Horse News

Fanatical Equine Terrorist Lies to Public on Facebook

Commentary by Vicki Tobin ~ VP of the Equine Welfare Alliance

“Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis Caught with Pants Down, Again

“I get to sit back and sip on a Wrangler Iced Tea while my good friend and fellow equine advocate Vicki Tobin exposes even more of the propaganda and lies perpetuated by the horse slaughter cultist, Sue Wallis from Wyoming.  Deception and perversion run amok in the camp of this half-baked nut case and her loose lips are about to sink her ship of horsemeat sooner than she may realize.  (When you post to Facebook, you idiot, it is out there for the whole world to see, including your tainted backers and even they have had enough)  Glug, Glug Sick-O Sue, you are all washed up!” ~ R.T.


From Wallis Facebook post: “No horses were mistreated in plants. Ever.”

Doink and Equine Terrorist Sue Wallis plotting to ignore science, fact and law while exchanging horse recipes

Vic: Guess who? I’ve come to realize that Wallis hasn’t gone from ridiculous to absurd but from telling tall tales to small lies to big lies. She is a chronic liar and can’t tell the truth that is right in front of her. Doesn’t it sound like she is setting the stage so if a plant should open she can blame the cruelty on everyone and everything but the plant?

Keep these lies in mind when you meet with your legislators.

“Sue Wallis: Folks, a gentle reminder. This group is for people who support the humane processing of horses. The fact is, and was, that all horses processed in the United States are governed by the U.S. Humane Methods of Slaughter laws. The crap on the internet is, and was, complete and total fabricated propaganda to push a vegan agenda and take away our rights. No horses were mistreated in plants. Ever. If there were violations of that law there would have been citations and penalties paid. Inspectors are REQUIRED to be present when all animals are slaughtered, and were.There are ZERO citations on the record for horses already at the processing plants. The very, very few citations that were actually issued all had to do with transport problems and most of them were paperwork violations. In the very rare circumstance that transport laws were violated, citations were issued, and penalties were paid. Horse slaughter always was humane. Pure and simple.” Posted Sunday, 1:27p

Never, huh? The government authenticated CHCD investigation must have slipped her mind along with the banned substance reports and false health affidavits from Mexico and Canada. It’s not a plant violation to butcher horses that should never have been sent to slaughter? How about the humane slaughter act violations at Cavel from just one FOIA?

She can call it “crap” but the facts remain and prove her statements are lies. And to call the mounds of transport violations “paper” violations?

This isn’t from Wallis but in the same thread and quite telling from a breeder.

“I want to respectfully remind you that some of us see the horsemeat market as a potential customer-and breed our horses not only with the hope of getting a “great” one and a larger income from the sale of best quality ones, but also getting a base-price income from the sale of lower quality foals or ones not easily sold due to the economy. It is not evil in ANY way to breed horses for money-even if the buyer uses them for nutritious protein source for the human/animal diet. Please dont make us breeders out to be evil.”

This is another post from Wallis:

“From the High Plains Journal – nice article from Trent Loos. Please note that since the writing of his article, the President has signed the bill, and we have confirmed that this takes us back to pre-2007 statute, and there are no impediments regulatory or otherwise to the opening of processing plants in the U.S. If you are interested in going into that business or providing services to it, contact us…we have a good team of knowledgeable and experienced experts on literally every aspect that we can connect you with.” Posted Saturday, 8:55a

It just doesn’t get any more perverted or twisted than that!!!

33 replies »

  1. In September 2010, USDA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported, in part, on the operations of the transport program.7 The OIG found that
    APHIS needs to improve its controls for ensuring that horses being
    shipped to foreign facilities for slaughter are treated humanely. For
    example, APHIS does not deny authorization to shippers with a record of
    inhumanely transporting horses intended for slaughter from shipping
    other loads of horses, even if unpaid fines are pending for previous
    violations. The OIG also found deficiencies in how APHIS tags horses that
    have been inspected and approved for shipment to foreign slaughtering
    facilities. For example, the agency requires shippers to mark such horses
    with backtags, which are intended to allow APHIS to trace horses back to
    their owner and also to verify that horses have passed inspection by an accredited veterinarian. However, APHIS lacked an appropriate control to
    track individual horses by backtag number on approved shipping
    documents so that it could perform reconciliations, investigate violations,
    and initiate enforcement actions, as appropriate. In addition, the OIG
    noted that APHIS needs to obtain the resources necessary to adequately
    oversee the transport program and issue in final a proposed rule that
    would broaden the scope of the agency’s regulation of horses being
    shipped to foreign slaughtering facilities. In its official response to the OIG
    report, APHIS concurred with the OIG’s findings and recommendations,


  2. Oh my gosh!!! She is so ridiculous!!! And so is “the horse breeder”????? I am a small Arabian horse breeder and I would never ever breed horses for meat for anyone or anything. Totally disgusting. Raise turkeys or livestock. I grew up near a horse slaughter plant where my Mom would rescue a horse whenever we could. Don’t tell me that horses are treated with care and concern in those places. SS must think that torture is fair. She will have her place at the end of her days.


  3. Desperate people do desperate things,
    as is being demonstrated by SS and it is evident she and the group of people she was addressing will do just about anything for money. !!

    As for the breeders comment
    “Please don’t make us breeders out to be evil.”

    We do not have to make them out to be evil , the commenter did that their self !!!

    You are right Linda, .. actually is the saddest fact about this issue as well as so many others 😦


  4. Any breeder who is breeding is eventually guilty for excess horses.. Granted most probably don’t intend to be, but… someone is guilty…50-60,000 USA; 50-60,000 Canadian horses per year going to slaughter in Canada, is being created by someone..Out- rite horse feed lot breeders are not out there like the cattle industry..but undesirable foals get on them trucks at every sale location every day…How many more go south to Mexico is not recorded (for most of them) from what I understand…Plain and simple; breeders or anyone who has a stud in the yard is guilty of creating a supply.. I’m not sorry if you think if your feelings are hurt by these words.. you breed you are sending a horse to slaughter; more than you probably realize..Go to the auction sales.. open your eyes and ears.. you don’t even have to be a horseperson to see lots of good innocent horses are going to be loaded and sent into the pipeline of hell…And yes; there are even req. horses being loaded..of all bloodlines.. Slaughter Sue has every thing rite where she wants it; believable or not ;she got the bill passed; exactly how; I’m not sure; but her plans will be going full steam ahead..Only thru some miricle from God will stop this .. And I can’t really remember any other time he has got involved with politics…The long row to hoe is going to start all over for us again .. and we never even got the plants in Canada closed yet.. and now the USA will be building slaughter houses…Even if the plants in Canada are struggling ( according to them ) and close due to it being uneconomical to keep killing ; the Canadian horses will just be shipped south..And the breeders will keep on breeding ..AND the horses will keep going to the slaughter hell they are going thru now… We all have to play a role that makes us in a lot of peoples eyes tree huggers or in this case horse huggers.. lots of associates have outrite told me ..They are just horses..Fightn words you bet.. But I have been instrumental in getting 9 studs gelded..and working on a tenth..He’s a beauty of a Appalosa.. but the foals are coming off not so nice colored mares.. solid appys don’t really have any sale value ..except at the meat buyers corner… Stop thinking just political..starting in your own back yard or neighbours is even a help..Not blowing my own horn (very much) but 9 studs;that were with 26 mares has slowed some horses from going to Hell…And everyone of those ex studs are going trail riding now ..Not locked in a stud pen..going slowly crazy..they are with their girls where they were by nature meant to be..just short of some equpment…


    • HEAR, HEAR and AMEN !! Kudos to you Jim !!!
      I would say this quote fits you to a T !!!

      ” I am only One, but I am One. I cannot do Everything, but I can do Something. And I will not let what I Cannot do interfere with what I can do. ~{Edward Everett Hale}


    • Don’t count the slaughter houses before they’re built, Jim. Personally, I doubt they will even be built, but if they are, they will go under so fast it’ll make these creeps heads swim.

      There are MANY hurdles to be crossed before you can do what Sue thinks she can do. She apparently doesn’t know ANYTHING about the realities of international horse meat trade and what the EU plans to do. That’s fine. She’ll find out soon enough.


  5. This woman, I can’t even bring myself to use her name, just spouts garbage after garbage. She evidently hasn’t seen youtube footage of horseslaughter or does she actually see it as ‘humane’ treatment???? If that is the case what would have to happen for her to see it as ‘mistreatment’, it boggles the mind.

    “The very, very few citations that were actually issued all had to do with transport problems and most of them were paperwork violations. In the very rare circumstance that transport laws were violated, citations were issued, and penalties were paid. Horse slaughter always was humane. Pure and simple”, what planet is she on???? Few citations just means that nobody checked or reported violations, of which there were and are still, many.

    She goes on to say “No horses were mistreated in plants. Ever. If there were violations of that law there would have been citations and penalties paid. Inspectors are REQUIRED to be present when all animals are slaughtered, and were.There are ZERO citations on the record for horses already at the processing plants”. Is she saying that inspectors are ALWAYS present at the slaughter process???? If this is so, then why does all this incompetence (as seen on live footage) on the kill floor happen, surely it would be against the law to allow horses to be tortured in such a horrendous manner, so again it must be seen as acceptable.

    She obviously doesn’t know anything about horses to even imagine that there is a humane way to slaughter horses in factory conditions. She obviously lives in la la land.


    • My real question is – how would SHE know whether ANY horse has EVER been mistreated in US slaughter plants? Slaughter has been going on since the 1970’s or so. Was she THERE? Has she been watching this ENTIRE time?

      Wow! She doesn’t look all that bad for someone as old as she would have to be!


  6. It is very disheartening to read about the lack of compassion that breeders have. It’s all about the money. Sue looks like she will bring a good price at market. That should get her hubby through the winter.


  7. Just a thought, I have been here just over a year, have done my share of e-mailing, faxing, sending letters and signing petitions. Have talked till i’m blue in the face and seems like all for not.. Seems like the only way they are going to listen to us is to make it uncomfortable for them. To take it to the public.

    Now don’t get me wrong I do not agree with the criminals and thugs at occupy wall street. But how about we get an “OCCUPY THE BLM” going? the government and the police don’t seem to want to shut down the wall street bunch, so they have opened the door for our cause also, we could march at all the BLM offices. If they won’t do anything about the wall street bunch,seems they really wouldn’t do anything about a bunch of 40, 50, 60, 70, year old ladies trying to get their message against horse slaughter out? And if they
    arrested or pepper sprayed a bunch of older ladies wouldn’t that make
    headlines. Seems to me we couldn’t even buy that kind of coveage. None of
    the filth at the occupy wall street, just a bunch of ~
    classy ladies ~ that I know we all are. WHAT YA THINKIN?


  8. I do agree with the majority of decent protesters at the OCCUPY locations. Geri, What makes you think that they are Thugs and Criminals?? Most are just trying to make the message clear. Until Corporations and the very wealthy are stopped from buying elections and politicians, there will be NO chance for causes based on compassion and fairness to people or animals.
    Why do you think those 3 Legislators voted behind closed doors to fund horse meat inspection.. Big money coming their way ( and already received) from big AG, big Pharmaceuticals, big Breed Organizations etc.
    Why do you think that the BLM ignores and fights every attempt to stop or even slow the unnecessary round-up of thousands of American Mustangs. Its corporate money..oil/gas. mining, energy, and then of course there are still the taxpayer funded rich corporate ranchers.
    I am 65 years old and I applaud those that are out there fighting for the rights of the individual citizens. A 83 year old woman was tear gassed. And the only major violence seems to be on the part of the police.
    I really resent your portrayal of citizens using their right to free speech as filth.
    And I’m sure that if we presumed to Protest at BLM offices, or at Legislators offices who voted to slaughter horses…some would portray us as fat,old women with nothing productive to do.. just wasting our time.
    They would also be wrong!


    • I don’t know were you are – I am in Denver. I have been to the Capitol when the occupyers have been there. The smell was so bad you could not even walk on that side of the street. They are breaking into and trashing other peoples personal property (where are those peoples rights) there are rapes, deficating on and in personal property, stealing, even spitting on people, and muggings. In my book those are criminals and thugs. When asked why they were there many said they had no idea and some said they were paid. You can resent my coment all you want Iv’e been , Iv’e seen and it has moved way past anyones right of free speech. They have no right to trample on other peoples rights in the mean time. But for whatever reason neither the government or the police seem willing to stop them, so why would they stop us.


      • You sound just like the 1%.. Protests are not pretty. But they are free speech. and maybe things were worse in Denver than some other places..and everyone there was a criminal. but I doubt it. Everything is so out of the control of the will of the citizens.. It is just like horse slaughter. 70%+ of the Americans do not want our horses to be slaughtered, but the folks with the money DO. so 3 legislators saw that they got their way.
        Most do not want our horses to be removed from their public ranges; but the corporations that want to use the land do not even want to share with the horses; the corporations want them gone. And until we the advocates understand that this all works together… we will continually be out spent and out maneuvered.
        Maybe an Occupy at BLM would help. But we tried a few women holding signs at BLM meetings, and nothing has changed. The only thing is: We would have to come prepared to stay on public land right beside the office until we got the attention of the media, and some changes in the BLM. Are you willing to disturb your life the way Laura Leigh has to make your wishes heard? It is not short term, and it is not CLASSY..


      • Laura has put her life on hold for the horses, used her own resources in most cases and for her dedication I admire her more than she will ever know. And if the rest of us can’t get out there and get dirty also, what does that say about us. After all it appears to me that the BLM thinks all we are is ~ lip service. Since they don’t even give us the respect to stay awake in our meetings. RT and Laura’s, Wild Horse Freedom Federation is moving in the right direction but they could use some help and maybe we could get donations going too. I don’t want to cause any problems between advocates, I am just trying to come up with ways to help horses~~~~~~~got my idea because I went to an auction last Saturday, and in my conversations (and about 50 people all told were in the conversation) 100% did not know there was a possibility of slaughter plants reopening, 95% did not know that the BLM was even rounding up wild horses, and half of those did not even know we still had wild horses in lthe wild. That tells me the word is NOT GETTING OUT. I wonder if when the last horse is run in that pen by the BLM, we can sit back and be comfortable with saying to ourselfs~~I didn’t want to put my life on hold like Laura did. And by the way our GOVERNMENT is selling out our gas, oil, and land resources and not to our corporations, but to other COUNTRIES corporations, we are not even getting those benifits.


  9. And BTW: I sent a less humorous, and much more boring account of her recent “lies” to the Dallas Morning News, and four other North Texas media outlets.. Well see if any of them are brave enough to go against all of the North Texas legislators and print it.
    As always; Thanks for all your work, and a little humor, RT and Vicki.


    • I was born and raised in Dallas. The Morning News used to be fearless. Now, I don’t know. Things have changed – a lot.


  10. Facilities sought for restoring horse slaughter
    November 21, 2011 By Julie Harker 69 Comments
    Now that legislation has been signed lifting the federal ban on horse slaughter– the focus among horse groups is finding suitable plants for processing.
    Sue Wallis, co-leader of United Horsemen and the International Equine Business Association, tells Brownfield they have a great network across the country looking for facilities in places where meat processing is common practice. They are considering, Wallis says, “Those facilities that are existing, that are already processing large mammals and that could be relatively, quickly, retrofitted for the unique characteristics of horses.”


  11. Forgot to put the link:
    Facilities sought for restoring horse slaughter
    November 21, 2011 By Julie Harker
    Now that legislation has been signed lifting the federal ban on horse slaughter– the focus among horse groups is finding suitable plants for processing.
    SUE WALLIS, CO-LEADER OF of United Horsemen and the International Equine Business Association, tells Brownfield they have a great network across the country looking for facilities in places where meat processing is common practice. They are considering, Wallis says, “Those facilities that are existing, that are already processing large mammals and that could be relatively, quickly, retrofitted for the unique characteristics of horses.”


  12. OMG !!! THAT PICTURE tells everything , the woman is so obese it isnt even funny, My gosh she has 3 chins?????/ I think that comes from all the lies, my my get a grip lady??????


  13. Remember everytime Pinocchio lied his nose would grow bigger, think there is a connection here…… Everytime Sue Lies she grows …..


  14. I believe that the picture has been “enhanced”, but it does nothing to change the blackness of her heart. In her statement she recognizes that horses are unique, but fails to admit that there is no humane slaughter for them, unless their head was completely held still (according to equine vets), and that in itself would be terrifyingly inhumane to a flight animal . There is no way to make her words not a huge lie.


  15. This is interesting…this comment was made in response to Paula Bacon’s letter. Paula was mayor of Kaufman, Texas when the slaughter plant was there:
    On January 27th, 2010 Kim Hammond (not verified) says:
    I was privy to a meeting of a Chinese delegation that is interested in building a horse slaughter facility in either Conrad MT or Hardin MT. Senator Butcher was the presenter at the meeting in Hardin MT. I am the newly elected mayor of Hardin MT. I am not an animal rights activist. But, I am all about the humane treatment of all animals, and humans. I have done some layman research into horse slaughtering facilities and am appalled at the findings–keeping in mind that some of these were activist propaganda. However, I found that the letter you forwarded to our State Legislators, confirmed my fears about allowing a horse slaughtering facility to be built just outside of our town to be unnerving. I would be grateful for any further insight you could PERSONALLY supply.
    -Kimberly A. Hammond


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