about threats, we all know desperation is a big motivator and the truth track record is not exactly stellar either.

        On how we might be exacerbating it by simply venting fantasized versions of karma, well, hastily chosen words could indeed look less than innocent. Especially if one is looking for a reason to fight or blame and we know they are doing just that. We need to keep our harmless fantasies off line except for those of a general benign non-attributable nature. I suggest to those advocates who wish to publicly fantasize something along these lines: I hope all their weenies rot off! And that crotch rot sets in for those with hoo-hoos! And I hope these rot afflictions are of the painful type 🙂 Sort of a more targeted version of “a pox on you!” and definitely not something any of us could be blamed for.


    • I hear what you are saying Joey, but you won’t get any traction here..BLM are the ones on the verge of doing something stupid…all it takes is 2 people the bait and the photographer…and a call to George Knapp, BLM is the ones with the guns lets not forget who is doing the intimidating and who are the intimidated, and who are the terrorists and who is the victim…and boy howdy..we are really starting to fill the roll of victim…


  11. The Washington Post featured a front page story on DOIs MMS (aka some Bureau of Ocean renamed whatever now). Here is the link:

    It is a VERRRRRY long article, but worth the read as this is the sister to BLM.

    If you open the link you will see that the reporters credited have bluelinks associated with their by-lines at the very begining of the article. I suggest everyone here (and please spread to other blogs) email those journalists and inform them of the corrupt sister to MMS called the BLM. Make your email polite, brief and to the point. Let them know that little has changed at DOI, Salazar is still protected and land based assets/resources are suffering at the hands of incompetence and corruption…especially our wild equines.


  12. I’m not suggesting that any of us ‘go postal’. Because that would turn around and bite us in the a**, and do no good for Wild Horses and Burros. But I am saying, by their own behavior and their current of view of Advocates, they seem to be expanding their interpretation of ‘unacceptable’.

    If this is an effort by the Bureau to stress Advocates, verbal confrontation is as far as we take it. And if WORDS become grounds for ‘escalation’, perhaps a reaction from higher ups for feeling persecuted in the media, it won’t paint the Bureau in a very flattering light, will it?

    Words are weapons, sure, but this level of response is ridiculous. Maybe it’s the price to be paid for remembering – the Constitution is supposed to protect us when we work in a lawful manner to defend those things we hold dear.


    • “Among the Observers were two political Activists, seeking to learn more on the issues of Wild Horses & Burros; ” Who are these people from the part I of your 3 part roundup article?? mar


      • I deliberately ‘forgot’ the names, Observers and BLM, of nearly all those in attendance on Day 2, for everyone’s safety.
        That’s why all who were mentioned in the article were referenced by their stated occupations rather than their names.
        Several Observers in that group had expressed concerns of ‘repercussions’, so the names became less important than the job they were there to do.
        I’m not trying to be evasive. I’ve had very limited to no contact with anyone I met on Day 2. But I’m fairly certain that those who don’t Advocate – who read these blogs on the sly – may have protocols in place that have certain ‘words’ come across their screens that set off alarms of some kind.
        So when we write, in jest, of the things we’d LIKE to do, they see the things that they think we WILL do.


      • “Repercussions” are their business then. Wendy Malick and other folks are not in fear
        of repercussions I guess. Free speech cannot be interpreted as malicious if taken within context and has no threat carried in it. Thanks, mar


  13. I am writing the NYT and thanking them for their interest in these round ups that are exterminating our American Icons.
    My daughter will write also.
    Only true information. Perhaps numbers from the BLM themselves.


  14. To Shirley— just send the NYT a copy of the letter– SFTHH Aug.10th paragraph 6. That will give them another side of the story to off-set BLM’s propaganda. Hmmmmm this grows interesting!


    • Yep, did it yesterday.
      Then re e-mailed my representative in congress. Lloyd Doggett. He is for the horses and actually emailed me back saying what he was doing. Unfortunately hesent me a link to the BLM gov page to get more info. So I set him straight with links and hard copy. (Thanking him again and being very pleasant)


  15. You know i dont live near this but wish i did, to see all these beautiful animials in the wild. it is a shame that BLM think they can get by with this. I am so glad that NYT might have got in to get this new out to all the people like me that dont have access to these roundups. If it were not for fb i would not know what was going on. Save these poor horses and keep them free.


  16. A couple of questions: How can we “track” the wild mustangs that have been rounded up at Twin Peaks? I have heard that this can be done but don’t know how. An example would be a particular foal in one of the videos or perhaps a stallion that was rounded up in the past few weeks. A stallion that was rounded up and assumed to be over the age of 10 years old [how do they know???] could be legally sold by BLM [for slaughter] for $25. Please correct me if I am wrong – I’m still learning. We may assume that all of the herd stallions captured (not bachelor stallions without mares, but actual herd stallions) would likely be over 10 years old … so eligible for slaughter. Can we track them? Can we find out if they immediately go to slaughter or are they first sent to the long range holding and then determined to be of sale [slaughter] age? And if so then can we prove that and follow their destiny? And if so can “we” adopt them / buy them before they are slaughtered and send them to a sanctuary? And can we pledge to the sanctuary that we will pay “X” amount of dollars per month for their upkeep if they will take that particular stallion [or foal or mare]? I do not have a lot of money but would be honored to save a mustang by providing it a home [with my monthly donation] and tell my grandkids that it is what I am doing for them [our future generations] instead of a birthday/Christmas gift. In other words, I would be willing to sponsor a wild horse at a sanctuary in honor of my grandchildren. What better way to open the eyes of our future generations to the plight of the wild horses? I know this will not stop the illegal and immoral roundup going on this very minute … and we must continue to share our knowledge of this injustice until it is stopped but perhaps it is one way to save some of these incredible creatures “today” and perhaps the future. Any information on this idea will be appreciated. Thank you.


    • Grandma—you should go to the Madeleine Pickens site—she is speaking about her eco-sanctuary Thurs. morning —there are links —– and times posted.


      • Thank you Ann. I get Madeline’s emails almost everyday and try to keep up with what she is doing but just to be sure will check again. I may not be able to afford a complete sponsorship for a wild horse but am hoping to contribute in conjunction with my daughter.
        Just curious… why do I not hear other advocates asking questions about sponsoring a wild horse? I know some people can not afford to do this but some can and I do know for a fact that other advocates ARE actuually doing this [ THANK YOU ] but wonder why there are not a “million” other persons asking about how to do this? Have any of you heard the term: “…Put your money where your mouth is…”


      • Yes, Gram many if us contribute to several of the Rescues and legal fee establishments,

        Shirley-Great Grandma LOL


      • And I add, many at their own expense go to Washington, DC to “lobby” for the horses…and travel to rallies and *roundups! And the many who donate money to these lobby/rally/roundup events. Being an “advocate” covers much territory. Action is also donating.


    • My own immediate family (I will not say more on my identity) has been witness at Twin Peaks and you have seen their videos and they have spent their own time and money and dedication every single day in ways too numerous to mention to fight the shameful treatment of our wild horses … so please do not tell me that I don’t understand. I have shed more than one tear when hearing the eye-witness accounts of the roundups and the holding pens and the injured and mistreated animals and when watching the factual videos of the helpless creatures. I also know for a fact that many advocates are personally involved with sponsoring wild horses [and I cannot thank you enough!] and when I said “put your money where your mouth is” … it was not to say that this is not happening … it was to say “if the shoe fits … wear it” and that if you are not ALREADY doing everything YOU can to help … then start doing it today … and tomorrow and the next day and on and on. Do it for the love of the horses and for the hope of our future generations and for the inner peace that tells you that you are doing whatever you can … and not turning your head and looking the other way like most people do. There is hope for our world and we must continue to spread the word. Bottom line is that “we” know the difference between right and wrong and we are right and the treatment of these wild animals is wrong. I say this with the utmost respect for my family members who are involved and all others who are doing whatever they are able to do (big or small) for the horses and for our future.


      • A big thank you to your family members at twin peaks, we need good detailed information from everyone of these roundups one is not more important than the next-The time for tears is when the horses are all gone, the time for work and action is NOW..we are speaking to the choir here..we are not making converts..go to the roundups speak out to the people there who have only heard one side..converts are made one at a time..If you are passionate and have your facts at hand you will afford people the opportunity to see the wild horses and their desperate situation in a different life..In a group of 11 people I was the only advocate for the wild horses, and I did them proud and their opinion is the only one that counts for me.


  17. PS
    I am going to contact the SanFrancisco Examiner today and tell them that the NYT sent a news team but that all information points to the visit being “staged” by the BLM and will suggest that the SFE send a news team incognito – posing as animal loving persons … and not show their press credentials at all or perhaps until they are ready to leave at which time they will already have the “truth” and then perhaps will have the authority to immediatley visit the horses up close before a cover up can be arranged. The truth is what is needed.


  18. Anyone that can–donate what you can afford to HERD WATCH. Our Humane Observers need help staying out there and on the road. BLM is being paid with OUR tax dollars while our humane observers are spending from their own pockets and any donations given. They are doing this for all of us and for OUR American Mustangs and OUR wild burros.


  19. There is a BIG difference between eco-terrorist and ECO-TOURIST. We are horse/burro loving, nature loving ECO-TOURISTS.


  20. BLM is manipulating the situation and the press as an act of self-protection (in my opinion). We will not see equal access for all public observers – they will grant access to those requests they feel they can use to improve the present public perception.

    What does this mean? In my opinion it means we must write to our legislators even more, dial the president even more, document as many facts and photos as possible and pile on case after case after case of inhumane conditions for the horses as well as land use biases against the horses (which the are inherently the roundups and zeroing out of any herd). We must ask for an independant study and assessment since most of us do not believe the numbers they state are left in the wild (I certainly don’t).

    BLM brass has no intent of stopping the roundup ups and I do believe all the horses will be gone in a matter of a couple years. Keep up the great work on this blog, we need to all use this information regularly in our efforts.


  21. To Shirley–again—just go on line and contact the NYT– ask them to watch the videos on SFTHH and on the Cloud Foundation–and any other wild horse ADVOCATE site. Tell them that 54 congress men/women sent Salazar a letter to stop the round-ups. Tell them there is another side to this story–like the story of 200 dead horses.


    • Yes, Ann, I will furnish links like that.
      But you know how it is. Unless the info is right there in front of them, they will not bother unless THEY are very committed to the subject.
      I’m going to find pictures and articles I can cut and paste. I hope it will be alright to take some from the cloud foundation site.
      R.T. Are those pictures not to be copied, do you know.


    • Louie I think we’ve been told not to bother Senator Landrieu cause she is already onboard. I think its okay to write a letter of thanks and that kind of stuff but she already knows whats what.

      But I could be wrong. I’d leave the call to RT cause he knows lots more than I do!


  22. I am really confused. A woman in England drops a kitty into a trash can — and the world is outraged. BLM/Salazar round-up wild horses– killing about 200 of them in the process— and the world is not outraged. (Does that agency have a permit to kill horses?) Keep the pressure on– contact the White House–post videos everywhere. I’m mad as hell.


    • The difference is that woman got caught on camera, putting the kitty in the can. (can’t understand wth was that wonan thinking!)

      The BLM and their aircraft-horse-killers- needs to get caught on camera like they did way back when they were running wild horses off cliffs in Utah. Then the public was outraged and flooded into blm offices. Utah had to stop round-ups for many years after that.

      from that old time the BLM has learned to LIE and HIDE..much harder these days with the internet and abilities of todays avocates. (and the doi corruption)to continue the hiding and lies BLM.


  23. Something that just came to mind… Just because the BLM played nice with the NYT doesn’t mean that this paper, its writers and photographers are going to fall for it. This paper is well known for its in-depth, critical and often unflattering investigations of government agencies.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the journalist is reading various blogs, looking over law suits, and contacting some advocates prior to writing. Thorough research is what makes a top-rate reporter worth his/her weight in gold. We can at least hope.
    As some one mentioned earlier in this thread, it might be helpful to contact the NYT and thank them for being on site. Maybe refer the writer to this blog, too. 🙂


    • to Nora You can email the NYT at I referred them to this blog SFTHH and the Cloud Foundation and a link to the 54 signatures. I asked them to report all sides of the story–the good, the bad ,and the ugly. You are right–they know what they’re doing–but it might interest them to know that so many of us will be buying a copy — and reading it thoroughly– and commenting!


    • Also Alex from Alexbrownracing writes for the NYT (I think its them) during Triple Crown Season. RT if you know who the photographer/writer is/are perhaps you can have them contact Alex too for more input about slaughter.


  24. BLM has been getting away with this horrific and illegal abuse of our wild horses for years, while our elected officials do nothing to stop them. Although BLM loses money on every cattle grazing lease they have given out on our public lands, it spends millions on continuous roundups that have killed and maimed far more horses than BLM admits to. (The taxpayer pays the bill for our federal agency budgets and overruns.) They have continued this cruelty even through foaling seasons, causing pregnant mares to founder and young foals to run their hooves to shreds. All of this has been documented which is why BLM will not allow the legally sanctioned humane observers to observe their actions on the range. Too bak wild horses have no lobbiests to make campaign contributions. If they did, this would likely stop. Shame on our so-called humane democracy that allows animal cruelty and abuse to go unpunished.


  25. I am really disgusted by this footage. If someone chased my horses with a helicopter, I would probably shoot them down. Take this any way you want, but to push foals this hard is absolutely inhumane. It would be more humane to send out professional hunters to thin the herd with a bullet than to allow this kind of treatment, with the possible long term effects of road founder or water founder. The fact that observers are being kept this far from the pens and gather area just makes it look worse for the gatherers, like they really have something to hide.

    Also, since we are such an enlightened country, perhaps instead of selling the older horses to whatever buyer (translation: meat buyer) wants them, we should consider euthanasia. In the end, it would be a more humane end than to be shipped in trucks to a processing plant.


  26. The whole thing is a tragedy and I’m ashamed of the actions of our Government. This is the spin of spins. Cattoor is a defensive brute. For heaven’s sake, do right by the horse. They deserve far bettere than smoke and mirrors. BLM: Stop treating the folks who care like criminals and stop hiring criminals.


  27. theandbetween ~ Yeah, I know about this act too. I’m betting it means whatever the Powers-That-Be want it to mean at any given time. That’s one more thing we have to remember – sadly, we do not have the same rights that we did in the 60s. While I did not agree with many of the things that went on, I still understood the right to do them – well, most of them.

    Things are SO different now, since 9/11. That was a ghastly day that I shall never forget, but – in my opinion – the rights we have lost in order to feel “safe” – if we do indeed feel safe – were far too much of a sacrifice. Now, I don’t feel safe from my own government. If you read the Patriot Act, the AETA, et al it will make your blood run cold.

    Remember, the BLM WANTS us to do something stupid. They know what they can do, and you can bet they will be screaming from the roof tops about the “animal rights extremists” getting “violent” and we will lose what credibility we have so carefully built up. It would be gross distortion of the reality of the situation, but what’s that to THEM?


    • As a peaceful radical and non hippy who was always being lumped into ‘the wrong bunch’ I know where you are coming from, Suzanne. But the people here are not about violence of any sort. If there is a fringe and they talk big, it better remain talk. It can be foolish to act too bold. This is not the same world it was only 10 years ago. The powers that be have stacked the deck against expressing peaceful dissent and the Bush DOI has not stopped the campaign of sanctioned lies to the public. Because the DOI and BLM et al do not function with the processes we did once use and could be proud of we are left spinning our wheels and doing all the right things with no results. That is a very sad reality for America. mar


    • WOW, we had even less rights in the 60s-‘whatcha talkin about Willis”?? We did the peace and love thing, the young people took to the streets to march and protest peacably,we were beat jailed and persecuted and called every name in the book..people were gunned down by the National Gaurd who wern’t even demonstrating, we believed our government was wrong- that our society was wrong and that our values were wrong..and that was before big corporations owned us..but even then we were fighting for the environment, civil rights, womens rights, and against unnecessary wars..We had giant causes, the fact that we effected change only to have it slip away because of the “silent majority” irks me to no end..There was NO environmental Protection use plans-HA! The only thing different is the peoples willingness to stick their knecks out for change..put it all on the line..There was no history to guide us other than the American revolution, or when the american worker revolted against the labor laws..thats the small history of causes won…Quit focusing on “the names we are called” thats the small picture..Stand up and be counted when it counts!


      • Sandra, Sandra, we didn’t have the Patriot Act in the 60s. That piece of garbage allows the FBI to do just about anything they want – even hold a person without charging them, having probable cause, anything – just label you a terrorist, enemy combatant and you’re toast. They absolutely could NOT do that in the 60s – certainly not LEGALLY.

        I KNOW how you feel, I do. I couldn’t be there myself because I would have already cussed ’em all out and probably slugged everyone of them I could reach before they dragged me off to Gitmo. I just don’t think that would help our credibility.

        They WANT us to start something. With their attitude I don’t think it can possibly be very long before they go off on someone who is totally innocent of deliberately doing anything. Then, We’ve got them.

        I just hate the thought of doing what the BLM WANTS us to do, that’s all. As far as being silent – that’s a whole other thing. At least I THINK we still have freedom of speech…


  28. What kind of depraved conscience lets the BLM round up wild horses? This is heartbreaking & completely shameful.


  29. For the love of all horses, this is the last vestige of our history, must they destroy everything? I say we take all the people that do the round ups and chase them across ruff ground in the heat and the cold,,make them stand in catch pens awaiting their fate.
    If i could ever hit the lottery!!!!!! I would buy land big enough for the lovely mustangs to run free forever, please let them be.

    Let them be free


  30. The New York Times needs to hear “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey used to say. Be certain to let them know about that Mare and Foal that went off the cliff.


  31. Wonder if the NY Times saw the foals? Think NOT! The one in this video had at LEAST 2 lame legs…pain…not treated! It continues to escalate


  32. to Laura–yes I do understand–but it is so illogical. Recently I’ve gotten petitions to save our park lands and trails! I sign, but always put in –Save our American Mustangs– they are part of our heritage and lifestyle. Why else would we need park land and range?? Oh yeah—for cattle/oil/pipelines—- keep BLM far, far away from me!


  33. NYT has published 4 articles on the roundups-3 were just pickups from the AP reports and were BLM releases. The only written by NYT was on the deaths of the Calico Horses..and the majority of this article was again from the BLM perspective..So any idea you might have had about this piece being favorable to the wild horses should be tempered with reality..lets hope the lady that spoke with them and the ranchers had some valuable input…We don’t need people to be silent..we need people to speak up for the Damn horses who can’t speak for themselves..go home and be silient..


    • I’m already home but I’ll be damned if I’ll be silent. If I don’t speak who will? Never can you rely on or assume someone else has written the letter or made the call. I figure if I don’t do it maybe no one else has either. I used to be shy and unassuming until I met the horses–their plight and their reliance on my voice has forced me to go where I never saw myself going before.


      • Right on Morgan..thats what I am talking about!!!! I am busting my rear end working day and night and running aroiund the frickin horse pens and desert- trying to get around the country for the horses to be a voice for them-and I come home to read this-praise for silence..and yes I am PO’d.


  34. Can we send our Representative copies of the video that is posted? I doubt that they will look it up on you-tube themselves. If we make up a professional notebook with index, pictures, etc. and then send it to some of the representatives.

    The way the BLM is going right now within three years, all of our horses will be off the range.

    I just donated $100.00 to herd watch. I have also written letters, signed every petition, donated to the sanctuaries and even wrote to Willy Nelson for help. I have also thought of sit-in, refusing to eat in public, etc. I don’t feel long term it is going to stop the BLM. I believe Congress is the only way they will be stopped.


    • Don’t just send it–they will ignore it–walk it into them, be on their doorsteps before they even begin their day. Have your words ready and your FACTS in order. If you can’t go to them have a representative go there. Just meet with them face to face, look them in they eye, take their sh**y little attitudes and throw it back in their faces with a stack of facts. It’s easy for someone to roll their eyes and get your off the phone without really listening–do it in person, go with the disgusting pictures, let them know how badly they are letting down the wild things and the wild places. Make it real to them, remind them that somewhere in there they had a heart.


  35. Not only was Adolf Hitler a ruthless murdering psychopath. The USA has the equivalent
    with the Bureau of Land mis-Management.



  36. This round up is so wrong it conjures up other wrongs done to others in the wilds of our country. I see blood on the horses, lame foals, lying bureaucrats and armed BLM crap shooters. As a native person, horse lover, and wildlands advocate, I can only say: Wounded Knee, Sand Creek, Alcatraz, on and on and on. The means do not justify the ends. When do we stand up and do something else besides whine and piss and moan? When do we take a real stand and how do we do that? This isnt all they do, I live in Alaska where its all out war on wildlife with full pardons.


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