Day: October 11, 2011

NY Times Climbs into Bed with BLM, AGAIN

If you want to get the straight poop on what’s happening to the last of our native wild equines on the public lands of the Western United States, don’t open up the New York Times. The Times have been hacking at the Wild Horses over the past several weeks, from featuring a flowery and nonfactual article on the BLM’s new Wild Horse and Burro program manager, Joan Guilfoyle, who didn’t have the energy or kahonies to answer questions from a roomful of scientists and equine professionals the following week, to today’s article on how rough and tough it is for the BLM to manage all of those overpopulating and overgrazing silly wild horses on public lands. Kiss my backside and bark at the moon, the city boys got it all assbackwards again.

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