Wild Horses/Mustangs

3,600 wild horses shot down in mass aerial killing in northern Australia

Source:  express.co.uk

SLAUGHTER: 3,600 wild horses shot down in mass animal cull because they ‘damage nature’

photo:  Getty

RANGERS have shot down roughly 20 per cent of the wild animals of Kakadu Park, a Unesco world heritage site in the Australian Northern Territory, because the animals could cause ‘damage’ to the region.

Some 3,652 wild horses were shot from a helicopter by a team of rangers in the Australian national park.A further 1,965 buffalo, 294 pigs as well as some donkeys were slaughtered in the ariel culling.Much of the land, which was fully listed as a UNESCO site in 1992, is still owned by aboriginal Bininj and Mungguy people who have been rooted in the land for tens of thousands of years.
But park officials claim the mass culling – the biggest since 2009 when 7,000 so-called-pests were killed – was necessary to protect the “sensitive ecosystem” of Kakadu.Park manager Pete Cotsell said: “There has been a rising appetite to reduce the animals, which were spreading at an alarming rate according to surveys  last year.“Removing large feral animals  allows native plants near rivers, billabongs and springs to regenerate, improving feeding and breeding habitats for aquatic life.Read the rest of this article HERE.


21 replies »

  1. Its so painful and sad to read all these stories. I can not comprehend the lack of compassion some people in the World have including our own country. I am constantly praying for their safety. And yet these horrible news stories tell about more deaths purpratrated by human beings. I am totally saddened that we aren’t able to stop this.


    • This greatly saddens all of us, but we cannot let this go without notice or let the lives of these beautiful wild horses be forgotten.


  2. “Damage” to the region?
    What about URANIUM?

    Radioactive acid spill in Australian national park
    By Michael Slezak/ December 9, 2013

    Pollution in paradise

    Home to many indigenous Australians and unique wildlife, Kakadu National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and also where much of Crocodile Dundee was filmed. The Ranger mine is not technically part of the park, but is completely surrounded by it.

    Energy Resources Australia, which runs the mine, says there has been “no impact to the environment” because the spill was contained with the mine site. A spokesperson for the government’s Supervising Scientist Division said a thorough investigation has confirmed the leak did not escape the site. But environmental groups are not satisfied.

    The Australian Greens party has called for the mine to be shut down. “Lines on a map do not protect Kakadu from the impact of the toxic uranium mine,” says Scott Ludlam, its spokesperson on nuclear issues.

    The mine’s lease expires in 2021.



    The Apache vs. Rio Tinto
    The San Carlos tribe is fighting to block a massive mining project that would cut a two-mile wide crater through sacred land.
    By Nick KimbrellTwitter
    July 31, 2015

    Last December, the Senate passed the $585 billion National Defense Authorization Act. Tucked deep inside the 697-page bill, which covered everything from military pay to training programs for Iraqi security forces, was a land exchange provision handing over 2,400 acres of Arizona’s Tonto National Forest to Resolution Copper

    For nearly a decade, they had successfully fought to protect a stretch of the park known as Oak Flat from Resolution Copper, a joint venture between foreign mining giants Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton

    Many Arizona lawmakers, including Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, support the mining proposal and have ties to the mining industry.


  4. From AMERICAN HERDS/January 2008 (excerpts)

    Over the last few months, Australia has found itself in the news again through a series of articles that has exposed plans to shoot as many as 14,000 wild horses or brumbies, as they are called down under, in order to protect Australia’s native species and habitat.

    In report after report, study after study, region after region and country after country, it all reads the same – there is no home for a wild horse or donkey – for as we are told, somewhere in their history they stopped being a species and have merely become a breed.

    There is no resource they do not threaten, no species they do not endanger, no ecosystem that can withstand their impacts and “environmentalists” repeatedly call for their complete removal to protect the natives.

    With no habitat to call home, they are always cited as “feral” in any area they now occur and their 56 million years of functional evolutionary coexistence on this planet is causally swept aside by those who demand pristine ecosystems free of all traces of human influence by removing the “feral animals”.

    So today I ponder……what is a feral horse or asses crime that could cause such relentless persecution?

    Perhaps for too long they have been held captive by man and as a result, have become tainted by their mere acquaintance with us – never native, always feral, they have become unclean like mankind itself and those that seek their complete eradication long for a place they can go that is unspoiled by our heavy footprints, our wanton destruction, our ignorance and lack of respect for the Earth and all her children – the other natives “feral” horses and asses are no longer a part of because of too much time spent with us.

    Perhaps those that lobby for their complete absence seek a place they can forget about what mankind has done, what we are doing, longing to return to a place of innocence that is pure and natural, to connect with this majestic and magnificent planet in all its splendor and glory, desperately trying to run away from the ever-expanding concrete hives we have paved Her with as they try to pretend – just for a moment -that all is well in the world.

    And then trots by the “feral” horse….. a reminder of a species we enslaved and forced to help us build the very things that now enslave us.

    Perhaps there is jealousy that the horses and donkeys can still live for free, easily making almost any area “home” without having to pay their debt to society like the humans, livestock, or hunted animals must do.

    Or maybe it comes from resentment and the fact that the truest “feral”, non-native, exotic species on the planet is mankind itself, as there is no natural habitat for us – no place to call home – only what we fashion and forge through stripping these very ecosystems now held hostage by our insatiable needs.


  5. What a horrifying act of animal cruelty. What in the world are they getting away with this horrendous act of cruelty? What is wrong with society letting this happen to these wild horse’s is outrageous. So disturbing to me to see this happen to these amazing wild horse’s. There actions of animal cruelty should not be allowed its unjustified inhumane slaughter.


  6. Great job…this was one that I was going to post…thanks, Deb.  R.T. Fitch Author – “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” President of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation The Force of the Horse®, LLC 1-800-974-FOTH http://www.rtfitch.com http://www.rtfitchauthor.com http://www.facebook.com/rtfitch http://www.wildhorsefreedomfederation.org

    From: Straight from the Horse’s Heart To: rt@rtfitch.com Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:49 PM Subject: [New post] 3,600 wild horses shot down in mass aerial killing in northern Australia #yiv9518869208 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9518869208 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9518869208 a.yiv9518869208primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9518869208 a.yiv9518869208primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9518869208 a.yiv9518869208primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9518869208 a.yiv9518869208primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9518869208 WordPress.com | debbiecoffey posted: “Source:  express.co.ukSLAUGHTER: 3,600 wild horses shot down in mass animal cull because they ‘damage nature’photo:  GettyRANGERS have shot down roughly 20 per cent of the wild animals of Kakadu Park, a Unesco world heritage site in the Austra” | |


  7. I am so saddened & angry after reading this. It is so disturbing to know there are people who disregard the lives of animals so easily. What I would really like to do is round up all of the sorry ass S.O.B.’s who place so little value on these lives, drop them off somewhere far away from civilization, then partake in an aerial culling on those bastards!!


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