Horse News

TS Radio: No Guts, No Heart – Brutal Killing of a Horse

Source:  the PPJ Gazette

Join us Friday evening, March 22nd, 2013 at 7:00pm CST!


5:00pm PST… 6:00pm MST … 7:00pm CST … 8:00pm EST
Listen Live HERE!
Callin # 917-388-4520


Debbie Coffey, Director of Wild Horse Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation, will co-host this show.

If you were able to view THE VIDEO POSTED BY TIM SAPPINGTON of Dexter, NM, who may no longer be employed by the Valley Meat Company in Roswell, New Mexico (which is attempting to become one of the first horse slaughter plants to re-open in the U.S. since 2007) you most likely were sickened by the sheer cruelty of Sappington’s actions.

Obviously, Sappington thought those who saw the video of him mecilessly shooting a horse in the head for no reason whatsoever, would be impressed with his self-perceived manliness.  Instead, viewers saw a coward; a weak little man with no compassion whatsoever.

Join us as we discuss the disgusting Mr. Sappington and give us your thoughts on the video and what should happen as a result.


Horse slaughter plants re-opening in the U.S, the European horse meat scandal and other issues during a special 2 hour radio broadcast.


To contact us:

Or Skype: 320-281-0585

40 replies »

  1. Hay R T the video sappington made is a threat against all animal rights activist right? Well isn’t this also a threat against congressmen and senators that are on our side, and should not the FBI be notified?


    • Tom, I removed your comment which contained the personal information on this creep. Regardless of how outraged that we are, we cannot sink to their level of intimidation.

      He threatened us but we will keep our hands clean and move forward as professionals.


      • I watched the video and seeing Sappington’s stance and the look on his face, that guy would just as soon shoot someone as an animal. He is a predatory animal and the “law” should be all over him


    • I believe they were notified and yes this could be considered a terrorist act. The FBI was supposedly investigating the allegation.


  2. Tom, I make it a point NOT to ever post anyone’s home address, no matter how much I disagree with them or abhor what they do. I knew his home address, but purposely didn’t include it in my article. Hypothetically, if some nut case went to their house and did something, all of us would be lumped in as a group & stereotyped, (which is what Sappington attempted to do), and would be blamed, and there would then be a media backlash. Sometimes people don’t think things through. I urge everyone to remember that the pen is mightier than the sword. We have TRUTH on our side and there is much public outrage about this particular video and his mindset. Write letters, make calls, hold a rally, call into the radio show, but don’t do anything that would make you become a Tim Sappington. We’re here to do the RIGHT thing.


    • Right! Also, all this was written before we got the news via the Equine Welfare Alliance that the EU has just banned horses from the US from export to the EU. That is, horses slaughtered on US soil. I guess we won’t get the full must have passport ban until July 31, as stated in the EU 2013 regs.

      This present ban is because the USDA missed the deadline for filing their plan to implement a traceability plan equal to the EU’s. Of course, the USDA had no intention of implementing ANY plan so they could hardly show one to the EU. However, I think the USDA could and should have told Americans what was going on with the EU, what their requirements presently were and what they would be in the future.

      Those of us who didn’t want our horses to be slaughtered anyway didn’t mind, of course, but it doesn’t sit well with me that the USDA kept all this under their hats for three years. What else don’t we know?


    • Absollutely correct Debbie. We have to maintain our demeanor of calm, intelligent opposition. To engage the nutcases is to get down to their level. Remember it is ALWAYS to protect the horses and institute permanent protection for them against people just like the meathead in this debate,


  3. So far the truth has gotten ten years of horses slaughtered since I have become involved (that’s about 1 million) because our side will not block the enemy’s bills like they do ours. I don’t see anyway to win unless we are aloud to fight using the same rules they do. Maybe my help is not wanted anymore.


    • Even though I agree with how this should be done, I ‘can not’ disagree at all with Tom on this statement. Our country is not the same, doing the right thing means nothing anymore, the only one that never gets it is sickos like this sappington, who commited a downright murder.


  4. I also have been here for more then 12 yrs…………………………….. have seen the horrors and have seen nothing improve for the Horses…………….. it only gets worse , people filled with hate for the horses WHY???????? Quite frankly I am sick of it !!!!! Is the right thing really right ??????? Demented deranged , minds are crawling out of the woodwork !!!!!!!


    • Why Tom? We need more good soldiers to fight against this horse holocaust, not less.

      I called the Roswell police, to log a complaint against this POS, but they directed me to the Sheriff’s dept since he lives in Dexter, NM – not Roswell. The # for the sheriff’s office is 515-624-6500, but it has been busy all morning. That is a good sign. I figure they are getting a lot of calls, or they already received so many they took the phone off the hook – just kidding. They cannot do that. I will keep calling.


      • I will come back into the fight as soon as someone names the war that America has won from being nice.


    • Please don’t give up. I’m sure we’d all love to see this poor excuse drawn and quartered, or in the stocks for a good public shaming. But the truth is this scrawny old b*stard isn’t worth two minutes of anyone’s time. He’ll get a good internet thrashing, from the looks of it – and I’m glad the authorities are doing at least something.


      • I fought in the Persian Gulf war and the first loser bush would not let us get sadam so in the second Gulf war we got over 5 thousand dead and another 100,000+ wounded. this is what not fighting to win gets us.


  5. Well, I agree with Tom and everyone else, we have been licking this salt block for years and years, and it’s not getting any smaller, it’s getting bigger, makes me wonder what really Is going on here. Is there a conspiracy involving money on both sides of this equation? This Low life Sappington should be in jail by now, pure and simple. And Unemployed. It’s Black and white, NOT GREY!


  6. Poor thing. There couldn’t have been a sweeter looking horse either, and so young-looking. Well, I’m glad the authorities are taking some kind of action, I didn’t expect much. But it’s more than I expected. This ‘man’ is a contemptible creature, and I thank God I didn’t watch his ugly video.


  7. I wrote to everyone that you said to – I received this information back – seems no one wants to take responsibility:

    Ms. Beardsley – Thank you for your email, this is not an issue that is legally licensed or regulated by the City. The location of the business is in the County. Chaves County cannot legally regulate this type of licensing either as it is licensed at a federal level by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

    The USDA called me yesterday and said that it is now in the hands of the following agency:

    Food Safety Inspection Service at 202-720-9113, although the media/radio/newspaper says it is still in the hands of the USDA…… I have been unable to find out what agency it has moved to.

    It is my understanding from other citizens that the FBI and the local SO have been contacted to inquire about taking action on the act.

    Thank you.


  8. The sad truth is that what happens to Horses INSIDE slaughter houses is far worse. WATCH OUT for AG GAG bills. Those that promote and stand to profit from Horse slaughter would be very happy to see Animal Welfare Advocates labeled as “dangerous”. There is money behind this push…LOTS of money, so beware of trickery.


  9. This nice horse looks like my horse’s stablemate. This is f….ing sickening and this creep needs to be arrested for killing this young healthy looking horse. I can only ask why are these creeps so evil, heartless, and soul less? This makes me sick.


  10. Tom: In any situation like this the other side will use it to their advantage by sending out their trolls, plants and sabotage agents. They would like nothing more than those of us fighting this horrendous thing to appear as militant activists. Notice….the meat plant claims it has received death threats from “terrorists”. There is no evidence that this actually happened, or that if it did it was from any horse advocates. But the thought was put out there to condition the public in to thinking that any one who advocates for the horses must be violently terroristic. When in fact, these alleged threats were most likely originating from places like SlaughterHouse Sue’s camp or other pro slaughter sites if in fact they actually did occur.


    • Yes. What this man has done is incitement, which is a crime. Whether he did it on his own, or on behalf of this burgeoning new ‘industry’, who knows. But I wouldn’t trust these people or give them the satisfaction of too much attention. Anyone who could excuse this behaviour is as bad as he is.


    • Thank you for your logic, calm and reason in this situation, ppjg.

      People need to settle down and respond calmly, logically and with tenacity….not threats, etc.

      This man, the attorney, Santos, Wallis, et al have done more to harm their cause then we will ever be able to do. We have to stay the course with facts, documentation (thx SAPP) and continued communication with our rep, Senators and state houses.


    • Now that stupid congresswoman, Skye McNeil, is claiming death threats from animal activists. All of them are in bed together.


  11. Absolutely correct…Its so frustrating and emotionally draining since we know and love the wonderful animals involved. I also wonder why the innocent always have to pay. When our state closed the last (what we thought) slaughter plant in the US, our group placed baskets of flowers apples, carrots and everything else that our dear equines loved. WE can’t ever give up the fight because all the rest are counting on us – “The Horse Warriors.” May “The Force of the Horse” continue to help us as we all fight the “Dark Forces” in an effort to kill them.


  12. Tears for this horse as no human angel appeared to save this horse from this horrible man. Why? Why do people get away with this kind of violence towards animals with no consequence? Tears for this horse and all the humans and animals of our most fragile world suffering at the hands of mentally ill people. Melody


  13. My hOrrified comments on 1 of YouTube sites today: • cssssswv|
    Although I’d Read all abt this Video; the disgusted Reactions, its Feature-spot on TS radio; I was “ready” 2 WATCH (& so “comment truthfully” in my letters)..
    When I SAW the HORROR of: what he actually DID, & SAID, & (most of all) the way he SPOKE it!! [after “patting” his Trusting horse’s nose]..
    still~ I SCREAMED Aloud*, eyes wide-Open, as Tears began rolling 0ut!
    This* SUB-huMan is absolutely a Pathologic torturer* & killer*, a sure DANGER to community & the World!
    • cssssswv (neXt)
    Pathologic torturer/killer*, a sure DANGER 2 others! There’s N0 doubt he’s done such acts Frequently, w/0 regard 0r hesitation. {& it’s UNlikely to have been “Only” cows & horses; if N0 humans -yet, I’m skeptical! Surely wouldn’t trust Safety of my kids, 0r even turtles, w/in 100miles of him}
    This dangerous twisted mind MUST be locked away with n0 recourse, to Protect Public safety. {even IF “staged” as some suggest, the Same malicious INTENT is ingrained} & just as Dangerous..

    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  14. I absolutely Love this documentary. I think by watching it, so many will understand “why” slaughter is so wrong. The video is on utube The horse is surely not a machine made of meat!

    The Path of the Horse – Full Length documentary


  15. Sappington is aptly named, a sap. This rice dick monster deserves all the bad luck and ill will that will come his way. As far as his personal info goes, it’s easy to find from various sources on the internet.


    • This kind of person never accepts responsibility. so when he gets in trouble for being what he is…..he will take it out on others, to include horses.

      Does anyone know if he still has animals on his property or possession? I fear for them. He is one sick human, but I know you have to be sick to be an equine KB.


      • So, I wonder what our city, county, state and federal authorities would think if we all just carried captive bolt guns (aka, stunners, stun gun, cattle gun, etc) and when we had no use for our horses anymore, or our horse made us mad, or we decided the horse wasn’t the right color anymore, or ?, we all just whipped out our handy-dandy stunner and just started zapping? Many people have a lot of forest, desert, swamp, etc around them that they could simply do away with the horse, and then just leave them there where they dropped….
        Sounds silly that something like this could happen with people encountering horses dead bodies all over after other people dispatch their horses whenever they choose? Well, until horse slaughter dealers licensing, and this applies to ANY person who directly or indirectly sends more than 5 horses a year to slaughter, is applied and enforced, what’s to keep this from happening?
        Oh, that’s right, the “regular people” like we law abiding citizens are not allowed to do stuff like this because there are always rules in place for folks like us (and of course, people like us also do not arbitrarily otrture and kill anmals either)…….however, the low-life scumbags get away with all kinds of stuff, and when “caught” or if the authorities are going to make an example of them, they usually get a mere slap on the wrist and go on to do it again (and I think we all know that this is not an unusual thing for Tim S. to do and he has probably killed hundreds, maybe even thousands of orses, dogs, cats, etc because he is a sociopath most likely and has no sense that he’s doing anything wrong because the feelings of compassion, empathy, love, etc, just aren’t there……).

        And what Denise wrote above is cause for concern because creeps like Timmy S. are prone to “push-back” when caught for doing something like what he did, and being the cowards they are, they do tend to abuse, torture and kill animals again (unless instead they abuse other people, so will go after their kids, wife, girlfriend, etc) but they make sure they aren’t caught….that man should be investigated and monitored to make sure he isn’t inflicting any more pain or suffering on any other animals (or people)…..wonder if Timmy kills and eats his dogs too? 😦


  16. the thing that gets me is that the legal system and the media again victimized the victims, the horse advocates! All of those creeps have jumped on the Ricky bandwagon saying that they have received death threats. Fact is, i would bet that there were no death threats at all, at least from advocates. I’ve seen this crap played out before. It is a ploy to draw attention away from the criminals and put it on the victims.


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