The Force of the Horse

A Former Wild Stallion’s Letter to Santa

By “ACE’ one of the last Wild Stallions of Twin Peaks

Dear Santa-


Recent photo of Ace (right) taken by Jamie Joling

I am an old wild stallion. I am told that I am one of the last Twin Peaks stallions. I have had a wonderful life as Mother Nature planned for me from the very day I was born. I lived the first 22 years free and wild and learned from my sire and dam and siblings and family what was good for me to eat and where to find the fresh water springs that are hidden in the hills. I romped and played with the young colts and fillies in my extended family. Under the watchful protection of our family members, we young horses frolicked in the snow and creeks and rested in the shade of the old Juniper trees in the heat of the summer. Life was very good. I later grew to be a healthy, robust and compassionate herd stallion with beautiful loyal mares and amusing vigorous offspring. Although I now have a good “retirement” life in a home with other displaced animals, my life in the wild was perfect for a wild one like me!

Although I live for today, I often warmly think about the “good old days” when hundreds of we wild ones roamed free. Where are my wild friends that I knew those many years? Where are my mares and foals today? Why was our family torn from each other and our peaceful and natural world destroyed? I have over-heard humans say that our life in the wild was traded for money. Santa, what is money? Could it possibly be more important than our wild hearts and lives and families and land?

I know you are very busy Santa, but today I am asking you to help all creatures that have not been as lucky as me. I have heard that there are fewer and fewer wild horses and burros that are allowed to live wild and free.   I do not understand this but I do know it is wrong. What I am asking from you is for you to watch over and protect all animals and help them to be able to live their lives as Mother Nature intended for them. Do not allow them to be chased and trapped and caged and starved and abused and killed.

Santa, I will continue to dream of my days gone by but I am asking you today to watch over all creatures great and small and to teach all human beings to think with their hearts.

Thank you, Santa.

– “ACE”

17 replies »

  1. Reblogged this on chrllrobb and commented:
    A very good letter to Santa. We could all use a letter to Santa. May we all have a better and kinder New Year. Merry Christmas everyone. Two legged and four.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Ace, for your letter to Santa. May your wishes all come true. Some prayers for a miracle may help too.
    BTW, Ace, how old are you now? Stay well .

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Poignantly beautiful, the song, the images… Here’s to the New Year and our Horse Warrior battles to #KeepWildHorsesWild and #EndHorseSlaughter

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Everyone just please remember, for 2017 we should resolve to “keep our eyes on the prize” (fixing this whole business,) however given the realities of Congress and the incoming administration, what we’re going to need to is double down on those issues where we can actually achieve some meaningful results. Advocates are driven by emotion, but to be successful we have to be guided by practicality.

    Don’t give up the big fight but tackle those battles that you can win. Sometimes you can only gain ground an inch at a time.

    Peace out.


  5. To all the folks who work hard every day to protect our beautiful equines both wild and domestic
    And to our horses and burros – there is always a brighter tomorrow

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Captured BLM Wild Horse Gets New Home
    March 2011

    I have been crying for the wild horses and burros since my daughter called me on her way back from the Twin Peaks Roundup last summer -after she saw for herself what REALLY happens to the horses and burros during the BLM stampedes. This week however, my tears were of joy … it’s about time something GOOD happened … even if it is just a small step in a gigantic tragic story. One of only a few remaining Twin Peaks wild stallions was “sprung” from a BLM wild horse and burro facility

    While trying to find and acquire a Twin Peaks wild horse named BraveHeart, we went to the BLM holding facility. In the “possible release” pen, was a bay stallion with a large white star. From seeing him on a website, we knew he had been magnificent and had a beautiful large family on the range. Looking at him in the small dirty pen he almost did not seem like the same horse but because this horse had only one ear (the other ear is there but it flops down – maybe from a past stallion fight) we knew it was him. The horse we saw at the BLM facility hung his head and was withdrawn and obviously depressed – a very sad sight. All of a sudden out of the blue, my daughter said to me, “His name is ACE – he told me”. Why ACE? Because he had only one ear and because he was a number one kind of guy … although on that day we did not know how special he would later become to us. We left the facility devastated that BLM had allowed our chosen BraveHeart to “disappear” … as so many wild ones do in their hands. Soon afterwards we discovered that the big bay stallion was not chosen to be returned to his range … and would be gelded and sent to a long-term holding facility … never to be free again. This only added to the sickening feeling that my daughter and I had experienced when we discovered the stallion BraveHeart had undergone the same treatment. We could not allow it to happen again.
    Read the rest of Ace’s story here

    Liked by 2 people

    • And for those that don’t know how inhumane, cruel, and stupid the BLM contractors are, watch how they must chase another stallion named Braveheart, his mare and colt, yes, just a small herd of 3, into a trap. Then, they stupidly tie a gelding saddle horse right next to the stallion’s mare. IDIOTS! Braveheart loses his life suffering a broken neck trying to protect his family…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Letter to Santa: I wish God gave me the monies that the disgraceful Koch brothers have – they don’t help animals or humans. It’s all about the green back. If God had given me the money of these idiots, I would buy acreage in every state, wild horses would be able to live with their families there, domestic horses would never be bought by the despicable killer buyer, but have a home for life with my love and care and all the shelters would be out of business, but these beautiful dogs, cats, etc. would be with me and any adoptions would be with an unannounced visit at every 3 months. If any of my previous animals were not being taken care of, they would be pulled that day and returned to my loving care. There would be no killer buyer trucks because no animal could be purchased at an auction as I would buy them before they hit the auction floor and no animal would end up across our borders. But God didn’t grant me this dream. Oh how I wish I could do this for all these animals that I love and cherish. And the BLM would have a long fight on their hands, as well as the ranchers, stealing our ranges from our wild horses, donkeys, and burros. Dear Santa, please work to be a place of love, caring, and that no animals be mistreated as if they are trash – to be thrown away as a discarded piece of furniture. I wish you, Santa, had a special way with God, so this could be done by me for all the animals that I love and cherish and would be providing a deserving home for them. May Karma go after all who hurt these beautiful animals.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Than you Lynne Jones, beautifully said. We have the same idea about what to do with money. The video was beautiful but sad. These wild and free horses have been brought to their knees. I pray that this New Year will bring changes for all animals and mankind.


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