Horse News

Update: NM Butcher Continues to Loose Ground in Horse Slaughter Fight

Source: Front Range Equine Rescue

Rick De Los Santos, owner of Valley Meat Co. in Roswell, stands in the slaughterhouse where he plans to butcher horses for the foreign meat market. (PAT VASQUEZ-CUNNINGHAM/JOURNAL)

Rick De Los Santos, owner of Valley Meat Co. in Roswell, stands in the slaughterhouse where he plans to butcher horses for the foreign meat market. (PAT VASQUEZ-CUNNINGHAM/JOURNAL)

“We had a good week in our New Mexico litigation to stop horse slaughter:

First, the Court rejected the Defendant-Intervenors’ motion to strike statements from our merits brief related to the environmental havoc caused by the last three horse slaughterhouses to operate in the U.S. The Court can now consider this evidence in its final ruling.

Second, the Court rejected Valley Meat’s motion to strike statements from our merit brief about Valley Meat’s history of environmental violations.

Third, the Court denied USDA’s attempts to pretend that it considered the environmental havoc caused by the last three horse slaughterhouses to operate in the U.S. before issuing the recent grants of inspection.

Finally, the Court denied Rains Natural Meat’s motion for a security bond.”

28 replies »

  1. That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time!!!!! SO thankful & grateful that the good Lord is using so many great people to fight this battle for the horses!!!YAY!!!!!


  2. Wow! Yay! God is moving mountains and rolling boulders away, i was getting tired of the Big Rocks blocking the horses path to Freedom! I pray for MORE! Next weel is an eternity away. Please keep saying prayers, people and horses Around the World await the judgement. Thittt


    • OMG – PBS said that? I wonder who paid the grant for that “documentary” – how could anybody in their right mind think of this guy as a “gentleman”??? Need to find out who paid for this.


      • Kim, many equine advocates are getting together right now to “correct” the PBS news segment on the NM horses. I am taking a supportive part in that project.


      • Do you need any help?? Send me your email address & I’ll send some posters, info I have that might help – would love to pitch in any way I can


      • We need all the help we can get, for this and other horse protection projects. I don’t wish to publish my email on a public blog. We have a new website under construction but you can leave a message there and it will come to me…


  3. Evil person … and there are many more like him.
    Thank you Front Range and all who are working so hard on this BIG issue.


  4. It looks like a profitable slaughter house butchers 75-100 horses a day. That is 36,000 horses a year and New Mexico’s total horse population at maximum is on record as about 150,000. If the slaughter house is killing 1//4 of the entire horse population in the state each year, where are those horses coming from? There is a reason horse theft dropped drastically as soon as horse slaughter was shut down!


  5. Just the BEST news!!!!! So thankful for those fighting this in court cause if it were not for them they would be slaughtering right now…. Gratitude forever…… Some wicked good news for a change. TKY. 🙂


  6. 2 great bits of news over my morning cuppa–1) I just got invited to a neighborhood party. Stop by you’re all invited. and 2) WOWEE!!! there is a judge who sees through all this crap! That’s the best news I’ve heard in a LONNNNGGGGG time. I was thinking this morning about the 2 issues with horses. Freedom and safety for our wild ones esp those in long term rotting facilities and the issue of horse slaughter. Our wild ones will never be safe as long as the slaughter pipeline still exists.


  7. But what about the 100s of wild horses sent to a Mexican slaughterhouse by Fish & Wildlife and the BLM DURING THE SHUTDOWN?


  8. We are not winning if they are going to start killing the horses over 10 years of age on the range and take the bodies away. What is going on? We need to some thing, and fast. This government is the worst yet. Starting with the president and all the the man in senate and house. They are letting this happen.


  9. Great News !!!!!!!! But did you have to post that photo of Rick de Santos ?????? Please no more we all know what he looks like !!!!!!!


    • I agree, he’s awful – but the public needs a reminder of what a real psychopath looks like; &, this is how he sees himself – he really thinks he’s something – pathetic


  10. What I’d like to do to Santos Is use the bolt gun he is holding on him. But it sure looks like this may be the only judge in the country that can see through what the USDA is actually doing in regards to horse slaughter plants. I have a good idea too that the USDA is peppered with supporters of horse slaughter and cattlemen both. The next time the BLM is taken to court to try to stop a round-up this judge should be the one to make the decision, it may have a better ending than what has happened in the past.


    • And, Oil interests influencing the BLM/DOI and all the other DOI agencies who participate in the round-ups – Thank God for this judge!


  11. Let true Justice prevail. Thanks to all of the Animal Advocates that have worked so hard to stop horse slaughter plants from being opened in the United States. There is still much work to be done. After that there are unknown illegal horse slaughter plants that needs to be found and shut down. This is America and we have laws against animal cruetly. Americans live by laws and rules of regulation. They must be enforced by the law. Send Rick De Santos and his family and all horse killer friends back over the Mexico border. Americans do not eat horses.


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