Horse News

September Swells with Pro-Horse D.C. Events

Update by R.T. Fitch ~ President and Co-Founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Your VOICE Can Make All the Difference



Click Image for Information



For the sake of the Horses, plan to attend!!!




8 replies »

  1. Would like to attend the Conference only , not the Lobbying Event what dates they say at the site suggested 19th thru 24th?????? I thought 26th 27th 28th please confirm ??? Need to get a flight , there……….


  2. I also can’t therebut will be in spirit.

    I also heard on FB last night that BLM was refused the 12 million additional monies they were asking for.

    We need to make sure that BLM isn’t selling more horses under the cover of darkness to fund these roundups.


  3. Arlene, the conference is Sept. 26th, 27th and 28th. You can click on the International Equine Conference logo above and get all the details.


  4. There are TWO lobbying efforts… One with Animal Rescue Unit from September 19-24th and a second with Respect for horses from Sept 28-30th. 🙂 Were also hosting the Unified Stand for Horses and Burros Event on September 25th!


  5. sure wish i could be there but just cant afford it . I will be praying for all that go help all our horses everywhere, wild and domesticated and the long ears too<3


  6. This is a wonderful project and it is exciting too. I too wish I was able to attend because I have been in Washington before and it is an amazing place. I hope that the groups get major news media coverage. I will be with all you guys in
    spirit. Just excellent…Our Legislators will see that there are many more Americans trying to protect our horses rather than doing them in.


  7. Does anyone know if the National Academy of Science committee appointed to the Wild Horse and Burro Investigative Project (don’t know its official name), starting this fall, will be there for the conference? It seems like a very important starting point for the NAS committee.


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