Horse News

More Wild Horses Including Curlies Lose Their Freedom in Salt Wells Creek


Wild Horses Including Curlies Lose Their Freedom in Salt Wells Creek

by Carol J. Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Maestro and a yearling

Maestro and a yearling

Yesterday I went out to see wild horses that were still free after the horrible morning watching 167 get captured. It usually serves as a balm and helps combat the feelings of helplessness generated by watching large groups of wild horses that should never be captured rounded u with helicopters. But this time I knew that freedom was fleeting for these horses. I had heard that the BLM was going to round up horses the next day who were near the 191 highway in Salt Wells Creek because some horses had been killed on the highway and it was a hazard for public safety. We passed a game warden who told us that there was a big group at the top of the hill.


Sure enough, once we wound our way up the hill we saw a large group of wild horses grazing behind a fence on a flat area. I parked and we walked out toward them. The horses were completely unconcerned by our approach.

Little black foal nursing

Little black foal nursing

Curly mare and foal

Curly mare and foal

Many foals were lying down napping, and I spotted a bald faced sorrel mare who had a tiny foal nursing. He or she looked to be less than a week old. I was concerned about the little one’s ability to run from the helicopter the next day and decided to let them know about this foal so they would hopefully look out for it. As we were watching I realized that many of these horses were Curlies, with curly coats and manes. Here is a link for information on them:

Maestro chasing off another stallion

Maestro chasing off another stallion

There was an impressive bay stallion with a very wavy curly mane and there was a gorgeous pinto stallion red and white, who really seemed to be the big boss, who I learned was named Maestro.    READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE HERE.

11 replies »

  1. Scary – this big push to round up yet more horses – and have no place to put them! So absolutely beautiful – no justification for this whatsoever.



    Symbols Of

    In 1971, due to overwhelming outcry and support by the American people, the wild free-roaming horses and burros of America became the first and last of their kind; the only two species to ever have a National law established solely for their protection and preservation.
    Regardless of the history or culture, we have always deeply connected to animals, weaving them or what they symbolize into the fabric of our daily lives. Often, these connections have been religious or spiritual in nature, as the essence of the animal was perceived as embodying a desirable trait, value, or ability that humans wished to emulate or draw from.
    So what is it about wild horses and burros that called to the spirit of the American people to declare them a National icon? Here are some thoughts…..

    Spirit of the Horse-
    Much like the men and women who explored these vast and untamed lands, some wild horses would rather die than be enslaved. Wild horses exude a fierce independence that is never wholly broken and even today, a captured wild horse may break their neck or legs trying to escape a life of domesticity, restriction, and confinement.
    Breathtakingly beautiful to behold, their wild state conveys tremendous passion, strength, courage and raw power. Embodying the very essence of freedom, they reach deep inside the human heart, invoking memories of our ancient past, resonating with our inner longing for Liberty, that inalienable right and self-evident truth that we declared would be the foundation of our Nation.

    Is it any wonder the wild horse has been subjected to such persecution, harassment and death? For those ruled by fear of the unknown, that value dominance, conformity, subordination, servitude, and security, the essence of the wild horse is a constant threat; a living, breathing reminder and symbol of our necessity for freedom to nourish and illuminate the soul.


    • You’ve got to love that spirit about them, and no wonder people find them exemplary. What poor excuses for leadership we’ve got nowadays.


      From AWHPC website

      RSGA controls the rangeland in the Wyoming checkerboard, an area 40 miles wide by 70 miles long that runs along the historic transcontinental railway corridor. RSGA owns 550,000 acres outright and leases an additional 450,000 acres from the Anadarko Land Company, a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corp. RSGA also holds permits to graze livestock on a large portion of the public lands in the checkerboard. RSGA owns members graze approximately 50,000 to 70,000 sheep and about 5,000 cattle on deeded private lands and leased public lands. By contrast, just 1,100- 1,600 wild horses are allowed to roam the area.

      Thanks to taxpayer subsidies, RSGA members graze livestock on public lands for approximately one-twelfth (1/12) of the going market rate. The RSGA complaint, filed on July 27, 2011, seeks a court order that will (a) result in removing all wild horses from private lands in the Wyoming Checkerboard area, and (b) declare that the BLM “must remove all of the wild horses that have strayed onto the RSGA lands and the adjacent public lands within the Wyoming Checkerboard.”

      JOHN HAY, President
      Rock Springs National Bank
      P.O. Box 880
      Rock Springs, WY 82902


  3. The BANK$


    At The Root

    Whether you’re passion is wild horses and burros, wildlife or just someone who loves to go hiking around in nature, eventually we all run into the same issue; the degradation of public lands by poorly managed livestock grazing and our government authorizing unsustainable numbers for decades.
    The question becomes why…..

    Why does public lands ranching have such a death grip on our natural resources? How is it that after all these years, little has changed despite overwhelming evidence of the damage? Why, despite all the laws and many, many good dedicated people in the government agencies themselves that have tried to effect change, nothing substantial can be done? Why is it that report after report submitted to Congress clearly outlining the mismanagement and malfeasance of livestock grazing to our resources, including wild horses and burros, is met with indifference as they not only continue to support livestock grazing but will viciously fight for the rights of ranchers time and time again? And how is it possible that just a handful of ranchers who produce less than 3% of America’s beef on public lands continue to wield so much power over our Nation?

    Well, the answer is, they don’t. The BANKS do, just like everything else these days and it’s the BANKS that continue to dictate American policy and cause Congress to ask “How high?” when they ask them to jump.


  4. The problem w/ wind is that it is entirely dependent on weather. What happens when the climate completes current cycle if the winds alter their flow. Word from GWP that ice mass in Arctic is rapidly thickening. In an otherwise hot summer, we had a week in July, August, September each when weather was in 70’s. My wild horse did not completely shed out to her fine coat.


    • HH, what is GWP? Can you link the references to Arctic ice thickening? Thousands of photo documentation reports show otherwise, and entire Arctic villages are having to relocate.

      Interesting about your horse not shedding — though this is photoperiodic, si isn’t directly temperature related, but might indicate some variation in the sun’s rays piercing our atmosphere. Would be interesting to document this. My own horses shed out slowly (NW CO) but didn’t take but a few weeks before starting to thicken up again, despite a very hot, dry summer.


  5. I don’t understand this horrible way of treating these wonderful horses that are part of the US history! Shame on BLM and the ranchers for doing this but all the meat eaters are to blame.cows are taking the place of wild life. Ranchers should keep there cattle on their land and not kill other animals on federal land.


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