Horse News

Wild Horse & Burro Advocates Win One in Nevada

Update from Carol Abel via the Equine Welfare Alliance

Finally, Something to Celebrate

AB 329 –    We did it folks! Thanks to all the advocates who worked so hard and spoke so well at the hearing.  A job well done !

We can celebrate. Unexpected and confusing news here, but certainly welcome. The Senate Committee covered their tails politically from all directions with their decision, but the result was good.  Senator Manendo wrote a letter of his own and had it read into the record.  The basics of his letter stated that he is concerned about unintended consequences, conflicting testimonies and confusion.  He suggested sending this on to the Public Lands Counsel or other appropriate interim committee. Sen. Rhodes spoke up saying that it belongs in Public Land Counsel.  Manendo directed the Legal Counsel Bureau to investigate fully.  He also directed the PLC to work with all sides – work together and come to an agreement.  If that doesn’t work, they can bring it up again in the 2013 legislative session.  The Committee voted to accept Manendo’s recommendation.

What does it all mean?  The interim committees meet some time in September, so this is effectively dead until 2013.  With instructions to work with all sides,  it is likely the BLM and the committee will come up with a memorandum of understanding.  We may need to continue our fight this fall and be present at the interim committee meetings, but there is nothing they can do for another 2 years.

Some of you may be aware that Sen. Rhodes has been Chairman of the PLC for many years.  His influence is of definite concern.  Word has been that this will be his last term.  There will be another election before 2013 so we will be looking at different committee members on the PLC.

Sen. Manendo’s letter will be available on the legislative site.  It’s not there yet and I’m guessing it won’t be until Monday at the earliest. I’ll keep an eye out and forward it as soon as it appears.

AB 322 – An act revising the membership of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to include on member advocating conservation.  It also gives the Governor additional discretion in appointing the Director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife.

The  Board of Commissioners currently consists of ranchers and hunters.  My understanding of the purpose for this portion of the bill was to provide for balance on the board.  AB 322 received a “do pass” from the committee and will go to the Senate floor for a final vote.  The deadline for floor votes is May 27.

SJR 5 –  As of Thursday morning, this resolution had not been heard in committee.  Since yesterday( May 20 ) was the deadline to get bills through committee, it appears SJR5 did not make it .  Many committees worked through Thursday night, so we need to verify this come Monday.  The legislative site shows no action, however, updates on the  site are notoriously slow.  We’re crossing our fingers, eyes, legs and toes.

11 replies »

  1. wow finally something to get excited about….good work and hats off to those advocates who hung in there….thanks!


  2. Some of this was about saving face. There has been mud on some after the horse tripping bill got sunk… Yes, it is good for now and I think will stay that way.


  3. Great News. I hope this is just the start of many things good for our beautiful wild horses and burros. Hopefully, in the weeks, months, or so ahead, we will be able to really celebrate when we don’t have to deal with the BLM and its croonies that is there presently and the SSs of this world.


  4. THANK YOU to every single one of you who took a stand and didn’t back down! We should, perhaps, all send a Thank You to Senator Manendo.


  5. Thanks for the links, Janet!! It is heartening when someone among the electoral shows good sense and questions the motives and information. It just does not happen often enough!


  6. Great news and Thanks to ALL for the united effort that led to VICTORY for the Wild Mustangs and Burros!!


  7. It is good that we know our own power and that we are learning to use it, but we dare not relax our vigil…NOT FOR A MINUTE.


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