Tag: The Cloud Foundation

Shady Tactics Surround Obama’s BLM Roundup of Famous Kiger Wild Horses

PORTLAND, Ore. —The Cloud Foundation is outraged at the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) lack of transparency and avoidance of public input pertaining to the Kiger/Riddle Mountain roundup happening now outside of Burns, Oregon. The herds are famous for their Spanish Conquistador ancestry as well as Disney’s hit movie, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. The Foundation asks Congress to stop the illegal roundup now in order to save these herds from being destroyed. BLM’s plan would reduce the two herds to grossly non-viable populations of less than 50 animals each.

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Breaking News: Congressman Grijalva Letter Seeks Congressional Support for Wild Horses

WASHINGTON (July 7, 2011) – U.S. Representative Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) is circulating a letter to his House of Representatives colleagues urging their signature on a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) director Bob Abbey regarding their inhumane and costly mismanagement of the Wild Horse and Burro Program. The letter expresses grave concerns to Secretary Salazar and the BLM regarding the creation of non-reproducing herds—especially the extreme danger of spaying wild horse mares.

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Sheryl Crow Pledges Help to Wild Horses via the Cloud Foundation

“As part of my summer-long touring commitment with Kid Rock, I am playing the Cheyenne Frontier Days Festival in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I am aware of the contrasting and very passionate opinions that people have about this event, and rodeos in general. In recognition of these differences, and out of my love for wild horses, a portion of the proceeds from the show will be donated to The Cloud Foundation http://www.thecloudfoundation.org/, an organization dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on public lands.” – Sheryl

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Another Win in Saving Colorado Wild Horse Herd from BLM Eradication

A federal court rejected the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) request to dismiss or limit a suit brought by a consortium of wild horse advocacy groups and concerned citizens to save the West Douglas wild horse herd. Although the BLM withdrew their 2010 plans to decimate this northwest Colorado wild horse herd early in 2011, the advocacy groups have remained vigilant in their stance to have the Court decide whether BLM has the legal authority to zero out a herd. By her ruling, Judge Rosemary Collyer agreed that Plaintiffs could proceed with this claim and stated…

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Wyoming: It’s Wild Horses and the BLM

Rock Springs, Wyoming, is not exactly what I would call ‘close’ to Colorado Springs. Nevertheless, our new intern, Erin Clifford from Michigan; and I hopped in the car and started up I-25 northbound, picking up our fellow wild horse advocate friend, Rachel Reeves, along the way.

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Action Alert: Easy Way to Save WY Wild Horses

With roundup season starting up again, it is imperative, now more than ever, that we all raise our voices in support of our wild horses and burros. BLM is still soliciting comments for their planned roundup in Divide Basin, a larger herd in southern Wyoming near Rock Springs. We ask that you submit your own comments regarding the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Divide Basin Herd Management Area (HMA). There are gross inadequacies and faulty data utilized in the scope of this EA which will come as no surprise. What is a bit more surprising is the rush to create a non-reproducing herd as an alternative, which is what they want to do to in White Mountain and Little Colorado! If a roundup is conducted this summer, the herd will be reduced to only 415 horses on over 700,000 acres with many of these horses being non-reproducers! The Cloud Foundation’s comments for this EA are available online here. Read on for a sample format!

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Protests Planned Against Obama Administration Sterilizing Free Roaming Wild Horses

WASHINGTON (June 17, 2011) – The Cloud Foundation is planning a series of nationwide protests against the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM)’s decision to wipe-out two wild horse herds in southern Wyoming—using dangerous experimental sterilizations in the field. The Foundation opposes The Salalzar Initiative which includes sterilizing entire wild horse herds on the range. The initiative was introduced in Congress in 2009 and was met with fierce opposition including more than 54 members of Congress opposing the roundups entirely. On June 21st the public will protest outside the BLM statewide hearing meeting at 5:30 PM at the BLM Field Office in Rock Springs, WY.

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Breaking News: BLM to Sterilize Wild Horse Herds in WY

WASHINGTON (June 16, 2011) – The Cloud Foundation opposes the BLM’s “Record of Decision” released this Tuesday to wipe out two wild horse herds in southern Wyoming. It includes a massive round up and removal of most horses in the area, but it also implements the spaying of mares and the gelding of all stallions to be returned to the White Mountain and Little Colorado herd management areas.

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Update: Spring with the Freedom Fund Wild Horse Herd

Despite a not so rosy weather picture, Lauryn and I started out from Colorado to Montana, encountering sleet, snow and rain on our way to Billings. Luckily, the rain stopped overnight, allowing us to access the road to the Freedom Fund horses. It was a windy, but lovely, day to visit. Because of all the moisture, the huge 1,000 plus acre pasture is beginning to explode with new growth, the cottonwoods have all leafed out, and the creek is running high. I could see where it had flooded during the past few weeks of near constant rain.

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