Horse News

Predatory Horse Slaughter Pimp Plans Kill Plant and Rehab on Same Site

Source: East

“Duhh…I know we’ll have no problem with the whole thing running and funding itself.”
Dave "Doink" Duquette, alleged horse trainer and known horse eater ~ photo not taken by R.T. Fitch

Dave “Doink” Duquette, alleged horse trainer and known horse eater ~ photo not taken by R.T. Fitch

United Horsemen, the group behind a proposed horse slaughter facility outside Hermiston, wants to build a $3 million horse rehabilitation, training and education center on the same 300-acre property.

According to president Dave Duquette, the facility would host an educational program, with 30 to 40 college students learning from horse trainers, and an indoor equine-assisted therapy arena for individuals with handicaps.

Although the center is planned to be built a quarter-mile away from the horse slaughter facility, Duquette said the two entities will not be connected.

The two possible facilities do, however, comprise United Horsemen’s controversial solution to the recent drop in horse prices and the reinstatement of horse slaughter facilities in the United States. The slaughter facility would be joined by space for rehabilitation and training of unwanted horses.

Unwanted horses entering the center would either receive rehabilitation or reining-style training. Unrideable horses, because of age or condition, would have veterinary care and time at pasture. All horses will be spayed or gelded.

A horse will be euthanized if deemed critically ill. Horses unable to be rehabilitated would go to sale and, if unable to be sold, sent to the the proposed horse slaughter facility.

“It’s our goal to improve horse welfare,” Duquette said. “I want to bring the value up of these horses and send them to homes.”

Horse trainer Christian Rammerstorfer would be a consultant, adding other horse trainers to oversee the project. The program would also work with veterinarian Don Peter and Pendleton’s equine-assisted therapy organization, Dream Catcher Therapeutics.

United Horsemen, a non-profit horse organization, has not yet raised the $3 million needed for the 100-acre center, which Duquette said will be funded through private donations.

Duquette, who currently trains quarterhorses, said he has talked with colleges such as the University of Florida to bring students to the center.

“They have the attitude that if you build it, we will come,” Duquette said of college involvement with the training center. “Which is fine. I know we’ll have no problem with the whole thing running and funding itself.”

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45 replies »

  1. Deviant is the right word. These folks just make my skin crawl. I’d rather be in the room with a pissed off rattler than have to meet one of these guys.


  2. Oh like those horse, in a rehab, near a slaughter plant with the smell of blood & the screams of fright, would be really wanting to be rehabilitated. They will want to run for thier fricking lives. Yet another showing of how strange this man’s mind works.


    • Darcy is so right. Even if there were no sounds coming from the slaughterhouse, the horses would know exactly what was going on there. How would he even think to rehabilitate a horse if he doesn’t understand anything about them, or obviously care to. What a disgusting excuse for a human being he is.


  3. Anyone want to make a bet that if they raise $3 million (fat chance) that this whole enterprise goes belly up and the rest of us end up having to step in and rescue the horses? They couldn’t even keep a newsletter up and running with funding of $300,000. Have they paid for their Horse Eater’s conference yet? And oh, the infamous truck raffle. No matter what type of business it was I would never want these guys running it.


      • Our “resident evil.” An embarrassment to a state (OR) that has an abundance of kind, good, intelligent people.


  4. really? why the heck would people trust them to run a ‘rescue’ or training facility when he’s a known horse eater!? he supports horse slaughter. There is nothing humane about horse slaughter – you can put all the bells & whistles on it that you want but it’s still SLAUGHTER and unnecessary. The meat is toxic and cannot be consumed by humans….or dogs for that matter.


  5. Seems he’s getting the point that Horse Slaughter Advocates are not looked up to in this country. Now comes the attempt to clean up a little before the company comes over. Sorry Charlie, there is no cleaning up after horse slaughter. The look, the smell, the sounds, forget it, your dress up won’t be bought in the USA while your slaughterin on down the road. You might try going back to school yourself and find a way, is it possible? To make a living without killing? Wow!!! I know it would feel great!! Try it!!


  6. This IS a joke, no?
    Seriously? Students get attached to a horse that does not make it, and so they can just walk 1/4 mile to the slaughter plant? First of all… vetting and rehabbing those that are sick and old? Does anyone that has NOT worked in rehab, have ANY idea of the time and money that costs PER horse? I would NOT feel comfortable donating to this type of place.. I wonder if they can truly fund everything by killing horses? And feel good? I don’t see it.


  7. Don’t you just love his comment ” It’s our goal to improve horse welfare”?!!! He’s absolutely delusional if he thinks the public will believe that one! This guy needs help!!!!


  8. What a crock of horse poop. They are painting pretty pictures to sway people to embrace the horse slaughter facility.
    They have absolutely no idea what it takes to manage the place they describe, or the amount of money it will eat up, and none of them have the intelligence needed to operate something of that magnitude.
    If they are only going to slaughter the old and sick horses, well they would be out of business within months, since most horses sold for slaughter are young healthy horses.
    It will be a non-profit, and they will rip people off, under the false pretense of being a rehab and treatment, and educational centre.
    Treatment and rehabilitation, ah right, it will be a breeding centre, to ensure them a healthy supply of horses to slaughter.


  9. Duquette has always been a joke. He would have no interest in any kind of “rescue” that did not have a slaughter house attached to it. Turn over a lucky few for a profit and a feel good PR story and slaughter the rest. Sounds like a smart “business plan”. Neither of our fine Oregon senators have stepped up to co-sponsor the SAFE Act S.541 ( please call them and ask that they do so to help prevent this on a Federal level.
    Ron Wyden (202) 224-5244 , Jeff Merkley (202) 224-3753 , they are both good guys and may take up this cause if they hear from enough of us.


  10. So, if a horse isn’t a good reining prospect it isn’t worth saving in D-bag’s world? How would he even know? The only decent horses he’s ever sat his ass on have been trained by other people. He can’t even develop a horse for his own kid to ride but has to go out and buy one.


  11. Wait till it dawns on Wallis and her followers that there is no market for contaminated horse meat anymore. Since the EU has banned imports from third party countries not following their rules, this bunch and all the rest of the horse killers are going to have a nervous breakdown. I wish I could see their ignorant faces when they hear the news.


  12. “A horse will be euthanized if deemed critically ill. Horses unable to be rehabilitated would go to sale and, if unable to be sold, sent to the the proposed horse slaughter facility.” Real world translation: We Will Have A feedlot/slaughter holding facility within 1/4 mile of the slaughter plant.


  13. What a cluster of contradictions. “Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses. Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or BIZARRE DELUSIONS, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction.


  14. If Congress does not step in an stop this right now, the American people are going to have a fit. Although almost no one other than horse people even knew that horses are sold to slaughter, a lot of people who are not horse people know they are treated with a number of drugs harmful to humans, and the scandal in Europe has their attention. When the USDA allows someone to slaughter the first contaminated horse, the American people are going to know exactly what the rest of us have learned about the meat industry. The idea that you put a healthy animal through the slaughter process to produce healthy food is one thing, but the insistence that healthy horses with adulterated meat will be slaughtered and fed to foreign consumers. Maybe we could get a compromise and label the meat like we do alcohol and cigarettes. The food contains drugs that have been known to cause sudden alergic reaction and death, aplastic anemia after a long hospital stay and many blood transfusions, kidney failure, liver failure, and sometime in the future the DNA that the substance in this meat is most fond of is your telomere, the end point of your DNA. This drug just loves to toy with your DNA until it mutates and turns into a mutant cell—sometime in the future the mutant cell will start to grow somewhere inside of you, and then you will have a tumor. Not to worry, there are all kinds of treatment for eating horsemeat and getting cancer. You can have high powered radiation that burns your cells, or sit in an infusion center where doctors insert needles and tubes filled with drugs to kill the tumor. Don’t worry if the drugs kill a few of your healthy cells, too. Of course some people like to do it the quick and easy way, if the cancer is say in your big toe, just chop that toe right off no cancer, no worry.

    I think the Oklahoma legislature and the Governor should eat horse meat, and that should be the only meat they can feed their children.

    Hey Oklahoma, it’s called the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The very idea that some fat cat in Oklahoma would send contaminated meat to a child in Kurdsbekistan to eat is unconscionable for people of a state who take pride in being Oklahomans. This is absolutely nothing to be proud of.


    • There will be lawsuits for knowingly producing a tainted product. Either we get sued by the EU or Japan or some other country – after there is an outbreak of cancer that can be traced to this source. That is the difficult part. Many cancers take a long time to develop.

      Duquette is thinking (????) ahead by trying to have a “sanctuary” to grow his own “food” for slaughter. He thinks he is an evil genuis – trying to circumvent the hysteria around horses being treated with carcinogens. I just think he is evil.


    • Excellent post, Hoofhugs. You need to add> Studies in animals have shown that Phenylbutazone (Bute) is a Teratogenic Agent. If taken late in pregnancy, may increase the length of pregnancy, prolong labor, or cause other problems during delivery, including still-births.
      Transference during lactation (breast feeding) may cause heart disease in the newborn.


  15. The guy is a kill buyer first and foremost – stay away from him. I’m a professional horse trainer myself and like most good trainers killing a horse never enters my mind. If he’s sending horses to slaughter houses that he can’t train then he needs to go back to training school and learn how to train a horse. Training a horse is nothing more than building a relationship between you and the horse. If this guy is having problems with that it’s because horses have a keen sense about them that can detect a persons feelings and true personality – They can tell if your fake with dollar signs in your head or if you really want to be their friend – Given the chance a Mustang would kill this guy in a heartbeat!


  16. Oh, that ought to go over really well! We can all go to look at horses for sale and get a earful of the piercing screams of the poor horses being slaughtered and watch them get beaten by whips, shock pads and all the other horrible abuse that goes along with a slaughter plant! Not my idea of a sucessful business!


  17. You’re a wolf in sheeps clothing. Sorry wolves dont mean to offend you. I cant say enough things to express my disgust in you.


  18. Defiant! Deluded! Disaster! I wish the “news” would interview him after yesterday’s EU statement. How does he fool so many of the media?? Makes them seem a little stupid too.


  19. Love your comments Ricky Rogers…Its stupid and idiotic guys like this who cause the problems in the first place. No equines are evil just the idiots that lack the mentality to train them. Again, as you have said its a relationship of trust that allows us to do all the things we do with our wonderful equine friends. I wouldn’t touch this place with a ten foot pole! No professional trainer, rescue group or handicapped group that I know would associate themselves with these people. Who in the blazes would give this group a dime, let alone milllons! Totally DEMENTED PEOPLE!!!


  20. Don’t you think that the horses at this training and rehab faciity will smell death going on 1/4 mile away and react to it?


    • Absolutely Judy…horses smell fresh blood a long way……So those folks are delusional thinking they can train horses on the same property…..the horses will hear the screams of the slaughter victims and smell the death……they are talking out both sides of their mouths….DREAM ON…..


      • For those of you who have escaped the horror of never being near a working horse slaughter plant I will share this with you…as I have stood shoulder to shoulder with Jerry Finch, Julie Caramante and Mayor Paula Bacon when Dallas Crown was operating and experienced this:

        1.) The stench is overwhelming from blocks away and that is coming from someone who has trouble smelling gasoline.

        2.) You can hear the screams from blocks away.

        3.) You can hear the captive bolt gun from about a block away.

        4.) You can hear the rattle of the chain hoist from 1/2 blocks away.

        5.) You can hear the perverse banter of the illegal workers from 40 yds away.

        6.) You can hear the sickening “plop” of the bloody horse hide as it falls off from the conveyer belt into the fly infested garbage container from 20 yds away.

        7.) You could hear us quietly sobbing from only 10 feet away.

        Never AGAIN!


      • Never want to RT….It would give me nightmares forever…..with emotional damage..cannot do..

        But I do know by experience riding the best horse I’ve ever owned went out of control only once when he could smell fresh blood and death of large carcass where we rode…… Doink Smoink is is dream land………


      • I live 23 miles from this proposed “horse holocaust.” Hermiston, OR already has a large Hispanic population who work in food processing plants (peas, potatoes). It is about an hour away from the infamous Pasco, WA slaughterhouse where 3,000 cows are “processed” in a manner very similar to what RT described. In the Pasco facility there are always suspected illegals – who are quickly replaced by legals just before inspections.

        Duquette apparently is depending on a low threshold/mentality toward abuse, greed, and gluttony in this area. However, he met more than his match in good VS evil with the late beloved Mayor Bob Severson who opposed slaughter. I don’t think people here will betray Mayor Bob’s memory and go over to the dark side. Lawyers here have assured me that this would never pass Oregon’s strict environmental standards (right off the freeway, I-84). Also, state law makers will stop it if it goes too far.


  21. I’ve come to think of Duquette as a reliably consistent world-class pervert. I’m confident that he’ll never tarnish his reputation with an intelligent or compassionate thought or statement.


  22. That’s so Doink can get a tax free slaughterhouse. He wants to have something on the side as non-profit status and avoid paying any taxes and We, the citizens of the US will have to pay inspectors for his slaughter house. What a slime ball!


  23. Delusional. Could you attend an equine assisted lesson and not be disturbed by the smells, the mechanical noises, the screams..???! Are they planning to run the slaughterhouse at night and the rehab/learning/training facility during the day? The stench of death will be 24/7. Did anyone catch the ‘spay and geld’ statement? Why would you even need to spay if the boys are all gelded?? This dude is clueless and Sue has her own personal puppet.


  24. Where is the village missing this idiot!?? Unbelievable – you can’t make this stuff up!
    Sandys’ right – the sound of screaming horses while young children are taught to ride at the “equestrian facility” next door?
    Who could even make this stuff up!?


  25. This is soo maddening, I wept tonight…I didn’t just cry, my hands trembled, my stomach ached, I wept, I cried tears for the already dead who were punished for being alive, I prayed for the ones in the kill pens who be skinned alive, I begged God for mercy for America’s horses and that he would release their souls to those of us, who love. A trainer has a private oath, its first to God, to care for our mounts no matter what one can do, or has done, then an oath to the earth that we take care of what’s in it, and masterfully we have an oath to the horse a promise to teach, more to learn, and less to harm. We are designed to listen, in order to hear their whispers, they have tales of death or life, love or pain, we listen to their fear to comfort them, we listen to their heart to gain their love, we listen to their souls to gain a friend, we care for their body to heal our souls, I will weep again…but out of that comes a renewed spirit to fight, to protect them, to find them, to help them. A war rages in our souls to stop this this, we have to keep out rage contained, that rage is the fire that burns in a horses soul, that frees our minds and gives us courage…I will again weep, then I will fight my strength renewed. Weep to see through their fog, weep to find a place in our mind to gain the words to win the fight. We will win, because what’s outside of the horse is good for our soul and what’s a horse is good for our mind. The spirit to fight! I love the horse. Especially the broken ones, because they need us most….


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