Month: May 2016

The BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Statistics Continue to Suck

“For years we have verified and reported on the BLM’s junk science, bogus numbers, poor math and yet they continue to spew nonsense, propaganda and misinformation to the ever eager and uninformed mainstream media. From buzzwords like ‘feral’ and ‘overpopulation’ the BLM spins tales of doom and gloom about the upcoming apocalypse of the wild ones while ignoring the profiteering of welfare ranchers whose subsidized, private cattle out number protected wild horses and burros by 100s to 1 on our public lands.

Once again, our avid researcher, Grandma Gregg, has discovered yet another number published by the BLM that would make one believe that our wild burros are reproducing faster than cloned rabbits. If it were not so illegal and sad it would be funny.” ~ R.T.

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2 Horses Die in Races Before Preakness

By Steve Almasy, CNN “A total of 4,649 thoroughbreds…died in racetrack-related incidents from 2009 to 2015…” Two racehorses died Saturday at Pimlico Race Course, site of the Preakness Stakes to be held later in the day. Homeboykris collapsed after the first race of the day while walking back […]

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