Month: December 2013

Tribute to the Lost Wild Horses of Wyoming

“This past week we have been following the extraordinary adventures of Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s Carol Walker as she has endured sub-zero temperatures in an effort to capture the last images of wild horses in Salt Wells and Adobe Town where the BLM is attempting to manage the herds into total extinction. The current operation has concluded and what Carol shares with us today are the ghostly images of 40 PZPed mares being released into another area, not their home, without their mates and without their babies…at times like these, it is difficult to say ‘Keep the Faith’.” ~ R.T.

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Court Says AQHA can Delay Clone Registrations

Wild Horse Freedom Federation has been following the horse cloning issue and this court case.  Just a reminder, as “unwanted” horses are sent to an inhumane slaughter, the slaughtered mares’ ovaries and unfertilized eggs are used to create CLONED horses. Rancher Jason Abraham of Canadian, Texas, and Amarillo veterinarian Gregg Veneklasen, […]

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Wyoming BLM Wild Horse Helicopter Stampede Over; Captured, Shattered, Herd Remnants All That Remains

This past weekend the public was not allowed to witness nor audit the controversial BLM helicopter wild horse stampede and roundup in the Red Desert of Wyoming. This subversive action on the part of the federal agency so infuriated the Board and Officers of Wild Horse Freedom Federation that Advisory Board Member and noted photographer Carol Walker put our cares and concerns for the weather aside and traveled to the area in question to be the eyes and ears for WHFF and the wild horse and burro advocacy. Below is her report along with her photographs which will be added to her stunning collection of wild equine photography at upon her return home. Carol will cover the release of the PZPed mares and final operations before heading back, stay tuned.

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Power Plants Frying Feathers

USA Today ran an excellent article on solar projects in California written by K Kaufmann of The Desert Sun.  K Kaufmann has many other interesting articles on the greenenergy blog of The Desert Sun that you can read HERE. (Just a reminder that former Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Bob Abbey, is a partner of Abbey, […]

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A Personal Thanksgiving Greeting/Threat from a BLM Wild Horse Helicopter Stampede Contractor

“Feel Good Sunday” is canceled for this day. Sorry, I was planning on writing about what an uplifting and endearing experience Terry and I had on Black Friday riding our companion horses on Galveston Beach versus being tied up in a mall with a bunch of crazy people but that is going to have to wait for another day as the plight of our wild horses and the antics of the BLM pushed all that goodness and light off onto the back burner, as usual.

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