Horse News

BLM News: Public Tour of Bruneau Off-Range Corrals May 13

Unedited BLM Press Release

BLM News

DATE: April 25, 2016
CONTACT: Heather Tiel-Nelson, 208-736-2352
Public Tour of Bruneau Off-Range Corrals May 13
The Bruneau Off-Range Corrals are located at 28536 Jacks Creek Road, and are privately owned and operated. About a 75-minute drive southeast of Boise, the facility provides care for up to 3,500 wild horses or burros. The facility encompasses 80 acres containing 39 large holding pens, each pen measuring 70,000 square feet that will safely hold approximately 100 horses. The horses receive an abundance of feed tailored to their needs each day, along with a constant supply of fresh water through automatic watering troughs. Free choice mineral block supplements are also provided to the animals in each pen. A veterinarian routinely inspects the horses and provides necessary medical care as needed. BLM strives to place horses removed from the range into good, private homes.  
BLM will offer a public tour of the Bruneau Off-Range Corrals on Friday, May 13. Two public tours will be offered — the first will begin at 10 a.m. and the second will begin at 1 p.m. Each tour will last about two hours and will accommodate up to 20 people. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The public can sign up to attend and receive driving directions to the facility by calling BLM at (208) 845-2001.
What to Know Before You Go On a Public Tour
•         Tours start promptly at the scheduled time, so be at the facility a few minutes early or the wagon may leave and we cannot come back to pick you up
•         Bring comfortable shoes and clothes. Hats and sunscreen recommended 
•         Bring your own water
•         Cameras and video cameras welcome
•         Visitors will not be able to walk around the facility unaccompanied. They must travel with the group in the wagon at all times
Can I sign up for a tour right now?
Please RSVP for one of the two tours by May 10, 2016. You may RSVP by calling BLM at (208) 845-2001.

1 reply »

  1. This is rare that BLM will allow a tour like this. You can imagine the taxpayer dollars this person that owns the property is pocketing. This person may be more interested in doing a good job of boarding the horses than others doing the same thing. This is like the other tours that BLM has arranged you are told you can’t take a walk by yourself, this one included. I wonder why not? Afraid you might see something your not supposed to see?? This might be one of the better farms but you never know. You wonder too just how many of the horses at this place have left in the middle of the night headed for a slaughter plant in Canada from the location Canada is closer than Mexico. But I still think that the large majority of the 50 thousand horses are long gone, a place like this is set up just for show.

    Liked by 1 person

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