Horse Slaughter

U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah “jokes” at the Slaughter Summit, “The French think every horse should be Sea-Brisket”

Utah’s Rep. Rob Bishop (photo: BYU)

What did Utah’s Congressman Rob Bishop, who chairs the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee, say at the recent secretive “Slaughter Summit” in Salt Lake City, Utah?  (That he likely wouldn’t say publicly.)

“U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah took the stage holding a children’s toy stick horse and cracked a joke about riding a horse to work as Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done in the streets of Washington.

Bishop, who chairs the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee, said that despite his holding a toy, the summit was addressing a serious issue that many across the country and in Congress don’t understand because they’ve been swayed by activists “who care more about fundraising opportunities than the animals.”

“There are members of Congress who truly believe that every horse is Seabiscuit.  Of course, the French think every horse should be Sea-Brisket,” he joked.  (Source:  Las Vegas Sun)

Hey, Rob what about all the money that Dave Duquette gets paid by Protect the Harvest to pimp for horse slaughter?  Duquette is really the one who “cares more about fundraising opportunities than the animals.”  Duquette, as you can see on his facebook page, is even building himself a big ol’ house outside Hermiston, Oregon.

This “Slaughter Summit” consisted not only of Rep. Rob Bishop’s bad “joke” and false “facts,” but also of secretive, closed-door meetings between special interest groups and the government employees pandering to them.  But, what happened in Utah will not stay in Utah.



17 replies »


    Critics: Utah horse meeting is secretive ‘slaughter summit’
    MICHELLE L. PRICE and SCOTT SONNER Associated Press

    Utah is spending up to $50,000 from money set aside for horse and burro programs to co-sponsor the summit.

    Utah Department of Natural Resources Director Mike Styler said Wednesday that the state is paying to record the summit and the recordings will be posted online in a few days.–wild-horse-summit-20170823-story.html


  2. My hope is every person salivating or knowingly consuming horse meat will ultimately be faced with consequences from their poor and disgusting choices.
    As a vegetarian I also am dismayed about all animal life that suffers to be a part of someone’s appetite.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. SO…”they” all think this is real funny?


    Critics: Utah horse meeting is secretive ‘slaughter summit’
    MICHELLE L. PRICE and SCOTT SONNER Associated Press

    U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah took the stage holding a children’s toy stick horse and cracked a joke about riding a horse to work as Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has done in the streets of Washington.–wild-horse-summit-20170823-story.html


    • Beautiful pictures – and by the way WHERE are all those skinny horses???? Just wondering – because having seen lots of pictures from different photographers – somehow the horses all look not just fit but very well-fed! I sure do question where all the skinny starving wild horses are!


  4. What rite do you or any one in government. Have the rite to murder the people’s mules and wild mustangs.
    They are not yours to kill. They are all the people of the United States. There should be a vote by the citizens. These burro’s and wild Mustangs helped are County to become a great nation. Rep Rob Bishop. You are now on a list to vote against .


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