Equine Rescue

Rescued 36 year old Mustang gives birth

“If I had to guess, I’d say she’s around 36,” the vet told us as Lexi stood in the stock at his clinic. “Having a baby at that age is dangerous, and that’s if a mare is in great shape. Lexi is malnourished, full of worms and in poor health.”

Lexi was part of a 220 horse seizure we did in Nebraska where around 70 horses were found dead. In that pasture were over 40 studs. Nine months pregnant, she started the road to recovery in the hands of one of our foster homes that specialize in geriatric cases.

“This is equivalent to an 80 year-old woman having a baby,” the vet continued. “The baby is alive now, but I don’t hold out much hope for either one of them.”

Throughout the long, extremely hot summer Lexi received lots of loving care, an endless supply of hay, the best feed, and everything the vet could think of for her physical condition.


HfH Founder Jerry Finch with baby Audi

On August 8th, a miracle happened. At 1:30 in the morning, Audi came into the world, a bright eyed, bushy tailed filly, full of energy from the moment she touched the ground. She and Lexi are doing great.

Little Audi (African for “last daughter”) represents a small fraction of the horses under the care of Habitat for Horses. Through August of this year, we’ve found homes for around 250 horses, homes that promise to provide and protect these majestic animals. From the investigation to the courtroom, the rehabilitation process and the final adoption, Habitat for Horses is there every step of the way.

Everything we do is made possible because of your donated dollars. The costs of hay and feed have greatly increased, and more people are asking for our help. Will we be able to help the next time a call comes in? That depends on you. Will you help us help the horses?

Jerry Finch

PS – I wish there were an easier way to ask for your donation. We’re working very hard to reach out to horses that need our help, but that reach is very limited because every horse we help costs money. We aren’t on any government payroll. We are fully supported by our volunteers and by people like you, people that care enough to give horses like Lexi and Audi another chance at life. Will you take the time to help them?


6 replies »

  1. RT fitch wrote:Lexi was part of a 220 horse seizure we did in Nebraska where around 70 horses were found dead. In that pasture were over 40 studs. Nine months pregnant, she started the road to recovery in the hands of one of our foster homes that specialize in geriatric cases.

    “This is equivalent to an 80 year-old woman having a baby,” the vet continued
    my question is: Was this a private ranch or a BLM sponsored or authorized ranch ?
    curious in conn: my comment: wow a 35 mare gives birth; and BLM says 20 yo is old ?


  2. Lexi is an Arabian, not part of the BLM dump that Meduna took in. He also conned folks into sending him their horses for a fee. No one seems to know how Lexi ended up in that pit of death, but she survived and is doing great, along with her baby.


    • Hi and thanks for the info this was not the BLM “3 strikes ranch; pity they cannot figure out how to get enuf Hay to Horses; even tho’ the land is strewn wild hay…
      even a 3 yo would know: horses eat for free in the wild; why pen them up w/no hay?
      (I see a serious pattern Horse Abuse beginning with the BLM spiraling to 3 strikes!(this is accomplished by withholding Hay from the Mustangs in the horse traps; this causes a deficiency of a vitamin named Vitamin B1 (Thiamine); this deficiency in turn causes “lack of appetite”; which the BLM deems “failure to adjust to feed;
      see RT “not eating is not the same as failure ot adjust to feed; they starve horses


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