Horse News

An International Day of Rallies for America’s Wild Horses

A Letter from Cloud Foundation’s Ginger Kathrens

Dear Supporters,

I just returned from the Arrowheads and after much long distance glassing with binoculars and spotting scope I was able to spot Cloud and his family with his little daughter, Jasmine; Flint and his family including young Jasper, as well as Bolder and his family with his pale buckskin filly, Jewel. All looked great from about a mile away across deep Big Coulee Canyon. I’ll be sending out more details and photos from this winter trip soon.

For now, I’d like to be the first to tell you that this Thursday, March 25th, the March for Mustangs will take place not only by the White House in Washington DC but on the Las Vegas Strip, by the Los Angeles Federal Building and in front of the US Embassy in London!

In D.C. we’re honored to have award-winning actress and advocate, Wendie Malick speak to the crowd at the rally. Wendie will be joined by long time advocate and adviser on the original 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act, Hope Ryden; author RT Fitch, Filmmaker James Kleinert and many, many more! We are especially pleased to announce that country music artist Clay Canfield will be at the rally to sing his incredible song “Wild Horses” and more before we march to the BLM office with signs and banners.
TAKE A MOMENT FOR MUSTANGS Please spread the word on all the March for Mustang Rallies and support all the protests with calls to your Senators and Congress people on this important issue. Wild herds, like Clouds, are being managed to extinction with our taxpayer dollars by the very agency charged with their protection. Let’s make a big push for the mustangs during these rallies. On Thursday please call your on behalf of Cloud and all the wild horses! President Obama: 202-456-1111 and Congress: 202-224-3121.
When you reach your Representative and Senators, please ask to speak to the aide on the wild horse and burro issue. 1) Wild horses are being mismanaged in cruel waste of taxpayer dollars that is destroying the last of our wild herds in the West. 2) Vote NO on supplying funding for wild horse “preserves” in the East and Midwest– already there are now far more (36,000) wild horses in holding than in the wild where there may only be some 15,000 remaining. 3) Keep up the call for a moratorium on roundups and let everyone know that you love wild horses and burros in the wild and you vote! Or find and email your Senators and Congress person here on

WASHINGTON D.C. – Lafayette Park 1-3pm… details
LONDON – US Embassy 1- 3pm… details
LAS VEGAS – Walk the Strip 12:30- 3pm… details
LOS ANGELES – Federal Building, 11:30- 1:30pm… details

I’ll be back in touch soon with more news from my trip up to Cloud’s mountain home and a visit to our rescued “Freedom Fund” bands… some of the mares will soon have foals in those bands and on the mountain.

Happy Trails,


PS- Tune into CNN’s Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell on Thursday at 7:30 EST for an in-depth discussion on our wild herds and a recap of the D.C. Rally!

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9 replies »

  1. Ginger, It is good to know the horses are well on their mountain. Remember those who are not there to march with you and RT are there in spirit. Give them the truth and show your love and we shall never back down. There will be calls and emails all the while you are gone. Love and hugs to all of you out there, everywhere for what you are doing. mar


  2. Thank you so much for the update, Ginger. I only wish I could be with you in DC. However, I’ll still be passing on the word and doing everything I possibly can.

    Take care and good luck!


  3. Good luck Ginger and all involved with these demonstrations. Wish I could be there but will be rooting for you here!!! Thanks fo rthe update on Cloud and Boulder, I look forward to seeing and hearing more when this week is over.


  4. Thank you for the update on Cloud and the others. I think of them frequently. Will be manning the phone and fax while you are out in the street. If you and RT and the others feel a little pull at your elbow it will be all of us just letting you know that we’re here.


  5. Jane Velez-Mitchell-TV Host of “Issues” on CNN’s Headline News Show will cover this story nationally tonight on her show. Be sure to watch! The more viewers she has, the better chance she can continue covering this important story. Jane just received her 3rd Genesis Award over the weekend. Go JANE!! (4pm PST or 7pm EST on Headline News Channel)


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