Tag: R.T. Fitch

Feel Good Sunday: Sometimes Less is More

by R.T. Fitch ~ president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation Enjoy Today, Prepare for Tomorrow I’ve spent quite a bit of time scouring the internet for some good and meaningful equine news to share with our supportive readers and advocates (you) but from one ranch hand to another, […]

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Update: Wild Horse and Burro Radio covers BLM’s “Final Solution” for Exterminating America’s Protected Wild Herds, TONIGHT!!

Carol Walker (Dir. of Field Documentation) and R.T. Fitch (Pres. and Co-Founder) of Wild Horse Freedom Federation host tonight’s show. Our guest is Charlotte Roe, Founder of Wild Equid League of Colorado and Advisor to The Cloud Foundation. We’ll be detailing BLM’s cruel experiments on wild horses and burros that are a launching pad for widespread use by BLM as “population suppression” on the remaining wild horses and burros on public lands. These heartless experiments are the endgame for wild horses and burros. We’ll also tell you how you can help to stop these experiments.

BLM experiments include senseless laser ablation on 8 month old foals and, with along with partner Oregon State University, risky ovariectomies via colpotomy (pictures below) performed by veterinarian Leon Pielstick.

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A Holiday Message from SFTHH

“As I do everyday, unless Deb has the reins, I sit in front of the computer and either attempted to write something of some value or find a tid-bit on the web that might be of interest to our readership…and you know what, I came up empty handed […]

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