Search results for ‘declan gregg

Young Crusader Declan Gregg Advocates for America’s Horses within the pages of National Geographic

“Folks, you won’t be cheated out of your ‘Feel Good Sunday’, today, as we focus on our resident, junior, equine advocate Declan Gregg who has now carried his quest for the safety and well being of American Equines all the way to the pages of National Geographic. Below we have included some of the text from the interview with Declan but we highly encourage you to visit the link to the National Geographic story where you can read the feature in it’s entirety and comment directly at Nat Geo. We are proud to have such a fine, young advocate standing amongst us. Declan, you GIVE us hope and empower us to strengthen our faith in the future. Be safe.” ~ R.T.

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Name the Super Bowl Clydesdale Foal: Declan

by R.T. Fitch ~ co-founder/president Wild Horse Freedom Federation “Feel Good Sunday”: Speak for the Horses During the Super Bowl It’s Super Bowl Sunday and people around the world will be tuning in, not necessarily for the game, but for the multimillion dollar commercials and being horsy types, […]

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Boy’s Effort to Save Horses from Slaughter Hits Stride

GREENLAND NH — The story about a local boy fighting against the slaughter of horses has produced support from across the country and around the globe.

Following a report in the Portsmouth Herald’s sister publication, Seacoast Sunday, on Feb. 12 about 9-year-old Declan Gregg’s advocacy for the humane treatment of horses, Gregg said he received heartwarming letters of support from horse lovers from all walks of life. That Seacoast Sunday article has been shared on horse advocacy Web sites and blogs, spreading Gregg’s reach far beyond the Seacoast.

“It’s been really awesome and it’s been great to know that I’m making a difference,” he said.

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NH Boy Joins Fight to Save America’s Horses

GREENLAND, NH — A shy, soft-spoken local boy is raising his voice to tell his representatives in Concord and Washington that horse slaughter is cruel and inhumane.

Nine-year-old Declan Gregg has already testified in front of the N.H. House Environment and Agriculture Committee and next month will travel with his mother, Stacie Gregg, to Washington, D.C., to present letters to Congress as part of the Million Horse March children’s letter-writing campaign to stop horse slaughter.

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