Horse Slaughter

The Horse Eaters are at it AGAIN

a VERY tongue-in-cheek commentary by the non opinionated R.T. Fitch

The meeting below is real, their desire for Flika Fillets is real BUT they just aren’t there, yet!

Artist Unknown but fully appreciated

Great news everyone, horse killer wannabes Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her trusty sidekick Dave “Doink” Duquette are hosting a horsemeat pot luck and WE are invited.

Clear your calendar for this Wednesday night, January 27th as they are holding a big horse BBQ and seminar (waz dat?) event at:

Hamley’s Slick Fork Saloon
8 SE Court Ave
Pendleton, Or 97801
Wednesday-January, 27, 2010-6:00 PM

Wowiee…the full menu has yet to be disclosed but it doesn’t take much ‘telligence to figure out what it might be when the hosts advertise their mission as:

“The United Organizations of the Horse and the United Horsemen’s Front are working to restore humane? and regulated horse meat processing in the US; and control the overpopulation? of wild and feral? horses on federal, state, tribal, and private lands.”

Yippie, ain’t we gonna have some fun?  I just can’t wait to snatch up a great big, piping hot mug of horse blood and a plate of Flicka fritters; cozy on up next to “Slaughterhouse”, herself, and listen to “Doinkette” say:

We may never be able to match very wealthy and powerful radical animal rights organizations like the Humane Society of the United States or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals dollar for dollar.

With your help, we CAN match them

grass root for grass root!”

Awww, ain’t that special?

“Suzie, girl, is he talken about wacky tabaccy?”

I guess it don’t make no difference that PETA has been virtually non-present during the entire horse slaughter debate.  Davie, don’t pay no mind to the fact that the HSUS has been conspicuously (there I go usen those big words again) absent from the native wild horse issue, don’t matter, I guess.

But then again, ain’t you the same folks who came out in full public, with your pants down, and said that Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Pat Parelli and other noted horsemen were taking money from both of those organizations to spread lies about horses?  How are those law suits going, anyway?

I am also excited about some of the ‘portant guests that will be there…a couple of half baked politicians are to be expected but the mystery and suspense really heats up when you publize that:

Other federal, state, and tribal representatives are invited and may attend.”

Oh, goody, goody maybe the world famous buffoon, Montana’s “Red” Ed Butcher will be there.  My little heart is just going pitter patter, right now.  Can we get autographs?

I know that all of us can learn a lot from hanging around with these mental giants.  We can learn why it is important to try to bring back an inhumane process that over 90% of the U.S. public does not want within its shores, that’s really cool.

Then we can learn why it is so very, very ‘portant to build a plant that will produce a deadly product that is illegal to move or ship across the state lines, illegal in the U.S. and about to be banned from the EU.  Wow, that’s going to be a good one, these guys are really smart.

And I might even be allowed to pay a $1,000 fee to a non-profit that is breaking both federal and state laws by spending 100% of their time conducting political lobbying while raising funds through a across state line raffle of a truck.  Maybe I can win the hat, I look good in hats.  (Notice you don’t call yourself a 501(c)(3) anymore, Suzie girl.  Guess those calls to the Feds paid off, eh?)

I just love these people, they are so ‘telligent and educated.  I know for a fact that they are smart as they all refer to the 4th grade as their Senior year…I have so much to learn from them.

So make plans to join “Slaughterhouse” Sue, gawd she is so cute, and the “Doinkster”, an he is so smart, at the ole Saloon for a very thought provoking (crap, another word with more than one syllable) evening of humane loving, sharing and bonding.

Don’t forget your cattle prod and be sure to leave your brain and/or heart behind.

BARF – See their actual meeting announcement, below


Important Meeting in Oregon
Error! Filename not specified.
a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation registered in Wyoming – IRS 501(c)(6) status pending
Error! Filename not specified.
an IRS 501(c)(3) educational & charitable organization
Contact Us

1902 Thomes, Suite 202B
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Sue Wallis
United Orgs of the Horse (UOH)
Executive Director
307 680 8515 cell
307 685 8248 ranch

Dave Duquette
United Horsemen’s Front (UHF)
Executive Director
541 571 7588

Krissa Thom
Operations Manager
307 689 8536

Error! Filename not specified.
Membership Levels & Promotions
Every Basic Membership will receive one chance to win a Stetson/Resistol Hat which will be awarded at the end of December, 2010.

Every Supporting Membership, and/or contribution of $100 will receive one ticket to win a Dodge Truck. The truck will be awarded to the winner of a drawing which will be held at a press conference in Cheyenne, Wyoming immediately after we have garnered 2000 contributions of $100. For tax purposes, the first $25 will be allocated to the United Organizations of the Horse as a membership, and may be deductible as a business expense, $75 will be allocated to the United Horsemen’s Front, which is 100% deductible as a contribution to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Lifetime Member-$1,000
Full benefits and prominent acknowledgement for a lifetime.

Group and business support is negotiated individually on a case by case basis-please call Sue Wallis or Dave Duquette at the numbers above

Click here to join online,  print out a mail-in form, complete our important online survey, and sign petitions that are automatically delivered to policy makers.

United Horsemen’s Front Seminar

ATTENTION: Every horse owner, equine professional, horse related business owner, & anyone interested in the viability of animal agriculture who is within striking distance of Pendleton, Oregon needs to attend! If you know anyone in the Northwest…please forward this to them.

Learn what you can do to support efforts in Oregon, in Washington, D.C., and Nationwide.

Meet with your state and federal representatives and senators and express your opinion.

Take Action! Be the Solution!

In attendance will be
Northwest Tribal Horse Coalition Members
Oregon State Representative Bob Jensen
Oregon State Representative John Huffman
as well as people from the offices of
U.S. Senator Wyden, U.S. Senator Merkley, and U.S. Representative Walden
Other federal, state, and tribal representatives are invited and may attend.

Turning Things Around for the Horse World:
Where we are and where we go from here

Hamley’s Slick Fork Saloon
8 SE Court Ave
Pendleton, Or 97801
Wednesday-January, 27, 2010-6:00 PM

The United Organizantions of the Horse and the United Horsemen’s Front are working to restore humane and regulated horse meat processing in the US; and control the overpopulation of wild and feral horses on federal, state, tribal, and private lands.


Membership and Survey Participation Drive Continues

If you have not already done so, please join or renew your membership with the United Organizations of the Horse & the United Horsemen’s Front TODAY!

We may never be able to match very wealthy and powerful radical animal rights organizations like the Humane Society of the United States or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals dollar for dollar.

With your help, we CAN match them

grass root for grass root!

Join today and forward to everyone you know!

All memberships and sponsorships expired at the end of 2009 – please renew or join as soon as possible. Financial resources are needed to ensure that your voice is heard at important upcoming hearings in Washington D.C, and to support state and local legislation to help the horse industry and horse people.

If you are a member or a leader of a horse related organization, please make sure that everyone in your organization receives an invitation to participate in this very important survey about the effect of the plants closing on your life. Everyone on our free email list will also receive timely, pertinent alerts through our online system whenever important decisions are being made in time for you to have a chance to meaningful participate in your future.

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13 replies »

  1. The fact they found bubonic plague in camel’s livers in 1995 would seem a good reason to let Sue Slaughter in on the deliciousness of camel’s liver and onions as long as she is trying to put the cattle industry out of businesss in the West. lol


  2. I am speachless, (not really) other than to say if I was closer I would be there, WITH MY CAMERA TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE ATTENDEES and their festivities along with the Local TV station crew and Radio Celebs (and any non local ones who would be interested, wonder if 60 minutes, Katie Kourick (sp! sory not my forte with names) or one of those would be interested) and of course my own tape recorder and video recorder, just so I dont miss one little bit of all of it!!!!!

    BARF here too RT! Oh My Gosh!!!


      • Not trying to be a smart equine (ass), but technically these horse lovers are completely entitled to whack, butcher and consume their privately owned equines….as long as it is not sold or across state lines.

        Now….let’s see how many of their privately owned horses are on the menu and the serving options. I suspect this is beyond their HCHS info mindset anyway.


  3. I’m curious about what they’re going to do when the EU starts enforcing the rules about contamination in April. Quarantine – even if they actually DO it – won’t get it done, because many of the chemicals we use on our horses, bute for one, take an animal out of the food chain permanently. How are they going to certify these horses have NEVER in their lives had bute? Or, or they going to take the low road and just lie about it? Will they sign an affidavit asserting said horses have never been exposed to these banned substances? Well, they’ve lied before, but this seems especially irresponsible even for Slaughterhouse Sue.


    • The info is that they (KBs) have already started the emphasis of transport to the South because the Mexican Government is a mess….can anyone say pencilwhip the paperwork?????


  4. I read this latest information you put here R.T., but not the comments. I then logged out and sat in front of the computer and started fuming about how stupid these two people really are and stupid does not really describe what I really think they are. Anyway, I had to get back on here and then in this comment section I see you have said you were kidding about the BBQ thing, but are they still having the meeting that is noted here? I wish there could be a protest similar to what Lori was eluding to but with a large number of us to disrupt their total meeting. I live to far from there to attend, but I did not even know about Sue Wallis until coming to you blog site and I even live here in Wyoming. Of course she is one of the worse but we have a Gov. and Washington representatives from here who care a lot more about the cattle industry and other matters and are not a bit concerned about our mustangs. I have heard them briefly comment that the BLM is doing just fine in the so-called management efforts.
    I am with Lori in the urge to BARF!


  5. Texas and other places breed crosses (zorses, etc.) and actually wild animals for wildlife hunting in the state of Texas and I don’t see where these animals are being included in the anti-slaughter verbage and legislation — just horses and mules. That leaves a lot of equines born-in-the-USA that aren’t or wouldn’t be protected under this legislation! What about ponies? Are they considered horses or mules under the humane transport and other anti-slaughter legislation?


  6. Heman Horse Haters club, this folks is what we are up against. They have no love and respect for horses like we do. I wish I could go and hand out the pictures from Dallas Crown.


  7. OMG Ponies—wouldn’t that make a hilarious political cartoon. Big ole Sue sitting down at the table to a feast on a Shetland! Or better yet the Shetlands sitting around the table with knife and fork in hoof ready to partake of “Sirloin of Sue”!
    Anybody here ever see the Thelwell cartoons of ponies and their “people”?


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