Horse News

Wild Horse Documentary Wows Crowd in DC

by R.T. Fitch – author of “Straight from the Horse’s Heart

Movie Reaches to the Heart of Wild Horse Issue

Film maker James Kleinert shared both his thoughts and latest film Disappointment Valley … A Modern Day Western before a packed house of equine advocates Thursday evening.

Kleinert’s audience included many distinguished and notable guests such as actress Wendie Malick, cinematographer Ginger Kathrens , EWI’s President John Holland, Craig Downer, Vicki Tobin, Elyse Gardner and many, many more.

Kleinert’s film took the audience on a ride from the horse’s prehistoric roots in America’s northwest to the current situation of our native wild horses being managed into extinction by our federal government.

Interviews with individuals such as Viggo Mortenson, Bo Derrick and Sheryl Crow brought home the message of urgency to stop and suspend the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) program of stripping the wild mustangs from the very land that the law requires the BLM to protect them upon.

Through logic and example Kleinert walks the viewer through the course of events that has brought a former population of 2 million down to less than 25,000 wild horses in the west.

A must see for our country’s decision makers Kleinert and his distinguished audience will be meeting with legislators this morning and then gathering with hundreds of wild horse advocates, in front of the White House, to broadcast the message that we must suspend these round-ups, now, before it is too late and the last wild mustang has disappeared.

To read more about visit

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20 replies »

    • Back to you Mar.

      We carry the wishes of all of you, today, and as I whispered to Terry as we laid our heads down in the wee hours of the morning,

      “The spirits and souls of tens of thousands horses walk beside us today. They are looking for us to lead, to make a stand and fight on their behalf; my only wish is that someone listens.”

      Keep the faith, my friends!

      Sent from R.T.’s iPhone


  1. To RT: Your post brought tears to my eyes–because it is so true. This is the wild horses last stand. We must not falter now.


  2. Last night I dreamed a beautiful white horse was following me. It was talking to me, saying, Jan, you sure set a fast pace, but I love to take these walks with you. Next thing that happened I went up a steep hill but the hill dropped off and I went down safely. The beautiful white horse had followed me and now it was proudly walking up the steep hill. As I watched from the bottom of the hill, the beautiful white horse walked right off the top of the drop off and fell at my feet, it’s neck broken. I didn’t realize it was blind. I could have run for help but I stayed to keep it company in the short time it had left.

    To me this dream meant that we must not give up the fight. Any small success we have (the steep hill) only leads to more responsibilities and challenges.

    In the dream the beautiful white horse was old and blind. It eagerly followed me, but couldn’t see the drop off. We musn’t let them down now. They are our companions and even if they are wild and free, they have nothing but a drop off ahead of them if it were not for each and every one of us.

    We must watch their every step.


    • JF, This is indeed prophetic and we must be careful to keep the herds from dropping away. This is a time for building strength and guiding people on a path to help protect the herds. One day there will be National Monuments and new Parks where wild horses and other wildlife will be viewed by the public. Remember Chincoteague and Assateague have status our Western horses and burros could also have if we work towards that now. mar


    • hello a beautiful dream; I analogize the Steep Hill as being “Dr. Sanford (BLM); dr. sanford is the one who “destroys mares by the dozens…he is the steep hill;

      the is the battle the mustangs are against; cruel abusive Vets. like “Sandpit Sandford; I call Sandford “sandpit sandford; because from evey known fact I studied

      It was dr. sanford who ulitmatley left Hope the Foal to rot and perish in a sandpit
      so the steep hill is: the blm et al and the white mare is the Elders of the Herds;a


  3. The same thing is happening here in Australia to our wild horses (brumbys)..So how do we stop corrupt goverments and greedy mining companies,developers etc? They have all the money and the rich run the world and do as they please..Apart from buying these horses and taking them home to save their lives I can’t see them stopping the carage until all the horses are gone..


    • hello; i have read about the Brumbys; oh I see; do they destroy sand ? oh that’s terrible; do they eat vines and other invasive shrubs; oh that’s not right; oh I see; do they mar the landscape by blocking the sun with their great wavy manes ?

      oh I see; the energy companies think the only good land is empty land? oh I see…a

      ps I have also read about the plight of the Camels in Australia: one day your nation and my nation might regret the ill tempered treatment of these mammals;

      because one day we as a species may have to resort to Riding Camels; brumby’s mustangs burros and llamas; which would be better for the environement; recall this

      When a famous King was at battle and every Horse had been ruined; and the King and his Army were standing around on foot unable to defend the Castle and flee;

      The King went about the countryside shouting…

      A Horse; find me a Horse;…I will give you my entire Kingdom for just one horse !
      (this is historical…hugs; anne Save the Mustangs; Camels; Burros Donkeys LLamas!


  4. I am a firm believer in saving our history and the well being of our horses, which are near and dear to me. The first 2-3 videos on this site are very informational and give some very interesting information. I wish that the rest had the same information or views and were not music clips that I could watch anywhere…. I was figuring that all 15 clips were on our wild horses, whats happening to them and how this could be fought for. What I don’t understand is why they can’t be considered “Animals of Extinction” and be protected. They will be like any other animal that are killed off, and when there are few left I’m afraid that’s when they will be protected…. when their land is GONE.


  5. Anne :hello; i have read about the Brumbys; oh I see; do they destroy sand ? oh that’s terrible; do they eat vines and other invasive shrubs; oh that’s not right; oh I see; do they mar the landscape by blocking the sun with their great wavy manes ?
    oh I see; the energy companies think the only good land is empty land? oh I see…a
    ps I have also read about the plight of the Camels in Australia: one day your nation and my nation might regret the ill tempered treatment of these mammals;
    because one day we as a species may have to resort to Riding Camels; brumby’s mustangs burros and llamas; which would be better for the environement; recall this
    When a famous King was at battle and every Horse had been ruined; and the King and his Army were standing around on foot unable to defend the Castle and flee;
    The King went about the countryside shouting…
    A Horse; find me a Horse;…I will give you my entire Kingdom for just one horse !(this is historical…hugs; anne Save the Mustangs; Camels; Burros Donkeys LLamas!

    Important history…I believe that quote about “A horse, my kingdom for…” comes from Shakspeare’s Henry V (or was that II?). Either way, ain’t equines super special?!?!


    • I did not know that; but of course many of Shakepeares Plays such as the play about Cleopatra (forget the name) are modeled after historical figures; so chances are somewhere along the line; some King somewhere did petition the peoples for their horses in exchange for money or gifts; possibly not his entire kingdom tho’!
      : )
      but what I wanted to add was this: we know about the billion Passenger Pigeons being “wiped out in 200 years by settlers; and we know of other species such as the Tiger/Lion species (think it’s the Tasmanian Tiger; not sure tho’:
      and how the last one perished in a Zoo; however think about this one; my favorite

      “The Last True Wild Assyrian Donkey perished in the early 1900’s in a Zoo in London; what is interesting; this is the same Donkey which can be traced back to Jacob of the Bible; who owned an Assyrian Donkey; also called a Jack Ass; from the word’s “Jacob’s Ass meaning Jacob’s Assyrian Donkey; see the words; Jack Ass
      acutally mean “Assyrian Donkey; so in effect there are no true “Jack Asses left;
      except for the BLM people who run the Fallon corrals of course…esp. “Sandford”;
      To me the beauty of the Mustang is: if trained correctly from birth; these would make excellent trail riding horses for children; the BLM misses the whole point;
      because Mustangs are very sturdy equine; making them safer; IF trained correctly;
      THE BLM creates an unsafe riding horse by tramautizing the Mustangs; by tramuatizing the Mustangs they CREATE a basically unadoptable equine proved by

      a video of a herd of mustangs in a pen at Fallon; just the sight of the man entering the pen set the herd into a mini stampede ! ! ! so they RUIN the mustangs with their abusive tactics; the Mustangs have a patient character; don’t they ?

      They are survivors ! ! ! thanks for your comment; Anne “Mustangs Rule the West…!
      (excuse my ramblin’s…)



    I could not find the pix of the last true Assyrian Donkey (JackAss); I found this;

    this is the “missing link between a Zebra and a Donkey; named a Quagga;

    One of the last people to own a Quagga was Louis the XVI; (see drawing in article)

    the final remaining Quagga perished in A Zoo in London; none Quaggas exist today that we know of; concerning passenger pigeons;
    How could man “destroy billions of Passenger Pigeons in 200 years; so none are left

    there must be some Passenger Pigeon nests somewhere on God’s Green Earth: I hop
    the point is;

    30,000 Mustangs is a small number of animals; as are the 2,000 Buffalo @ Yellowston

    these Herds should be built up and special refuges and wilderness parks created…

    I could set up a good refuge in about 6 months if I had the land and money; Anne

    speak out; you’ve got to speak out against the madness; if you dare !
    and to Madeline Pickens concerning her affilIation with Salazar;
    don’t; don’t try to get yourself elected; if you do; you’ll have to “shoot a mare:
    * Sandpit Sandford DVM Fallon has “shot approximately atleast 50 mutangs since ’09;



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