Horse News

Wild Mustang Concentration Camps: the BLM’s Future Plans for Our Once Wild Horses

(In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart”

With stampede operations allegedly shut down for August 28th at the Twin Peaks location Terry and I decided to head in one direction while Herd Watch Coordinator, Laura Leigh went in another.  We had visited the Litchfield Holding Facility everyday for almost a week so we packed up the rental SUV and headed to Palomino Valley north of Sparks, NV.  Palomino Valley is where the remainder of the captive Twin Peaks horses will go now that Litchfield is full.  As of Friday, 909 wild souls, from Twin Peaks alone, had been captured and stripped of their freedom and futures, we wanted to see what the fate of the remaining captives would look like and we are sorry that we did.

There is no nice way to put it, words won’t “pretty up” an equine concentration camp, there is just no way to polish this governmental  turd as you keep in mind that this is exactly what Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey want to do with our national icons;  put them all in a sterilized prison, awaiting only death.  It is heartbreaking.

Perhaps it’s the hundreds of heads at attention looking for an answer or maybe it is the thousands of eyes reaching into your soul and asking the question “Why”?  I don’t have the answer but it’s enough to rip the heart right out of your chest.  Young or old, they all look at you and watch, ask, beg, plead…why?

I am married to a strong woman who has been actively involved in equine rescue from the very beginning of our relationship.  She has been there to help pull a singular starved horse from a ditch to caring for and finding the homes for dozens of horses after a hurricane; she is tough and stronger in many ways where I am weak.  But yesterday I saw her break down at Palomino Valley, I witnessed the tears beginning to flow and there was nothing that I could do to stop them, not a single word or gesture that would bring any sort of consolation or reduction in the pain, nothing.

But the horses heard her, they felt her and they did their best to heal the hole in both of our hearts.  Stripped from their homes, separated from their families and held in mean conditions they still tried to speak to us.  The depth of their compassion and understanding still brings wonder to my heart.  I cannot find the words to describe the warmth and the awe that I feel being near a sentient creature that has been abused, demeaned and condemned yet has the strength to reach out and touch the very species that is the source of its own suffering. 

 I am forever blessed to walk among them and am thankful to call many of my very best friends, horses.

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68 replies »

  1. where have all our beautiful calico horses gone? already disappeared gone vanished, being carted around the country..those considered unadoptable dumped anything over 6 years, how many thousands fall into the category the young horses drug and trucked to adoptions and then loaded up and retrucked when they are not adopted..more injuries and deaths along the way..more being treated like cattle-driven with whips..creating even more fear of humans..To call this program any kind of success to use a very short measuring stick.


  2. Where the image of a wild horse should bring joy there is only sorrow and pain. The image is no longer running free but that of penned in manure filled pens bored, caged and lost. I know that all our hearts weigh much more than they used to as they now carry the weight of the horses pain.


    • “Why”? I don’t have the answer but it’s enough to rip the heart right out of your chest. Young or old, they all look at you and watch, ask, beg, plead…why?”

      This just ripped my heart out. And I didn’t see any shelter, which is required.
      I wish the fences would just spontaneously fall down and they would be free again.


  3. by the way, Lightning has become the poster boy on the BLM adoption page along with the buckskin paint stallion, to bad they did not return them to the wild where many would have come to look for them and to enjoy them and perhaps to own one of their foals..What a Poor marketing program it any wonder it is a failure..hire some proffessionals to do the marketing and leave the Horses that people have come to know and love and will visit and adopt


  4. I go to PV as often as I can stand it. It’s little better than the Indian Lakes/Fallon facility , but at least I can get in any day.
    Have you noticed the change in the Indian Lakes updates?
    “The cumulative death total has been removed from the weekly updates due to the fact it no longer reflects only Calico horses. There is a mix of several HMA’s at Indian Lakes, and this will continue in the future. Many of the Calico horses have since been transported to long term pastures in the mid-west and younger animals have been transported to adoption venues throughout the nation.
    Weekly Facility Death: 1”

    Hell for horses, indeed.


    • Terri, I saw that entry on the BLM Calico update page, too. Very sad. and no way to check what happened to them, nor any of the over 300 foals born into captivity there, it is beyond heartbreaking;
      glad to see your mares happily free on 5,000 acres; that brought joy to my soul.


  5. Anyone receive Horse Illustrated?

    There is a large article on Mustangs, by Audrey Pavia.

    I am surprised to see so many Mustang Registries.

    Did you know there is a Pryor Mt. Mustang Breeders Association?

    Eight seperate registries.

    At the end of the article is the BLM Mustangs.

    Sure would like to know the difference??

    No mention of what is going on now with the Mustangs.



    • Marge, I can tell you why are there so many Mustang Registries. Because people can not seem to be able to come together for the good of the horses. I have Spanish Mustangs, and they are Registered with the SMR the first and oldest Registry. Subsequent little Registries were created due to the fact that people just could not agree about the name, the type and “purity”…which I personally find relative when applied to Mustangs. Spanish Mustangs were never a “pure breed” this is why they were so superior. The Spanish created the horses for the task of “Conquest” from the Barb(not Arab), Sorraia, (the native horse of Portugal) and the famed Andalusian. I personally made several attempts to try bringing these little “splinter registries” together, because I feel unity is strength. Needless to say I was unsuccessful. Now I just do my own thing and I am very much involved in saving the Wild Ones. the other day I saw a stunning Blue roan stud at the Tuscarora bunch, Spanish he was, I swear. It is rather unfortunate that by now, he must have been castrated, by the “uneducated’ barbarian BLM people. Due to the massive genocide the BLM is commiting against these horses, the Spanish ttype has almost vanished completely. However I still see some here and there, and they should be saved intact, for future generations! It is confusing to the public that there are so many Mustang groups, I agree, and for the sake of the Mustangs we should really come together!


  6. Thanks, Terry & R.T. Your witness is a testament to the horse/human connection that has existed over thousands of years. Seeing it among the wild ones so recently brutalized at the hands of callous contractors is nothing short of a miracle.

    I have personally observed that horses know the differerence between individuals and their attitudes and conditions. I once cared for a TWH mare who would give me quite a ride, but behaved quietly when several children were placed on her back. The kids could do about anything around her and she wouldn’t bat an eyelash, but an experienced horseperson would get the full benefit of her spirit

    There’s even some anecdotal evidence that horses (these were captured wild horses) can and do recognize the difference between PHOTOGRAPHS of peoples’ faces, preferring (at a juncture) to enter the pens of handlers who have been caring and kind vs. those who have been rough or rouse their suspicion.

    “Where in this wide world can man find nobility without pride,
    Friendship without envy,
    Or beauty without vanity?
    Here, where grace is served with muscle
    And strength by gentleness confined
    He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity.
    There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent.
    There is nothing so quick, nothing more patient.”

    Ronald Duncan, The Horse, 1954


  7. This is why I went to the Pryors this summer. I wanted to see Cloud before it was too late. Really I should have been using my hiking poles the whole time along with carrying my camera. It just helps with balance.

    It just hurts to see this beautiful mountain home with a huge fence in it that someone wants to rebuild.

    And I would guess that every HMA has something similar to it that makes each of us feel such a strong connection not just too the land but to the horses.

    To give you an idea of how easy it is to rip up a family–Flint lost his mares to another stallion while trying to steal another’s mare. Flint’s lucky he can still Feldspar and his kids–whereas when we (humans) rip up families there gone forever. It just doesn’t seem right.

    Where is our President and why isn’t he saying ANYTHING. Even if its something we don’t wanna hear. His silence is DEAFENING.


  8. I feel with you both, Terry and RT and Laura… I know the heartbreak as I never forget the Pryor Round up.
    The covert operations of those who refuse to accept and treasure the blessings and spiritual truths we humans gain from animals, who refuse to let any compassion, healing, patience and interconnectedness of the wild horses to be part of their lives –
    those operations robbing these horses of their freedoms and lives in a country that manifests itself as “The Land of the Free” to the rest of the world must be showcased to all those who think of America still as the epitome of such. Shame has befallen this nation not only for betraying the mustangs and burros, but all of us, the people, the tax payers, the children, the world.
    The horrific consequences of these actions will have to be part of the lives of future generations who will only be able to adore a mustang in a wax museum, as a haunting ghost of a past gone by, wishing that those in charge, Salazar, Abbey, BLM, never made these irreparable, permanent losses of our wild horses in a land that once inspired the world with it’s pride to freedom.
    Shame on Abbey and his croonies – your names will go down in history linked to destruction, theft and blind corruption – our grandchildren will never know the beauty which you steal from our public lands to benefit your own rogue interests.


  9. very sad indeed…thanks for letting us share in your experiences.

    I still have the little kid in me that wants to ‘just open the gate and let them all go’.

    …Lightening and the Buckskin Paint…where are they now?


    • A few of the lucky ones that advocates saved are now in relative freedom with companions, advocates contributed to purchase these horses and save them from being gelded in their old age and sent to concentration camps in the midwest..It has become apparent to me -that all the heavy lifting is being done by “The Hysteria Corps” LOL- the arch enemy of the Hysteria CORPSES, lying there on the other side of the fence complaining of how little we do…


      • I would like to add, this is a wonderful way that people who care but do not have the place or ability to adopt a mustang can be a part of saving some of these especially older individuals, who deserve to live there last days in peace, smell the fresh air and have hills to roam, without the constant interference of humans..and being treated like so much garbage..I watched several old mares at the corrals at burns, stiff and sore from being run in the recent gather. shuffling and dragging their toes and choked up at what lies ahead for them..thinking this is something we can all relate to…Perhaps we should make a website where people could find a list of large preserves where these horses could be placed and information for people to find out and pick individuals that they could contribute towards, in what ever amount they could afford, and do on a regular basis what was done for the calicos..NO gelding of the old stallions…no more shooting of the old horses because they have broken teeth,,these are things we should demand..Respect for the elder mustangs and what they have contributed to their herds and the genetics of future generations..We should develope a list of places that meet the qualifications to take these horses..because not all will fit the bill in terms of large acreage..and the ability to be free roaming


      • Anyone who has not read the story and seen the photos of “bigfoot” at the cloud foundation site clearly illustrates what I am taking about…and anyone unmoved doesn’t have a heart..The beauty and history of this old stallion, makes one see him as he was in his mighty days, and the beauty of his age is in the heart and not in the eye.


    • Craig Downer and I (I am a Spanish Mustang preservationist, promoter, endurance rider of 25+yrs) have Lightning and also purchased the 25yrs old mare to keep him company. Craig raised the money and I am helping him with the transport and care and other details. So He is safe! Between the two of us we will have saved 5 of the Calico horses.


      • And we love you 5 times over! as well as Laura Leigh and Elyse Gardner, and all the people who worked so hard to make that happen, the people who donated, no one was looking for a pat on the back, but you all deserve was a job well done!


      • Terry Farley adopted two from Calico. Do you remember Medicine Hat Stallion that then became Medicine Hat Woman who then became known as Ghost Dancer? She was able to buy her (BLM said at first she was 7 and then she became 15) and adopted Sage. They told her that they were going back to their horsie names cause Terry was releasing them at Wild Horse Sanctuary–5000 acres to roam free, never to know saddle or bridle.


  10. Yes, horses and all animals know who are their friends and who aren’t. And I’ll add to the poem , nothing more forgiving . However I will never forgive those guilty of what they’ve done to our wild horses. I am not nearly as good as the Horse.
    Thank you , R.T. and Terry, for having the courage to visit that hell hole. I am too angry to cry. What evil exists in humans to cause such suffering to innocent animals ? My wish is evil to him who evil does. Perhaps that is a curse. Karma cannot act soon enough .


  11. Thank you R. T. you are so right. This is the result of the Department of the Interior’s war against the United States. The Amercan Mustang is a symbol of this country’s freedom. The American Mustangs and Wild Burros being held as prisoners.


  12. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us RT! I can especially relate to Terry…..when I went as a “Humane Observer” to Broken Arrow, and saw our beloved Wild Horses, “Our Symbols of Freedom” in a “feedlot” I broke down and cried too. I am also a strong person, however very sensitive, and able to feel the dispirit, confusion and the pain of the broken souls of the Wild Ones.


  13. Dear RT, I am not around horses much, but there have been difficult times when I needed a “horse fix.” I would go to a rescue and talk to the horses and give what I could to them. I always left feeling so at peace. There are so many unbelievable, *sentient experiences. But one time a severely abused mix of miniature pony and something else, was @ 100 ft . from me, in his nice doghouse home. He looked like a big hairy brown ball from the distance. I was told he was extremely afraid of humans, would never come near a person. As I was talking to the horses, I did not notice he had inched his way up the barn to me on his little deformed feet. I looked down and there he was. All I could see where two soulful eyes through the mass of hair, looking up at me. And he had huge fangs that the rescue owner was slowly reducing. He looked like a wild boar. And what a sweetheart. I am trying to make a point here, through my tears after reading of your heart-wrenching encounter at Palomino Valley, and remembering my limited, but powerful, encounter with horses who were hurting in many ways. We know horses have a “way of knowing.” Incredible and beautiful. They can “read” you when you don’t even know yourself what is going on. You and Terry reached out to these Wild Ones. These horses who have been so traumatized by humans and *from the wild, most likely no interaction with humans until the devils in the helicopter came along. And yet they looked to YOU! It is a gift you and Terry have, although so painful too many times. I truly believe the horses knew you agonized over them and were helping angels. They were thanking you along with comforting you. You gave the wild ones a gift. Horses never forget. They will carry you with them, forever. A true spiritual connection. Enough ramblings…but I was so affected reading here today. Thank you.


  14. Cindy, thank you for saving those horses! There is NO reason that those horses couldn’t be put right back where they came from. They have been stolen from the citizens of the United States and they need to be returned.


  15. It’s been a very busy week. Fighting for our American Mustangs and our Wild Burros against the multi-headed hydra is very strenuous work. One can only imagine how much energy is being expended by those who are actually on the scene and in the trenches. They are working 24/7, without pay, without benefits, without armed security to protect them.


  16. Ronnie, you are SO right. Animals do read us. They are not fooled by appearance, slick words or displays of wealth and importance. In that respect, they are much like children. You can’t fool them either. That is probably why we love them so much. They have no hidden agenda.


  17. I know I sound like a broken record but the majority of Americans are unaware of all of this and that is why Horse Illustrated mostly likely never mentioned the BLM. WE MUST MAKE PEOPLE EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI AWARE IN LARGE NUMBERS. The HSUS and ASCPA (like them or not they have a very large membership) have agreed to put Madeline Picken’s Pony Express project on their websites. If you are not aware of the project. You can go to her site or theirs and it will link you. Write a letter or just sign on to hers and she will hand deliver it to DC. Their goal is 20,000 letters. Because I am in PA, most people are unaware so I have development a presentation which I will present at various university conferences. I do not know what else to do but we must make more people aware. The public outcry at the hosing of civil rights workers and the outcry of the British citizens against the abuse of India caused action. There just are not enough people putting pressure on the government. IF you get the numbers, they will listen.


  18. I feel the heartbreak in the wild horses,be stripped of their homeland range,just wish I had the power to release all the wild horses back into their ranges.It really makes me sad to see this happening,I pray for them each and every day.Mr.Fitch and your wife are wonderful people,doing all that you do for our wild horses and we are here to stand with you in our fight to protect them.Thanks for all that you do.


  19. A “mustang registry” is an oxymoron up there with “military intelligence” and “business ethics”.

    The thing that makes the mustangs so strong is natural selection. So you take them out of the wild and start a stupid “registry” so people can make breeding decisions. That just shows you what idiots people are. Soon we will have transformed them like we did their canine brothers. Hardy wolves have been morphed into German Shepherds with hips that fall apart before they are two years old and collies that have heads so thin you can read a newspaper through them. Arggg.


    • Marge, you are so right, once people get hold of these noble horses all the qualities that make them so sturdy and able to survive all the traumas that nature has thrown at them and man now throws at them will be gone. They will be bred for color, for height, for head type. They will become more of the pretty broken down horses. I love german shepherd dogs but won’t get one for exactly the reason you mention–we have bred them to ruination. I met a German man who quite abruptly corrected me–those are not German Shepherd dogs, they are American Shepherds. The same will occur with the mustangs.


      • This is something I put up earlier in the month on Matt’s Prior Wild post on the Fertility Control Scoping Notice ( I hope he won’t mind that I’ve included his reply (verbatum).

        My initial comment:
        I recently read something that disturbed me. I think it was on the USFS site, but I’m not sure. It was about choosing horses to PZP, geld, or release without contraception based on their breeding potential for larger and more colorful offspring to make the horses more attractive to adopters.
        In my opinion, that’s taking the Mustang out of the Mustang! It will remove the very size and toughness that has allowed them to survive on the range all these years. What about potential inbreeding and recessive genes in “color” horses?
        I though the BLM was supposed to be about protecting and managing wild horses, not breeding them.

        Matt’s reply:
        Thanks for your comment and question. What you have described is something that is commonly seen – Horses chosen for retention have a certain phenotype. Personally, I think that there can be a time and place for this. However, it shouldn’t be the primary feature that is looked at. The reason for this, as you have alluded to, is that nature doesn’t care how pretty you are. Survival comes down to maintaining a genetically healthy herd. What I am a huge believer in is kinship. Instead of making decisions on appearance, I think they should be made based on the genetic contributions an individual has made. Basically, this involves ensuring that everyone gets to reproduce. However, their total contribution to the population is limited. The magnitude of this limit is based on the relative contribution that the individual’s family line has contributed to the population. That is, if a mare is from a large line, then she may not have as many offspring as a mare from a small line. This is how it is done on ASIS. There was actually a paper just published on the implications of this very topic (Here is a link to the abstract). I’m hoping to eventually be able to put the full paper here too. This approach may not be totally applicable in all wild horse herds yet, but there are some where it could have great success. In my opinion, this includes the Pryor horses, given what we know about the herd’s kinship.

        (The link to the abstract didn’t come through when I copied from the post, so here it is:

        My reply:
        Thanks so much, Matt. So there IS science. And pretty extensive at that – with a long list of contributors, citations and links (links are in blue – lots of info). Certainly will be pouring over this one!!!
        My BLM submisssion includes a proposal for a double-blind study model – continous, boots-on the ground monitoring, management and appropriate removals. It doesn’t include genetics, because I didn’t feel I had quality information.


      • How right you are Morgan! On one hand the SMR was founded to preserve the “original colonial type Spanish Mustangs” For awhile things were OK. The Brislawn Family, (Bob Brislawn was one of the founding father of the preservation efforts) heeps their stock wild on the range type situation. However the “newcomers” are “destroying the breed” Esp. the ones that breed for color! We never had any Genetic diesaes in the SP,Mustangd….now there is “Lethal White”, the “spash gene” (sabino to sabino) etc. Makes me upset! I don’t breed for anything particular, and DO NOT want to change the horses any way. They are perfect the way they are! I do Endurance myself, but the smaller Mustangs make excellent Pony Club mounts, because they love children!


    • You all have mirror neurons, those horses want to be close in your aura, they get comfort from people with similar feelings!!

      agree its the natural selection that makes them awesome.

      Head and shoulders above man selected horses. It’s so sad never more will there be horses with generations of real natural selection anywhere in the world.

      We are losing these horses, with the round-ups and the crappy fenced in to small pastures called hma.

      Why does the BLM treat these horses like they are CATTLE IN A FEED LOT. Even the hsus vet report found fault with your cattle feedlots for horses BLM!! They have hundreds of acres yet keep the horses in conditions that are not healthy for horses!!!


  20. Thank you for being a witness and fighter for them. I can hear them too.

    Canada has murdered its mustang herds. We are down from thousands, to less than 200. This country echoes with loneliness.


  21. Dear RT and Terri, thanks so much to you both and to Laura Leigh for staying so long to watch the roundups, and also for going to Palomino Valley. You’re all really AWESOME!!!!Our horses need people to witness and document what is happening. The BLM refuses to disclose the specifics of the whereabouts of the long term holding facilities, which are on private property. They will only give the names the states the horses are in! What kind of “transparency” is that?


    • You may find out exactly where the facilities are, but you must file a FOIA to do so. Do not let the notion of on “private property” deter you, which is exactly what the BLM is hoping it will do. Just like they really didn’t have the power to close the airspace during round ups but led us to believe they did, I do not believe they have any power whatsoever to keep these facilities top secret. The thinking of the BLM is hide their dirty work under obfuscation of the actual truth. These facilities are paid for by you and they hold not BLM mustangs (ughh, they will never be BLM mustangs), but America’s Mustangs. I wish someone would fund someone to take a year to visit every single holding facility, both long and shortterm, in the United States and document, photograph and count each and every horse. Surprised no organization has undertaken this endeavor.


  22. And as their freedom disappears, so does ours. Why can this not be STOPPED!?!?!?!? Who ARE these people that seem to be above the law? Why can’t they be SHUT DOWN!!?!??!?


  23. Those HAY FEEDERS look to low! How did the water? and feed look to you? and the clean up so necessary and critical for horses in those crowded conditions. was it clean? looks manure filled to me. Can they afford to keep the hay more filled up and never let them get that low, they will run out.

    was there salt?


  24. I share your pain and i wish that the government would do something to stop them from keeping these icons in these pens. yes it is like concentration camps. with no end and no beginning.
    I pray for these souls and thank you for being our eyes.


    • I have left comments on Salazar’s Facebook page. Wild horses & burros, wolves, and the massacre of the bison that he had a heavy hand in. It is a good place to comment as there are people there who think Salazar is the lion’s meeeeow. Meaning, they buy the propoganda…I mean, lies. So a great place to “educate,” even though you might get nasty back. Always remain professional with no )(*)*&^&%^%$ back in response 🙂 And in articles regarding the Gulf oil gush (MMS) and other articles where I know Salazar is doing his spinning, I comment and tie in the wild horses…There are so many ways we can expose Salazar/DOI/BLM.


      • I send him comments every so often. It appears on the “Others” part. Others respond well too, from time to time. Everyone should continue to do this.


  25. Back in 1977 while working with the BLM in utah, I was asked to participate in a small capture and transport of a couple mustangs. The people in charge, using a portable corral, set it up around a watering hole. When two mustangs entered the corral, the gate was remotely closed with a rope. Once in, the first mustang was roped around the neck and one of the BLM employees proceeded to choke it down, in a “it’s me or you”manner. The mustang eventually collapsed and died. The second mustang was in a state of panic, rushing and crashing into the corral from side to side. Its last impact broke its neck and immediately died.

    I was then told to drag one of the mustangs by pick-up, out into the sagebrush where it would be out of sight. I assume the other mustang was disposed of in a similar manner while I was gone.

    I will never forget that tragic day.


    • Frank:

      Thank you for your testimony.

      I think that sums up the current Fed/StateWH&B Program….not much difference from 1971 to present…just more snake like (apologies to real snakes), deceptive and more polished LIARS AND MURDERERS!

      We all here know what they are REALLY doing….kill ’em, kill ’em all, as fast as they can. Land raping, wildlife murdering evil doers funded by unwitting, uncaring and frustrated Americans.

      They are garbage! Unusable, noncompostable human GARBAGE that make the world a very UGLY place for everyone.

      OK…vent done, but these cruds make a tough life become more ugly AND unbearable.


  26. seems more devastating & deceptive than before , terribly sad, upsetting beyond words.
    your term concentration camps is accurate .
    the physical body suffering & loss of the once super healthy & free , strong-boned divine beings. one does have nervous break-down & feel tears in eyes.


  27. poster wrote:

    Those HAY FEEDERS look to low! How did the water? and feed look to you? and the clean up so necessary and critical for horses in those crowded conditions. was it clean? looks manure filled to me. Can they afford to keep the hay more filled up and never let them get that low, they will run out.

    was there salt?

    Anna writes; I think they put an electrolyet solution in the water; but do not put up Salt Blocks; I have written to the BLM many a time asking them to put up Salt blocks throughout the Blm corrals
    as for the hay feeders…NOT HAVING HAY…oh how many times I have seen this: but fear not: I HAVE HUNDRED PIX OF HAY FEEDERS WITH NO HAY; The BLM will be indicted on “Failure to provide Feed; Hay Water; Shelter and Medicine to Corrals animals

    See in the US of A; doens’t matter if the animal is a Wild Goat; a Wild sheep; A donkey a Mustang; a Rabbit; a bird a hog a a dog

    IT IS 1005 ILLEGAL IN OUR GREAT NATION TO…”Pen an animals and not provide adequate “feed; shelter and water…

    The BLM does not provide adequate Feed; Shelter or Water; IMO

    THE BLM is “direct violation of the law; THEY WILL BE STOPPED


  28. I just briefly check Salazar’s facebook page and I am shocked not to see any comments about the Mustangs.

    So I think we should all send him our comments etc.


  29. When questioned as to “what are the alternatives?” the answer is “in the wild management” and Reserve Design. Craig Downer, wildlife ecologist, has been studying and working with wild herds for most of his life. He knows what works.


  30. Why aren’t they listening to US? Why don’t the just remove the excess cattle that are domesticated. Leave our WILD MUSTANGS to their heritage! Our PUBLIC LANDS that Our WE THE PEOPLE, pay for? How did we get people in charge who have no interest in what WE THE PEOPLE want. Only their own special interests? How do we undo and make right this injustice to our WILD MUSTANGS? Release the one’s that have still survived this horrific act upon them by our “HIRED” officials. They need to be FIRED! Donald Trump where are you when we need u? This is just too heartsick! Dear God, where is our 1000 years of peace and perfect?


  31. You know, I liked Diana b’s idea of teaching the horses to run toward cattle whenever they hear a helicopter. Now how can we do that. Helicopter of our own??
    I’m sure Catoors would not run the cattle.


  32. How pitiful to see these once free horses now captivated and awaiting an uncertain future. These cruel and unjust roundups must stop now. Write the President! He could do it


  33. Thank you for posting this. I too am horrified by what is happening (though I wish I could say I am surprised). You have my thanks for keeping the public informed on this and I admire (and applaud) your wife for her work with horses. Thank you, both of you.


  34. I Am proud to say that I was fortunate enough to obtain one of these twinpeaks wild mustang mares this past feb. and she has blessed us with a beautiful palimino fillie the day before mothers day ~ I wish I could help all of them but unfortunately I am not able to but at least TWO of these beautiful horses have been saved from the death camps!! I will keep them for as long as they live and I will love them and care for them as they are now apart of me and my family!! If they could talk ,Boy the horror stories this mother could tell would bring even the most heartless person to tears ! It truly is a crime that the government is ok with the wholesale slaughter of these TRUE LEGENDS AND ICONS of our heritage and history ! They have forgotten how this country moved foreward WITH THE HELP OF THE HORSE ! If it wasn’t for the horse we would still be quite behind industrialy speaking and this is the thanks the horse gets for lending us its spirit to help us grow into what we are today! I am ashamed of our government agencies and embarrassed to say yeah my government is responsible for the destruction of this beautiful creature that was created by God!!!


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