Horse News

Rebuttal Against Horse Slaughter Propaganda

story by Heather Johnson of the North Platte Telegraph

Voices of Reason Enter Bloody Horse Slaughter Debate

NORTH PLATTE – The idea of reopening horse processing plants is causing controversy across the nation. Finding an agreeable alternative is proving to be difficult.

Equine Welfare Alliance President ~ John Holland

“In 99 cases out of 100, people have options,” said The Humane Society of the United States president and CEO Wayne Pacelle. “Any time someone gets an animal, they have an ethical responsibility to care for that animal.”

He said if they can’t, then they should try to adopt the animal out. If that doesn’t work, they should try a sanctuary. If that doesn’t work, the next step is euthanasia administered by a veterinarian. He said there are few people in a situation where they can’t find a horse a new home or euthanize it humanely.

“We’re not seeing the people who have been foreclosed upon or lost their jobs driving the debate,” Pacelle said. “The ones driving the debate are those who are profiting from it. Those include killer buyers, breeders or others involved in the agriculture industry with a throw away mentality. That’s an issue of greed and selfishness – not of not having any economic alternatives.”

He said having slaughterhouses as an outlet provides the wrong incentives for breeding. He said education is key to curbing the horse population, but help is needed from the agriculture industry.

“The problem rests with those who continue to churn out horses,” said Pacelle. “No one is putting a gun to anyone’s head and telling them to breed horses. They’re not raised for meat in America. They’re not considered livestock in my family and not by a lot of people I know.”

John Holland, president of the Equine Welfare Alliance, said calling a horse “livestock” leads to the connotation that its purpose is to eventually be eaten.

“That’s not true of horses,” he said. “They’re companion animals until the wrong person buys them.”

Holland said that the problem of excess horses is not caused by a lack of slaughter, because when the U.S. plants closed, slaughter quickly shifted to the borders. He said as many horses are going to slaughter now as there ever were – and at the same price.

Some say economy to blame

Instead, he blamed the influx on the economy and people not being able to afford horses. Holland said the market went down when the economy went down, and said the perfect time to stop transportation across the borders to slaughter will be when things start to rebound.

“Right now breeders are throwing in the towel, but as soon as the economy starts to improve, people will start to breed again,” he said. “Before they do, will be our golden opportunity to call off slaughter.”

Holland offered some alternatives in the meantime. He suggested the American Veterinary Medical Association establish a contingency fund that would provide grants to vets to offset the cost of euthanasia for people who couldn’t afford it.

He said he would also like to see more classes for older horses added to shows to encourage people to keep their horses and continue competing on them.

“We can’t rescue our way out of slaughter, but rescue groups have to be a part of the solution,” said Holland. He said it’s cheaper for rescuers to give a financially struggling owner some hay than to take in another horse.

“Plus, if rescues in place are conducted, then a horse already has a future owner, which is its current owner,” he said.

He said studies show no reliable relationship between slaughter rates and the frequency of abuse and neglect cases.

“When we chase down cases, we find that few horses are actually abandoned,” he said. “If anything, there’s a tendency to leave them in the field to die. Everyone’s trying to put up a smoke screen and pretend they care about the animals’ welfare. No one ever admits they want to breed more horses because they want the money.”

Charles Stenholm, senior policy advisor for Olsson Frank Weeda, P.C., said Pacelle and Holland want to end an industry that gives good jobs to more than 500,000 people. He said it should be up to individuals whether or not they want to send their horses to a processing plant.

“We should be asking the right question of all horse owners,” said Stenholm. “Would they rather receive $500 or more for an unwanted horse or pay $500 or more to euthanize it and dispose of it?”

He said it’s important for non-horse owners to understand that the issue is not humane treatment.

“All of us believe horses and animals should be treated humanely from birth until death,” he said. “Horses are private property. Why does Wayne believe he has the right to speak for every horse owner and not just those who never want their horse to go to a processing plant? Isn’t that what the Constitution has something to say about – private property rights and protection of minority rights with actions governed by the majority? Let’s have a real debate and let the people of our states and nation decide.”

Holland said he would be willing to debate as long as he knew all the rules ahead of time. Pacelle is also up for a debate.

“We’re confident in our beliefs,” said Pacelle. “We feel like the public and science are on our side.”

42 replies »

  1. Why not endorse the defense of personal property rights that would include a truthful attempt of a different approach than the discard mentality that has doomed over this country for so long ?It is disturbing that in this time of age the standards of the ag industry have sunken to all time lows,when it was exposed how quality assurance were grossly ignored,including the treatment of animals or the Indians who operated a processing plant. Why does modern America not consider these points ? I have never lived in a more restricted place than here. Yet,so many people have no common sense and keep causing the problems for which animals pay the ultimate price in a system that lacks oversight, sufficient funding for quality control,inadequate procedures which have proven to be evident in the past… so I wonder, f society is so ignorant and keeps making the same mistakes over and over, why not grab that problem by the root and change the course ?
    I am not an animal terrorist or tree hugger. But I am witnessing the opinions of people like Stenholm with the curiosity why they would not take a hard look on how to prevent the very situation which we find ourselves in, which would be restricting irresponsible over breeding. The only reason we have excess numbers of horses in the US is because NO ONE seems to want to regulate the out-of-control mass production “foal mill” breeders, who individually produce hundreds of foals every year, to hopefully get that small handful of “shining stars” who can go on to win in reining, cutting, reined cow horse, hunter, etc, futurities, and also racing, etc. The rest are discarded at the kill sales, where they are bought by the pound and shipped to slaughter. Then there is also the area of the horse industry who start long yearlings-early- 2-year-olds in heavy, hard training in order to get them ready for the 2 and 3 year old big $$$ futurities and for racing. Many of these horses get crippled up during training and maybe are too broken down by 3, 4 or 5 years old to be good for anything except for breeding (perpetuating the problem) if they are well bred enough, (and it is a death sentence for a gelding who is crippled because they can’t even be bred) and the rest go to kill sales.
    The bottom line is, these breeders, trainers and owners do NOT want to pay to humanely euthanize and dispose of the horses body (which is expensive), so horse slaughter allows them to keep operating irresponsibly and not have to pay for their excesses and bad training practices that cripple horses at a young age. It’s a racket, and we as taxpayers are forced to pay for these callous, irresponsible people to operate their businesses at the expense of the horses paying with their lives with a horrible death.
    In an intelligent society, the truth must be the building foundation for change – you want that to be the defense for property rights. Could you still follow that course but propose fair solutions, such as society having to be more responsible ?
    Such as considering the real picture, honestly taking a hard look at what most pro-slaughter profit driven folks so easily ignore ?
    Stenholm surely could teach better ideas than offering the perilous slaughter of horses, and embellish it with the illogic brand mark of “property rights”.
    Every day, thousands of dogs and cats die, because main stream America does not spay, neuter. This ignorance is greatly appalling and reflects a throw away society at best. We must find the courage to apply solutions that might take some more work than the exploitative and lucrative approach to line the pockets of ignorant people like Stenholm.


  2. This one sentence says it all:

    “We’re not seeing the people who have been foreclosed upon or lost their jobs driving the debate,” Pacelle said. “The ones driving the debate are those who are profiting from it. Those include killer buyers, breeders or others involved in the agriculture industry with a throw away mentality.


  3. Profit always drives the debate, why else would we sever our mountain tops, foul our oceans, pollute our air? The noise from those who’s motivation is profit is always louder then those without. It’s called capitalism. More and more the rights of powerful profiteers are greater then those foreclosed upon. Those foreclosed upon weren’t bailed out, the banks were. Yet we have each other and united can repel the force of the profiteers by our vigilance. We must post all that causes harm to our horses and correspond everywhere we can so the public is always informed about the dastardly deeds carried out by those that would slaughter or forclose on our Mustangs.


  4. Those who want to maintain the slaughter option but say they care about the welfare of horses are talking out both sides of their mouth. Slaughter is not for the benefit of the horse, it is for the benefit of the person who overbred and now needs a convenient way to dispose of the “excess.”

    Those who care about the welfare of the horses understand what Pacelle refers to–the root of the problem is breeders producing too many horses. If they wish to produce horses for slaughter, then they should move to Canada or Mexico. If they truly want to contribute to solving the problem, then they need to look at economic realities and reduce the number of foals they plan for accordingly. Yes, it impacts their income. Ask any company in America how their income has been impacted the past several years, not to mention the thousands of companies that went out of business because there wasn’t the demand for their goods and services.

    Breeders have not faced up to reality–Pacelle doesn’t want to put them out of business, but is asking that they conduct business responsibly. How does it benefit them economically to have more foals than there is a market for? The difference between the breeder and the horse owner is that the breeder does not take responsibility for the horse for its entire life as they hope to hand that over to a buyer as quickly as possible after a foal is weaned except the chosen few they want to show, race, etc. Therefore, they see no culpability in their contribution to the problem. And as long as slaughter is an option, the industry doesn’t have to seek a resolution to the problem of too many horses and their contribution in creating the situation.

    I’m not suggesting that the resolution rest solely with breeders, as it will take all groups interested in resolving the problem working together, but until profit motives can be set aside, this will continue to be difficult and contentious.


  5. Good piece. Such good people trying to do the compassionate thing for the animals. The phrase “follow the money” comes to mind and as with the issue around excess dogs and cats, it is a complicated one.
    But, the bottom line should be a humane life and death for the animals whether dog cat horse or whatever. That means everyone has to get on board, vets, breeders, owners, rescues, the public……humanity. We aren’t there yet.


  6. Finally we are connecting the dots. I have conversed with several Pro-slaughter people that send horses to slaughter. They aren’t losing their farms. In fact, one lady told me that they CAN take the horse out back, shoot it, and leave it for the buzzards and coyotes to eat. BUT, she CHOOSES to send horses to “processing” even though she has that option (free). But, then defends her right to send them to slaughter.

    I think we hit the nail right on the head. It’s not the folks that are truly hard up fighting for their “property rights”, it’s the folks that use the slaughter EASY button. I also want to mention that property rights also come with property liabilities as well. These folks want to enjoy the good parts of owning a horse, but then dump them when they are no longer as useful. How responsible is that? You have to accept the cost with the benefit to OWN something. PERIOD.

    I agree that it’s not an issue of not being able to humanely euthanize a horse, it is that these folks are not WILLING to do it. REAL HORSE LOVERS would NEVER in a million years send a horse to slaughter, so we are looking at people that truly do look at horses as meat on the hoof. They want that salvage value, that easy button.

    One lady also blamed this crisis on buyers. She said that with the economy being bad that fewer people were buying because it was harder to resell if the horse didn’t work out. I told her “GOOD”. People should think long and hard before buying a horse to begin with. Horses are expensive, and they are a long term commitment. It should be taken seriously. Horses live up to 30 years, not until you are bored.


  7. Yes, please, Mr. Stenholm, why don’t we let the people decide? Even the average person who sends their horse to auction doesn’t think it will be going to slaughter. How many times do you hear, “Oh, s/he is too nice a horse. No way s/he will end up in the feedlot?” And guess where it ends up …

    Then you get the disreputable dealers who will sign over whatever they have to make a buck. If they shop at auction and pay meat prices, of course they’ll choose sending horses to processing plants. And the breeders? Same thing. What an easy way to cull. No sense breeding responsibly at that point.

    I ask that we address the issue from another perspective. In many areas it is not legal to bury your horse on your own property. Or, in other cases, there is no access to the necessary equipment to do so. In these cases, in my area, rendering plants charge roughly $1,000 to haul your horse away. Should people make provisions for this when they own a horse? Absolutely. But, do bad things happen to good people which sometimes make it difficult to follow through? Yes. How can we make euthanasia AND the removal of the horse a more cost-effective option for owners? It’s easier to see how people try to justify sending their horse to auction and praying for the best when the alternative costs them a $1,000 or more.


  8. “In 99 cases out of 100, people have opinions”

    True, and if that opinion doesn’t match what others deem proper, ethicall or moral, then we try to enact laws to MAKE them. I am all for people making the correct choice, but the don’t. It’s like smoking cigerettes. We ALL know it isn’t healthy for us – damaging even – but people still make that ‘choice’.

    I remember a little over a year ago when we were looking for another pony, we were searching craigslist (a good place to look for people trying to get rid of ‘our beloved pony’ for cheap. don’t forget to pick up on the sarcasim in that statement). One lady up near Dallas is forever in my mind. Had a web page with several horses for sale. One was “a suprise!” “out of my paint mare who was out in the pasture with what I thought was a gelding”. Another beautiful red roan Welsh mare, who had just foaled about 7 months ago “if she doesn’t sell I’ll just turn her back out in the pasture with my appy stud”. And when I talked to her on the phone, she just didn’t seem like the brightest bulb in the room. She probably had some acerage and thought that selling horses here and there would be extra money, but you can’t make money selling a horse for $500, not with all the money it takes to feed it for the months and months it takes to backyard breed.

    Am I judgemental? You betcha when the lives of my animal brothers are at stake.


  9. I think Equine Insurance companies should offer “end of life” policies. Not life insurance, but policies that only cover humane ethanasia and disposal. You’re talking less than $1,000, so I don’t think the premiums would be very high.

    Maybe when horseowners purchase insurance – life/vet care/liability, etc. – they could be given the opportunity add a dollar (or more, if they choose) to their premium payments to fund humane euthanasia and disposal clinics or programs offered by an authorized network of vets. Sort of like the “check box” on a utility bill.


    • I think Equine Insurance companies should offer “end of life” policies. Not life insurance, but policies that only cover humane ethanasia and disposal. You’re talking less than $1,000, so I don’t think the premiums would be very high.”

      Linda, I think those are wonderful ideas. Especially for the person who keeps a horse for life.
      At the stable I am at, aside from my 17 yr old horse, all the horses are 7 or under. I think the type of work they do is hard on them and when they slow down they get replaced.
      I can’t imagine buying a horse and then selling it to replace it. Mine are part of the family. I’ve had two live into their 30’s. And they are buried.


  10. I note that once again the pro-slaughter folks use their pet term “processing” to describe the brutality at the end of the line for the horse. At the Horse Scummit they proudly boasted that they had gotten rid of the “s” word. I think that when we comment on articles we need to remind people that it is slaughter and it is not pretty. Slightly O/T but did anyone catch the President’s comment at the State of the Union speech where he stated that our food is safe, our waters are clean and we have clean air to breathe? What country is he living in? I want to go there.


  11. Just look at Senator Tyson Larson’s website to see the mentality that supports horse slaughter.

    These people think providing for a horse’s dignified retirement is as ludicrous as keeping a car that’s no longer driveable. Sell it to the junkyard for $50 and get a new one. Horses are nothing more than machines to them. Work ’em as long as you can and then kill them at a profit.

    There are also people looking forward to breeding and raising horses exclusively for slaughter. Hardly reducing the overall horse population.

    And I found out the equine slaughterhouse in Grand Island never went out of business at all. I have an inquiry submitted to the USDA asking how they can advertise “USDA inspected and passed human quality horsemeat.”


    • At the time the slaughter plants closed, there was NOT a horse slaughter plant in Nebraska. There were two plants: Kaufman, Texas and DeKalb, Illinois. This has to be a plant that processes cattle now claiming they can offer USDA inspected, human quality horse meat – which they cannot.

      I think EVERYONE should get on this!


    • I’m not sure they’re actually slaughtering horses themselves. They also are selling it as animal food but say all their horse meat is USDA inspected “human quality” horse meat.

      I just sent them an email asking the country of origin of their horse meat.

      I’ll keep you posted.


      • I sent an email too, here’s the reply:

        We do not slaughter horses at our facility. All horsemeat is imported from Canada, CFIA Inspected and Passed (human consumption quality). The horsemeat is also USDA Inspected and Passed at the border. If you have additional questions please feel free to call me. We do not sell horsemeat for human consumption, only for exotic animal food!

        Lloyd Woodward
        General Manager


      • I haven’t heard from them yet, but I would guarantee the horse meat is imported from somewhere, because it’s frozen. They are NOT slaughtering horses.

        Imported horse meat CAN be USDA approved, but I’m not sure about the “Human quality” especially when they always have it in “quotation marks like this.”

        I believe they are selling mostly to zoos for large animals. They don’t give a lot of info on the site, that’s for sure.


      • I just got one reply from Lloyd, but he doesn’t explain what “human quality” in ” ” actually means. I told him that if the meat didn’t come from a country that uses the passport system – Canada doesn’t, yet – it could contain drug residues that could even harm animals especially Canidae.

        I said I wouldn’t feed American horse meat to anything! 😉


    • Back when I was more involved with Thoroughbred racing in the Iowa-Nebraska area, Central Nebraska Packing was the final destination for whole stock-trailer-loads of unsuccessful racehorses from Nebraska tracks. I don’t recall exactly what year the word spread through the backstretch that they had “shut down,” but this letter would indicate they were still slaughtering horses in 2000.

      The scum-grade racing owners and trainers were extremely disappointed when they lost their disposal outlet in North Platte. As I recall, my vet at the time told me Central Nebraska Packing “shut down” because changes in the horse market destroyed their profitability That happened years before laws shut down the plants in Illinois and Texas.

      When I Googled “Central Nebraska Packing North Platte horse slaughter” I was looking to find the history of the plant. I was astounded to find them actively in business, still in the same place and still selling horsemeat, albeit to a different market segment.


  12. If we call people who breed dogs indiscriminately puppy mills with no concern for their welfare, isn’t it time to change the name horse breeder to horse mills? And Mr. Stenholm, it isn’t the individual who balks at spending $500 to euthanize their horse when they could be paid by a killbuyer to do it in the most painful and horrific manner possible that is driving this abhorrent campaign. It is the horse breeding industry that doesn’t want to pay millions to euthanize or find homes for their thousands of foals, when they could be making millions on their discarded “product.” Stop riding the individual constitutional rights bandwagon and start calling it what it is–private industry once again not wanting to pay the true cost of doing business in order to reap the most profits possible.


  13. I talked to a man the other day that had 3 1/2 mustangs in a trailer. He was taking them to winter pasture.
    The man readily agreed the Mustangs were in trouble & said though he’s against slughter he felt it was ok to sent the old & sick there.


    • If that old man would save around $25 a year for his horse, he’d save enough to euthanize it. Anyone who says they can’t afford it, should not have animals in the first place.


      • AMEN SWH. If you can’t afford to take care of an animal under your guardianship from beginning to end I do agree you shouldn’t own one.


  14. There DO need to be solutions and alternative options available–assistance for those that need it. The vast amounts of money being spent to promote slaughter could go a long way towards that end.


  15. Funny that some breeders put a foal down because of wrong coloring. A great example is HoneyBandit. When you first saw Honey he was buckskin in coloring. Then he looked like he would be a dark brown or bay (my guess). The most recent photos show a grullo color without the zebra markings (not sure if that’s a dun?). But he looks like he’s shedding out yet again and who knows what he’ll finally end up as.

    The point is when a breeder puts a newborn down he is acting very prematurely.

    Slaughter is just a quick simple way to earn the “big bucks” on a horse that you no longer want for whatever reason.

    Perhaps the law needs to be changed so that breeders aren’t given the big bucks for breeding unwanted horses–but rather are given the big bucks FOR NOT BREEDING IN THE FIRST PLACE.


  16. What continues to really scare me is that professional veterinarian associations are pro-slaughter. It was mentioned in this article about AVMA starting a fund to assist with euthanasia costs. My own horse vet just laughed at this. He stated: the AVMA and the AAEP are both staunchly pro-slaughter. He said some of the horse vets at the conventions suggested a donation-type fund (funds from both vets and their clients) and the suggestion was brushed off. These weren’t even funds from the Associations themselves and they didn’t like it. The idea was that horse owners fallen on hard times could apply for emergency help for euthanasia and carcass disposal which is the other steep expense in areas other than those completely rural and sometimes not even then. Discussions of things like gelding clinics as well as euthanasia clinics, even vaccination clinics were simply dismissed by the professional associations themselves. Some vets have grouped to provide some of these clinics some even going so far as to ask local farriers to donate hoof trims at these clinics. But it seems as though if anyone is looking to the professional associations to provide help they are looking in vain. I would also like to ask WHY an association of veterinarians who supposedly have pledged to reduce animal suffering would support something like horse slaughter – and the return of slaughter to the US – I thought the purpose of organizations such as AVMA and AAEP were to provide professional support and offer continuing medical education and updates in research and treatment to their members. Not in essence become political action committees. My vet corrected my thinking in a big hurry (he’s anti-slaughter too).


    • Jan, there’s a saying among medical techs, and even nurses, that the first course future M.D.’s take is “God 101”. I think the same applies to a lot of vets.


    • “My vet corrected my thinking in a big hurry (he’s anti-slaughter too).)

      Miss Jan this just proves that not all vets are Pro-Slaughter. I think it is the higher ups, that do not know what the conditions are at the SLAUGHTER plants. Perhaps we should get the names of the officers of the AAEP and AVMA
      and mail them comments on it. Maybe some could include a video. I’m too challenged.


    • Think about how much vets must make from QH breeders alone, then factor in all the other breed registries. IMO, that’s the answer.


      • Yes – all those breed associations that are also on board with the euphemistically termed processing, because they and their officers (with bloated levels of compensation) and employees are mainly supported by registration fees – same issue as with AKC supporting puppy mills. yes – money IS at the root of the situation; my own vets (small and large animal both) are pretty disgusted about the fact that at the professional vet conventions there is more “education” about making money and getting more money from existing clients and increasing the client base to make more money, than true education about research in the pipeline and new treatments for animal illnesses or injury. BUT FYI the breed associations aren’t really the big supporters of research; if that were the case (would that it were!) there would by now be prevention protocols that actually WORK for, and cures of, founder and laminitis, sarcoids, cancer, hepatic lipidosis, colic, reproductive issues, etc. The sad fact is this: breed associations are far too interested in paying their administrators big bucks and not so much interested in donating except juuuusssstt enough barely to be able to publish said donation in their newsletters and PR publications and pat themselves smugly on the back. Sorry – was a member of two breed associations for years and because of the way things were getting to be, simply removed myself from them – along with hundreds if not thousands of people who discovered to their dismay that their breed associations had without consulting the membership joined the “Unwanted Horse Councils” and developed pro-slaughter propaganda under the guise of “protecting the industry.”


  17. I talked to a man the other day that had 3 -1/2 mustangs in a trailer. He was taking them to winter pasture.
    The man readily agreed the Mustangs were in trouble & said though he’s against slughter he felt it was ok to sent the old & sick there.
    Yes it’s expencive to have a vet do it but then I’d rather make the payments to have the Vet do it than see my BEST FRIEND go to slaughter!
    I died the day the Vet had to come shoot my gilding because he had to be shot with my own rifle, he couldn’t just put him down humanly. He couldn’t be caught, he was running in so much pain from a torn gut.
    I was surprised to find the Vet didn’t charge me for a farm call this time but I would have gladly payed the bill one way or another. I will gladly pay the Vet when my other horses time comes.
    Any one that sends a horse to slaughter for any reason doesn’t love.


  18. We would all love to hear this debate, but would be surprised if anyone takes them up on it. Anyone want to take any wagers?


  19. And the next step will be a “medical passport” for horses listing birthdate/vaccinations/etc. Ya know–that might be a really good thing–and would provide another level of inspection jobs–and we all know that there would be no corruption or falsification…. because our govt. agencies are straight with us and are trustworthy. My horses will end their days here–at home.


    • Mine too, Ann: Pennster, age 37 American Saddlebred, humanely euthanized due to heart murmur so bad his heart couldn’t sustain blood pressure; Justa2bitgirl, 40 year old mini mare, hepatic lipidosis; The SeaHorse, age 22 cancer victim, warmblood cross; Miss Minnie, mechanical founder from farrier malpractice, age 26, last daughter of famous now departed imported Arabian; all peacefully laid to their final rest in a beautiful valley in western Oregon at the horse cemetary. Was it expensive? You bet. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. I am not rich but I have learned in my half century with horses to keep a burial fund. When I think of my four-legged family members who have crossed the bridge before me, leaving me behind to mourn and to continue to take care of those still left to me, I feel no guilt like I surely would if I sent them to auction and from there to a kill buyer, but only a sort of wistful peaceful thankfulness that they did not die in terror at the hands of deliberately vicious knifewielding thugs but crossed gently into that final good night.


  20. Just connecting the links—jobs for AMERICANS or ????

    Charles Stenholm, senior policy advisor for Olsson Frank Weeda, P.C., said Pacelle and Holland want to end an industry that gives good jobs to more than 500,000 people. He said it should be up to individuals whether or not they want to send their horses to a processing plant.

    Recent comment from one of our readers:



    • Link to the specific article about “free zones”, please, or a reference to where the comment was posted. I must have missed it.


  21. Linda, the comment is in this–the previous post:

    Obama Administration Issues Statement on BLM/Pickens Put Down
    January 26, 2011



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