Horse News

Congressman Dan Burton Speaks Out Against Obama’s Mismanagement of Wild Horses

A Word of Thanks Due the Congressman from Indiana

(House of Representatives – January 24, 2011)

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Burton) is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. BURTON of Indiana;

“Mr. Speaker, last week, at the request of a lady named Madeline Pickens, I met with Mr. Bob Abbey, who is the head of the Bureau of Land Management, to talk to him about dealing with the wild horses, the mustangs that roam out west in the western States. The Bureau of Land Management has somewhere between 35,000 and 40,000 of these mustangs in pens around the country; and the cost of this is estimated to be as much as $2,500 per horse per year. The Bureau of Land Management just last week started rounding up another 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 of them to take them to holding pens and move them to Oklahoma.

Now, the thing that’s interesting about this is that when I talked to Mr. Abbey, he admitted that they want to move these horses from Nevada 1,000 miles to Oklahoma in order to put them in these pens. Now Ms. Pickens, she is very concerned about these mustangs because they’re part of America’s heritage, and she wants to protect them as much as possible. Toward that end, she bought two ranches, the Spruce Ranch, which has 14,000 acres in it, and the ranch next to it in Nevada, the Warm Creek Ranch, which has about another 4,000 acres; and then she got permits for another 550,000 acres so that they could put those horses on this land, protect them, and save the taxpayer money and make sure that these horses will not be put in pens and shipped all over the country.

But the Bureau of Land Management is recalcitrant. They want to move these horses 1,000 miles into these pens, and they want to keep them there at a cost of as much as $2,500 per year per horse.

Now, Ms. Pickens says that for $500 a year, she can keep them on her range and protect them, create a kind of museum for these horses so that people can come and see them in the wild. And she would have them injected so that they can’t reproduce; therefore, they wouldn’t have to worry about an expanding population of mustangs, but they would be protected. But the Bureau of Land Management wants to move them a thousand miles, where her ranch and her permits are within just a few miles of where the horses are right now.

Now, when I talked to Mr. Abbey last week, he said that they couldn’t reach an agreement with Ms. Pickens, that there’d have to be some major changes made over at the Bureau of Land Management in order for them to facilitate what she wants to do.

This is another bureaucratic nightmare that we in this Congress should not—and I don’t believe will—put up with. And I’m going to ask the Appropriations Committee to cut the budget of the Bureau of Land Management because they’re wasting the taxpayers’ money by millions and millions and maybe hundreds of millions of dollars.

Last year, the government spent about $144 million managing private livestock on Federal public lands, and they only collect $21 million for grazing rights. So they lost at least $123 million per year. And some people estimate that they lose as much as $500 million a year, half a billion dollars, by keeping these grazing lands in private hands where people get them for almost nothing. $21 million was what the fee was that they got last year.

So they’re losing as much as $500 million; they’re moving these horses up to a thousand miles, and they’re doing it for no good purpose other than the bureaucracy wants to keep control of them.

Now, the reason Ms. Pickens started this organization to protect these mustangs was because, in 2008, the Bureau of Land Management said, well, they weren’t sure they could take care of all of these horses—they have almost 40,000 in these pens right now—so they were thinking about killing them, euthanasia, starting to kill these horses.

Well, the people who love these mustangs and love the West the way it was don’t want this to happen. So they came up with this organization to deal with the problem in a realistic way so that the horses wouldn’t be killed. The organization they started when they heard they were going to euthanize them was called Saving America’s Mustangs, and they offered to enter into a contract with the Bureau of Land Management to relocate at least 9,000 of these horses into these lands that they just bought and got permits for so they wouldn’t have to be shipped to these pens a thousand miles away.

Now, it makes absolutely no sense to me, at a time when we’re fighting fiscal problems in this country—we’ve got trillions of dollars in debt, and unless we start cutting spending, we’re going to see this country go into bankruptcy. Moody’s has already said they may have to reevaluate the bond rating for the country.

Let me just end up, Mr. Speaker, by saying it seems to me that we ought to be frugal with the public’s money. We ought to cut the Bureau of Land Management’s budget so that we can save the money and save the mustangs. That’s what this is all about—a humane way of treating the mustangs in this country, which are a part of our heritage.”

34 replies »

  1. How refreshing to read and view the video.

    Hopefully this will bring some much needed help to our Wild ones!

    I know several of you have submitted questions about our Wild ones to the President.

    Be interesting to see if he addresses any of them.


  2. Congressman Burton made a very sensible and accurate statement regarding the handling of our American Wild Horses and Burros by the BLM. I applaud him for standing up and speaking out against the stupidity and waste that has gone on by the BLM for years. I hope and pray that congress and the president will take note of his comments and act on them.


  3. There’s a group of women I’ve been working with the last year and one of them sent me an email with this information. She suggested actually writing a note (or typing) would make it a lot more personal (and if enough people did this…impressive! LOL) and mailing/emailing it to Congressman Burton would give him some idea of just how MANY people are involved in this issue. Should you chose to do so, he’s just a few minutes of typing or just a stamp away! Here’s the contact info she sent:

    You can send a letter to the following address to personally thank Congressman Burton:
    2308 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-0001
    OR use Postal Code 46229 to Send an EMAIL thanking Congressman Burton for his outstanding leadership

    article posted on


  4. Thank you Mr. Burton for speaking out on this issue! Symbols influence reality. Makes me proud to hear some common sense come from the home state we share!


  5. I just sent the whole press release on this from Madeleine to most everyone in my address book (except one cousin that cattle ranched in ID for 45 years and thinks all wild horses are scrubs and should be gotten rid of – other than that she is really nice) with the following comments of my own:

    Please take a few minutes out of your busy lives to learn what the BLM has been and is doing as we speak, to OUR wild horse herds. These horse are living symbols of our unique American culture and freedom. There is no justification for it and it is a prime example of a federal bureaucracy completely out of control that has wasted hundreds of millions of our tax dollars over the years and directly caused the death and injury of hundreds of horses with their cruel and inhumane roundup and transportation methods. They are continuing to do that right now in the Antelope Complex roundup in Nevada in spite of the tens of thousands of protests voiced by advocates for the horses and the incredibly generous offer by Madeleine Pickens.
    Though you may not feel as passionate about this issue as I do, remember horses do not have email or telephones and cannot write so people must speak for them. At the current rate of destruction by the BLM, within a couple of years there will be no more horses roaming free and it will be irreversible. Once they are gone there can be no bringing them back but that will be okay with the fat-cat ranchers and mining interests that want to exploit the land that was designated by Congress with the BLM as manager for the wild herds . What BLM is doing is contrary to the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act passed by congress but they have been getting away with it under the radar for years and have turned it into a black hole for tax dollars and created an intransigent bureaucratic power structure that ignores the intent of congress and the American people.


  6. Bravo! Congressman Burton. Hopefully our new Speaker of the House AND the new Majority Whip will take heed and look into all of these allegations against the Department of the Interior and the BLM! I just the other day sent Senator Eric Cantor an email about an investigation reported on here about the money that was transferred from one agency within the Department of the Interior to the BLM so that they would have additional money to carry out their devious plans for our beloved mustangs. I printed off the article so that I can send it to Senator Cantor should he request it on the hopes that they will do a full accounting of all the “blood money” that the BLM is using to eradicate the Mustangs only to help “their friends”. Together, we can and will stop this madness that is running amouk in Washington!


    • Tracie:

      You said, “…I printed off the article so that I can send it to Senator Cantor should he request it on the hopes that they will do a full accounting of all the “blood money” that the BLM is using to eradicate the Mustangs only to help “their friends”….”

      Did you mean to say, “Representative Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader”?

      The right is big on small government and drastic cuts in spending…but the only thing I see them cutting in the DOI budget is National Parks/Staff. Instead both Republicans/Democrats INCREASED DOIs budget nefariously.

      Spending/Budget may be the way to get DOI/USDA more than slowed down on the wild equines issue. BTW, Cantor is on Imus right now saying that “we” HAVE TO SLASH SPENDING! Now would be the perfect time to remind Mr. Cantor a great place to start would be the roundups, holding, processing and let equine friendly citizens help plan and care for our National Icons.

      Also, banning horse slaughter would save inspection, transportation enforcement and border monitoring costs….tax breeders, auctions and equine industries to fund a national euthanasia fund/passport system, just for starters.


  7. One man speaks for all of us. One man listened, and heard, and understood. One man “got it”. And so it begins–with one man, and one step, and a voice for our horses. Thank you, Congressman Burton.
    (Thanks, Madeleine.)


    • Right on savewildhorses !!!! it is time for Senator Mary Landrieu to get Pardon the pun on Her High horse and use her knowledge and position to Save our Wild Mustangs, this should be a given …………….She is genuine in her quest for The Mustangs …..


  8. Boy it sure seems like this guy got all the talking points right on target! Kudos galore to him for a job extremely well done.


  9. We should all write and thank Congressman Burton AND add two important points:

    There must be an immediate MORATORIUM on all Wild Horse and Burro
    There is NO overpopulation problem. There is a “LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY”


    • I just called Congressman Dan Burton office, to thank him for his concise and wonderful speech for Our Wild Mustangs…………….His office personal was very receptive, and said Congressman Burton has had many calls ………….. So Please everyone call his office, send him emails , and write him a letter Thanking Him…………………………….


  10. Thank God, we finally have a Congressman that has some sense. I have written Diane Feinstein and called her office and I feel I got gibberish back in an e-mail. I hope that this will start a complete review of the BLM and all its croonies at the BLM and the Agriculture and that finally that will be put in their place. It’s about time there is a “house-cleaning” at this agency and all the cattle are removed from the ranges and these gorgeous horses and burros be returned to their former ranges to be with their families and enjoy their freedom. Madeleine, if the above comes to pass, your ranches could still help – not only with some wild horses but even help some of our horses needing temporary homes until new loving homes are found. My hope upon my retirement is to have several horses to take care of in my retirement. There is no greater love than to have a horse return answers by his response when you talk to him. I know because a horse I wanted to adopt did just that, but unfortunately he died in May of a heart attack. I miss him so much but he is the one that started me against the BLM and all they stand for. May we continue to achieve great strides now that we have Congressman Burton on our side.


  11. I really appreciate Congress Burton’s effort; to get in the official Congressional Record more than counts!

    I just wish he would have mentioned numbers like 6 million head of livestock v. less than 20k wild equines today; the population numbers of wild equines found on the Plains and West in the 1800s, 1900s and now in the 21st century…it is TRAGIC and does not scientifically or logically justify this level of effort or expenditure!

    Thank you Sir.


  12. This is a perfect example of “special interests” at work. Only this time, it is OUR special interest. Big coompanys have plenty of money to pay lobbyists. Madeline has the money to be the mustang’s lobbyist (since, of course, mustangs don’t have credit cards or wallets like geckos do). This is wonderful to see this issue finally brought to the House floor. Thank you Mr. Burton. Thank you Ms. Pickens. However, it won’t take just this one speech. He will need to continue to push this issue in conversations with other Represintitives until something is written up and done. He didn’t have a lot of ‘passsion’ in his speech. The mustang issue isn’t in his heart (not that he might not be a horse lover, but his mind is busy with bigget issues), but he sees a win-win here. Constituients (mustang lovers) have asked him to help do something. He sees it as a way to put in 2 cents on how to reduce the federal budget and help the deficiet, thus putting on his record as ‘having done something’. Has any other representitive in the past few years spoken at the podium about this issue? And yes, a gazillion notes written to him will re-inforce to him that there ARE a lot of people out there concerned about this, and it will keep him on the issue. You don’t have to be wordy. Just thank him and tell him you are backing the solution offered. HE will put together a team for advice and suggestions, upon which you will then be able to offer your own solutions to the problems through that committee or panel.


  13. Congressman Burton’s office is being deluged with phone calls from all over the country, thanking him. ANNIE’S ARMY is growing.


    • Yes Louie !!!! annies is growing minute by minute, Annies army is now assembling, once the word gets out and the people decide enough is enough ………………… i smell Sweet Freedom for the Mustangs !!!!


  14. Way to go, Rep. Burton!! Thank you SO much for your support for America’s wild mustangs! I just hope Obama & the rest of our government heard you, & actually LISTENED to you. We need more people like you!


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