Horse News

Moran Amendment to Ban Horse Slaughter Passes Appropriations Committee

Press Release from the office of Congressman Jim Moran

“When more than 80 percent of the American population opposes this practice, it is high time we put an end, once and for all, to industrial horse slaughter”

Congressman Jim Moran, R.T. Fitch – president of Wild Horse Freedom Federation, Vicki Tobin – VP Equine Welfare Alliance speaking before National Capitol during press conference earlier this year ~ photo by Terry Fitch

Washington, DC – An amendment introduced today by Congressman Jim Moran, Northern Virginia Democrat, to eliminate federal funding for USDA inspections of horse slaughter facilities passed the full Appropriations Committee. The amendment, adopted in the Fiscal Year 2013 Agricultural Appropriations Bill, would effectively prohibit the practice of horse slaughter for human consumption in the U.S. The bill now heads to the floor for a vote by the full House.

“When more than 80 percent of the American population opposes this practice, it is high time we put an end, once and for all, to industrial horse slaughter,” said Rep. Moran. “Horses hold an important place in our nation’s history and culture, treasured by all for their beauty and majesty. They deserve to be cared for, not killed for foreign consumption.”

During debate, Moran noted that the Appropriations Committee cut back funding for USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) meat facility inspections by $9 million below Fiscal Year 2012. He argued against expanding FSIS responsibilities to inspect meat shipped to foreign countries that would come at the expense of funding for inspections of chicken, pork and beef consumed by U.S. citizens.

U.S. horse meat may also contain chemicals harmful to humans if ingested. Unlike farm animals raised for their meat, horses are routinely given powerful medications, including the anti-inflammatory pain killing drug phenylbutazone.

Declan Gregg of Children 4 Horses and Congressman Moran in D.C. earlier this year ~ photo by Terry Fitch

“Adding millions of dollars to the federal budget to inspect foreign-owned horse slaughter plants would be a step backwards for America’s iconic horses and a waste of tax dollars,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. “We are grateful to Congressman Jim Moran for leading the charge to restore this critical horse protection provision, and to the House Appropriations Committee for reining in this multi-million-dollar subsidy that could pave the way for the needless killing of American horses for foreign gourmands.”

Moran introduced similar language during debate over the fiscal year 2012 Agricultural Appropriations Bill. Though adopted in the House, the language was removed during conference committee in November. Moran’s amendment today would reinstate the five-year ban on horse slaughter from 2006-2011.

24 replies »

  1. A resounding…YES!!! But, will that end the transportation of horses to Canada and Mexico for slaughter?


  2. Many thanks to Congressman Moran and to all who showed support!! This is a step in the right direction. My concern is that it doesn’t ban slaughter–just puts it back in the position it was previously where USDA will not fund inspections. There is talk about poultry plants doing their own inspections (funding their own) rather than have the uSDA do it and I have heard it is being seriously considered. This horrifies me to think of the risk to the food supply (if you start with chicken, where do you stop???) and I wonder if this would be something Wallis and her bunch of obssessive loons would get away with. I am thrilled with the amendment and so proud of all who worked so hard–I just think we have a long way to go. A huge first step though and we should celebrate it.


    • If it can’t be inspected it cannot be processed. There is no way poultry plants will be able to get around the USDA. As much as the privatize everything people might want it, it will never happen in this country. People would stop eating meat en masse without federal oversight.


      • allthewildhorses:

        It is going on now. Federal and state oversight for anything from food to terrorists is now nothing more than a money padding process of budgets and self preservation for legislators and special interest “corporation”.

        Cheney and the ultimate privatize machine with lobby and legislative access is killing America, literally.

        Soon there will be more citizens in the streets….not violent, but challenging.

        Oh, GOD! The sixties again? I hope the music is just as excellent.


  3. this is such a moment for celebration! finally, good news for the horses! it seemed almost like efait a compli so this is a big relief! now it needs to pass the house and then the senate. if obama vetoes it, he’s really in big trouble! what about asking this congressman to write a bill protecting our wild horses and removing the burns amendment of 2004? how about investigating the blm and stopping all roundups pending the review??? when will the horses be truly safe to roam their lands??


  4. i’ve met wayne pacelle at an animal forum in boston spring 2005, and he is indeed a wonderful man and we are so blessed to have him at the helm of the hsus…good going wayne!


  5. Did anyone happen to see the morning show (CBS Morning) where they interviewed someone who was involved in a study about antibiotics in meat??????? They were saying that it isnt the actual antibiotics that are fed to the beef = its down the road as bacteria becomes more immune to the overuse of the antibiotics & when the meat consumers have a disease & use antibiotics, they dont work as well.
    Seems to me if theres interest in the beef, chicken & pig market using too many antibiotics that the conversation regarding bute,AND antibiotics etc in horses could get more publicity.
    Many thanks to Congressman Moran – now if the House doesnt let this get put aside!


    • Another concern with penicillin, which is on the list of the National Residue Program for Beef is that there are people who allergic to it. If there is too much of it, someone who consumes the meet could have an allergic reaction as if they had taken the drug themselves.


  6. At least we have a few who are willing to listen to the people and save this country some money to boot. As for the rest of em..if they continue their anti American agenda they need to be voted out.


  7. Thank you Congressman Moran and the many others who continue to fight so diligently for our magnificient equines. But this time we must NOT let it go, we must pass the ban both on slaughter and transportation. We cannot afford to have this legislative group leave without its passage. I agree with Maggie, the meat industry has enough to do with what they have now. The addition of equines will just stretch them even further. NO INSPECTIONS, NO TRANSPORTATION AND NO SLAUGHTER!!!!


  8. Congressman Jim Moran, (D-IN). Watching him. Hearing him speak at the FY13 Ag Appropriations Bill vote. He is all heart and soul for the horses. And his opening and closing presentations were right on! Thank you Mr.Moran. Bless You. What a week! And what a day, 6/19/12!!!


  9. What a huge relief and victory for our equines and the American people! Now, to continue on with everything we have to truly end this nightmare. Thank you so much Congressman Moran and everyone that has been involved with seeing this through. You all are heart and soul for the horses.


  10. There is a very bad blog on the DRF (daily racing form) about this passing. All the comments are pro slaughter. I tried to respond, but it mwouldn’t let me. Said I had to be logged on. AND I WAS. I posted (I hope) the blog to Facebook. Maybe someon e here mcan answer them. They didn’t seem to know that slaughtering horses was any different than slaughtering beel!!!!!


  11. I can’t find the words to describe Congress Moran. His leadership has been amazing. Even more importantly, he has been so effective because of the type of person he is. He is one of the few Congressmen who is willing to stand on principle, and I think his willingness to swim upstream for what he thinks is right has earned him some serious points with his colleagues. He is one of the people who most everyone who knows him thinks of as “a truly good guy”. He has a bit of Irish charm.

    Congress Moran received a great compliment on the news. Don’t remember the issue, but one talking head asked the other with disbelief and maybe an edge of ridicule, “Did you what that man said???” I just happened to glance at the screen, and I saw the interviewer’s face break into a broad smile as he replied, “Well, yeah, but you just have to know Congress Moran.”

    Had Congress Moran been a different sort of person who enjoyed such positive personal regard, the response apparently could have been something less positive. We are so fortunate to have him care about what means so much to us.

    It is hard to find a Jim Moran anywhere, but it would be a wonderful for our country we had a few more people like him in office and advising on federal policy.

    He is golden.


    • Thank you, HoofHugs, I so agree with all you said. A good heart, compassionate, doing what-is-right (no matter the “politics” in DC). He just may stand alone in DC, with his head high, with no fear. A man in DC to truly represent the Untied States of America. My “gut” feeling. And I have come, through the years, to trust my instincts ❤


  12. No, the government just slaughtered the horsemeat industry. The horse industry is about supporting living horses. Dead horses, dead cows, dead turkeys, dead goats are the meat industry. Simply put: Living animals=horse industry. Dead animals=meat industry.


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