Horse News

Opinion: Ever wonder where the misinformation about Wild Horses comes from?

by “Mustang Jack

The Stouts - photo by unkown photographerMeet Loren and Piper Stouts, ranchers and self proclaimed wildlife biologists.

This Oregon couple alleges in a, U.S. District Court lawsuit, that federal authorities should properly control the rising wild horse population in the state.

The Stout’s allege, in their federal lawsuit, that appropriate steps have not been taken, to date, to contain the wild mustang and burro population on Oregon’s 62,000-acre Murderers Creek allotment, The (Portland) Oregonian said Sunday.

“They have let it get out of hand, and we are getting blamed for it”, Loren Stout alleged in the lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service, “Horses are real tough on resources, and they are out there 12 months of the year.”

The couple’s lawsuit, which was filed last week in Portland, comes after the Stouts’ cattle were accused of damaging the Murderers Creek federal holding facility.

As a result of that allegation, the couple is no longer allowed to graze their cattle on the federal lands.

The Oregonian newspaper said that a U.S. General Accounting Office report released, last October, found that the unwanted animal population on federal holding facilities nationwide has tripled since 2000.

These are the type of people that keep stoking the furnace of the BLM.  They pick a parcel of land that suites their needs and then they set out to undermine the wild horses existence on those ranges.  In this particular case, the Stouts were determined to eradicate wild horses from a stretch of land they wanted to graze their cattle on so they measured grass and took photos of what they claim is degradation caused by wild horses.  They then sued the Forest Service for letting wild horses run free on the rangeland — far more horses than Forest Service policy allows.  The Stouts contend that elk and horses do more damage to streams and stream banks and other resources than cows do.

This is the kind of diabolical thinking that we advocates are up against.  We have to fight wild horse adversaries from multiple fronts.

It’s a matter of who pushes the hardest and we ,so far, are losing the battle and the war.

I am not saying to give up…But I am saying that we get bigger arms and push back a lot harder than we have.  There are a lot of influential people out there that haven’t even begun to step up to the proverbial plate yet.  We need their influence in the media and in Washington.

All we have to do is reach out to them.

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8 replies »

  1. A 1990 GAO study proved cattle, not wild horses, damage the range and riparian areas. Cattle stay in an area while wild horses wander. Cattle stay in riparian areas and eat the vegetation . Also cattle pollute the water by defecating in it and this causes pollution with E.Coli and algae which kill fish and other species. Horses do not do this.
    I did water watch for 8 years for the KY Dept. of Water and know what cattle do to waterways.


    • Absolutely! And I bring that up to every pol that I contact. Don’t know if they even read it, but I keep telling ’em. I mean, it’s right there in the GAO report! SOOO frustrating!


  2. Battles may have been or will be lost along the way, but he who perserveres to the end will the win the WAR victoriously.


  3. True true Morgan! However this war is not a conventional war! This is a political war that we advocates are running out of time and horses with.

    We can only fight until the last horse stands free! Which is what we intend to do.But how much longer do you think we will have wild horses to fight for if we cannot stop the round ups?

    Your statement is a noble one and I hope that we as a whole have the perservernce to withstand whats to come.


  4. We always hear about the Mustangs and Burros doing damage to the grazing lands….. never hear much about the 8,000,000 plus cattle…. stop grazing cattle, that cost on public that cost the tax payers of America millions of dollars a year…. solution stop grazing cattle on public lands… them will be lots of room for mustangs and other wild life


  5. I can’t understand that many many years ago Cows, Horses,Elk and all other Wildlife has lived together as Africa Wildlife does. What makes the difference here is Politics are intervening and should keep there business elsewhere they have done enough damage backing up the BLM and other sources to just do away with out Wild Horses of the 21 century, this is a total joke and needless to say something has got to stop to protect our Horses of this entire Country. I’m just sick to think that people that cattle their property do they forget that survival is upon the stages of life and all wildlife preserves what needs to be for survival of all animals on the face of this Planet, without people being even involved..if ones would leave well enough alone all else would take place has for millions of years why not now.


  6. of course this couple is going to try to make it sound like the wild horses and wildlife do more damage.

    they want to raise thier poor innocent cows that are going to be slaughtered for greedy humans to eat on that land. they want the profit that comes from the barbaric practice of raising animals for food.

    so why not make more money by letting your cattle graze on goverment land?

    what a couple of jerks.


  7. All horses are Sacred spirits that came here to bring to mankind messsages from the heavens,please open your hearts to hear the cry of the Mustang,for she is whispering her suffering in thru Wind Horse/Isoba Mahli


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