Equine Rescue

Horses Rescued from Montana Large Animal Sanctuary

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/Director of HfH Advisory Council

80 Horses Moved to Safety

Rescued Montana Sanctuary Horses ~ Photo by Jerry Finch

Hot Springs MT (SFTHH) – Eighty horses are receiving much needed veterinary care at a foster location while volunteers continue to move 650 llamas, two camels, several pot bellied pigs, donkeys, bison, cattle, goats, and sheep to safe locations for veterinary evaluation and future adoption campaigns.

As reported earlier (click HERE) Jerry Finch, President of Habitat for Horses, has been organizing the rescue of hundreds of animals from the Montana Large Animal Sanctuary and Rescue after being contacted by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) to spearhead the operation.  The lives of 1,200 animals were put at risk when the large animal sanctuary and rescue lost funding from it’s major contributor.  According to Finch it appeared that the animals had been fed but other required care had been withheld for an extended period resulting in the deaths of many of the sanctuary’s residents due to lack of foot/hoof maintenance and other untreated medical disorders.

Assisting Habitat for Horses, the first equine rescue to be accredited by GFAS, have been volunteers and members from Montana  Animal Care Association, Western Montana Equine Rescue and the Montana Horse Sanctuary where the horses will ultimatly be placed while awaiting adoption.

Finch urged interested parties logon to the Montana Horse Sanctuary website for adoption information as the combined effort hopes to have photos and details posted for potential forever homes by the end of the week.

4 replies »

  1. Thanks to R.T. and all of these caring and loving individuals( so very many others) who help to make the World a much better place, through their genuine love for all the animals…………………………………………………….


  2. Thanks so much for the post R.T. The adoption form is indeed on the Montana Horse Sanctuary site which is http://www.montanahorsesanctuary.org There is also an area for donations for this project on the site.

    It would be really helpful if potential homes would fill out the adoption info so that we can start the approval process, as it is a bit of a timely process. We appreciate your patience with the approval process. We feel strongly about the approval/adoption process as these horses have been through enough hardship in their lives, we really want all of these horses to find wonderful and forever homes. We currently have volunteers who are working hard to get pictures of all the horses and get them posted to the Montana Horse Sanctuary website. We are hoping to have it done by the end of this weekend.

    Thanks so much to everyone who is volunteering for this huge project, who will be adopting a horse, who has donated money and who has and is sending their good thoughts. We all keep seeing all of the horses in wonderful forever homes!!! Believing is coming true!!

    Thank you,
    Dr. Lisa Jacobson
    President Montana Horse Sanctuary


  3. It is a relief to know these animals have been helped… I hope others will be when they need it… Rescue work is certainly difficult but rewarding and haunting, too. I hope all of our friends here have chosen at least one rescue to support.


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