Horse News

BLM’s Wild Horse Bloodbath Continues

(In My Humble Opinion) by R.T. Fitch ~ author of Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Cleverly tucked away on private land the BLM conducts secret operations that kill our Wild Mustangs

The "good ole days" of "MANAGING" wild horses to extinction

The death toll rises, as per the BLM’s own stats:

Total for the Calico Massacre = 158

Total for the Tuscarora Farce = 22

Again, “that we know of” as the BLM shamelessly hides in the shadows and conducts its shady business from behind closed private gates away from the watchful eyes of the U.S. public and press.

“When you know you are wrong you hide.

When you are afraid of being caught you rush.

When you get stuck in a lie you stomp your foot, point your finger and cuss.”

So reads the current mission statement of Bob Abbey, Ken Salazar and President Obama’s BLM.

No accountability;  the only deliverables required are to the special interest groups that are, obviously, greasing the palms of individuals very high up the food chain.  Corruption runs freely and always has within the Department of Interior and its Bureau of Land Management.

BLM's current preferred weapon for destroying wild horses - the Helicopter

The new President promised change and we got it; we changed from being in a bad situation into something severely worse.  We went from a corrupt federal bureaucracy to a form of government that in the recent past we have sent young men and women out to fight and die against.  Thanks to the new administration we have now become our own worst enemy and still all we get is a deaf ear.

There is far worse going on in our country than the BLM’s massacre of our national icon, the wild horses (not to the horses of course).  But the horses put it into perspective, they provide the focus and offer a micro version of all that is wrong within our government and they are doing this at the expense of their lives.

The leadership and management staff of the BLM have become the enemies of the union, the violators of the law and the agents of chaos to the American public.  They operate outside legal parameters and flaunt their crimes while lawsuits continue to mount in an effort to stop their illegal crusade.

It’s a sad day when the citizens of the United States are required to use their hard earned dollars through the court system in an effort to stop a rogue government agency which is funded through taxation of the very same group of people.

It’s time for Congress to get off its dead ass and call these crooks to task.

It’s time for the new President to listen to the people, for a change, and call for a moratorium on these roundups.

It is time for the American public to make a serious paradigm shift under a new rallying call…”Vote the Bums Out!

If they won’t listen, they’ve got to blinking go…every last one of them!

“For the Horses!”

Call Secretary Salazar, your Representative and Senators and demand that they stop the tax-payer funded disaster in Tuscarora before more mustangs are killed.
Phone: 202-208-3100

Fax: 202-208-6956


(send free online faxes via


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28 replies »

  1. Good god…that picture sickens me so.

    Excellent post and you are so right about hiding and lying.

    Keep calling the Prez and Congress. I believe they are on (or soon will be) summer break so call their state offices too.


  2. Good one RT and once again, dead on target, especially after reading Laura’s post about her trying to observe any of the current roundups, as so a judge ordered, and being frustrated and stymied at every thurn. This is a terrible time in America, what began almost 2 years ago on a swell of hope has turned into a broken promise. Hope is dead on the ground.


  3. These people are just the pits, heartles selfish mercenaries. just glued to your blog for news, from Holland i feel gutted, honest, it hits hard. Sorry for all the activists walking into a brick wall, in thoughts with all of you every day. courage, Hilke


      • yes, jan, i’m well aware of that.
        the blm is running different websites with different death tallies. the numbers in RT’s piece above are for the owyhee & rock creek horses horses that died in the roundup & at the gather site.
        there are MORE owhyee & rock creek horses that have died at palomino valley. as of this morning, there were at least three more horses that died at PVC, bringing it to a total of twenty-FIVE tuscarora horses that have died at the hands of the blm…..& in under two weeks.
        i feel that the tuscarora horses that are hastily shipped to PVC should be counted in the totals.


  4. Of the 100 largest entities in the world 51 are corporations. No people, president, congress, or court can interfere with their agenda. We stand and salute a trademark. Our American Mustangs are an infringement to that agenda, as are our oceans, mountain tops, and air. It is essentially all about energy and ironically as capitalism begins its final death throws for lack of energy the one source of energy that served mankind for thousands of years the horse will be gone too. Eventually we will scratch the dirt with our fingers to grow food, walk to our destinations, and fight each other for substanance all because of corporate greed. God bless America, home of the brave and the land of the once free.


    • Frank, that is so true. Very good analysis.

      Sadly, too many voters and news broadcasters just don’t get it.
      They will still be mouthing their idiotic comments when we are all

      The horses they are torturing and slaughtering were what helped
      settle this country and what provided all transportation. If they don’t
      KILL them all, they may be all we have again at the rate things are going. But, ruined countries still have leaders, like Saddam Hussein, who fancied themselves kings and who sacrificed the citizens for their own gains.

      In the past we had leaders who had conscience, ethics and integrity.
      Do you think Ronald Reagan would have allowed what is being done to the American Mustangs? Never.

      Americans had better act now and stop acting like fools, or they will pay later. Unfortunately, we will all pay. The horses are just the first to suffer.


      • This would have never happened under Reagan?? What makes you think that? Because he rode horses? His Secretary of the Interior was James Watt, the absolute worst in our history, including Salazar.

        “Watt’s tenure as Secretary of the Interior was marked by controversy, stemming primarily from his alleged hostility to environmentalism and his support of the development and use of federal lands by foresting, ranching, and other commercial interests.”


      • Ironic as it may seem, President Nixon signed the Wild Mustang law, Clean Water Act, and Clean Air Act. It only goes to prove the Corporate might has become mightier then the Government.


  5. Only unethical and heartless criminals could wreak such carnage on innocent horses. The malicious Cattoor and the ignorant crew who are running and killing thse horses are much to be condemned, but the buck stops with Obama and Salazar in this sacrilege and massacre. They are responsible for the deaths and torture of these horses. I hope for the screaming suffering of each horse, for the heinous deaths of each little helpless foal, and for the destruction of our Mustangs for corrupt reasons of greed, that each person involved will pay for their abominations against these innocent victims. Whether they believe in God or not, He knows what they are doing to helpless animals, and they will pay. In my opinion they should all be prosecuted in a legitimate court, with an honorable Judge, and convicted.

    The fact that this uncivilized torture of horses continues despite the outrage of citizens, and is done in secret and concealed from the public, indicates that we have infidels running our government. Stop it now, or people will be next. Judges apparently have not applied the letter of the law in protecting our horses when the horses and burros are legally protected from this slaughter and from being removed from their rightful homes. People mistakenly believe they can depend on a Judicial system that appears to be influenced.

    I don’t think most taxpaying citizens have been made aware of what BLM has been doing, and it is time documentation of these atrocities were made more fully to the public. This is NOT a communist country, YET.


  6. Just my opinion here, but comments make it seem that this is a new phenomenom in AMerica; many of the early Presidents, signers of the Declaration, Seantors and Representatives and Judges were slave owners. If you look at a map of America, there are maybe 3 very small reservations East of the Mississippi, even though Eastern America at one time was home to many Native Americans( or 1st peoples)
    Trail of Tears, anyone? we wanted their land, they had to go. Visit Pine Rdge Indian Reservation, see what the boundaries of the original reservation was, see what they are now, know that their water and minerals are being stolen from land that is SUPPOSED to be set aside for them. Sound familiar.?How about Japanese internment camps during WW2? so let’s get over that AMerica has always been about equality
    This country has always been about the haves and the have nots, until the have nots have something that the haves want, then they have to go; the horses are just the latest example of this.
    I agree with Frank about having to eventually go back to real horsepower.
    the wars going on right now are about oil and mineral rights, soon they will be about water.


  7. Even my brother in law was asking me last night why the BLM insisted on rounding up the horses. I had to try to explain this theory of excess horses (blah), water intoxication. My sis who works in the medical world but doesn’t get horses even understood that one. I had to explain that you don’t run horses miles and miles in this hot weather. These are NOT horsie people. My dear BIL loves Rachel but has no concept of what goes into racing.

    But they understood that the BLM is doing something they shouldn’t. He’s a republican my sis a demo. And my sis even got that someone is doing something that is harming the horses.

    They may not know what to do like write letters but quietly on the sides they actually understand. This is huge. My family gets that the horses shouldn’t be run in this hot weather. Dumb dumb dumb whoever thought this wise idea up….


  8. I know I sound like a broken record but not enough people know about the horses. We need alot of people to make a difference. On Thursday night we had a meeting with the EPA to urge them to regulate the fracking process with regards to the Marcellus Shale. In this small area 1,200 people showed up and about 200 testified. Two years ago we mounted enough people to stop a 150 million dollar electric transmission line project. Someone suggested that a pamphlet be designed which we can download and handout. Good idea. Everyday I tell people and they are shocked. I am going to see if I can get a friend to design an info card. We requested that the EPA come here. I do not know if we could get the BLM to come to a place like Pittsburgh. WE have alot of horses in this state. People here are mostly pleasure horse owners. We have a pet cemetary that charges 2400 to bury a horse and most of the places are already sold. I know that the horse owners here would help if I can figure out a way to reach and mobilize them. We are still a representative democracy and the right to govern is derived from the people. Think about it no one steps on the toes of the powerful lobbies. We need to become one and fast.


  9. This may seem OT but did anyone read the Elko Cow Catcher and see about the Ruby Pipeline, cows, equines, WWP and the money WWP got for agreeing NOT to litigate? I’m never comfortable reading anything in that rag, but it is disappointing.

    I hope RT can give some insight to this situation on this blog….it’s depressing for the equines, of course. I just don’t understand.


  10. In your response to my saying that Reagan would not have allowed this to happen to the Mustangs, you insult me by saying I believe that because he “rode horses”. I say that because of Reagan’s integrity and his intelligence. Many choose to not remember that it was Reagan who ended the cold war with Russia. He had compassion, and he was certainly not some kind of psychopath who would allow mares and foals to be run to death by a helicopter, and frankly I seriously the mentality of anybody who would do such a thing or who would allow it to be done. That is my opinion, and it appears to me that the horses who make it through the stampede alive continue to endure torturous circumstances where many die, some have been shot, and stallions have died from brutal castration. This is not okay with me, and I certainly do NOT believe it would have been fine with Ronald Reagan, a true American.

    Please elaborate on what James Watt did that made him the worst, because frankly I don’t believe anybody could be worse than Salazar, who pushed taking animals off the endangered list, who had wolves slaughtered, who is allowing this atrocity against the horses, and who didn’t enforce the regulations that may have avoided the explosion and oil spill that killed eleven men and multitudes of living birds, Dolphins, turtles and other creatures. Please tell me what Watt did that was worse that THAT, and I also have read that BP is signed on the contract for the Ruby pipeline that is involved in removing the horses from that land. Was Watt actually an enemy to environmentalism, or was that just alleged?

    My comments are my opinion based on what I see, hear and read, and what is certainly documented in what is being done to our American Mustangs, and I refer to the ongoing destruction of the lives of our Mustangs, an American tragedy, and what has happened to all the Gulf regions destroyed by the oil spill.


  11. I am so taken aback by all this i guess we all are, just bashed on the brain by the arrogance and contempt BLM flaunts.
    Will keep on fighting with all the people I know and my groups to keep this on the map, in Europe and Australia, where I fight for as well.
    Thanks for keeping us so well informed, in awe., Hilke


  12. This is a screaming call for the HSUS’s powerful lawyers!!!

    And HSUS’s media connections, print, TV…

    Where are they? And why not?


  13. I believe the key to understanding this entrenched insanity will be found in understanding the behaviors of psychopaths. Unfortunately it’s been documented that there are far more of them in positions of power and running loose than there are in prisons.

    Thank you for telling it like it is, Mr. Fitch.


  14. “It’s time for Congress to get off its dead ass and call these crooks to task.” You are so right about this RT. The only advances we have made on the anti-slaughter bills is due to the EU writing strict regulations to protect their citizens from being poisoned by US products. The US jumped all over China for shipping poisoned dog food which was a greedy decision resulted in heartbreak for so many pet owners. Apparently the US govt is fine with allowing a constant supply of poisoned meat products to flow out of this country daily. Where’s the conscious Senate??? Faith and others I agree that we are still a relatively small group of concerned people who even know the story of the horse. I have never felt such long term frustration in my life before entering the fight for the horses. This whole situation could be fixed in less time than most of the issues currently on the table. I have written the White House both email and snail mail upwards of 200 times since Obama took the helm and not once have I received even a form letter for my efforts. I now know much more about our government than I ever wanted to know. Unfortunately none of it is flattering. Things that I used to think our government would never do I now believe they either have or are not doing. Yes this is a microcosm of this government and a sad education it has been. But I remain entrenched in this fight, I will continue to research and educate and write and call. That’s my responsibility that I cannot shirk even thought the powers to be have all decided to shirk their responsibilities to the American public and the world at large.


  15. Excellent write up–thanks RT.

    Again–overwhelm the White House with calls and letters–keep hounding them— use the numbers presented in this piece– ask for accountability–those horses belong to us–why are they all dead?
    I agree— where is HSUS and ASPCA and all the other humane society groups– they’ve been running petitions– but where is the LAW on cruelty to animals? Puppy mills get “closed down” and “sign here” to Save the Polar bear— yet BLM can just run the horses to death! If these “pests” were bald eagles would Washington care about their extermination? Does anyone have a direct link to President Obama?


  16. I think our Leadership has grown content, believing the last 20 years or so has given birth to an entire generation of the Politically Unaware. And that may be so. Most of us are so entrenched in the daily grind of trying to make a living wage and create a retirement where we won’t be dependent on the Government for our daily bread, we don’t have time to watch or be aware. And I think this is what the Government is counting on.
    The past 10 years have brought on us a way of conducting Government in response to a terrible tragedy, and the steps taken to ensure that never happens again. In doing so, we have lost & allowed to be taken from us the ability & the reasoning to question how things are done.
    Those of us who Advocate for Equines have discovered some frightening & unreasonable truths, particularly in this past year. I imagine others who Advocate as hard as we do for the things they hold dear are coming to realize representation of the Public Interest is not nearly as important as the Corporate Interest.
    And we seem to be the only ones willing to punish the BLM for not only their contempt of the WH&B Program but their inability to conduct any aspect of Land Management as anything other than an utter failure.


  17. And a p.s. in regards to HSUS:

    Unless there’s a certain amount of clean and already fought-for publicity, purchased by someone else’s hard work, stress & frustration, or if the cause is, in fact, a done deal – you know, the path of least resistance – a declaration from an extremely profitable organization such as HSUS will be unlikely to assist Just Plan Folks.


    I don’t know if we can make it any plainer than that.


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