Horse News

Equine Advocates Be Heard

Update by Vicki Tobin ~ Vice President of the Equine Welfare Alliance

Make Your Voice Count

Here is a great site to be heard. It requires registration but it is important that you comment and vote. Please keep in mind on your comments that the audience for this site is Congress so keep it short, factual and professional. You can register as an organization or as an individual. I noticed that quite a few of you have commented on our slaughter legislation since yesterday. Great comments vs the same tired illogical statements from the dark side.

It is extremely important that organizations register as they are also tracking how many organizations support or oppose legislation. We are asking all of our organization members to take a moment to register and vote.

John registered EWA and I believe the only other organizations that was displayed this yesterday was Vivian Grant’s organization, Int’l Fund for Horses.  R.T. also added HfH Advisory Council.

As of now, these are the 4 bills of concern. I have also included the comments I posted underneath each bill number to get you started. In each case, I posted the voting as 7:35p central. You can view others comments by clicking on view report and comments below the pie chart as well as being able to view a US map of where the votes are coming from. As expected, Wallis is all over this…

This is for our senate legislation to ban horse slaughter. S 1176 [72% Support/28% Oppose] 380 votes

I support this legislation because…U.S. horses are not raised as food animals and are routinely given medications prohibited by the FDA and EU. We have no production records for horses and no mechanism to remove horses that are not eligible for human consumption.

In addition to protecting our horses from the documented abuse and cruelty inherent with horse slaughter, the U.S. should be taking the lead on food safety and immediately ban horse slaughter to protect the foreign consumers of U.S. horse meat.

This is for legislation to ban race day drugs – Senate S 886, House HR 1733. [not enough votes to display stats]

I support this legislation because…It benefits horses and the racing industry by ending the potential racing of horses with injuries by masking the symptoms and possibly making a minor injury, worse. It eliminates unfair advantages to horses running on drugs vs. those not using race day drugs.

This was introduced by Cynthia Lummis (WY) to limit fees and expenses that can be recovered in suits against the government – HR 1996 [68% oppose/32% Support] 96 votes

I oppose this legislation because…It is time to send a message to subsidized land users that they do not own the country no matter how many millions they spend lobbying. Every taxpayer contributes to their private use of public land and should be afforded an equal voice. Without big Agriculture dollars backing them, their voices are squelched by the lobbyists.

This bill is another example of big Ag trying to silence everyone.

10 replies »

  1. If you have commented as an individual and are having trouble doing it for your organization here is what you need to do. Click the home tab, then log out. Once you are logged out you will be able to register your organization.


  2. I am the President of a non-profit therapeutic riding program and would like to comment as an organization but am concerned about retulations about non-profits such as I would represent appearing to try and influence legislation. For that reason, I have always spoken about proposed legislation as an individual and not mentioned the organization. Is this the correct stance? I have heard pros and cons on both sides but always chosen to err on the side of caution.


  3. I’d like to know how Mr. Walter from Colorado (S. 1176 non-supporter) incurred a $180,000 loss due to “feral” horses. No fences?


  4. i picked up this site from The Cloud Foundation’s alert on the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011 and wound up commenting on several other bills. Whenever you can, personalize it to your district/state.


  5. Dear Congress
    I use to hold the BLM,in highest regaurds.Until I found out,the horrible way that our Wild Horses AND Burros are being taken from their homes.(The land that ,we voted to let them live in peace forever).Only to hear that the BLM are rounding them up,for greed!
    Please put an end to this mismanagement of the lifes of or Wild Horses and Burro!
    Set them FREE,now!!
    Thank you
    Connie Dassance


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