Equine Rescue

Wyoming’s “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Condones Slaughtered Horse Desecration

OpEd by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/President Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Wallis Lights Up over Pics of Nude Woman Inside Dead Horse

Elizabeth Herrick eating her horse and fully endorsed and supported by Wyoming State Rep. Sue Wallis

It’s all over the internet about the petite, 21-year-old Oregon woman, Jasha Lottin, killing her own 32-year-old horse, stripping off her clothes, climbing “inside” the dead horse’s body, asking her boyfriend to take pictures of her, eating the flesh of her horse and then posting the bloody pictures on the web and wondering why people are flipping out?!?!?


Click (HERE) for Stories!

I fought the urge to highlight the story and share it with equine advocates as another example of the depravity of those who endeavor to butcher and consume companion animals for either profit or perversion but quelled that desire out of respect for the horses and the people who would read of the evil and have difficulty ridding themselves of the sour taste of sulfur and brimstone in their mouths.  Being that this whack-job is from Oregon it would have been a nice tie-in that horse eater Dave Duquette, president of the questionable and ever elusive United Horsemen, lives in Oregon and might either be kin to this bloody blonde or at the very least a FaceBook buddy.  (You remember ole doinky Dave, the alleged Quarter Horse trainer who recently served barbecued horse to equine clients at his training facility, pretty cool dude, eh?)  But again, I let it go and we moved on until today; and I wish I had not seen this but while perusing around FaceBook I landed right on top of Sue Wallis’ comments on the United Horsemen’s page and immediately lost my lunch.

“Wonder what the AR nutjobs (yes she spelled it wrong) will think of this?” snorted the slovenly sow of slaughter, (we think AR doesn’t stand for Arkansas but instead is her abbreviation for the misplaced term “Animal Rights” which again proves that she is a nut case as the proper term is “Animal Welfare” advocates as most compassionate and educated folks are smart enough to know that even in this country people don’t have any rights anymore so how on God’s green earth would anyone ever think that animals do.)

“People humanely kill an old horse, butcher it to use the good meat, and decide to have some fun with it, and take pictures.” continues this sack of trash.

Hardy Har Har Susie, ain’t that purty; a 21-year-old girl and her tattooed up boyfriend go out in the woods for a little fun with her horse and they kill it so that she can roll around in its guts, naked, while being filmed, ain’t them some really good ole country moral’s you giant twisted Wart Hog?

Click to view cleared image but WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC!

But that is not enough for Sue Wallis, she must have been all lathered up from the excitement of seeing a woman, nude, covered in horse blood and just couldn’t contain herself; maybe her lil partner Rod McQuery (yes, that really is his name) just wasn’t lighting her up enough so she had to come BACK onto FaceBook and answer her own post.

“Hey you Oregonians…how about reaching out to these folks? No doubt they are being hammered by idiots. Let’s give them some support.” ole lard ass added and you can almost see the sweat and slime dripping in her writing.

I would like to reach out to you, Susie-Q, with a 10′ rail and ride you not only right out-of-town but out-of-state out of country and right off this planet you poor excuse of biological matter.  There is just no believing the depth of your perversity and sickness.

These young people are whacked, along with Elizabeth’s mother who said that the diseased and drug tainted flesh from their dying horse was the sweetest meat she had ever eaten, but an elected official’s endorsement of such gross acts of wholesale desecration of another living creature is beyond comprehension and flies in the face of all this country stands for.  You are a sham, a traitor and an embarrassment to our species.  Likewise, Sloppy Sue, you are the best poster child that the civilized world has in fighting against the predatory and despicable business of horse slaughter.  Each and every time you open your big fat mouth or type a word on your keyboard you drive another nail into your coffin of stupidity, ignorance and all out depravity.  It is a slimy, sick joy you give us when you spew your corrupt, green phlegm so keep it up; you have shown your true colors and there is no going back on that bloody, slimy slope that you have craved to be upon, you are going down..but there is one last question which does remain unanswered and compassionate, educated minds want to know:

“Are you really repelled by Garlic?”

118 replies »

    • Beautiful words Marge thank you , some people will never get it will they. They only way for me to get over it ,is to say a thing of beauty is a joy forever……A joy some will never witness or feel in their selfishness for themselves,I can only say also her horse is respected by all others I celebrate his life !!!!! May her horse he or she Rest in Peace………………..


    • Is there anything the law can do about such sick people? Shouldn’t this be illegal? If a horse is sick and has to be put down, that is one thing, but what in God’s name did she do this for? What a very sick little creature. People around her best be paying close attention as she could soon be a serial killer, watch out for the kids near this sicko.


      • Unfortunately, according o Oregon law, there wasn’t anything they could do about it. I saw some of this online& there was a video of a cop talking with this girl’s mom about it while showing her the video that was taken of her & the horse – it sickened the cops & community – but not the mom, who said her daughter was a good girl, anyway.


    • IMO she is not sick, sick is those fighting illnesses and diseases. She is a mean, greedy, selfish, vile, vicious, evil monster. That is what it takes to commit heinous crimes like this. She can’t even be classified as a human as the word human is derived from the word humane and humane she is NOT! IMO I think it would be in the best interest of society to take her out permanently!


    • How can you eat your pet who carried you around for many years grew up with you went every where you went most people class family pet as a family member so it is more to say your ate your best friend I cant wait until the day she sits back and realises what is did I wonder what you do your pet dogs.


    • It still shocks me the depths of depravity these pieces of filth will go for attention. If we could compare these statements & actions by people like this to the politicians who are for horse slaughter, in way that would show the public what they are ALL really like, we would win this fairly quickly.


  1. I figured ole Sue would have to condone this. She is just as sick as those 2 in Oregon. I hope that girl picked up some worms from that poor horse and her hide falls off in big bunches. Isn’t this what Satanist do…..


    • I am lost for words on this one, other than our society appears to be in worse shape than I already have thought. These are the young people coming up in our society.


  2. Unimaginable!
    Elizabeth Herrick and her boyfriend can get a job with Sue Wallis. Sue and Elizabeth can slaughter horses, get nude and bloody as the boyfriend videos it. Maybe a new reality show for TV. All the United Horseman and Sue Wallis fans can sponsor it.
    Is this 2011? or os it the dark ages?


  3. This is just sick, sick, sick! What kind of human being would think this is okay? This is definitely a depraved soul. I can’t even imagine the thought process here.


      • The Horse is a wondrous Gift , he gives without reservation, he is made and predestined to do so he has no choose, he was not given the power to choose anything else….he was made with Perfection in mind….. Our only difference is we have choose it is our only difference we are flawed he is not !!!!!! Choose it suppose to be an attribute isnt it ?????? He loves also everything and respects it for what it is DO WE?????? He makes us aware of this Flaw and gives us the chance to correct it !!!!! It is our capability to do so once aware !!!! Most us recognize it and do so , their are some that do not have a clue do i really need to name them ??????? I Thank God everyday for his illustrious presence!!!!!


  4. Just to disgusting, this “woman” should be intstitutionalized along with her family and SS! What do the authorities have to say about this?
    i just cannot believe it! Sick. sick, sick-how can you have “fun” with
    your dead companion? Ugh!


  5. RT!! Thank You for your written post above, all words describe exactly what i am thinking about Sue Walrus(not a pun written with contempt) As for this Girl, her up bringing was a total failure by the so called mother……………… What she did is a reflection on her Mother……………………… She will suffer the ramifications of this despicable deed…………………….the rest of her miserable life ………………. Sue Walrus is the worst example for a human being i have ever witnessed………………. I can only hope the blood of her faithful horse welts up all over her body and never goes away…………….


  6. The girl is one sick puppy and needs mental help. I think that is quite clear. Sue Wallis on the other hand is in office due to VOTES. Might I suggest the people NOT vote for her this next election.


    • Ah, good judgement! What an interesting concept for WY voters to consider- all 12 of them. (You know, when you think of it, it is just astounding how much damage has been done to America by the votes of just a handfull of people in the least populated state in the country.)


      • Excuse me but I once again must address this.

        Not everyone that lives in WY votes for SS. My sis doesn’t have a say cause she is hundreds of miles from SS.

        So I happen to know of TWO people who would not vote for SS.

        Do be careful folks. Feelings are tender over this. I’ve been sick about this all day. And while I don’t care for SS anymore than the rest of you I don’t lump all of WY into what happens in Recluse WY.


      • Yes, please, this is not a Wyoming bashing session.  There are a lot of great folks in that state and it is a beautiful place to live. 

        I can appreciate the feeling of tension as being from Texas I was not, nor currently am, proud of the fact that two of three slaughter plants in the U.S. used to operate out of this state and now we have the shooting of wild burros in our Big Bend State Park, it’s enough to make you want to cry.


    • Ah, good judgement! What an interesting concept for WY voters to consider- all 12 of them. (You know, when you think of it, it is just astounding how much damage has been done to America by the votes of just a handfull of people in the least populated state in the country.)


      • Actually this is to respond to j27a1960 about Wyoming:
        Unfortunately the person causing a lot of negative press is your own
        Wyoming State Rep. Sue Wallis. If you could pass the word around to
        those who vote, perhaps this —- person? —- would be voted out and
        she would have to find another way to support her views, rather than
        our government paying for her outrageous behavior.


  7. I think SS should be watching her back…this little skank may well graduate to a higher flesh on the pecking order….
    I also think neither should ever have access to another horse….could not watch…there are no words to describe the sociopathic rage inflicted upon that poor elderly horse…


  8. So if you saw the complete screen shot of Suzzies comments she describes this as a couple of people who decided to have “fun” with a dead horse. Hmmm, wonder if she considers watching peoples homes burn down, traffic accidents and plane crashes with no survivors “fun” too. Most people just get a hobby…. Way to go people of WY for electing that piece of work- was she the only one that ran?


  9. Anyone care to let Kudo Couto in on this gem? Geez, he wouldn’t have to look very hard.

    Sure hope these folk die of some nasty disease. That horse will have the last laugh if so.


  10. Very sick!!! If anything can be said, her poor horse wasn’t sent into the slaughter pipeline..I can’t fathom this…it gets sicker and sicker…she truly must be a demon! This makes me love my horse even more..Another demon of Satin’s..God bless us all and our wonderful horses – I pray that he keeps us all safe from the likes of these people! Satan is sure alive and a well!


  11. Maybe out of this womans sick and demented crime against her horse , will arise so much horror that we will end Slaughter……………… Her act is beyond anyone’s tolerance…………………..


    • I am spreading this as far and wide as I can, hoping like you, that this hideous deed can bring to life the horror of horse slaughter as we know it.
      It truly is frightening to think that people like this exist. Yes in deed, Satan is alive in this world and SS is his dearest subject.


  12. The depravity of the young woman is extremely upsetting, and as R.T. ‘s blog yesterday pointed out, we may next see her arrested for cutting off her child’s arms, as the woman in Texas did, because God tells them too.
    But to have Sue Wallis use it as a PRO-SLAUGHTER advertisement seems not only perverted, but extremely STUPID.


  13. A local news station to this woman says she just wants this story to go away. Duh jeepers you do something so horrific that people call you some ugly names (that may or may not be accurate) and you can’t stand the heat.

    Did you ever think about the consequences of your behavior?

    God I would love to see some follow up to these heathens in several years–just to see if BUTE or other magical drugs have yet done their work…


    • Never underestimate the depravity, cruelty and callousness of the human being; likewise, never underestimate the sacrifice and selfless service of other human beings to about any issue experienced throughout the history of mankind..


  14. Thank you, Sue Wallis! There is nothing- and I do mean NOTHING that we equine welfare citizens could do to cause her to have less credibility with her fellow Congressmen than for her to support that girl’s insane escapade.

    All we have to do is make the flyer- a nice large photo of that poor sick girl laying inside that horse, with Sewer Waller’s quote equally insane and supportive quote beneath it, and send it to every Congressman in the country. As if it’s not already, any further association with her will be political suicide. Gagging will be the sound heard ’round the hill.

    What surprises me- even about Sewer Waller- is that she is not against anything nasty and disgusting- no matter how incredibly nasty and disgusting it is. She looks nasty and disgusting, presents herself in a manner that is nasty and disgusting, thinks nasty and disgusting thoughts, uses nasty and disgusting language, befriends nasty and disgusting people, promotes a nasty and disgusting industry, has a nasty and disgusting agenda, approves of nasty and disgusting behavior in others, uses nasty and disgusting tactics, and appears to be the very happiest when nastiness and disgust is swirling thickly around her. Our founding fathers would’ve been heartbroken to find that even the very lowest form of human life can manage to infiltrate the process they so carefully crafted, and could so badly sully the position that was designed to be held by the very best of us- not the nastiest and most disgusting.

    In trying to imagine what would be a fitting job for someone like Sewer, what comes to mind is toilet scrubber– in a slaughter plant– in Mexico. But that may be giving her too much credit.


  15. I agree with Elaine. This could just as well be used as an Anti-slaughter poster.
    It is very similar to the poster that depicts a beautiful woman wearing furs, with the traps and blood dripping. Sometimes people have to see it to really understand.


  16. Yes I read more of Wallis’s comments, trying to look into those who never have dealt with animals, or horses or cats and how she and pro-slaughter types can convince that their slaughtering is OK. Talk about a nut job. Just look into the YouTube documents and see How slaughtering is done and then tell me it’s OK to do. And as for the fruitcake girl smudging on the dead horse, yes the picture should be up on a billboard or a commercial.


  17. elizabeth herrick and joshua washburn will be punished, they will always be looking over their shoulders!!!! small world! have a nice day folks!


  18. Well said R.T. , well said Elaine! Lets go to print on those posters. Sometimes all you have to do is sit and wait till the enemie shoots themselves in the foot. Thanks Sue.
    FYI, it seems that horse wasnt really that girls horse, she recently took over care of the horse it said in the news piece. Someone probably thought she was going to give the horse a good retirement, seeing how the girl looks so innocent.
    Humane Euthanasia should be preformed by a lisenced veterinarian who will administer two different types of sedation so that the horse slowly falls asleep and is completely sedated by the time of his actual passing. It is the only humane way..


    • Amen! Sedated euthenasia is the correct way for a human to kill a horse- when life for the horse is no longer an option. .


      • Elaine , I dont mean to be corrective but wouldnt it be better said the way to end a horses life if necessary , Euthanasia would be the most humane and caring way ………………… To say kill a horse would be the BLM terminology or someone who doesnt care !!!!! I know that you care and would care ………………..


      • arlene:

        You have a good point…in the end it is death for the equine; to me killing is dis compassionate murder (redundant, I know). Euthanasia is the simplest mode, based on medical science (and even AAEP does support mass production slaughter for human consumption) and legitimate humane care, but costs money for the owner and they frequently lack the guts to do it. HCHS has none of those components; you get paid to NOT take proper care of your animal AND you DON’T have to be there with HCHS…..KBs KNOW that. They know the cowards, cheapskates and lie to the rest. I can’t tell you how many ignorant, stupid, cheap or cowardly owners dump dogs, cats, etc I have experienced in my volunteer work.

        I hope I made what I said clear…I get confused and emotional remembering all that I have witnessed. I apologize if I didn’t make myself clear. We are all on the same map for humanity.


  19. To think this ditz is only four years older than me and found it perfectly logical to play in a SICK dead horse. Um hello did you remove your brain? Any sane being, animals included, wouldnt eat something that wasn’t healthy. I would comment saying, “Didn’t your parents teach you better mannors” but seeing how the mother is blostering her daugters decisions to be a boarderline serial killer, God please help them all.

    I took one look at the pictures, and glanced twice at the one that looks as though the girl is masterbating inside of the poor horse, and called/emailed PETA. They do, do a lot of stuff I don’t agree with, but once PETA gets involved the couple won’t ever live it down. Even temporarily leaving Oregon won’t stop horse-people and non-people from finding out. They will suffer the heat, especially as they rot in hell.

    It saddens me that they are my generation, that they are allowed free to do it again, to who knows horse or worse to a human. We need to ban together and find somthing to charge them, because its not fair.

    Bring justice to the horse.


  20. I call myself a christian and I am ashamed at what is going thru my mind. Sue and that person inside the horse are sick demonic and putrid. God will deal with these people. May the rath of the forces of the horses be after them!


  21. Someone should send it the the local Wyoming newspapers too… Geesh ! ! We (Equine Welfare Advocates) need do nothing to discredit her..She does it all herself while we sit back and laugh our butts off. If befuddles the mind that an elected official can be that stupid and warped and still remain in office. Let’s hope the good people of Wyoming get this snapshot into Sue’s mind. It is a career killer for sure or should be anyway!


  22. Now this is horse “Abuse”!!!! Is there any animal organization out there that can fine her or get her for abuse??? Its says rigth out that she killed her own horse!! How and did the horse suffer??? SICK, SICK, SICK!!!!!!!!


  23. I would bet that there is no ordinance, law or regulation either at the state or federal level to prevent this kind of sicko behavior. And it wouldn’t matter if there was a law….the sheriff wouldn’t bother to enforce it anyway and the DA wouldn’t prosecute.

    The really, really scary thing is SS “endorsement” of this kind of behavior.


  24. I think that we should keep this sicko in the news for as long as we can. Spread her sickness far and wide. Make her sick face common to every decent human being. People should hound her, harass her. She should never know a moments peace. She should not be able to go out in public without people pointing and looking and laughing and embarrassing her every time she tries to leave her house. Her name, her face and her sicko pictures should become the poster of animal cruelty. We should harass this wacko until she cries and begs for privacy and then hound her some more. Maybe we can even put her sicko pictures on billboards with her face really big. Especially in her town for all her neighbors to see and be as horrified as we are. I mean she is the one who put her sickness out there for all to see. How about billboards all over Wyoming with her sick pictures for all to see. I would donate for that. DON’T EVER LET HER LIVE THIS DOWN. NOT EVER. NOT EVER. NOT EVER. Who is with me.


  25. I would sure like to know who the original owners were and if they knew what she had planned for their horse when she “took over care” for that horse that was “a 32 year old horse in declining health.”

    I have seen many horses on Craigslist offered for free to homes due to owners’ inability to afford them. I have often wondered what happens to these horses? Do they check out the prospective new owners homes, get references, or anything? I know that many people look for unwanted horses on-line as there is a huge demand for horsemeat. They can make money off them, for the meat.

    I certainly hope more truths come out about where this horse came from, and exposes these people for what they have done. Anybody with half a brain knows that a well cared for horse, especially at 32 years of age is not fit for human consumption!



  26. This story looks like it came straight out of a crystal meth lab.

    I have mixed feelings about t using this perhaps because of the power this type of image could have on children and young adolescents. We’re adults and we’ve most of us seen some pretty rough stuff. However, this is probably below Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood.

    However, would I use these images, Sue Wallis’s comments, and send this package to whomever is paying Charles Stenholm’s salary, or the director of that government agency who sent him to attend the Sue Wallis Summit of Like Minded Individuals, or the IG that I originally complained to about wasting precious tax dollars for this charade, or would I consider sending Sue’s comments to the IRS as evidence of the kind of fraud she is committing with her faux horse welfare groups, or would I think about sending some composition of the above the Governor Mike Mead, or the White House “We the People” Site, or maybe I could send to American Horse Council who lifted up this woman sw through the print media without knowing a single thing about her. Maybe Max Baucus would like a poster size collage framed for his office.

    R.T., I am glad you decided to share this given the events of the last few days. Like everyone else, I wish it had not happened, wish that such evil thoughts were never born. This is almost Helter Skelter Charlie Manson kind of crazy.

    Drugs. Police raid.


  27. Obviously blech, this is why people are not supposed to marry their cousins, can we say inbreeding. I just does something to the brain


  28. How sick are you in the head Elizabeth Herrick? And the boy friend had to be just as crazy and out of his mind too! And if Sue Wills think this is alright maybe someone should take one of her pets and do this and see if she is OK with it? How do we leave sick people like this in our world walk around? I think they should be shot!


  29. This is sooo appauling and disgusting I can’t even comprehend??? Geez, what’s the next step for this demented couple, babysit small children? What’s even more deplorable as they are being allowed (by law anyway) to get away with this! I hope they rot in hell and suffer all the way there!


  30. This is a news update from KOIN TV in Oregon.
    and BTW if they left the state of OR due to death threats etc. maybe they are seeking solace at Sue Wallis’s place!

    CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported the names of the woman photographed inside the horse carcass and her boyfriend. The woman’s name is Jasha Lottin and her boyfriend’s name is John Frost, according to police records.


  31. As a parent I am outraged that a governmental representative would so publicly not only endorse such ugly, uncivilized behavior, but be down-right giddy about it !! I am ashamed for this girl, her parents and famiy, and SW as a public servant. I think the good people of Wyoming should be made aware (if they are not already) and call for her resignation !!! Her IMMEDIATE resignation !! Certainly they would be repulsed to think that someone with such and attitude represents THEM !!!


  32. Well, besides being very disgusting, she is at least in the part of the horse where she belongs…the colon.
    I only hope the local officials keep their eyes on this sick person. Humanely euthanized? I’d like to ask how? From what I know, you can not consume meat from an animal injected by a veterinarian with meds.


  33. Christie, on second thought, I think you are right. Who needs for their kids to see this kind of thing? They are exposed to enough vulgarity as it is.
    We don’t need to use this….the ACTUAL documentation of slaughter plants and feed lots is damning enough.


  34. Christie, on second thought, you are probably right. Who needs for their kids to see this? They are exposed to enough vulgarity as it is.
    We don’t need to use this….the ACTUAL documentation of slaughter plants and feed lots is bad enough.


  35. It’s what is done to them while they are STILL ALIVE…they are treated like meat from the time they are sold, shipped and sent into the slaughter plant. THIS was in the United States:

    FOIA Request Uncovers Unprecedented Evidence Horse Slaughter is Inhumane
    Documents never before made public reveal the USDA was aware of extreme cruelty during horse slaughter at facilities in the U.S. The documents dispute claims horse slaughter in the U.S. was in any sense humane and instead reveal a brutal, terrifying ordeal that should be permanently banned.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released a 906-page document revealing for the first time the alarming cruelty that takes place during horse slaughter in the U.S. The documents included almost nine hundred photographs. Information was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request submitted 3 years ago by equine cruelty investigator Julie Caramante. Animals Angels assisted Caramante in obtaining the documents, and they are now working with Animal Law Coalition to assess and disseminate the information.
    “I’ve been an equine cruelty investigator for a number of years,” said Caramante, “and I’ve witnessed many incidents of animal cruelty but nothing could prepare me for these images.”


    • Louie, I linked to the FOIA article & tried to see the video on YouTube…it had been removed because it violated the rules. I searched for the Herrick video & found 2 postings of it! I flagged them both for animal abuse. One “kid” talked about the video like she had achieved some wonderful accomplishment because she got to “crawl inside a horse”! BOO to YouTube!


  36. I’m glad Sue is getting recognized for what she really is. I hate that it took something so horrific to open the eyes of her followers. Figures that there wouldn’t be anything that can be done legally. Boggles the mind! This horse was probably not these 2 deviates only abuse victim either. From the amount of pleasure they took & their detached state of mind I imagine they have been satisfying their deviate selves prior to this. I bet they don’t stop with this horse either. Now that they know they can walk away with no consequence what will deter them? Personally, these are the kind of people that make me afraid to let my grandchildren out of my sight.


  37. The picture of this made me physically ill and I threw up. I can’t imagine such cruelty. Just imagine the two of them removing the organs of this horse, so she can climb in. It makes me so physically sick., I can’t even write any more. This is the type of person that can harm society. She has no conscience or empathy toward people as well. The smell of any fresh kill is a very unpleasant smell. The horse meat will go to waste because they should be working quickly to prepare the horse meat so it can be put into a freezer to stop the chemical release of the death process. Disgusting! She and her boyfriend both need watching closely. The might have fun for a day with a human soon. That is what this leads to.


  38. This story made me sick to my stomach, quite literally. I just… uhg. The woman’s comments on how she thinks nothing was wrong about it, the description of the taste of the meat… I had really though we humans, as a race, were above such barbarity.


  39. Good Lord! Think I lost my apetite for the rest of the day. What the heck is wrong with these people? If the pro-slaughter idiots wanted to be taken seriously at all they would stand up and speak out against this kind of horrific depravity. Clearly this girl has some SERIOUS mental issues going on…


  40. She’s probably been raised in some sort of satanic cult. I am dead serious. This is deeply sick, and dangerously, if not lethally, unhigenic.


  41. Slaughtering horses for meat is nothing new, we have horse slaughter houses up here in Canada. It’s no different than slaughtering any living breathing sentient being, horse, cow, dog, chicken, cat, sheep, turkey, rabbit, donkey, monkey or even fish, after all why love one but eat another? It’s the senseless and unnecessary taking of a life and done in a violent manner (there is no such thing as a humane death really)… AND what this woman did after slaughtering her horse is just seriously deranged and sickening beyond belief. It definitely indicates a serious mental health issue!


    • doesnt make it right. I have been vegan since I was 16 and dont see why people are outraged at eating horse when they eat cow. But still doesnt make it right because people eat meat. The mannerism is whats mre barbaric


  42. Something this sick should not be made public. It is the act of a totally sick person who should be removed from this life asap or locked up for life in a mental institution. IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO VIRAL thus giving other sick and depraved people entertainment and worse still IDEAS?


      • There are many evil monsters filled with Greed, How can something so beautiful have such Monsters trying to eliminate them??????? It gets worse everyday !!!!!All the Horses need is their Freedom !!! Is this so much to ask for !!!!! For all they have given ???????? It turns my stomach that these evil people are left in society !!!!! They should be locked up and the Key thrown away !!!!!!!!!


    • well, if she wanted attention she got it!! mentally diranged and very spoiled i imagine. i think she needs to be arrested and have a psych evaluation. she sounds like a psychopath!!!!


  43. I share the distaste of my fellow contributors,and this awful girl seems to be showing signs of psychopathy, but really, if you eat meat you can’t say a great lot, because ALL slaughter causes a premature and horrific end to a potential long life, and all animals are subject to humans’ mistaken belief that they don’t matter much!


    • Totally agreed Paul. They eat horses up here in parts of Canada and they export it to the E.U. for human consumption. In fact, until the USA changed the laws on slaughtering horses, they’d mostly be transported here. The reason for the change? It was inhumane to transport them that far… So the transportation is inhumane but murdering them isn’t? So sad.

      It’s odd, how people are up in arms about it, (the UK Horse Burger incident for example) yet there is absolutely no difference between a horse, a cow, a pig, sheep, chicken, fish, dog, cat, rabbit, deer, bear, whale, shark, so on and so forth. Animals are not ours to abuse and exploit, harm and torture, or kill (unless it’s a mercy killing, as in a peaceful – well as peaceful as one can be – euthanasia due to illness or injury) any animal on this beautiful planet.

      It truly begs the question “Why love one but eat another?”


      • Julie, I will have a go at answering your thoughtful question. While I agree that all animals are sentient and face suffering at the hands of humans, the issue of horse slaughter is different for many reasons. Generally speaking, livestock raised for food would never live at all without a plan to become part of the human food supply. While it is true they suffer at slaughter, at least some shred of oversight and regulation exists to mitigate their suffering.
        Horses, on the other hand, are not traditionally raised for food, at least no on our continent, though they have been slaughtered for need (or pet food). Temple Grandin has commented that horses, being more flighty than livestock, face far greater stress levels in a slaughter situation, and many videos I’ve seen show how they spin and turn in the kill box, making a clean kill much harder, and their intense fear agonizingly long. Further, it’s been shown some do not die immediately and though paralyzed are still likely to be feeling pain as they are sliced up alive.
        A related issue with domestic horses, is the number of drugs used in standard veterinary care which are “not for animals intended for use in food” which further separates horses from our livestock food supply.
        Nobody is testing for the myriad chemicals domestic horses carry, and a large proportion of the horses ending up in slaughter plants are not old but are burned out race horses (drugs) or other “performance” horses who have been pushed to the breaking point (drugs). Stolen horses end up there too, with no knowable history of what drugs they carry.
        Add to this the major stress reaction as a horse enters flight mode in a kill box, releasing adrenaline and other natural chemicals which are widely known to affect carcass quality in other animals when slaughtered for food. Horses can smell the blood flowing from those ahead of them without a doubt, so their stress and fear responses will be amping up long before they enter the kill box.
        So yes, we can love one but eat another, for many reasons.


  44. Your words were perfect. Thanks you . I’m so horrified and angry I cant say anything more . she needs to be prosecuted . someone start a petition and make it viral . I will help in any way . email me . jabutera@ yahoo.com


  45. Someone should put a fuckign bullet in her crazy ass cruel evil head. and that goes for any dirt bag who condones, accepts, agrees with and supports this sick twisted redneck behavior. Perhaps if the internet stopped giving any attention to these losers who want their 15 minutes of fame it would give the next nut case the idea of torturing an animal a pet. HUMANITY CANT SINK ANY LOWER and its all because of the politically correct crack pots who parade around protesting for freedom of this that and the other thing. This is one of those other things


  46. Wow. I am disgusted for our entire species.

    My first thoughts were:
    – How did they kill this innocent horse? I hope quickly but based on the circumstances perhaps not.

    – were these two “humans” on some kind of drug-induced spree?

    – the photo indicates it’s from the Sheriff’s Dept. Is an investigation going on and if so, what are the charges?

    – on reading some of these posts it seems it was a third party’s horse… can we learn more about whether this was a planned execution or a horrendous betrayal?

    – this is what happens when living beings have no value, they are just property to be used or abused at will.

    I’m going to have to struggle with how an elected official would even want to weigh in on such a criminal act, no matter what her politics are. I am disappointed and ashamed this can happen in America and hope the consequences match the depravity of this act. Ugh.


  47. This is so sick and something needs to be done about this girl she needs to be put under the jail and her boyfriend too


  48. Why would you do such a thing? It’s so cruel HELP STOP HORSE ABUSE, CRUELLY,NEGLECT AND SLAUGHTER BEFORE ITS TO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  49. I admit freely that I have never been truly happy to hear of a person’s death until I heard of the monster named Sue Wallis’ death. She was an embarrassment to all of womankind and one of the most thoughtless and cruel humans I’ve ever known or heard of. And I WON’T ever say RIP to that old battleax.


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