Equine Rescue

Mare & Foal Sanctuary in England

I couldn’t wait for Feel Good Sunday to post the photos below from the Mare & Foal Sanctuary in England.  Breeze, the abandoned foal, is comforted by Buttons the Teddy Bear.

Meanwhile, on this side of the pond, the BLM puts wild horse foals at risk of freezing to death at Rock Springs Corrals in Wyoming.  It seems like Ed Roberson, BLM’s Asst. Director of Resources and Planning, must have rocks in his head to allow this to happen.  And a big shout out to Joan “euthanize wild horses on the range” Guilfoyle (BLM’s Chief of the Wild Horse & Burro Program), who sits in a cozy Washington office, but has not installed shelter for the captive wild horses in freezing weather, even when Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation offered to purchase materials and have it installed at no cost to the BLM.

Anyhow, it’s good to know that there are people in the world who do have compassion and actually care for horses.  It’s just not the leadership of the BLM, who seem to continually and unabashedly violate their mandate to protect wild horses & burros.   – Debbie Coffey

foal pic1  photo credit:  SWNS (a London photography company)

foal pic 2

foal pic 3

foal pic 4

from the website for Mare & Foal Sanctuary:

Life’s a Breeze

Here, Syra tells the story of our orphaned foal, Breeze, and how his quest to find a teddy bear touched the hearts of thousands across the globe.

None of us here could have prepared ourselves for what happened when little Breeze came into our lives.

Breeze was born in the early hours one morning in May. The farmer found him running from mare to mare trying to suckle; none would entertain him and he kept being pushed away. We do not know what happened to his mother- we think it is possible she just didn’t have any milk.

The Sanctuary was called to help the little foal. When we arrived, Breeze literally collapsed into our arms. We rushed him back to the Sanctuary and our vet met us there. Breeze was extremely dehydrated, covered in cuts and bruises and so very tiny. Tests showed he had none of the vital colostrum that provides immunity for a new born foal, so he was in serious danger of getting an infection. He was placed onto drips and various medications; it was touch and go for a while but slowly and surely, over the following weeks, Breeze fought back.

The poor little foal was so traumatised he struggled to sleep, or rest for any length of time. That is, until we found him a giant cuddly toy called Buttons to snuggle up to. Breeze was finally on the mend.

You would think that was the end of this story…think again!

Before we knew what was happening our little Breeze had become a global sensation- appearing on news shows, in newspapers and on websites around the world. The story of the orphaned foal and his teddy bear had touched the hearts of thousands worldwide.

And Breeze? Well, he’s taken his new found stardom in his stride. Now two and a half months old and 8.2hh, our little foal is growing into a big, strong – and rather cheeky – boy. He loves nothing better than playing out in the field with his new pony companion Pippin, a miniature Shetland who also came to us as an orphan back in 2012.

To think of that tiny, weak foal we found on the moor, compared to the healthy, happy colt that Breeze is today…the difference is astounding.

Yet if it wasn’t for the generosity and kindness of our supporters, Breeze may not be here today. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to save ponies like Breeze and provide them with the veterinary treatment and care they so desperately need. So, from us and from Breeze – thank you.

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12 replies »

  1. I thank god every day for people like this. It is very heart warming and I know everyone on this site would be the first to jump at the chance to save little guys like this. May god bless them all!


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