Horse News

Breaking News: Round-Up is OVER

Eye Witness report from R.T. Fitch

Antelope Round Up is CALLED!

Photo by Terry Fitch

Roundup called early, today.  Terry, Laura and I arrived at the motel and only moments later Laura recieved a text from the local BLM PR rep that stated the roundup is over and tomorrow we will be witnessing a RELEASE!

No reason given but we are highly suspect that your efforts were heard and heeded.  Thanks to all for your support and we three will be there to record releases back to the range in the AM!

May the Force of the Horse be with You!!!


137 replies »

    • One of the best things about seeing so many of these comments is the many new names who made them. It seems that our community is growing! That is really another positive in this experience. There are more of us, folks. We are growing. People like you and me who feel the same way are becoming ready to show it! That is such a good thing, and another important reason to feel good!

      Thank YOU all too!


  1. OMG I can’t wait to see the release from your eyes! Thank you R.T., Terry & Laura for being there on the ground for all of us! You guys are remarkable.


  2. Praise God! I just got off the phone from leaving a comment from the White House line 202-456-1111 saying NO MORE ROUNDUPS and NO MORE MONIES SPENT FOR THE ROUNDUPS!!! Thank you R.T and Laura for your monumental effots and the heart wrenching bravery it take to see these horses rounded up! Now is the time to keep the pressure up. We must not relent because we don’t want those bottom feeders of the BLM to continue doing this through the back door as they have done before. Thank goodness, Great news. I wonder how many will be released back into the wild?


    • Athena C. I could not of said it any better!! I to can’t wait to see the release of these wonderful animals…God Bless…..An hope this is the End!!!!


  3. R.T., many thanks to you, Terri, Laura and her son for being there for us.
    Will the BLM be releasing only non-reproducing horses?


  4. I’ll believe it when you see it!!!And report it back to us. I wouldn’t believe a thing they said unless Jesus was standing there with his hand on the gates to heaven ready to lock tham out!


      • Me too Margaret. Is this for real? They are actually releasing some back! How many & are they viable? Wonder if Madeleine has something to do with this ~ Congress, our D.C. team, all of our voices? Stellar news! : )


  5. AMEN!! Hopefully, this IS an answer to everyone’s prayers & hard work. We can only hope that the BLM will stop ALL future roundups as well. If this is as good as it sounds, it really IS a miracle, Divine intervention! 🙂 This poor horse looks so pitiful & sad at the apparent loss of his family band, yet, at the same time, he is absolutely beautiful & regal!! Thank you, & keep everyone updated. P.S., wouldn’t it be wonderful if this wild one gets reunited with his family!!


  6. Of course its not tomorrow yet… Will have to see it thru RT’s eyes… If this happens, the Lord has certainly answered a few prayers. Too early to get excited will just wait this OUT!!!!


    • Tomorrow will be a special present but the real prize is 60 or more horses per day were saved over the next 3 days of scheduled activity…those horses won, the Stampede is over and we are really, really ready for it. We are going out for a hot, square meal, tonight, to celebrate.

      But we will be out there first thing in the morning, no worries.

      R.T. Fitch Author – “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” Director of the HfH Advisory Council The Force of the Horse®, LLC 1-800-974-FOTH


      • Please take lots of photos of horses released. We all need the uplift for our spirits! And a HUGE thank you to all of you!


  7. also, why did they just release 300 head of cattle on to this range that supposedly was so overpopulated with wild ones???? I sure would like to know that reasoning. Well, we now know who will be eating all the forage.


      • Just a note to support full documenting of the cattle on the HMA. Photo, video, voice of BLM commenting on cattle staying on, horses going off, permitee voices, etc.

        “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.”
        –Frederick Douglass


  8. I hope we’ll see tomorrow that this has come to pass, but wonder why they are now motivated to release the horses. I wish they would begin to respect laws that are supposed to protect them, so they would start to leave them be in the first place. What a waste of tax dollars as well as absurd stress on those poor animals.


  9. A) Did they call of the roundup because they couldn’t find anymore wild horses?
    B) How can they release the wild horses if they’ve already been carted away in trailers?
    C) Will the released wild horses all be castrated and sterilized?


    • Give us one night to enjoy this small victory as the debacle was to continue until the 1st. That is three days worth of wild horses not being captured and three days that we three do not have to witness their loss and drain our souls. Give us this one night off and I will be back with the facts in the morning.

      Laura needs a night off as she rarely gets any.


      • I respect your insight, fact mastery and committment to these noble creatures, but…she has some legitimate questions.

        If there is a respite, great.

        I assume it is because there are NO wild equines left. I hope it is because of the advocates and the insane budget constraints. I don’t know if we can know.

        When BLM stops, it is usually about money, weather or special interest…I pray that it is the special interest of the advocates and the pressure they have brought.

        Salazar should have been FIRED after the Gulff blowout debacle…which still looms in the natural resource carnage of the Americas


      • No disrespect but as I stated earlier, we will release our speculation on why this stampede was called early. Terry is working on the photos, Laura is working on legal papers, I am trying to shave and take a shower and we would like to get something hot to eat as we have been sitting in freezing temperatures and there is about 5 inches of snow on the ground. We can only react as quickly as time permits so please, may we have a moment?

        Let’s reveal for just a few hours in this small win. I am happy for the horses who will not be harassed. There are also other reasons why we are careful as to what and when we release information as the BLM people who surround us, all day long, read this stuff. Trust us but as I wrote in the brief note…a lot of it has to do with everyone’s efforts.


  10. They aren’t going to be sneaky are they?
    HOW-A- LOOO-YAAAAA !!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for the sweet words we’ve all been waiting to hear on this roundup. I pray that the rest of the roundups for the year won’t happen eiether.
    We are going to win if we have to fight til 7734 freezes over!


  11. I remember when Calico was called early- it was because they ran out of horses to gather, and people celebrated thinking we had stopped them..just saying..they seemed to be having a difficult time finding horses on a HMA that supposedly had so many.


    • You got it Sandra….they are running out (no pun intended) of their cash cows (pun intended)….ain’t nothin’ left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • But as you know Deniz, in the Calico roundups, none were turned back out. The Lawsuit then had high hopes they would all be released back. Moot ….


    • Thank You Sandra for reminding all about the Calico round up(better known to me as the Calico Tragedy) ……………I will never forget that one , it cut my heart out, it crushed my soul probably more then any of them will, mainly because i knew it would not stop there………… The horror would continue…..I thought back then no more please…………… Here we all are which seems like eons in time, with the continue i so dreaded for the Mustangs…………….. I still feel as i did back then, there will be no end unless we force an end !!!!!


  12. on BLM site, 1368 have been rounded up in total, 20 mares that were taken today will be PZP treated and released tomorrow, hope this is NOT a Calico repeat, where BLM simply ran out of horses.


    • So do you think this is all they will release, the 20 treated mares?
      R.T., Terri & Laura, thanks so much, hope you had a warm & cozy night, and fed yourselves well. The storm can be tough on a body, especially over 40. Grateful for all of you being on site and reporting. Looks like tomorrow will be a pleasant day. : )


  13. Thank you, Mr. Fitch for all you’ve done to spread the word. It is refreshing news. I wish you a peaceful, enjoyable dinner with your loved one.


  14. You three–four or more??–go have a great time tonight–is there anywhere to go to do that? What a siege Laura especially has been through, and bless you, R.T., Terry (and the other 2-3 that have been there with you this past week for being there for the horses and for Laura. What you’ve all bee through is unimaginable–and for Laura and the horses especially, having endured under such trying weather and other conditions.

    Hope there’s somewhere to get a decent dinner and glass(es) of wine…and enjoy one night of knowing that for now, tonight, it’s over. Super job, you guys–hats off to all of you!


    • Louie:

      Excellent question; depending on the intent of “morning” release, I suppose we must assume it’s best management.

      OOOoops! That’s right…BLM/USDA haven’t best managed squat.

      Maybe it’s time to make more wild equines disappear, phantom document “we” saved yet removed more than physically documented, ship more off to slaughter and the coup d’gras,….paid the sole source, no bid contractors at any cost.


      • It is a “morning” release because we are in the middle of a blinking BLIZZARD, it is DARK and it would be unsafe to even try to bring these horses back from the holding area, which is over an hour and forty minutes from the south and MOST of the roads are two tracks. We can’t even get there nor can the BLM OR the horses.


  15. Great news the roundup is (on hold?)…Just sayin’ Seems there has to be some plan/politics here, especially since 300 cows were moved in. Meanwhile, I hope this is a fair/real deal!!!


  16. Let’s hope that all the letters, phone calls, and such has helped win this victory, and that BLM is telling the truth. I will believe it when I see it through your eyes..They need to stop all roundups and release all the horses in the holding pens back to where they came from. Will be waiting to hear word from you and see the pictures…May God be with you and the horses.


  17. Early this morning I was incredulous upon seeing in the first section of the newspaper a photo of two horses with brief caption ” The government says it is cutting costly roundups of wild horses, like these in Nevada (photo) by a fourth, to 7,600 a year. Critics call the program inhumane.”

    That is all it said, I didn’t believe it so went searching to the authorr of this blurb – Andy Barron, and full article is in Reno Gazette-Journal. There is the same PR quoted by Abbey in the detailed article. Nevertheless – great news that these special creatures are spared. ><


  18. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is great news.Thank you to all the people, that fought day and day out for the freedom of the wild horses.
    I still wouldn’t turn my back on BLM. I don’t trust them at all.


  19. This is fantastic news!!! But, LETS ALL KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!!!! Laura, RT, and everyone else out there… have the heart and soul of a saint….without people like you, these horses wouldn’t stand a chance!!! THANKYOU!!!!! You don’t know how badly I want to come out there and help….maybe I won’t have too….


  20. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could not be happier, it’s SO nice to get good news and feel like our and YOUR work is doing something at long last!


    THANK YOU so much for your tireless work on behalf of these amazing animals.



  21. it’s only over because they met the demand of the corporate cowboys. the cows moved in pronto, claiming our mustangs’s land. the victory is small. the statement is large. it is not due to our alarm and contact that the round up is complete. it is because the blm met the demands of the corp. cowboys who are the financial monopoly of this war game. their cows are the houses. we must not stop watching. we must make demands and be forthcoming in what we understand to be our American heritage, the wilderness preserves with its indigenous animals – mustangs and others.


  22. RT thank you for this horsie–abulous news! I wish it could be all of them. I wish none of this had happened. But if this is really true and they are going to release a whole big bunch of horses and not just a token one or two–what a outta site pic this will be.

    To Laura thank you for being our eyes and making this huge commitment every day to the horses and to us. You are such a huge inspiration. I was the one in Sac–and we both looked at each other at the same moment and took each others pic. What a fun moment that was!


  23. Chi Migwitch to the Grandfathers for hearing our prayers and watching over those that watch over our wild horses.Don’t know how to embrace this overwhelming feeling of joy and gratitude for all those who do the “dirty”work. I just may breathe a little bit now …


  24. Great news indeed…and I too, would like to hope it was from the media pressure and the “investigation of Animal cruelty” along with lot’s of letters and calls. However I think that they “ran out of horses” I was keeping an eye on the “:Gather Reports” and when they are bringing in horses in the teens and under ten……means they couldn’t find them. Or this pilot is really “inept”? In this case it is good then!


  25. thanks for the update R.T, I spent a great deal of time on the phone begging people to help. I would love to believe that our efforts helped but who knows why. I left a very long message at the BLM saying that I simply could not believe that they could know what the contractors were doing out there. Perhaps they found out this was true? These bastads (sorry for the language but that is what I call them) need to leave these poor horses alone and for heavens sake, if they MUST round them up then at the very least make sure it is humane. I left the same message for the president more than once since they refuse to take your name.

    Anymore I guess my biggest problem is with humanity. How can a human being be so mean and cruel to a pregnant mare or a young horse? My God is this what civilization is? If that is the case, then there are animals that are more civilized than we are as human beings.

    I so appreciate your efforts and the fact that you are willing to be there to witness this happening and please know that I am there with you everyday and that I think of what you must be feeling. We will ALL continue to fight for what is right!


  26. YIPPEE !!!! Thanks to all who called in etc and a huge thankyou to the Fabulous Three…. Terry, RT and Laura !!!! A small but in the same way a HUGE VICTORY !!!!!!
    I am soooo hoping a good change is coming… this stuff just eats away at me and I’m sure it does you all !!


  27. Good news,indeed–if only for a moment. Like the horses–you have been pushed to exhaustion and left trembling,cold and fearful. So warm up, drink up and chow down! Thank you all for your strength and perseverance. We’re behind your efforts all the way — Words we really like: release and freedom!


    • RT you guys stay warm and dry tonight. Tomorrow you drive safely back to where those horses are going to be released at. You’re not far from where my bad accident was 4 years ago and that weather scares me no end. I know you won’t be able to wait for the big semi’s to roll through to help unfreeze 80 so some of that will be up to you. Go slow and BE SAFE.

      For BLM–please please help us to be able to watch those horses being turned back out. If you can’t make it out there tomorrow–please text RT in enough time so he isn’t making a wasted trip and endangering himself or anyone else in that car. We can clearly see by RT’s video that the weather is bad and you might even have to wait to Sunday. That would be okay too. As I said please text RT (or Laura) and let them know in advance so no one is putting themselves needlessly in danger driving in that miserable weather.


    • Short, sweet, and to the point- that’s how I like my news! Thank you, RT.

      I am so happy that you and Terry are there to see that dreadful round-up halted, and the release of a few of the horses back to their homeland.

      I hope that nice sorrel stallion gets his family back! Will you please let us know if his mares are some of those released? Photos make it all so personal, so although many families have been shredded, those we see in photos really touch our hearts.

      Forward ho- for ALL the horses and burros of America!
      Let’s get all 40,000 of the warehoused wild ones released!


    • R.T., thanks for this, its a great way to get a report in, the audio visual brings a better connection to advocates. Love that you and Terri are there with Laura right now. 0- : )


  28. The elation being expressed for the few horses still out there and the ones that may be released is well founded. But so is the cynicism as to the motives and reasons. When and where is the next scheduled “roundup” to take place?


      • Thank you …. If they adhere to this schedule they will be REMOVING ANOTHER 4,652 horses and 230 burros between March and September. It looks like they intend to ZERO out populations in at least four HMA’s if I am interpreting their pop control column correctly and to continue to drastically reduce the numbers across all the HMA’s listed. Both the Cattoors and Sun J will be doing the dastardly deeds. How many more deaths, injuries and broken spirits will result and how many millions will it cost us? They only stopped the Antelope three days before its scheduled end and probably due more to weather than any smidgen of compassion or concern for public opinion. I hate to be a wet blanket but obviously the war is not won.


    • YES!!!

      We voted for HOPE and CHANGE!

      It’s been a long time coming and that is what we were promised!

      It may well take an act of Congress, but we were promised…..

      There are many beautiful, innocent lives, dependent on these ideals!!!

      And our spirits and our heritage and our country’s future, is all dependent on stopping this destruction!

      The horses deserve this, they deserve the freedom that this country was founded on!!! Freedom is their LIFE! Just let them BE!


  29. R.T., Laura, and Terry, what wonderful news. I pray each night that the BLM will stop what they are doing and come to their senses that we mean business. I pay that God will intervene before all our gorgeous horses and burros are no more. Terry, that horse picture above it beautiful. It makes you want to come and hug and kiss him. This is what makes us want to protect and keep them in our prayers. I would love to see all your work and the advocates calls, protests, and messages to Obama get permanent results of no more roundups and all the corralled horses are taken back to their home ranges. Get those DAMN cattle off our ranges — we don’t want them there, we want our horses to have it. When I think of the five pregnant mares that were just saved this week, I marvel at what we can do we all put our mind to it. I will help them if addn’t funds will be needed to transport them to their new home. If they were close to me, I would take one. I believe Madeleine Pickens needs to just get these horses and forget the damn money from the BLM. THis would be a start. I think we need to start a United States donation fund for all rescues, santuaries, and the like of Madeleine Pickens purchase and keep all our horses at these locations until no homes or ranges can be found. We need to make sure that there is no back handed hauling of our horses out the back of the holding pens in the dead of night to slaughter. I received an e-mail of 42 of 45 horses purchased by a well to do killer buyer last week and he’s at it again. Why can’t we do something to stop this as well. No more transporting of our horses to Canada or Mexico without severe penalties. And, I do not mean money penalties. God bless all of you for your hard work, your viewing of these horrific happenings, and please know we admire and love you for what you are doing. May God continue to protect these horses and all that have suffered so. May this insanity stop NOW.


  30. Thank you all for being on the frontlines. We all send our thanks, prayers and love for all you do. Enjoy for evening of Victory!!!. Stay warm, stay safe. Blessings!!!


  31. RT, Terry, and Laura – for those of us who can’t be there to observe and help (which make us feel SO helpless) there are no words to express our gratitude to you and the others for doing so much to help these magnificent creatures. Thank you so much for keeping us informed as to what is happening and what we need to do to help you and the horses. Our debt to you is so great that we could never even come close to paying you back for your selfless determination, stamina and heroism. You are very special people and you set a great example of strength and humanity for the rest of us to follow. I know you make the Great Creator proud – when so many others make him cry………..


  32. Until you all are better paid (food and drink in Phoenix? LOL), THANK YOU FOR BEING THE EYES AND EARS for the rest of us. Rest up and all of us heading for Phoenix in two weeks will show all of you our appreciation for the sacrifices and unending efforts you have made these many, many months! You guys are the true heroes, but you’ve got one hell of an army behind you. Blessed Be.


  33. RT where are you in relation to 80/93? If you have to go up 93 towards Twin Falls there is NO CELL PHONE after leaving Wells until you get to Jackpot. And that reception is very limited to the city limits. On the other side of Jackpot (actually your in ID now) there again is NO RECEPTION until you get to Twin Falls.

    If your headed south of 80/93 I’m not familiar with that area so I can’t advised you. There is a big section further west of you on 80 where there is a big black hole for reception. But I don’t believe your anywhere near the place I’m thinking of.

    We just all have to be very patient right now cause RT is in an area where reception is basically none existent. I know this must sound strange to many but that’s NV for you. This is a remote area and now made all the more so because RT can’t check in every 5 secs.

    RT you make sure you have someone to check in with when you leave in the mornings and when you get back in the afternoons. So that we know your ok. And Laura this goes for you too. I may not know the entire layout of this land but I know enough to tell you that I know how very remote it can be and feel. I know 93 well enough to tell you that it can be scary being out there and not seeing a single car.

    Spoken from the heart, from one who travels 80 and 93 every year on my adventure to another State.


  34. Temps here dropping like a rock well below 0 with much wind chill, if it is any consolation it is a brief storm, I heard they were going to get snow in SF as well today, face masks hand and toe warmers and you are winter ready, something 100 proof will warm you up..i spent a winter up on the Owyhee on a ranch when it got 60 below with no wind chill…glad its just a memory..thanks you guys for tuffing it out!!!


  35. Thank you for your hard work, we all have to continue pushing the message that we won’t stand for it any longer. America’s National Treasure the Wild Horses are the symbol of freedom for all Americans, they must remain free..


  36. If JFK were alive today he would quote: “Ask not what the Wild Mustangs can and did for you, but what you can do for the Wild Mustangs”….


  37. Our Hearts, Thoughts And Prayers Are With These Precious, Innocent, Helpless, Voiceless, Creations Of God, Miss Terry, Miss Laura, R. T. And ALL Angels Of Mercy For Animals Who Love And Fight For Them And Their Freedom!
    God Bless And Protect These Magnficent Wild Equines And You, Our Dear Friends And Hero’s!
    We Appreciate You, So Much, And Wish We Were There Standing In The Gap For Them In Person, As Well, Not Just Spirit And Heart!


  38. LOL, I am sure BLM will put some humanitarian spin on was congress that forbade them to use funds to slaughter wild horses and it is congress who will stop the roundups by refusing to fund them, and everyones hard work and a bad economy that made it possible..timing is everything..BLM can see the handwriting on the wall, congess is not going to fund them period, now if we can stop the PZP until we can do accurate census counts the ball will be rolling.The way it looks now there will be no funding for roundups.


  39. Best news all month! 🙂 I know a lot of it this decision has to be thanks to the efforts of you guys, Laura Leigh, and all the others who are vigilant in sharing the autrocities.

    We have 4 months to put a stop to the Buck and Bald Complex and White Mountain/Little Colorado. To me White Mountain is a huge one, they were the first herd I ever saw. Though Buck & Bald’s numbers are a mess… sorting that out Let’s keep going y’all!


  40. Thank you so much for this great news. Sending warm wishes and prayers for you, R.T., Terri, and Laura. Looking forward to tomorrow. “This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24


  41. when you say “release”, do you have any numbers? Have they postponed any other roundups. Wonder if you know.
    We bombarded Sheriff Watts, he sent a report to the DA with the clips you all took of the hellicopter attrocities. The DA said basically that BLM are a law unto themselves and he has no jurisdiction over what they do on their land, even if it breaks the states animal cruelty laws.


    • Sheriff Watts sent the video from 01/27/2011 to DA Kelly Brown that was taken by Ginger Kathrens and Deniz Bolbol. Ginger and Deniz also sent unedited footage directly to DA Kelly Brown. Sheriff Watts filed an official report of violation of State Law of Animal Cruelty and sent it to the DA.

      The reason the DA didn’t prosecute was because there were no GPS coordinates on the video. He said he couldn’t prove where the video was shot. He couldn’t prove that incident happened in White Pine County.

      He did not say the BLM are a law unto themselves and he has no jurisdiction over what they do on their land, even if it breaks the states animal cruelty laws.

      The State Laws of Animal Cruelty apply to everyone. State laws are more stringent than Federal (there are no federal animal cruelty laws). The reason he hasn’t prosecuted yet is because the video didn’t prove location. GPS coordinates would have proven that. We are still working on proving the location/jurisdiction of the 01/27/2011 collapsed mare incident. Hoping Laura Leigh also follows through with her complaints of animal cruelty (I think she filed a complaint for 01/31 and 02/06, if we can get some photographers at the roundups with GPS attached to the photos and videos it will prove jurisidiction to enable the DAs to prosecute.

      In Nevada for 3rd and subsequent animal cruelty charges it is a felony.


      • A GPS unit arrived here today that will be sent out to Laura tomorrow… your ‘group’ knew that purchase was made. There should have been enough corroborating witnesses for that footage not to need GPS coordinates. People knew these ladies were there taking video. They had people with them, interns. The guard knew where they were all day… did they run any video back to show a guard??? If not they likely do have a date on the footage and since that was where they were, that was where the footage came from. You have likely already been through all this already… The sheriff seems to not want to deal with this. mar


    • Again, it’s important that everyone understand, the DA Kelly Brown did not say he didn’t have jurisidiction over BLM land to prosecute violation of animal cruelty laws.

      What he said regarding jursisdiction, was that he couldn’t prove that video from 01/27 was taken in his jurisdiction, which was White Pine County.

      We need to continue to pressure the local County Sheriffs to press charges of animal cruelty at these roundups, when abuse occurs–so they can forward it to the DA so they can prosecute. We need GPS on the videos and photos from those at the roundups. We get Josh Hellyer charged with breaking state Animal Cruelty laws, he will have to do jail time–remember for 3rd and subsequent charge it’s a felony in Nevada.

      Here’s the link to My News 4 Reno’s report regarding DA Kelly Brown and jurisidiction:

      We are stil working on proving the 01/27 incident was in White Pine County.


      • Good news. The BLM Schell Field Office has finally provided us the GPS coordinates for the 01/27/2011 collapsed mare incident of animal cruelty. So we are moving forward with encouraging the DA Kelly Brown to prosecute for animal cruelty (Sheriff Watts already did his job and sent the report with charges to the DA).

        And yes combined with the date on the footage that proves jurisdiction. Along with landmarks taken before and after the incident. Along with all they eyewitnesses.

        The personal biases of the DAs, the Sheriffs, etc. in any county, in any State do not matter. The law is the law, and it’s their job to enforce and prosecute for it.

        So we keep trying like hell to hold these people accountable for animal abuse.

        RT, that is fantastic you have GPS on your camera! That is excellent evidence to be used in a court of law–proves date, location. Please consider going to Sheriff Pitts with Elko Sheriffs Dept if you have any photographic evidence of animal abuse against Nevada State laws of cruelty. Here is a link to the Statute:

        Of particular relevance is this section: 574.100. Overdriving, torturing, injuring or abandoning animals; failure to provide proper sustenance; penalty.
        1. A person shall not:
        (a) Overdrive, overload, torture, cruelly beat or unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate or kill an animal, whether belonging to himself or to another;
        (b) Deprive an animal of necessary sustenance, food or drink, or neglect or refuse to furnish it such sustenance or drink;
        (c) Cause, procure or allow an animal to be overdriven, overloaded, tortured, cruelly beaten, or unjustifiably injured, maimed, mutilated or killed, or to be deprived of necessary food or drink;
        (d) Instigate, engage in, or in any way further an act of cruelty to any animal, or any act tending to produce such cruelty; or
        (e) Abandon an animal in circumstances other than those prohibited in NRS 574.110.

        (c) For the third and any subsequent offense within the immediately preceding 7 years, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.

        Let’s get them where it hurts. Ground their pilots, we stop the roundups. If the pilots get prosectued for multiple charges of animal abuse/cruelty we ground the choppers–and they get punished and learn they are not above the law.

        Thank you for your time.


  42. ‎1368 wild horses from the Antelope Complex were captured before the sudden stop to operations was announced, more than 600 individuals short of the BLM’s ultimate goal. To date, only nine have been released. Fatalities are reported to total an additional nine horses with 20 mares slated for infertility control treatment and subsequent release.


  43. I prefer the quiet. I am thinking of the horses in the pens, the storm thrashing around them. The conclusion of the roundups following the miraculous news of the heli breaking off the pregnant mare has left me stunned. Time to think. Haven’t heard Salazar is not going to ask for the 12 million back yet – but that would really give us something to celebrate!! Birth control will mean gathers though. At least it is quiet tonight. Peace.


    • So was the pregnant mare allowed to stay free? Was she all alone? Can’t imagine a wild horse and a brand new foal would be safe in the wild all alone.


  44. R.T., as long as you say all is OK–we can all take a collective deep breath.
    It’s been tense at this end–can only imagine what it’s like at that end. Take care, all of you, and like Margaret says, don’t take any chances going out on the road in that kind of weather. You’ve put enough on the line, already.


  45. When I first read the headline, I was like, “Oh my gosh, it can’t be!” I’m SO freakin’ happy — this Antelope Complex roundup was real cruel and I will forever dislike the BLM for doing these roundups. I hope families will be reunited following the releases…


  46. While filming in the biting cold of Nevads’s winds last March. I was chilled to the bone and the shiver in my body would cause tremors to my video camera if I touched it on the tri-pod. Releasing excited horses in to the storm seems like a slipery slope that could lead to leg injuries so I’m glad to hear that patience is ruling the long fought for D. Day. I’ll stay close to my computer in my cozy warm home, waiting for the troops on the ground to show me a glimpse of these legendary beings set free. I would love to witness it but I’m grateful Laura and those whose psyches’ have had to endure the horror for so long, are the ones who get to witness the rewards of their hard won efforts.
    I want to believe those in power will have a change of heart that will lead to a long lasting change in policies, but I remain dubious, until I see it written in stone. Whims of those who rule the range, are as brutal and changeable as western wicked winds.


  47. Mara, you articulated our concerns perfectly. It’s those “whims of those in charge” that have made everyone remain “cautiously optimistic”.
    Just knowing that our own people, who have been there every step of the way, actually get to enjoy the fruits of their labor is enough for me.


  48. I have been involved with the movement to end this since I first saw a film by Ginger Kathrens back in the 1990’s. As I have become familiar with all the people trying to end this as well, I light candles for each of you, say a prayer of endurance, courage, wellness, strength & of course FREEDOM! I see a light of protection around all of you & am praying it will spread throughout the nation to protect the Wild Ones as well. Even though the round ups are at an end today, we must all band together as the Wild Ones do & keep fighting for all of them to be released. We are a strong people, we are a determined people & we are most of a caring people. I will forever be grateful to all the front-liners, R.T. Fitch, Terry, Laura, Ginger, The Indian Nations & everyone that braves the harshest of conditions just to help protect the Wild Ones. I am honored to be a part of something so powerful & relentless as we can not ever, ever let our guard down when it comes to the BLM. Hoping you all have warm baths, warm meals & warm hearts knowing what you have accomplished for all of the world to see! Thank you doesn’t even come near to what our gratitude is for what all of you do for THE WILD ONES!


  49. The statement from Ken Miller, BLM District Office Manager in Elko, NV – “the official reason for stopping the gather is we have been monitoring the gather from the beginning and the heavily pregnant mares v. the number of horses to be gathered withinin the next few days left of the gather. It was not worth it to stress the pregnant mares”


    • “…not worth it to stress the pregnant mares.” Couldn’t he and BLM have considered them before this stampede ever started?! The attempt to sound compassionate rings hollow.

      As for the real reason the roundup stopped, I’ll wait for RT to tell us.


    • There was a definite outcry about the pregnant mares and we know the storm was another factor… the noise made by advocates across the country may have helped, too… I just wonder if there is another reason.

      Thanks, Maureen… I am glad they have said this at least. mar








    GOD BLESS THEM, ALL !!!!!!!
    SUSAN C.


  51. Is this really true?? Just checked my msgs. to find this news. Finally, I cried tears of JOY. I hope all of you had a good, warm sleep or at least hot showers, to be on the ready for today…. can’t wait to hear the follow-up from R.T., Laura and the gang as this is being documented.


  52. I hope to begin looking into it tonight and that other’s will as well, but I heard that Ken Salazar will be testifying before Congress on March 3 and asking for 12 million dollars for roundups and someone else heard he was asking for 30 million – I have not looked into it yet so I do not know details. I am mentioning it for people’s radar and not by any means to detract from the joy we feel that this roundup is over.


  53. This is just such wonderful news – and I pray that the voices of the people will continue to be heard to stop this corrupt agency from conducting these unnecessary and horrible roundups. I also pray that this miraculous change will spill over into legislation that will STOP American horses from being shipped to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered.


  54. This is absolutely the best news I’ve had in a long time! I only wish I could be there to see these magnificient horses returned to their own land. I agree that we can’t stop now though. We have to keep our voices heard. Thanks to the three of you we’ve been kept posted on the roundups. Now you have the priviledge of being there to see their release. I’m sure your eyes will be overflowing with tears of happiness.


  55. Wonderful wonderful news! We just can’t let up though folks. Pressure is our best advocate and it is working! Keep up the great work everyone…we can do this! Make those phone calls, send those emails and write those letters. It is making a difference! This is just great news!


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