Horse News

Rural Nevada residents lash out over tribal horse roundup

Benjamin Spillman | Reno Gazette Journal

“I kept screaming, ‘Stop, get off my land.’ He didn’t pay any attention to me. He just kept going,” she said. “He scared my horses away and they ran with the wild horses.”

Kate Carlson laments the loss of three horses she cared for on her property in Palomino Valley. The horses were herded away during a Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe feral horse roundup. Carlson said the roundup workers trespassed on her land and she fears the horses will be sent to slaughter.
Benjamin Spillman/RGJ

Before it descended into chaos, Friday was a typical morning in rural Palomino Valley for Kate Carlson.

>A four-year resident of the valley between Sparks and Pyramid Lake, Carlson was outside tending to the dozens of animals she cares for on her 40-acre property.

But whatever sense of calm she felt shattered with the sound of a motorcycle zipping across her land.

“This guy was racing through my property and purposely revving his motor,” Carlson said.

‘He scared my horses away’

The motorcycle rider, whom she didn’t recognize, ignored her pleas to turn away and instead focused on some nearby horses, including three Carlson said she had just turned loose to graze.

“I kept screaming, ‘Stop, get off my land.’ He didn’t pay any attention to me. He just kept going,” she said. “He scared my horses away and they ran with the wild horses.”

It was only later that Carlson learned that the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, along with a private livestock contractor, were in the midst of a multi-day horse gather that included Palomino Valley.

Now she’s worried that three horses she’s been taking care of for years will be sold and potentially shipped off for slaughter.

“They are gentle, they have names, they are my horses,” said Carlson of the animals that include a stallion named Gentle Warrior, a mare named Mama and a colt named Little Dear.

“It is devastating,” she said.

Carlson isn’t the only Palomino Valley resident upset about the roundup.

Colleen Westlake said her horse, a mare named Lady, also got swept up.

Westlake, of Sparks, said she found out Saturday from her friend who boards Lady that the horse had been herded off.

“She called me and she said they took your horse, they took all the horses,” Westlake said.

Lady was one of two Pyramid Lake Paiute tribal horses Westlake adopted in July through the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

The other horse, a stallion she named Thor, had a growth on his leg that didn’t respond to treatment, and he had to be euthanized.

“I held my horse when they had to put him down, and I promised him I would take care of Lady,” Westlake said. “Now I have broken my promise.”…(Continued)

10 replies »

  1. Is this the same roundup?
    The Forest Service is responsible for this as they are in the Devil’s Garden Wild Horse capture and removal operation in California:

    USFS rounds up 532 tribal horses near Nevada-Oregon line

    Forest Service officials say they’ve completed the roundup of more than 500 tribally-owned horses on national forest land in Nevada near the Oregon line.
    The agency announced Wednesday it has returned the 532 mustangs to the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe.
    Tribal members will decide whether to sell the horses or take other action to prevent them from unauthorized grazing on neighboring federal lands about 75 miles (120 kilometers) north of Winnemucca.
    Tribal Chairman Tildon Smart says the cooperative effort will help the tribe reduce the number of horses on the reservation and develop a long-term sustainable grazing program.
    Forest Service district ranger Joe Garrotto says they plan another roundup in the Santa Rosa district early next year.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. From American Wild Horse Campaign facebook

    On Friday and Saturday (today), members of the tribe and employees of Cattoor Livestock Roundups hired by the tribe chased horses by helicopter, ATV, motorcycle and with wranglers on horseback from private and public land onto reservation land.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. From American Wild Horse Campaign

    n addition to criminal trespass and horse theft, the roundup violates Nevada state law relating to estray livestock. Since most of the horses captured were of tribal origin but were unbranded with no physical signs of domestication and at large on private and public lands off the reservation, they legally are classified as “feral/estray” livestock, and cannot be rounded up without prior public notice. (NRS 569.045). The requirement is specifically in place to protect property owners and give citizens a mechanism to reclaim their animals if they are captured in a “gather” of estray livestock.

    What You Can Do!

    1. Request that the State put an immediate hold on the shipment of all horses captured in Palomino Valley while allegations of trespass, theft and violations of state law are investigated.

    Please call the following state officials and POLITELY AND RESPECTFULLY ask for their assistance in finding Lady Thor and returning her to her owner. Ask the state to put an immediate hold on the roundup and shipment of Palomino Valley horses until a thorough investigation has taken place.

    Governor Steve Sisolak: 775-684-5670
    Attorney General Aaron Ford: 775-687-2100

    Liked by 2 people


    Call Us
    Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection Hotline: 702-486-3132
    The Hotline is updated on a regular basis. Have a pen or pencil handy and make the appropriate selection when prompted.

    Most Nevadans can contact the Nevada Attorney General’s Office with a local telephone call to our nearest office. We can then transfer you to the party with whom you need to speak. Below are the telephone and fax numbers to our offices statewide.

    Write to Us
    If it is important enough for you to write it down, it’s important that we hear from you.

    Email Us
    Click here to send an email to our office
    Carson City Office:
    Office of the Attorney General
    100 North Carson Street
    Carson City, NV 89701
    Telephone: 775-684-1100
    Fax: 775-684-1108

    Reno Office:
    Office of the Attorney General
    5420 Kietzke Lane, Suite 202
    Reno, NV 89511
    Telephone: 775-687-2100
    Fax: 775-688-1822

    Las Vegas Office:
    Office of the Attorney General
    Grant Sawyer Building
    555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3900
    Las Vegas, NV 89101
    Telephone: 702-486-3420
    Fax: 702-486-3768

    100 North Carson Street
    Carson City, NV 89701
    Telephone: 775-684-1100

    Email us:

    We appreciate you taking the time to contact our office to express your views and concerns, or to report suspicious activities. Please be advised that only officially filed complaints can be accepted and reviewed by this office. Emails sent to the below email address containing allegations or complaints will not be treated as officially filed complaints. If you would like to file a complaint with our office, please visit our Complaints tab for more information.

    Email: AgInfo@ag.nv.go

    Liked by 2 people

  5. SHAME on these reckless and disrespectful Paiutes for STEALING the horses on private property and causing so much grief not only to their devastated owners, but to all of the horses that will end up on Fallon feedlots to be preyed upon by the kill-buyers.
    I have Native American ancestors and I am totally disgusted with these people. Are they crazy? Or just stupid?
    To add insult to injury, the infamous Catoors were involved in this atrocity. Just sickening!
    I would urge everyone to promote a FORMAL COMPLAINT and as Louie C. posted above, to pursue the halt in transport of the Palomino Valley horses. A major legal action needs to happen with this!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The governor’s office told me that they are doing what they can as they have had a lot of calls
    At the attorney general’s office I talked to someone who told me that this is the attorney general’s first week and he wants input…from everyone.
    It’s possible that our WH&B might now have some friends in high places
    Do call or email and let them know that you care about their welfare. That definitely has impact

    Liked by 1 person

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