Horse News

Audio Post – NYC Wild Horse Hearing Update

Due to the lack of connectivity we were forced to communicate the latest news in this fashion ~ our apologies.

63 replies »

  1. There are no excess horses… only excess lies.
    Thank you RT. I have chills and keep praying for the mustangs and you guys.
    Bruce, Valerie, all : YOU ROCK.


  2. I am leaving now for the East Douglas roundup. Yes, nothing would make me happier than having nothing to watch tomorrow morning–reining in cautious optimism until then. Thank you for for everything and keeping all of us out here focused.


    • Hi Linda:

      Thanks for going to the East Douglas Roundup today; did you hear about the Equine Strep outbreak at the BLM facility in Utah?

      yeah; scientists know “concentrating animals causes diseases…

      so why does the BLM set the Mustangs up to contract disesases ?


  3. PLEASE EVERYONE…..Pray and ask The Lord to be in that court room tomorrow along with a army of Angels…….I BELEIVE, what we can not move the Lord can, THE TRUTH IS ON OUR SIDE…WE the HORSE ADVOCATES HAVE DONE NOTHING but act accordingly, never overstepping our boundaries even when the Judge told Laura she could, with the first order of being allowed to observe and still denied…THE TRUTH IS ON OUR SIDE AND now
    we need to ALL PRAY..God say’s there is power in prayer and beleive. NEW YORK, my home state…COME ON NEW YORK JUDGE SHOW THE blm, WHAT YOU AND NEW YORK ARE MADE OF.


    • Brought me to near tears too. I am praying and praying hard. it does sound good though. Thank You R.T. and everyone else involved. Thank you all for what you do for the Mustangs and Burros


  4. “You only live twice,
    or so it seems.
    One life for yourself
    and one for your dreams…..

    This dream is for you,
    So pay the price.
    Make one dream come true —
    you only live twice.”

    THANK YOU for sacrificing your retirement savings to fund this suit! I am sure all who can help fund it will or have. My prayers and offers of assistance are without expiration.

    I see that there is more to go with this suit, if one chooses, as “capable of repetition but evading review.” This is such a good beginning, even just for notoriety and exposure. (Never one to want to jinx by counting on a ruling that has not happened yet. Fingers crossed. Breath held.)



  5. Yahhooooooooo!!! That’s me showing from atop an NYC skyscraper just over the INDICATIONS being positive! If we prevail tomorrow, New Yorkers may be seeing the news on the side of a blimp circling the city, with me in it!

    Thank you SO much for the Audio update. That is a great way to share news fast! A lot of us have been holding our breaths all day on this. I didn’t get to be there like I’d planned, and haven’t’ taken one good breath all day. Now I can. 🙂 Thanks!


  6. THANK YOU R.T. Sounds really hopeful!!! I feel we must win as WE are in the right !!! THANK GOD THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU & THE OTHER 40 or so Organizations, plus the Millions of people that are standing up for “Our AMERICAN HERO’S” Silent or not…
    Just where would we be in America, without the help of our versatile, strong, brave steeds ???
    We are All praying & will be crossing our fingers. Maybe NOW we will hit the National news???


  7. Thank you so much for the update–I live in Washington DC and have been working non-stop on this issue

    I plan a demonstration on the National Mall and at the White House later this year. I have friends (attorneys) at the DOJ (Department of Justice) that fell our pain–slowly our bright your attorneys are discovering that the best way to make legislation change is to become part of the system to encourage change.

    Thank you and looking forward to the update
    Gloria Gilmore


  8. The force of the horse was hard at work today – great job Valerie and Bruce!!! And an even bigger, more grateful thank you to RT and Terry for giving so much so the horses can have their lives back. A true friend to the horses you are.


  9. I really thought I would listen without tears–guess again. So whose going to be sleeping tonite–if you do sleep dream of horses exiting the trailers to run free once more. Oh how I pray.


    • Me, too, Joanne! This is great news, and will really help everyone refuel advocacy engines for future battles. If ‘we’ prevail in this, it’s just a battle, and not the whole war- but ‘legal precedence’ is a very powerful ally!


  10. Praying HARD! I’ve had enough of ‘almost but not enough’ wins from judges. C’mon judge. Make them release those horses and you’ll be MY hero, for being one of few who does it right!


      • I’m a Westerner by birth and by choice, but I wonder if lawsuits filed on behalf of environment & wildlife should be heard far away.
        Not that Western judges are unethical, but many view law through the lens of mining and ranching and truly do not see the value of wild things on wild land .


      • I donot understand then “HOW” WWP wins so many lawsuits out here that remove cattle from the land if this is the case…WWP proves the BLM are frauds liers and mis managers and in violation of the laws…I still think we have not found the right angle to pursue-so that they can other way..this challenge contains that element using they have not proved ‘excess”.


  11. That sounded soo wonderful!! (first time an audio message played for me-so something is happening)
    Oh it would be so great if the horses could be released. Is that the group with the old white stallion. I cried watching those pictures, too.


  12. ~*~ Amazing Grace ~*~ For what happened today in court. Tomorrow more, but today, the best judicial news in a long time. xo


  13. I am in tears for hope and joy ! Praise you Lord Jesus Christ for the good, wonderful and powerful people connected to our wild horses! Thankyou for these strong willed, strong hearts and determined courageous people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. Speechless, joyful, guarded, hopeful, tears…. so much happening. My prayers will be every stronger now. God bless you, RT, and all working so hard on this suit. Prayers too that people can keep helping with it. WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP!


  15. RT after driving to Sacramento for personal stuff–this comes as a wonderful wonderful present to come home to. It’s better than a bouquet of roses, or a nice bottle of wine.

    Please please everyone say your prayers tonight. It doesn’t matter what religion you are–I believe we all pray to the same God even if we call him/her by a different name.

    And for all the horses that have gone before–please offer up a hoofie in spirit that this judge will see what “all the fuss” is TRULY ABOUT.


  16. RT. Thanks for the update. Having been chewing nails all day wondering. Hopefully we can all jump for joy tomorrow. I know I won’t be able to sleep. 24 hours is such a looong time. Thank you RT for all that you do. From the bottom of my heart.
    Please accept one very big bear hug!! 🙂


  17. Keep your faith, keep on praying, prayer can move mountains and God can free those beautiful horses.
    Don’t doubt, keep on keeping on.
    Thank you to all who have joined in and all that you have done for the wild mustangs, there is no such thing as excess horses, the Lord made a way to control that as well. Man need not tamper with God’s creations.


  18. If this gets turned around my faith will be (somewhat) restored. It takes an awful lot – but maybe the system isn’t beyond saving?

    Keeping best hopes for a just outcome.


  19. RT: Thank you, your report sent chills up my spine as I listened…the great white horse in the Heavens is rearing high, all fours !!


  20. Thank you for all the great news! I would not relent on the prayers and strength of keeping the pressure laced with facts on. The BLM is sneaky and under handed. Prayers and determination are needed. Go horses!!


  21. Bless you, R.T and all actively working to save our wild horses, their freedom, and ultimately our freedoms. There is much work still to be done, and good news is Oh So Welcome ! ! Praying for these and all wild horses past, present and future; praying for significant change in their “management,” that it be placed in the hands of folks who hold dear the welfare of these sentinel creatures who so beautifully symbolized the Spirit of American Freedom and all the Good embodied in our ideals ! !
    I someday hope to experience the thrill of seeing wild horses myself in their natural environment – much like this 2007 You Tube video shot in Arizona – –


  22. Hoping and praying that our Wild Horses can once again
    live their lives the way that our God, and theirs intended.


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