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  1. Sorry I can’t be there this week–will watch the live proceedings and press conference with great interest. Thanks for being there and speaking for the horses.


  2. Thank You RT for the Update will be watching and listening today !!!! My heart and soul are with you and the Advocates that are so lucky to be able to attend , Gods speed to all of you !!!!!!! GO GETUM !!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Tami Hottes…
      you are wealthy of word and deed!!
      R J and company…
      On behalf of all the rest of us sitting in our comfortable homes…Thank you for stepping up to be the voice of the voiceless!!


  3. I wish the best for our wild equines and their warriors in OK.

    I hope the press will begin to ask and demand better questions and answers of these public officials annihilating of precious wild equines.

    Do we know which advocates will be allowed to speak yet?

    Thank you to all there to speak and be the voice of the voiceless.


  4. See you there at noon! Many of us will be there in body and many more we are bringing with us in spirit!


  5. I’ve had the Marti Oakley page on my computer screen since I first opened it, and my alarm is set to 12 noon CST.

    I’m keeping in mind as the day unfolds the story of how innocent Elisha and his scared servant Gehazi were not only protected from an attack, but the enemy troops were struck with blindness, rendering them unable to kidnap or kill Elisha and ultimately saving a nation from war (see II Kings 6).

    Our little band of heroes in OKC today is going up against an enemy seemingly as large and insurmountable as the forces that threatened Elisha’s life. But as in that Bible account, “those with us are more than those with them” (II Kings 6:16 The Message Bible).

    In other words, the omnipotence of Love, which created and maintains the universe, always sides with the few who bravely protect goodness wherever they see it (including and especially in our horse friends!) and always strikes down whatever forces (greed, arrogance, and their related evils) are intent upon destroying that goodness. Simply put: Love always wins.


  6. Let the press know that there are TONS of equine warriors out there! Just because not all of us could go to Oklahoma does not mean we don’t care. We will fiercey protect the equines. We love them and love being their horsey angels 🙂


  7. Mr. Fitch, I shook your hand today during the rally. It was a pleasure to stand with you for the horses. Once I got home I found a story regarding the rally on News OK.com. The headline reads, “Animal rights group in OKC for horse slaughter ban.” Not only was the headline poorly worded, but “Animal rights group” are 3 words that are the Kiss of Death in Oklahoma. This fight will not at all be easily won. When we tried to pass our puppy mill bill the first time, someone from PETA called to voice their opinion. I heard from the lobbyist who was on our side to pass the bill that the phone call from PETA killed the bill before it got anywhere. Our politicians despise animal rights groups of any kind, even when they can not be truly categorized as animal rights groups. Only after many pleas to PETA to stay out of it, were we able to pass the puppy mill bill when it came up a second time. Oklahoma politics are uglier than we care to discuss publicly. Thank you again for standing with us today. We will continue to press for the right decision to be made on behalf of those who can not speak for themselves. Myself and others can flood the governor’s mail box with sheets of facts in opposition and we hope others will follow suit and do the same. It may be the only successful tool we have left on which to bank.


  8. Jst hoping and doing what i can to be part of the voice for the voceless…our beloved horses! Thank you one and all.


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