Horse News

Feel Good Sunday: Studies Show that Women Who are Horse Guardians Live Longer than Those Who Aren’t

Source: Breaking

“The next pressing question should be; ‘Do men who live with female horse guardians live longer?’ or maybe more to the point, ‘Do men who live with female horse guardians have more money?’, just asking.  Have a Feel Good Sunday.” ~ R.T.

Equine photographer Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation with several members of the rescued Fitch herd ~ photo by R.T. Fitch

Recent studies done in Western NC, Northern Virginia and northern Florida involving various groups of “horsey” and non “horsey women are showing some startling results. The double blind study followed women in different age groups over a forty year time frame to capture this objective data.

The study grouped women into two groups of horse (for at least five years) & non-horse owners and then further into ten year age spans. The most significant spike in longevity came at the 65-75 age span which showed highest disparity at 20 longer lives for horse women.

Researchers point to the facts of higher forms of exercise, outdoor exposure and socialization of the horse women as likely contributing to the longevity but the women agree that their horses often contribute to their sense of well-being and as a group, these women also tended to be less symptomatic in high blood pressure, diabetes and general heart conditions.

7 replies »

  1. Men who live with women who ar horse guardians may not live longer than men who don’t; but for sure those men have empty pockets and so do the women. LOL


  2. Actually, why didn’t they include men in this study? The stereotype we “horsey women” or mustang advocate chics face is “oh it’s just the horse-crazy females at it again.” But men feel like we do about the equids, at least our rescue mustangs & burros tell me so. So why be sexist about it?
    Leaving that aside, nice article!


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