Tag: R.T. Fitch

Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s Debbie Coffey and R.T. Fitch on Wild Horse & Burro Radio, TONIGHT

Join us Wednesday evening for an update on our wild horses and burro’s. Presented as an educational outreach by Wild Horse Freedom Federation.
Our guests tonight will be Wild Horse Freedom Federation Board members RT Fitch (Pres.), Carol Walker (Dir. Of Field Documentation) and Marjorie Farabee (Dir. Of Wild Burro Affairs) talking about the BLM roundups of wild horses in Wyoming, the endangered donkeys in Bonaire and the International Equine Conference.

This radio show is co-hosted by Debbie Coffey, Vice-President & Director of Wild Horse Affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

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Part Two: Ginger, Quinn and a Cloud with a Silver Lining

“Feel Good Sunday” brings me full circle and back around to where we were last week when I wrote Part One of my week in the Pryor Mountains of Wyoming/Montana with Ginger Kathrens on our quest to find Cloud, dead or alive…and I need to stress that, it was not a happy-go-lucky excursion into LaLa Land to observe the ‘Yellowstone’ of wild horses, it was a trip of trepidation that, luckily, turned out for the best.

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An Equine Christmas Story: We Were There

Excerpt from the book “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” and commentary by author R.T. Fitch “This is the last installment of our Christmas Marathon of Equine stories as…Christmas is here.  And in reality, I hope that few of you read this tale but instead are enjoying the day […]

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