
Action Alert: please help Buffalo Field Campaign’s efforts to save American bison

Source:  Buffalo Field Campaign

American bison a Species of Conservation Concern is a collaborative project dedicated to securing protection for the wild species and their habitat on National Forests.

June 6, 2019 is the final day to submit public comments for American bison on the Custer Gallatin Forest plan revision


Custer Gallatin National Forest
Attn: Forest Plan Revision Team
P.O. Box 130 (10 E Babcock)
Bozeman, MT 59771

The Custer Gallatin National Forest is revising its’ forest plan that will determine how American bison and their habitat are managed for decades to come.

The agency released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement with a range of alternatives on American bison for public comment. (June 6, 2019 is the final day for commenting).

Please write comments in support of strengthening Alternative D (WordPDF) by setting strong standards to achieve the “desired condition” of viable, self-sustaining populations of American bison on the Custer Gallatin National Forest.

Listing American bison as a species of conservation concern, reintroducing fire as a natural force in expanding habitat, removing barriers to migration, securing habitat connectivity, are a sample of comments to advocate for.

We will post updates to Buffalo Field Campaign’s comments here (WordPDF).

Your comments – written in your own words – are invaluable! Tell them you support American bison’s freedom to roam National Forest habitat. Thank you!

bfc bison buffalo tracks transparent

Key Documents

Comments in support of strengthening Alternative D, May 20, 2019 (WordPDF)

Reviewers Guide to Commenting, March 2019 (PDF)

Range of Alternatives on Buffalo for Public Comment, March 2019 (PDF)

Best available scientific information (excerpts from National Forest planning rule April 9, 2012) (PDF)

Connectivity (excerpts from National Forest planning rule April 9, 2012) (PDF)

Definitions (excerpts from National Forest planning rule April 9, 2012) (PDF)

Focal species (excerpts from National Forest Planning rule April 9, 2012) (PDF).

Species of Conservation Concern (excerpts from National Forest planning rule April 9, 2012 (PDF)

Official Signatories’ Report, American Bison A Species of Conservation Concern, March 5, 2018 (PDF)

Draft Revised Forest Plan, March 2019 (PDF)

Draft Revised Forest Plan Appendices, March 2019 (PDF)

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Summary, March 2019 (PDF)

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume I, March 2019 (PDF)

Forest Supervisor Mary C. Erickson, Public Review of Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Custer Gallatin Forest Plan Revision, March 1, 2019 (PDF)

National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule, Final Rule and Record of Decision, April 9, 2012 (PDF)

American Bison E-newsletter

Welcome to our American bison e-newsletter (April 17, 2019)

The art of developing comments (April 23, 2019)

What’s missing in the Custer Gallatin Forest Plan revision? (May 1, 2019)

Listing American bison as a species of conservation concern (May 8, 2019)

Seeking the truth (May 14, 2019)

Restoring connectivity for American bison on the National Forest (May 22, 2019)

For more information subscribe to our American Bison E-newsletter (click on and send to): habitat@buffalofieldcampaign.org

2 replies »

  1. What is being done to our wild horses & burros is also being done to our national mammal – altho so far, not as many of our horses & burros are being killed purposely. Allowing the livestock industry (AGAIN!) to have the final say as they do with our wild horses & burros. The propaganda behind the buffalo slaughter & harassment sure does sound like the same old, same old. UNTRUE, as well. Preventing their natural migration – same as the horses. Wouldnt you think that by now with all the supposed concern about our planet and the ongoing extinction of other species – there would be a wake up call regarding these native animals?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Conservation groups sue to force federal protection of wild bison

    Warning the bison that once roamed the continental U.S. in the millions are at risk of extinction, three conservation organizations brought a federal complaint Wednesday requesting the animal be listed as a threatened or endangered species.

    Buffalo Field Campaign, Friends of Animals and Western Watershed Project filed the claim against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. The three groups are represented by the Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program.
    The groups claim failure to grant the request could cause “irreparable ecological harm” to the bison’s natural habitat and the study of bison in Yellowstone National Park. They argue the bison play a “keystone role” in the Great Plains ecosystem and are imperiled by hunting and livestock grazing, infrastructure and climate change.

    The claim also states that when bison wander outside the Yellowstone boundaries in migratory winter months, Montana state agencies in accordance with state plans for bison management may slaughter the animals.
    rom 2005 to 2014, the park’s bison herds declined rapidly from a population of 3,531 to 1,400.

    The Western Watershed Project and Buffalo Field Campaign first submitted a petition to safeguard the species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 2014 and again in 2015. When the Fish and Wildlife Service denied the petition in 2016, the organizations filed a lawsuit in response.


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