Horse News

Feel Good Sunday: Video ~ The Mustang Man, Craig C. Downer

Exonerating Wild Horses & Burros, Fighting to Keep Them Free

“If ever there were a link, to forward to family and friends about the plight of our wild equines, this is it.  Your Christmas present to the wild ones could be just that, getting the word out so that more people understand and join with us as we fight to preserve the future well being of those who cannot speak for themselves.  Thanks Craig for a fine job of putting this together and as always, thanks Deb for your assistance with facts and information.” ~ R.T.

7 replies »

  1. Greatly appreciate all your kind words and support. The significance of the wild naturally living horses and burros and their rights to live free and to have a world in which to do so is of highest importance. We must never give up on this issue but go from strength to strength until the greater truth and justice that is at stake here prevails — and it will!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Another positive input from Craig, but I think we need an effort similar to that of Wild Horse Annie, who stirred enough of the public to prod Congress into action.

    We can’t make moral arguments that shift amoral people and administrations, we can’t make successful ethical arguments against unethical people and administrations, we can’t make scientific arguments that carry water with people and administrations that don’t believe in science. What is left are legal arguments against those who don’t believe in following the law, or financial incentives for those who are already stuffed yet greedy beyond comprehension.

    We, the people, are over 325 million strong. The only path I see is to follow Wild Horse Annie and raise our voices. But we don’t have much time. This holiday season, I challenge everyone reading to get at least one other person inspired to take action, especially by contacting and voting in or out those in Congress.

    And how about getting the fate of our wild horses and burros into one of the debate topics?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. THANK YOU Craig. I, too, have been following and learning from you for many years. I have your books and it might be good for everyone who can to send a copy to his or her congressman

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    This show will be hosted by Debbie Coffey (V.P. and Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs) of Wild Horse Freedom Federation.
    Our guests tonight will be Craig C. Downer (Wildlife Ecologist), Jesica Johnston (Environmental Scientist), and Marybeth Devlin (Researcher and wild horse & burro advocate).
    We’ll be talking about many aspects of the plight of America’s wild horses and burros. We’ll cover the big picture of wild horse & burro populations and general conservation issues. We’ll also give details about specific issues – like what Craig and Jesica discovered while monitoring the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area in northern California and the Nevada border (both in aerial flights and in the field).

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