Month: May 2016

Senate Committee Approves USDA Bill; Horse Slaughter Defunding Intact

“One step closer…” The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved its version of the 2017 fiscal year Agriculture Appropriations bill, the American Horse Council reports. This bill provides funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from Oct. 1, 2016, through Sept. 30, 2017.  The bill contains several provisions that impact the horse industry, including the so-called “horse slaughter […]

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New Information Reveals Unreported Death in Experimental Wild Mare/Burro Sterilizations performed by Dr. Leon Pielstick

Source: The Cloud Foundation Dr. Pielstick is scheduled to perform mare sterilization research at Oregon State University Colorado Springs, CO – On May 10, The Cloud Foundation (TCF) received a call from an unnamed Phoenix resident who had witnessed deadly burro and mare sterilization operations performed in Arizona last […]

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Equine Waterboarding Torture

Source: Animal Recovery Mission A.R.M. Investigation Just days ago, a post appeared up on Facebook, one that Logan Carr Allen had no idea would spark an international outrage. To Logan, it was just another day and he wanted to share what he was proud of. Except, once the […]

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BLM: Liars, Liars Pants on FIRE

“We were about to post the BLM’s latest propoganda and lie-fest when Grandma Gregg sent an email that lit me up.  Instead of posting her comment after the article we are using it as a ‘forward’ to the idiot article, it’s just too much…so Grandma, tell us what […]

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