64 replies »

  1. Get that woman’s butt in jail!!! File charges and have this woman removed permanently from office where she does more harm than good! Dispicable. What a scummit, Sue Wallas and her rotund girth and ego and the BLM where crime runs rampant. What a pair!


  2. Unbelievable? What is wrong with Slaughterhouse Sue Wallis, she removed Simone Netherlands from the slaughterfest. Oh my God!!


  3. The pressure of our side is getting to Wallis. Obviously her unprofessionalism shows once again. Maybe she ought to retire and make jelly with her brother.


  4. These people are outlaws. They should not be in charge of anything–not state government,not children, not the elderly or infirm,not horses or other animals. I do hope Simone is OK and that she seeks legal recourse. Do the usual laws of the USA apply to Sue Wallis?


  5. OMG ! This poor excuse for a human being should be immediately Jailed.Does anyone know if Simone is OK ??????????


      • S Wallis has no business even touching Simone , I think S Wallis is unstable and she the one who needs to be removed ………………………. and hauled of to Jail…I smell a HUGE Lawsuit one that will have to stick ………………………….. I am watching the Summit I dont know how i Missed this ……………………But i did not see it,,,,,,,


      • I can tell you a broken arm is extremely painful. I hope the alignment of the fracture is still o.k.

        I think Slaughterhouse Sue Wallis needs a lesson from Congress that she cannot attack the American people or those who are opposed to her viewpoint.


  6. I truly hope and pray that Ms Netherland does bring charges and that they STICK.
    This seems to be the best opportunity yet. It just shows that SW is not very stable.


  7. I hope that friends take Simone to doctors for checkup on that arm. And–file assault charges! Sue must be real frustrated with her lackless scummit to take it out on a person like Simone.


  8. Thanks, RT. I wait to hear the remainder of the facts as they come out, but if the situation turns out to be as clear-cut as it appears (and we all know that this would be right up her alley considering the type of individual Slaughterhouse Sue Wallis is), I sure hope the next step will be Simone’s pressing battery charges against Wallis with the Las Vegas PD. Outrageous!


  9. SUE WALLIS, ASSAULTED SIMONE!!!??? OMG!!! WTF is with this sick Sue, get her to a hospital and quick. She is dangerous, depressed person…omg I,m shocked!! (Qc)


  10. Thank you so much for the update RT. I am not surprised Sue resorted to violence and pray Simone will be ok and the worthless hotel security also have complaints filed against them. People need to boycott that horrid place.


  11. Sue Wallis is now POSTAL !!! I feel very bad for the Lovely Simone who dedicates herself to Helping Our Mustangs , she never should have had to experience this…………….. Why did they not HAUL AWAY SUE WALLIS ?????? Shes the one who got Physical………??????????????????


  12. This is shocking news for sure. The police have got to be called and investigate. Unbelieveable. Sounds like Scummit has been taking lessons from the gorillas at the BLM gathers.


  13. Read “Audio Post”, and thought it would be an interesting update on the Scummit, but I SURE wasn’t expecting this! Simone, I hope you’re okay, but I also hope you’re angry enough to take on this egotistical, self-aggrandizing abuser!


  14. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. None.

    All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can not put this horcrux together again.


  15. Can’t EVEN believe it, yet I can?
    Simone is so soft-spoken, and ‘in control’.. For Walrus to do this… Especially grabbing her.. NO excuse for that!
    I do know that Darcy is with Simone.. We haven’t gotten an update on Respect4Horses yet..
    This is scary, really Guys..


    • Yes Joey W This is serious, I want to know why Wallis was not arrest on the spot for one, You do not Put your hands on a person , poor Simone, Touched by the Beast !!!!! The serious of this must not be taken lightly !!!!!


  16. Are Wallis and Co. so clueless that they don’t know people are watching her every move and reaction. these people act as if the laws don’t apply to them. And, people wonder why Americans don’t have more faith in their elected officials.


  17. Elaine Nash, who has the FaceBook page I OPPOSE SLAUGHTER OF HORSES IN THE USA, posted there that Simone was with the police and apparently was pressing charges?

    She also has a post there that she has just spoken w/Temple Grandin..

    I’m just the messenger, but thought this was some good info..


  18. Now that I know Simone is OK I can let my self laugh my ass off at the monumental stupidity of Sue…..HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. It is so ironic that in her anger at us she has probably just sealed the fate of their dreams. This won’t go away for a very long time and she can’t BS her way through it with so many witnesses. I want to Thank you Simone for taking one for the effort…GOD BLESS YOU ! ! ! !


  19. The fact they continued the Summit in light of the Vicious Display by Sue Wallis is total disregard of Human rights and Freedom of Speech……………Ms Netherlands should demand her right as an American citizen….. with the proper credentials to attend this Summit…………………….. The woman (WALLiS) was was nothing but a nuisance has become a Criminal in front of the whole entire Summit !!!! Wallis s actions were the same to Simone as her actions to the horses, both she should be under arrest for …….


  20. Sue Wallis shows her true colors! Isn’t she something?
    Simone , you are to be congratulated for taking one for the horses…
    This indeed should seal that woman’s fate.


  21. I’d say this woman has a real problem, which she’s taking out on our poor innocent wild ones and now attacking Simone. How pathetic! Simone should press charges, big time!


  22. Praying Simone is alright. I wish I could say I don’t believe it- but… We all knew Sue would end up hanging herself on her own meat-hook. Desperate people do desperate things. Hopefully this will let everyone know just how desperate and deranged she is. I can hear the screams coming from the SS Slaughter Ship “ABANDON SHIP!!!!!!”


  23. I hope Simone is ok. It’s Obvious Sue Wallis lacks intelligence, not only will she have a law suit against her; but she just keeps making herself look like a fool. I hope she continues to make a fool out of herself so even her own people want nothing to do with her. Again I do hope Simone is ok.


  24. this is terrible…I’m on the edge of my chair waiting for the outcome to know if Sue will be properly punished or not, Will Simone be okay physically and mentally from this violent attack and will she press charges and sue her large butt? Is the attack on video or did they cut it out and why isnt it in the media? I cant find this anywhere, anyone have a stream of it? Where do I find the summit online? Not from Nv.


  25. The WoMan is losing it. She needs to be behind bars. Hope Simone is ok. This is getting to be like that book “The Stand”, where good meets evil in Las Vegas. Hope this gets some media coverage. Odakota.


  26. How dare SS to use force on Simone. This shows how brutal she is– just like a Nazi. Simone is probably not even half of SS’s size and even has a broken arm. Unbelievable !! I hope charges are brought and Simone gets her arm X-rayed.


  27. I hope Simone has a speedy recovery from her injured arm & a heartfelt apology that she had to go through that. It doesn’t surprise me at all that the sick, twisted, delusional waste of skin assaulted someone at all. Slaughterhouse Sue-mo needs to be put behind bars & banned from going anywhere near ANY animal! I hope she does go to jail & I hope she is surrounded by animal lovers who will enjoy their new punching bag. I honestly believe that Simone should sue that hotel & that sideshow freak for everything they have & once she wins, sue them for more! Slaughterhouse Sue-mo had NO right to touch Simone & she sure as hell had no right to be telling anyone whether they could be there or not. Slaughterhouse Sue-mo freaked out because she knows Simone will expose her but being as brainless as she is Slaughterhouse Sue-mo believes that we have no clue what she is all about. Thos who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Those who have everything to hide, assault people.

    We all know that anyone who supports horse slaughter act out with childish tantrums & pathetic disrespect & violence, which is why I always say that we fight with facts, they fight with ignorance. They have no actual reasons why there needs to be horse slaughter so they take a look around at what is going on (people over-breeding, neglecting & starving their horses, etc BECAUSE there is horse slaughter) & claim that it is not happening now but will happen in the future. It’s always the same, the more they realize that they will never win, the madder they become & some will lash out with violence *cough Slaughterhouse Sue-mo cough* We state facts, they state bullsh*t & they know it which is why Slaughterhouse Sue-mo completely freaked out. She only wanted people there who either already support horse slaughter, or can be easily brainwashed into supporting it. Simone was probably the only person she recognized who isn’t on her side & can’t be made to bend over & kiss her fat a$$ like she thinks everyone else does & lost it. Anyone who thinks the way Slaughterhouse Sue-mo does really needs to either seek professional help or wear a helmet 24/7/365 to protect that single brain cell they have in their head.

    I realized another fact that they can’t dispute & it forces them to see themselves for who they really are & I make sure to point it out to all those people who are proud to say that they FULLY & COMPLETELY support horse slaughter, making it ABUNDANTLY clear that they stand behind EVERY aspect of it. Well, everyone (including all of them) know that all horse meat is contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals & people do get cancer from eating it, yet they still make sure to remind us that they are in fact passionate about their support of it. Either they haven’t realized it, or they know & I am right. Whatever the reason, those who support horse slaughter & stand so proudly behind it are also proudly supporting the spread of cancer & the possibility of someone dying of it. When confronted with this fact to them, they have two choices; admit to it or face the fact that they are hypocrites. I get the same reaction every time I point it out. First I get screamed at, sworn at & called every name in the book & then they try saying that they support every aspect or part of horse slaughter EXCEPT that. I also let them know that their angry outbursts & violent reactions towards those of us fighting to end it all only helps to prove that they do in fact enjoy it. Once they calm down I remind them that they can not deny it after making it crystal clear that they (fully, completely, absolutely, etc) support horse slaughter, they can not turn around & say they support all but some of it. Then they go back to screaming, swearing & calling me every name in the book.

    Another great thing about pointing that out is that we get to give them a taste of their own medicine. We have all dealt with our fair share of horse slaughter supporters acting like children when it comes to trying to talk to them. For example; They will ask us a question & not read or listen to the answer, instead they ask the same question again & again. Sort of like a child repeating “sticks & stones” or the “I know you are but what am I game.” They take pride in acting like that thinking they are bothering us so much that we just shut up & they win. This turns the tables because they try to get us to listen to them by getting us to see “the truth” & we just keep repeating how if they support horse slaughter, they support the spread of cancer & the possibility of people dying. It is amusing to watch or read how they furiously deny wanting anyone to become seriously ill or die.

    So the next time your hear or see someone say they support horse slaughter, ask them if they completely support it & if they say they do then help them come to the realization that they enjoy making other’s suffer horrific illnesses & agonizing deaths.


  28. Simone’s arm was pretty badly broken, I hope that she is OK. Would love to hear Walrus losing it. I would play it over and over again and literally ROTF. She should have had assault charges pressed on her and Simone should sue not only her but the hotel for furthering the mistreatment.


    • I mean that the original break was pretty bad, not that SS broke it. Just clarifying. I’m surprised old she didn’t climb over the lectern and grab Bob Abbey by the throat and throw him out also since he didn’t come and make nice with the slaughter hopefuls.


  29. If Simone is OK, she should go back tomorrow with a police escort! That would give a heart attack to the Walrus Slaughter Sue!


  30. Violence is apparently how Sue Wallis believes things are done.. toward our wild horses, toward domestic horses and now toward btfl Simone..unacceptable. Charges of “assault and battery” to be upheld and Simone’s right to be safe and well honored immediately.


  31. OMG!!! I need a cigarette! I don’t even smoke…
    But If Slaughterhorse Sue was the one who attacked our Simone, then why the Hell didn’t security throw HER out, and not Simone! Mz Slaughterhorse was the one who created the ruckus. I hope Simone sues the pants off of Wallis, and the hotel as well for allowing this to happen in the first place.


  32. Simone is the sweetest person ever. And to be assulted by that horse killer and HUMAN ABUSER… She needs to be sued! Simone go get her. It’s all over the place as proof as she assulted you. What the heck was this woman thinking. Hope you are ok Simone.


  33. Slaughterhouse Sue your attack of Simone displays yourself as a dangerously deranged person lacking no integrity what-so-ever.

    I now label slaughterhouse minded individuals as having a medically diagnosed condition that makes it difficult to engage in the normal social activities of daily life.

    The Bureau of Land Management’s contracted helicopter chasing round-ups has slain America’s western plains Wild Mustangs/Foals ….. michlock

    *** Video below shows a Burro being chased and knocked down via a BLM contracted helicopter …..


    *** Another collective item in the helicopter cruelty library of BLM induced horrors on America’s Wild Mustangs: ……

    Helicopter pushes yearling : Sept. 16, 2010…… Contractor: Cattoor livestock round up…..

    *** Propaganda BLM statement that the Wild Mustangs destroy the land….. In actuality cattle are destroying the land…..
    Wild Mustangs eat the tops of grasses that will grow back….. Cattle rip the whole plant out by the roots…..

    Wild Mustangs live free on the western ranges, in naturally managed numbers; have since the country was “founded”….
    Once Wild Mustangs are corralled via the BLM, millions and millions of tax-dollars become involved in the equation…..

    Cattle outnumber Wild Mustangs……Ten-fold…..



    • Dear Micheal I wish your concise report and videos could be read and shown to all the American Public !!!!Knowledge is The Wild Mustangs Key to Freedom………..


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