Horse News

Obama Wild Horse Agency Concludes Animal Cruelty Legal Under Current Administration

Only Seconds After Posting Previous Article this Slap to the Face of the American Public Came Across the Wire

Sanity in the Federal Government is Lost

More Helicopter cruelty occuring AFTER the mare event, taken on 1/31/2011 by Laura Leigh

An internal review by the Bureau of Land Management has found that Sun J Livestock, one of the BLM’s wild horse gather contractors, did not violate existing BLM policy or procedures in connection with a Jan. 27, 2011, incident involving a mare that fell, got up, and was subsequently pursued by the contractor’s helicopter during the ongoing gather of wild horses at the Antelope Complex, located in Elko and White Pine counties, Nevada. The controversial incident, captured on videotape, was widely disseminated on the Internet and through the news media.The four-member BLM review team concluded that the mare had stumbled or tripped and fell when she lost her footing in a small snow drift. She was not over-driven and did not collapse from exhaustion, the review team found. Following attempts by the helicopter to herd her into the trap, she ran off uncaptured.

BLM Director Bob Abbey said, “The BLM review team was asked to look into this incident to see whether Sun J violated any existing BLM policy or procedures relating to the gathering of wild horses from the Antelope Complex, an overpopulated Herd Management Area in Nevada. The team found that no such violation occurred.” Abbey added, “This finding does not mean that the BLM is satisfied with its existing policy and procedures dealing with wild horse gathers. We will carefully review our policies, consider advice from experts, and continue to look for ways to improve and minimize the risks to animals.”

“Since 1976, when Congress first authorized the use of helicopters in the gathering of wild horses, capture techniques have steadily improved. But we must advance as far as possible in ensuring the humane treatment of wild horses and burros, both on and off the range,” Abbey said. “The ‘old normal’ for doing things is not good enough for our agency. We need to take a hard look at existing gather policy and procedures, make any and all needed improvements, and then create a ‘new normal’ for doing business.”

The review team, established by Dean Bolstad, Deputy Division Chief, BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program, and Amy Lueders, Acting State Director, BLM-Nevada, consisted of Dr. Albert J. Kane, Senior Staff Veterinarian, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), APHIS/BLM Wild Horse and Burro Partnership; Gus Warr, BLM-Utah Wild Horse and Burro Program Specialist; Lili Thomas, Wild Horse and Burro National Program Office, Contracting Officer Representative; and Mary D’Aversa, BLM-Nevada Schell Field Office Manager.

The full text of the team’s bull shit report can be found at


Editor’s Note: “I simply cannot believe this, then again maybe I can.  How in the world can you allow an agency to conduct an investigation upon itself and it’s contractors and call it impartial?  Where are the checks and balances, where is American honesty and transparency, where is the law?  This is so outlandish that I cannot even put my thoughts into words.  The only thing that I can say is this singular report substantiates, verifies and validates all that I said in yesterday’s article, we have to act and we have to act NOW!  This has GOT to stop!” ~ R.T.

78 replies »

  1. WHAT??? Nobody with a heart and a conscience could conclude innocence on the part of the pilot / Sun J. And what’s that about the “internal review”.
    Okay, let’s have the Mafia do an internal review to see if there is any wrong doing by their cronies. Hmmm… They deem them to be innocent? Big surprise… NOT!
    The corruption in BLM (and other government agencies) is running deep, and we are drowning in it. WHERE is the accountability? Where is the integrity?? I’m looking hard and finding none … certainly where BLM is concerned they are clearly missing.


  2. “Only Seconds After Posting Previous Article this Slap to the Face of the American Public Came Across the Wire”

    “Sanity in the Federal Government is Lost!”

    My thoughts exactly. After reading your first post I had to contemplate my response.

    Glad I waited R.T. you sumed it up for all of us.

    Thank you, Marge


  3. The government and big corporations are always allowed to investigate themselves. Mario Cuomo once said, “if the public really knew what went on they would storm the Bastille with pitchforks.” Short of that the only way to stop this is to put this Presidents face on it. It’s not political its reality. There is no time for niceties. His claim to freedom is he achieved more then anyone yet allowed the very living symbol of it to loose it.


  4. The BLM reveals that there is absolutely nothing they can do to a wild horse or burro that they will ever consider cruel and inhumane.

    Imagine what goes on inside the prehistoric brains of these prey animals having predatory helicopters chasing them relentlessly for miles. Loud whirling metal monsters basically landing on their backs.

    It’s bad enough that the BLM views and treats them as rangy livestock, but they obviously consider them worthless rangy livestock. Not bothering themselves with bringing them in undamaged, casualties don’t get a second thought, and euthanasia is a nice PR term for shooting them to death. Too many of these animals are chased and terrorized for miles just to then be shot to death.

    This federal agency full of self-anointed “wild horse and burro specialists” is so outdated in it’s own management that it isn’t capable of developing and enforcing standard operating procedures for these “livestock round up services” they hire that regulate the distance a helicopter must keep between himself and the animals, and limits the distance and/or amount of time a helicopter can chase individuals or bands of horses before backing off and allowing them to rest. That is the very *least* the BLM could do and they don’t, and they’ve had since 1971 to figure this out.

    No one can tell me that there’s any intelligence to be found in an agency that would rather have photographs and videos of the harassment, abuse, and deaths of the animals they’re mandated to protect for the public plastered all over the internet and on the news, from Las Vegas to Reno to CNN, to the repulsion of the public it works for, than take the no brainer steps to make sure these round ups, unnecessary that they are, are done humanely and with as little stress as possible, if for no other reason than to save face and not look like a bunch of thugs. The animals promoted as “America’s Living Legends” – at BLM adoptions.

    But this is the same agency that is continuously losing lawsuits filed against them for failing to do federally required environmental impact studies when leasing allotments of public land to domestic livestock ranchers. Them failing to follow their own job requirements results in even more costs to taxpayers who then pay to defend them in court against environmental organizations like the Western Watersheds Project (WWP). Why not just do the federally required studies in the first place, do them honestly, or at least hire professionals to do it (like the WWP), and do it right? Is that really asking too much?

    We have a bunch of backwards yahoo good ol’ boys who cannot drag their knuckles out of the last century, will not listen, refuse to be accountable, try to get away with whatever they can, ignore the public, ignore Congress, ignore the GAO, and appear to think our public lands are their own personal adult version Lord of the Flies Island.

    And yet there they are, still driving their taxpayer owned vehicles, in their kakis, getting their direct deposit federal checks each week.


  5. Well said , Terry. This is more corruption and another cover-up with lies by the BLM but Congress is doing NOTHING about it and Obama doesn’t care evidently.


  6. Of course they didn’t violate existing BLM policy or procedures. THEY DON’T HAVE ANY.

    They can only use a helicopter to gather these animals if they follow the humane procedures prescribed by the Sec of Interior. But no Sec of Interior has left any written humane procedures to be followed. So they do what ever they want. If that doesn’t work they harass the horses until they are tired enough all they can do is move in a direction away from the helicopter.

    The Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is having a two day meeting in March. I say we get these humane procedures written and ask that they be adopted. Here are my ideas.

    1. The helicopter is to be used to gently influence herds of horses or burros to move in the desired direction. This can be accomplished by flying a semi circle behind the herds from about 1/2 mile out until they start to move in the desired direction. If the herd starts to split up the pressure is too close and the helicopter should back off. If the herd is aware of the helicopter and does not move the helicopter should gradually move closer. Once the animals are moving in the direction desired the copter can stay more directly behind them moving to the side only to keep the herd together.

    2. The helicopter should never be used to chase individual animals or push horses or burros at a gallop. The only exception would be to increase speed as the herd come close to the mouth of the trap and are headed in the correct direction. This would insure that the animals enter the trap without slowing to look for options. Once in the trap the helicopter should back off and let the wranglers influence the herd to follow the Judas horse.

    3. The helicopter should never be used to push herds through the trap itself. If the helicopter is close enough to cause the jute or other cover on the trap sides to flap in the wind he is too close and is only increasing the desire of the animals to escape.

    4. At no time is the helicopter to be used to physically push a horse or burro. In fact if the helicopter is close enough to raise dust in the animals face, he is too close. The area in front of the mouth of the trap should be kept watered if need be so allow the helicopter to ensure that the herds enter the trap, without raising a dust storm.

    5. At no time is the helicopter to be used to chase horses or burros for the purpose of tiring them to make them easier to influence. Once a horse or burro has been harassed by a helicopter that animal will only be harder to influence in the future. Horses and burros learn easily so the pilot must be careful what he teaches them.

    6. Wild horses, though they are free to roam all day, are not physically conditioned like a race horse or endurance horse. They are not capable of running long distances without serious consequences. Since horses and burros are flight animals they will run in fear as long as they sense a danger and have any energy left in their system. Therefore it is of great importance that the pilot learn to influence the horses at a trot or lope and take pressure off to allow a walk from time to time on trips of over a mile or two.

    7. If a horse or burro panics and escapes at the trap and cannot easily be directed back into the trap, it is best to let that animal go. It is easier to influence horses and burros in a group, so an escaped animal can be picked up with a later group. Fighting an escaped animal to get it back in will only cause more fear and make it harder to gather on a future trip.

    8. Mares in foal, or with foals, and older equines need to be moved more slowly to prevent harm. A pilot needs to be aware of these animals in a herd and move the herd more slowly if these are falling to the back of the group. If a mare has an out of season foal, so young that she won’t bring it with the herd, that pair must be left back. As long as the pressure on the herd isn’t too close a mare will usually stay with her young foal to protect it. If a mare leaves a foal the helicopter should back off and allow the mare to return to the foal. At that point the rest of the herd can be moved without disturbing the mare and foal. If a mare won’t return for her foal, having a wrangler retrieve the foal becomes an immediate priority.

    I am sure I can think of more, anyone want to help?


    • yes…do away w/ the round-ups completely. i see no way that using helicopters is in any way humane, no matter what procedures are put in place. period.


      • there should be a HUGE demonstration/protest/rally on behalf of the mustangs at the 2 day meeting in march. and don’t forget to do press releases to all the appropriate media……all over the country… there’s national media attention. hopefully, madeleine pickens will be on top of this.


    • Sue’s reply: You have created carefully thought out rules. BUT we all know they will never abide by rules. And we all know that the only real solution is to STOP the Roundup-and-Removal all together. Those guys have blatantly committed criminal and negligent acts AND gotten by with it for years now, and they will never tone down to follow any set of rules. PLUS there is no real method of oversight and accountability in the putrid river of corruption up to and including the highest office in the land.


    • If we are stuck with helicopter round ups these are the rules we should follow. I especially like never c hase a lone horse, or mare and foal.


  7. Well, looking at their team of “investigators” it’s not a surprise is it? Was anyone really expecting them to find otherwise? It just shows the entire program from top to bottom is rotten and corrupt. When you can run a mare until it collapses and say it is perfectly within your agency guidelines and policies to do so, you know you are a piece of shit agency. Sorry, for the profanity. Just calling it like it is.


    • Bravo savewildhorses, We all must call them the way we see them, and you called that one perfectly, there is not a better name for them…….


    • ” When you can run a mare until it collapses and say it is perfectly within your agency guidelines and policies to do so,”

      And THEY just said it stumbled. A horse that stumbles rights itself immediately, unless it is so exhausted it can hardly breath.


  8. All good ideas but what is really needed is a ban on ALL roundups with or without helicopters unless there is a real emergency–fire, flood or dought to the point wild horses and/or burros are in danger. Right now the real danger is EXTINCTION. The roundups and removals along with gelding and now PZP-22 are wiping out our American wild horses . This “managing for extinction” has escalated to an alarming situation under Obama’s administration. I thought it couldn’t get worse but was I wrong !
    So HOW are we going to stop it?


  9. Yes agree this has to stop…but with all the work everyone has been doing nothing seems to be effective…it gets pretty discouraging and I am sure that is what the administration is counting on is that we will give up….WRONG – we will remain in their face! And what goes around comes around….


  10. Dear RT you are so very right , this we must address IMMEDIATELY, the urgency of this is Eminent , Please lets do something here, I believe it must be now !!!!!! Please we must come up with the Proper thing to do and we must do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The BLM is a huge FAIL>>>> Why Must we let them to continue their HORROR Party at the Expense of the Innocent Mustangs , God We need to act and act fast !!!!!! If we do nothing and allow the BLM S murder fest we are no better then they are, we all have been forced to watch Our Beauties , be tortured , maimed, murdered right before our eyes , I for one cannot take it anymore , each one that they torture brings me to my knees with horror for them , I have cried for them many nites in search of a way or a solution to save everyone of them, The BLM could care less they are Rats with Hooves to them, (BOB ABBEY CALLED THEM THAT he is what I call a sub Human)


    • if mr. abbey calls animals in his charge “rats w/ hooves”, he should be immediately fired from the BLM. that should be one of the demands at the march meeting. how can he have the mustangs best interest, safety & lives in mind when he says something like that…. we need to start a list of demands for the mustangs to present to the BLM at the march meeting….item #1: clean house. fire bob abbey. then work our way down the list.


    • we should ALL go to madeleine’s page & tell her ourselves also! we don’t have much time…..we need to get it rolling if we’re going to do anything about it.


    • well, unfortunately we can’t fire obama….yet. since abbey is the one putting his foot in his mouth, he’s a good one to start with. won’t he be attending the meeting in march?


  11. One of the definitions of Holocaust is any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life. The BLM s Round ups Qualify to be called this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. I’d love to get them to stop the round-ups entirely, but I don’t know if we can make that happen in March. I do think we can point out that they aren’t following humane guidelines and we have a chance at making them follow that part of the law. The pilots we have out there now make Catoor look like an angel. We have to get them under control.

    The report said they didn’t violate any policy. We have to get a policy in place that will protect our wild ones until we can stop the “gathers” entirely.


  13. Animal Cruelty laws in Nevada are defined as:
    1. A person shall not:
    (a) Overdrive, overload, torture, cruelly beat or unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate or kill an animal, whether belonging to himself or to another;
    (b) Deprive an animal of necessary sustenance, food or drink, or neglect or refuse to furnish it such sustenance or drink;
    (c) Cause, procure or allow an animal to be overdriven, overloaded, tortured, cruelly beaten, or unjustifiably injured, maimed, mutilated or killed, or to be deprived of necessary food or drink;
    (d) Instigate, engage in, or in any way further an act of cruelty to any animal, or any act tending to produce such cruelty; or
    (e) Abandon an animal in circumstances other than those prohibited in NRS 574.110.

    Both the contractor and BLM are in violation of Nevada state law. I wonder if Bob Abbey shared the video of the old mare collapsing with his grandchildren?


  14. blah blah blah blah (insert 4 letters words that I can’t post here).

    You have got to be kidding me. Whether she tripped or fell–she was down. And she couldn’t get up right away til those icky men with whipsticks got out there. Then that rumpuss pilot chased her this way and that for NO REASON.

    Man these people need to go home and get there wifey’s pregnant. At 8 months let’s run ’em til they drop. And let’s just see what happens to their baby. And oh by the way we are free from any prosceution cause this is one of those idiotic tests they do like P’ZP.

    Someone’s got a burlsack of poop in their pants only instead of coming out their hindside its coming out the hole in their face.


  15. Impeach Obama for being the dumbest President EVER. If we can get him out of office and Biden too–maybe the horses have a chance.

    Man after this week I’m just plain furious. Unfreaking believable.


    • Yes, margaret, it has been a mind blowing week, imagine the Mustangs, they were forced to live it, This week I have had to step away twice because i was so emotional drained, i havebeen so teed off…… at them low life jerks………….


  16. Okay I have a question. Sorry I’m just flat out angry right now. That’s why all the posts.

    Can we sue BLM like the military can sue on of their own? Like a court martial? This is absolutely over the top insane.

    I don’t have all the money and the means to travel to Arizona for that meeting. But if I can get time off from work and carpool with someone. Share a room and so forth it might be manageable.

    Perhaps Greyhound…Do we anyone who’d like to start a roomshare thing.

    We did this years ago at Tim Woolley for the first Barbaro Celebration. I think for the most part that it worked pretty well.

    Honest how many of you really want to go. Not just wish. I mean go? Is it worth trying to set this up? I don’t want people saying yes I’m coming and then back out. That would not be good.


  17. Send this video to a long list of veternarians, give them background, temp, terrain and approx distance chased and let THEM evaluate why the mare collapsed, get 100 of those and stick them under congresses nose with BLMs statement-their coverup- and the video of the mare..It is pointless to address this to the BLM, we need to take this to a higher level..I no longer give a rats rear end about getting them to try and see the light, they have been involved in one big coverup of lies deceit and manipulation since the Owyhee massacre.


  18. I agree with Margaret (and I agree with Terry, and the other great comments by people who are sick to death of the corruption and the egotistical _____’s who continue to get by with countless murders and thousands of terrorist attacks against the innocent, defenseless symbols of freedom).
    Let’s all converge on the meeting in March. Hey… Let’s all converge on Was. DC, PRIOR to the meeting.
    I wish we all could afford to do this. God only knows how many more Roundup-and-Removals they will try to rush thru prior to the March meeting! The cunning of their criminal minds is boundless and unbelievable. I would dare to say, this is ALL OUT WAR. We are foot soldiers in defense of the Wild Horses and Burros, who otherwise will never survive.
    Once they are all gone – who will the evil forces round up and kill next. There is already talk going on in college class rooms – professors saying the handicapped and elders must be done away with. I heard this just yesterday, that a student who objected to the idea was kicked out of class.
    It is crisis time in America folks. Where is the “A-Team” when we need them? I guess WE have to be the “A-Team” or the “WH & BD Team” (Wild Horse and Burro Defense Team). We need people with big hearts and deep pockets to support the cause.
    Maybe Madeleine Pickens (and/or others who have the financial means ) would fund a REALLY VIABLE course of action to FULLY STOP the BLM, and any other greed driven predators, from ANY further Roundup-and-Removal, or any other conceivable harm.
    It seems to be the only way. All other action: trying to appeal to the sense of justice and humanity of the situation, and depending on the legal system to do what is the right thing seems fruitless.


    • Louie, I just watched this again, thanks for the reminder. Others here may recall the brief media flap about this Sheriff last summer. Most of the obama lap-dog media inferred that this Sheriff must be off his rocker to actually DARE to tell a federal agency their agents would be subject to arrest if they continued. But thankfully, this Sheriff was not intimidated by the BLM threats. The BLM backed off because they knew they were in the wrong. There are many Western Sheriffs who do UNDERSTAND their authority and will not knuckle under and in the jurisdictions where these “roundups” are being conducted, they may become part of our last best hope to get them stopped short of going out there and physically doing it ourselves.


      • It’s too bad the BLM and their cronies, the Advisory Board, won’t be rounding up and abusing any horses here in Maricopa County during their meeting in March. If they were, I’m sure America’s Toughest Sheriff — Joe Arpaio, who also happens to be a HUGE animal advocate — would step in and enforce humane laws.

        This entire charade is so disgusting, so emotionally taxing to be forced to listen to these lies….. I’m going to have to just block it out. I suppose that is what they are counting on, but right now, I see red.


      • Dear Wambli !!!!This is what the Wild mustangs need Raw American Guts, I admire this Sherriff and applaud him, and am behind him 100% , We are not asking, begging pleading anymore about our Mustangs and their freedom, We are Demanding it……………………These Mustangs Belong America and to aLL OF US, No Half Witted bunch of murders is going harm what belongs to America and its people………


    • Tony DeMeo: I know this was last year and he probably not a sheriff anymore, but could he help us. Do you think he’s only for cows?


  19. I spent yesterday going back over some of the older posts in many of the sites here and OMG I thought we were talking about thousands of horses, HELL NO we are talking about tens of thousands of horses. where in the hell are they. am I starting to see something going on here. Are those horses part of a food allotment to other countries like corn or wheat? If that could be the case, that is why you are not getting any cooperation from the BLM this goes higher up, maybe all the way to the top. The BLM is just somebodys lap dog. And now they are casterating and steralizing these horses which means they may no longer need them. If that is the case I would think that the horses situation has gone to CRIDICAL. And the American people may have to go and take our horses back by force. If the BLM does give horses to Madeline Pickens it is only when they can’t make any more money off of them and there are just enough left to be in a zoo envirerment where we can pay to go see them and they will claim thay saved them from extintion. Just a thought I could be way off the wall. I have found that some people are born missing certain genes and people who can abuse anything and then turn around and condone that behavior have to be missing a gene.(NOT ALL THERE)


  20. I just now saw the video, this shows it goes higher up than the BLM and that they have no reguard for the people, the laws or the constitution and they are totally OUT OF CONTROL it is no longer for the people but for the government. We need more of our people to stand up. GOOD FOR HIM.


  21. This is just an atrosity. Why can’t the BLM and its contractors be sued for breaking Nevada’s laws mentioned above by SaveWildHorses. I still think we should all get together with a massive revolt like Egypt just had and it not only the BLM, the White House, but the Dept of Agriculture. It looks like this will only do the job that we’re attempting to do.


  22. Is anyone really surprised that the BLM found themselves not guilty of any wrongdoing? Their “investigation” was eyewash for the uninformed as most people do not know what has been going on right under their noses for decades. The BLM has been getting away with this for so long I believe it has reached the point where appealing to them to stop or even modify their conduct is only an exercise in futility. How long will it take to figure out they have not been listening and are not going to start now. As sickening as people like Abbey and his partners in crime are, it must be acknowledged that they are powerful and deeply entrenched and are not going to willingly go away or change just because we keep telling them they should. They can be inundated with emails, letters, faxes, and have their office switchboards overloaded with calls. Sorry but nothing will change. They will continue to ignore court rulings and the will of Congress and the people. I have no faith that obama will do anyting to stop this. If Congress cannot be convinced to IMMEDIATELY shut off the funds for these equine operations and order them to cease, that doesn’t leave many options to stop the roundups does it.

    Long ago I swore an oath to defend this country and its Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. That oath has no expiration date. I have been watching and analyzing the “big picture” in this country and in the world for many years, partly because it used to be part of my job and now I do it because I care about where we are headed as a people. I do not like what I see coming because it will tear our country apart at the seams but the alternative will be to lose what freedoms we still have. How much of a part will this issue of saving a national icon of freedom play? I cannot say but it may serve as a small part of the catalyst that sets off the fireworks. Thomas Jefferson said that from time to time it may be necessary to refresh the Tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots. How many who have basically lived a soft, protected civilian life are REALLY willing to go there if it comes right down to it? Talking about it is relatively easy, doing it is different. Okay, off my soapbox at least for now, have to go take care of my horse.


    • I would have been totally surprised if they HAD found there were any problems. They have shown repeatedly they aren’t too good at policing themselves, and God forbid they should ever have someone from the outside look over their shoulder at what they are doing.


      • I’m with you. I would’ve been surprised if they’d admitted any wrong doing, no matter how obvious it is.
        “Internal investigations” were key in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf last summer. Problems in the MMS were rampant, people knew about them, and nothing was corrected. Any time an agency “investigates” itself, there won’t be any changes made.
        This is why Congress has to get involved.


  23. Welcome to the new America, lead by the tyranny of failed leadership, aka dictators. They resemble the gestapo and the way the Nazis worked. Abbey you are a shame to America to the point of embarassment – the arrogance of your agency has no borders, your level of corruption either – invest in your PR gigs as you may need it. BLM is nothing but a whacko outfit geared to deceive, lie and manipulate. That is their main skill. The horses are just a pawn in their sick agenda – Obama’s ignorance and absence of leadership is nothing new – a great downfall and threat to this country as never seen before, we haven’t seen it all yet.


  24. Watch this video with close attention from 6:29 on. You will SEE THAT “APPROVED” PILOT ALMOST HIT THIS HORSE NUMEROUS TIMES!

    Right Laura–I almost was sick watching that.

    BLM found no wrong doing on the part of this pilot much less the company???? Freaking Heavens above what is wrong with these people. You don’t have to be disabled to not know right from wrong.

    I swear these people are some grown ups that set fire to the neighborhood kittie when they were kids but never got caught.

    Thank you for this timely video that once again proves how out of control our government is.

    I’m sad that poor horse has to be that kind of price. Kinda makes you want to wrap your arms around him to comfort him–but then that’s more for us than for him I suppose. Still he has his freedom for today. I just wish he hadn’t paid such a price.

    And if BLM staff were with you why they didn’t call the jerk pilot off???? Don’t tell me–another one of those grown ups who set fire to the kittie and never got caught.

    New name for BLM–and its legal here too! COW’S REAR END!!!!


  25. The question: What plan is there to win a battle with the BLM which is an organization that has more than its share of functioning psychopaths in high-powered positions, all the way to the top and accountable to no one (except to those giving them their orders). The administration operates in the same way. The public has been stripped of its rights. Psychopaths have no conscience. They are manipulative, deceptive, irresponsible, selfish and callous. The BLM hires contractors who share their mindset, especially their hate of animals. This fight is huge. I’ll stop here – don’t want express more of what I see.


    • I doubt if there is a plan as such at this point. Everyone is very upset and angry as the realization hits solidly of just what kind of agency and people we are actually dealing with. Your analogy with psychopaths is right on. Was thinking while out with my horse that expecting the heirarchy in the BLM to change their spots is like asking a pedophile or serial killer to stop doing what he does and start being nice.


      • There truly will be no negotiations with the BLM, directly, as they are to far down the road of self-adulation to turn around. What needs to happen is a very simple phone call from ONE man who says,

        “Hey, your press is in the tank and when your PR heads south so does mine and I can’t afford it. Put a cork in this thing until we can figure out what is going on and for the love of God begin to pay attention and heed several of the directions and offers of help from the advocates. Shut it down, FULL STOP!” then President Obama hangs up the phone.

        Simple, easy and to the point. THAT is what needs to happen, NOW!


  26. What blatant abuse of these noble animals to deprive them of their rightful freedom in an area where they contribute only positively and have a natural niche to fill. How utterly disgusting!


  27. Laura — Have you submitted any of these photos or videos to the FAA? There are flight safety protocols that this pilot is blatantly ignoring, probably feeling that he’ll be protected by the BLM. BUT, the FAA has the responsibility of granting or pulling a license to fly. Not the BLM.
    The proximity of the helicopter to the trap site (where employees are on hand) and flying almost on top of the horses and/or acutally bumping into them with the skids are major causes for concern.


  28. That pilet run her in curcles after she got up. He started her towords trap then turned her & turned her again! What the HELL WAS HE & THEY THINKING!!!


  29. sent to Nevada BLM just now!
    On 1/31/11 The old mare in question was HARRASTED! Once she got up the pilet started her towords the trap only to turn her back! He circled her a few times for no reason. This is harrassment & torture to an animal!
    We the people aren’t goint to stand for this! Dig your heads out of the sand hole they are in & look at the video again!


    • Just a helpful suggestion… Whoever put this petition together may want to go back and spell/grammar check the information before sending it on to Congress. I think our decision-makers might take it more seriously if the errors were corrected. Not trying to be the Grammar Police. I just think it gives a better impression of us as educated advocates when sentence structure and word usage are correct.


      • You are right Nora. I did not sign onto it for the very reasons you pointed out although I do agree with the basic premise. It must be constructed correctly or no one will pay much attention to it even if it ever does make it to some congressional staffer’s desk. For example: the use of “their” instead of “there” more than once as if the writer doesn’t know the difference.


      • I saw a t-shirt that states it best: “I am the Grammarian about whom your mother warned you.” 🙂


  30. The Republicans want to cut the budget so mabe it will help to Email and give him some facts.
    Below are more contacts and my Email to him. Anything is worth a try.

    On 2/13/2011 11:28 AM, Speaker Boehner wrote:
    > Thank you for your message. To stay updated on the new majority’s efforts to fulfill their Pledge to America and create a smaller, more accountable government, please connect with Speaker Boehner on:

    Please stop the roundups and removals of our American wild horses now. They are in danger of extinction as there is no excess as the BLM claims. Millions of cattle have been proven by a 1990-91 GAO study to have destroyed public lands and riparian areas and not wild horses yet the BLM under Secretary of Interior Salazar spreads this propaganda. Please visit, and to get the truth and to see photos and videos of how cruel the roundups are. Many horses die and are injuried and 39 mares miscarried their foals after the Calico Complex roundup last winter. Now wild horses are being chased for miles in the cold and are wet with sweat. at the Antelope Complex roundup in Nevada.Pneumonia has already caused the death of some horses and foals and others have broken their necks and legs. Millions of our tax dollars are being spent for these atrocities and they must be stopped . A congressional investigation of the DOI/BLM needs to be done.Thank you. Please reply.


  31. Barbara and Nora, I, too, looked at the petition and decided not to sign it, as I had some reservations–mainly the fact that it sanctions the use of PZP. The jury is still out on that, for a number of good reasons.


  32. Louie …. I forgot that was the other reason I did not sign it. I do not agree with the use of PZP, especially on the scale it is being applied almost indiscriminately. If you are mare, you get PZP.


  33. Wambli, you have probably read some of the reports from observers in the field. They are seeing “more violence on the range”. The mares come into heat but don’t settle, and with the 60/40 sex ratios that BLM uses, there is terrific competition for the mares. This puts the mares and foals in great jeapordy and dissrupts the entire dynamic of the herd. They are also seeing foals born at the wrong time of year. And, as we keep saying, OVER And OVER–there is NO over population problem.


  34. You all were right about all the “problems’ with the petition. I fixed the grammer or at least think I did and took out the PZP and straw parts and added stuff. Then sent the letters and signed it with comments. I was tired when I sent it and had not read it. There is NOT a pop. problem so fixed that too. It was poorly wriiten but I don’t know by who.


  35. Sorry, Louie, I don’t know . It wasn’t my petition. The letter is supposed to go to Obama and my senatiors and rep. in D.C.


  36. The Obama administration may care to realize that the ineptness of the Bureau of Land Management and the continuing negative press with its murderous attitude towards the Wild Mustangs and Burros, is fast becoming the weight that will topple an political agenda into an abyss….


    • The culture of ineptitude, above the law and special interest corruption within the government are deteriorating this country faster than teens addicted to their texting and computer games.

      WH&B program isn’t the sole issue; it certainly is another straw on the camel’s (US/taxpayers) back that will break it. That no one was punished in the SEC (Madoff, derrivaives, credit swaps, etc), Homeland Security (attempted bombings, Katrina, illegal immigration, etc) or DOI for the drug/sex scandal, Deepwater Horizon (yes an appointee got the boot after coming in from industry and sitting in the chair for less than 6months) IS OUTRAGEOUS! The constant refusal to assign agency accountability by Congress and the White House IS KILLING THIS COUNTRY AND COSTING US/us TRILLIONS annually.

      I’m getting fed up with the free passes these incompetent trolls are allowed to get away with…it’s a revolving door of resource suckers that don’t do their jobs or uphold law and order. Example: President Obama appointed GE CEO (scum company and human) to his “jobs/economy board (J. Immelt-sp?). This crud, along with Welch (another piece of garbage) have shipped over 50% of their US based jobs overseas. Now tell me what that creep is going to tell the Prez about jobs and the US economy. Talk about a stupid move. Nice message Mr. Obama.


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