Horse News

Exclusive Photos: Reno Residents Riled Over NV AG Dept Wild Horse Cruelty

Update by R.T. Fitch ~ volunteer president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Photos Show Ag Department Cruelty
3 week foal under attack

3 week foal being pulled with bailing twine by hired security ~ picture by Bo Rodriques

Reno Wild Horse Advocates are not only outraged by the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s war against the Virgina Range horses but also the documented cruelty exhibited with the manhandling of the these wild horses upon capture.

After running several of the local stories, here on SFTHH, we received emails, testimonials and pictures regarding the inhumane practices of the Ag dept. and developer Diloretto from outraged advocates.

Included, here, are two photos of hired gun security cruelly manhandling a 3 month old foal at the Ag Dept trap on private land.  This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.

We strongly encourage you to call, email and/or fax Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval,

Office Phone: (775) 684-5670
OfficeFax: (775) 684-5683


photo by Tami French-Smith

and let him know, even if you do not live in Nevada, that you do not approve of the state’s attack upon the Virginia range horses and that you will spread the negative news far and wide until such actions cease.

Likewise, please contact the office of the Department of Agriculture’s Director Jim Barbee and express your concern.

Office Phone: 775-353-3600
Office Fax: 775-668-1178

Please remember that these captured horses will go to auction and historically, if not rescued by advocates, will be purchased by kill buyers and go to slaughter, that is a given.

And wild horse and burro advocates in Nevada; we stand with you in your fight for the horses.  Be it the BLM, State agencies or any other governmental group that rains suffering down upon our icons of the west, Wild Horse Freedom Federation and SFTHH are at your side and share in your passion to seek freedom and long lives for the wild horses and burros of the United States of America.

Keep the faith.

78 replies »

  1. What the hell is wrong with people??? How on earth do these people think this is except-able to abuse these creatures!! It makes me sick!! These horses are scared to death!! I wish more drastic measures could be taken against wild horses abusers!! No matter how wild horse advocates fight against them it seems nothing ever changes. I am so tired of it. 😦


    • yes Jodi I feel the same way no matter how wild horse advocates fight against them it seems nothing ever changes!::((((((


    • I am too, Jodi! Where are all the voices and outrage from the many animal welfare groups:?! It’s time to take a strong stand for the protection of all animals and imperative to prosecute those who do harm to them. To help make this happen, we simply can never give up….we owe it to them.


    • Yes, Jodi. . .that’s what they are counting on. . .us being “tired of it”. . .Protecting and Saving Our National Icon the Wild Mustang is something we are going to have to do for the rest of our lives. . .


  2. This makes me sick also and keeps going on and on and on when or how will it ever stop! Where is the mother of this little one that is getting so abused it sickning!


  3. shirley the mother was trapped in the pen with the rest of the herd at this time, the stallion and three othe mares had broken out of the pen after being confinde most of the day, the baby got out as well,, they ended up putting the baby and the mother in a separate pen for the night, kept the rest in the first pen, and the stallion and the othe three mares spent the night trying to get to the rest of the family. this morning they were ALL taken away by the Nevada AG departmeng, mother and foal had a “personal trailer”


  4. Emailed the governor but only found the “automatic” email.
    Does anyone have any email addresses for the governor’s office or the NDOW office (Barbee).
    Or even the front desk offices … and how about other people?
    These photos say a lot … and they might as well go into peoples homes and start stealing and abusing babies because THAT is what they are doing to these wild horses.


    • Jim Barbee has promoted himself to GOD. He doesn’t have a ‘public’ email and will not accept calls. He doesn’t want to deal with the horses, the advocates, the residents or anyone. Call the Gov. office and ask to speak with Ms. Jordan Grow…she’s the liaison between the Gov and the Ag Dept and has access to Jim B. She’ll listen and give you lip service but on two occasions she has gone to Barbee on my behalf and offered our proposal. He can’t tell her to go away because she works for Sandoval. He just tells her his answer…”NO” !


      • And if the person answering the phone offers to put you through to the brand inspector, politely decline, He has been part of the problem. Do speak with Ms. Grow. and Google every news story on this issue and comment if at all possible.


  5. I’m just as tired and sick of all this abuse. It’s gone on way too long! Then to hear their BS lies! I feel we need ONE HUGE ORGANIZATION FORMED, with all these other Private orgs involved and doing what they do best. It take BIG GUNS to make a difference!
    Who will be the first one to initiate?


  6. I just sent a email to the to the Gov and told him the foal will die without it’s mother. The Ag department is following their marching orders from the cattlemen. I don’t know what else we can do to stop this.


      • Nothing else has made a change . I agree lay in the road get arrested climb the corrals , they cant arrest everyone !!!!!! The Italians had it right nail their knees to the floor !!!!!! Cant hurt anymore horses can they !!!!! Just thinking !!!!!


  7. How dare they treat a young colt that way . the owener of the land is a jerk, Money that is all he cares about . the horses could have be given to the Advocates to take off and handled in a more human way


  8. Wow! And I won’t be eating anything soon because of the nausea I’m feeling right now.

    What a disgusting group of humans!



  9. Over decades, internationally, the court systems have allowed people to get away with severe crimes, just like this, for abuse on just about any kind of animal, domestic or wild. The human race disgusts me more and more every day. It is easier for “us” to be violent, than to think about our actions and rather appreciate, and learn from the animals they are hurting. . I look at the number of road kills around, and it is just another indication of where people’s minds lie. It is a desperately sick person who hides behind hurting, maiming, and killing “silent” beings, to take out their frustrations and anger. The kind world has gone, long gone. And I am sorry to say, my kids are growing up in this atmosphere.



  10. I did sent an email with my opinion to the governor – it did seem to be sent ok.
    Seems the state of Nevada is treating the mustangs the same as the BLM.


  11. The animals that God put here on this earth is here for us to enjoy and to protect not to kill or hurt all those animal abusers need to be treated the same way they mistreat and hurt animals let them see how it feels to be done the same way me being a Native American Indian I have a very big thing about animals being abused this needs to STOP !!!!!!!! We all need to pull together and end this violence it’s just like abuse on our kids our animals are our kids to LET’S STOP THE ABUSE !!!!!!!


  12. These guys are a bunch of creeps. Where is the foal’s mother? Where is the rest of the herd? This is sad and something needs to be done ASAP.


  13. We need to create a coalition of all the horse advocate non-profits in multiple states to have enough power to effect change. This is really from the top down and as we all know special interests cattlemen, developers and where ever the money is lobby’s-pressures at a national local level. For Example: The developer in this case in Reno is a highly influential person in the state of Nevada. Influential folks pull the puppet strings. The only way to make change is with a huge united front. There needs to be a structured plan created to put pressure on the powers that be. Just brief examples: National ad campaign like Peta has for the small animals and national media coverage and lobbyists/advocates in Washington DC. It is time to for all of us to quit being complacent and go to war (me included). People have the power to effect change – United we stand and divided we fall. The Wild Horses will be no more if we don’t do something.


  14. The advocates around that area of Nevada…Reno, Virginia City, Carson City have their hands full not only dealing with the ignorant State tater heads but the BLM as well. The Carson City holding facility is shared by both. God Bless Them Everyone!


  15. The herd of 13 is all together, in the Carson City prison facility. the foal is with her mom, the stallion was re-captured along with the rest of the escapees…..they would not leave their other herd members behind….they sacrificed their freedom to be with their family. They will be joining another 15 wild horses to be auctioned off at the livestock slaughter auction in Fallon NV….this will happen in a week or two–after all stallions & colts are castrated. Please consider donating to the Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund…to help rescue these herds and/or to help maintain the 100 already rescued since late August.


    • Yes, please donate whatever you can to the link above. If they have enough money to purchase the horses, they will put them up in temporary pastures or in sanctuary if they have room. Also remember that the horses will need permanent homes once they lose their freedom on the range. and continue to write to Gov Sandoval.


  16. I’m so angry I could just SPIT!!!! I swear all I can think of doing is going out there knocking those 2 down and tieing them up! They derve as they are giving NO more. These 2 should be hog tied and left out there to think about what they’ve long and hard!! Go back in a day or day and see how they like it!


  17. I think this is outrageous how crew all theyhave to do is pick the poor baby up if I was there I would kick their asses.


  18. The foal was three weeks old, an the developers DiLoreto and Damonte are responsible for this also. They have allowed an continue to allowe Nevada Department of Agriculture to trap horses on their properties. I have photos of them there at the trap an heard Mr Damonte say he didn’t care for the horses, an wanted them all gone. Tom DiLorreto said he followed states guide lines to the tee. But as you can see, the state must have changed its policy of handling animals humanly to do what you have to, to get rid of it an get the money from the kill buyers as fast as you can. I did not enjoy taking these photos of the three week old foal being drug around by a piece of bailing twin, it was a long and traumatic for both protesters and horses. There has to be a better solution.


    • Sounds to me that this group of people are guilty of poaching. Luring an animal into a trap is a cheater’s way of hunting, The horses are protected from hunting. These guys have everyone so worked up worrying about the horses that prospective is lost. If the guy doesn’t want them on his property, he is to FENCE them OUT. Nevada is one of those states who say if you don’t like it fence them out. This is all stinking of illegalities and corruption.


  19. They not only Lure them into a death trap…there were photos of a truck chasing them just days before. Not to mention DeLoretto buzzing them in his private helicopter. I don’t know how these people sleep at night.
    Quote by Damonte ….”If I had it my way , all of these horses would be DEAD .”
    Pretty strong , evil statement. The trap was set on Louie Damonte’s property with his permssion.
    Seems some people have a hate for these horses.
    This was the horses home before it was thiers.
    The news was there most of the day, yet the only channel that gave any information about it was channel 4.
    Something must be done…these horses cannot speak for themselves, so we have to be their voice.


  20. I thought Nevada was a fence-out state? If any developer or property owner doesn’t want wildlife–including wild horses–on their land then it’s their DUTY to fence out the property.

    Call the Governor and request he direct HIS Department of Ag to follow the fence-out law.


  21. I wrote a letter appealing to leadership to respond to the allegations and numerous reports of abuse (specifically against the horses), and asking that government recognize these matters as urgent, illustrated by action in following up with immediate investigation as a priority. We need to stress to leadership worldwide, that any and all actions taken to protect the welfare and baseline survival of the animals, sends a fundamental message to humans as well, and will assist in rebuilding the lost trust we have in government. When we see change in how our leadership protects the animals, we may begin to believe (again) that leadership is capable of making a change for us in local, state, federal and global levels. Until we actually witness this change in leadership, it will be up to us as individuals and small groups (apart from government) to be the leaders. I live in Oregon, but that will not stop me from attempting to influence a change in heart, mind & spirit of leadership of other states and governments outside of the U.S. Thank you for your post. As difficult as it is to see photos of abuse, it’s important to “man up” , face abuse and neglect in the eye and move out of our comfort zone to let our voices be heard. ~Gerean Pflug, The Animal Spirits


  22. The really pissy thing about it, is that the Dept of AG does NOT have to follow any kind of protocol reguarding wild horses. BLM while they don’t adhere to anything does have protocol.

    According to the state these horses because they live on now privately owned land are considered ‘estrays’… and because they are estrays they can be sent to slaughter legally if you can stomach that!

    God Bless you Bo Rodriguez for taking these photos!!! had I been there I would be in jail right now! Bo I want to encourage you to send copies of your photos to the HSUS…. Arnold Baer, Beverly McGrath , and the Nevada HSUS state rep Holly Haley The next legislative session we had better have something more concrete than we did the last time, and it’s possible their legal dept may want to press charges for animal abuse.

    I’ve been lobbying the state for the last 6 years trying to get some protection for the so called estrays . Beverly McGrath found a sponsor for a bill last year that would have done that, but it was pulled at the last minute due to something Willis Lamm recommended to the sponsor, I still curse you for that Willis! but damn it horses that live in checkerboard areas (mixed private and public land) are considered estrays even thought they are wild and we MUST find a way to protect them as well! As it stands now, they have NO PROTECTION what so ever!


  23. Did anyone get the tail# of Diloreto’s helicopter. It’s an FAA violation to harass people/animals with aircraft. Hopefully, this consciensious observer got a picture of it, file a complaint with the FAA. I’ll call if y’all don’t want to


  24. Director Barbee’s phone automatically disconnected. Guess he’s tired of all the calls bombarding him. The cruelty of these directed to our equines is shameful. Hope they experience this themselves.


    • Not sure about this number – found it online – might be worth a try?
      Nevada Department of Agriculture
      251 Jeanell Ave., Suite 3
      Carson City, Nevada 89703
      Phone: (775) 688-1180


  25. I just called the Governor’s office, the office of Barbee. and the “HORSE
    HOTLINE” . Incidentally, Jodi is no longer with the Governor’s office. I told them that I believe they need to clean house at the Nevada Dept. of Ag and they all need to be fired for abrusing these animals and that to let two people run the show was disgusting. This shows that only money talks and these two individuals need to take a long walk off a short pier, and I hope the water is deep where they fall in and that there is a cavern at the bottom where they can’t get out. I hope we can all get together and save these horses. Can someone let us know what amount of money is needed to save them and if each of our advocates put a few $$ in we could save this foal and all the other 19 or so. Please everyone, lets band together on this one and “getter done”. Also, I talked to the girl in the Governor’s office that was noted in one of the comments above, and she claims that a horse was in the way and hit by a car and the occupant was almost beheaded. I told her that the state should enforce the “fence law” = her comment, they would run into the fence and tear it down, I told her then the owner needed to repair the fence just like all incidents that would brake a fence. It looks like the Governor is in on this travesty, as well.


  26. I just called the Governor’s office and was told by a representative of the office that they were very aware of the photos and that they are investigating the situation. Said the photos were not of gov. officials but private citizens who own the land and that the foal had been united with it’s mother, and that the horses had been seized and were under protection. Hope this is true, I told them that we expect them to take care of the horses and that they are treated with the dignity that they deserve. She said they believed the same. Again, hope this is true.


  27. Cattle and/or any other large wildlife species can be dangerous to drivers, too. It isn’t just Horses that cross the roads. The same holds true anywhere you drive where there’s open range and there’s a lot it in the western states.


    • Very true. Here we see the most dead deer by the roadside during the Fall and Winter months. Certainly there are a number of reasons for this, but the fact that hunters are out makes for 3 times the deer/auto collisions than at any other time of the year.


  28. Maybe we should be asking the Dept of Ag to remove all the cattle from the NV area too as they are a “safety” concern also. I would strongly encourage all concerned parties to start a “boycott NV tourism” drive. If an economic effect could be achieved, then the Governor might be inclined to actually take notice of the situation and intervene on the horses behalf.


  29. I agree with RT Fitch, Boycott Nevada, there is no compromise with a state only concerned with money, not it’s inhabitants animal and human!


  30. What the hell is wrong with people??? How on earth do these people think this is except-able to abuse these creatures!! It makes me sick!! These horses are scared to death!! I wish more drastic measures could be taken against wild horses abusers!! No matter how wild horse advocates fight against them it seems nothing ever changes. I am so tired of it.


  31. part of this problem is that the state is #1 on the hardest hit in the nation as far as the economy goes…these guys round up horses for MONEY, while of course they are the ones that don’t really need the money, they do it because they can …. boycotting tourism will not help the situation it will only make it worse and will NOT solve the issue of the Dept of AG doing what it does. The issue HAS to be handled throught the DOI….all other government agencies, as in Fish and Wild LIfe, Forest division, dept of AG etc must be stripped of the ability to round up horses regardless. If they need horses removed then ONLY one dept BLM should be allowed to do it. We can monitor it better and they do have policies (although mostly ignored) for handling horses while the others DO NOT!

    Please support the Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection fund at

    this is the group that has and will be going to auction to try and buy back these horses, and be feeding and caring for them until permant places/homes are found for them! So far they have bought back at least 100 since August when this all started!


    • Yes! Agree with NVKate. Please concerned citizens wanting to help these beautiful horses, support Hidden Valley Horse Protection Fund. They were able to save all the previous horses rounded up by this idiot. In the interim, do what you can to thwart their efforts and definitely go higher than Sandoval office, he doesn’t care.


    • I do not agree that a boycott threat of the state would not make a difference. Those that would be potentilay hurt would be then complaining to the Governor and THAT he might listen to. It is the old “hit them where it hurts”. They certainly have no interest in the issue at this point.




    • The biggest issue in this particular situation in south reno is that the developer is a highly powerful and infuential person in Nevada and he, not the dept of ag, is calling the shots. He and his security are out there assisting at every capture. If public opinion and bad press shifted to focus on him more I think we might get quicker results. I bet he would be pretty willing to sit down to mediation.


      • It shows how far down this country has come when one or two developers can “buy” their influence on governent officials. I wish a law would be passed that anyone “buying” their influence on a govenment official is put in jail for a very long time and an enormous, I do mean enorous” fine that would break their bank account. This has to stop and the issue of the wild horses could and should be the one that STOPS this practice NOW. They are horrible human beings (human beings?????) that deserve to be punished for thinking they can buy everyone and everything to advance their wishes. And it surely does not look favorably on government officials. Damn all these individuals — they are just as bad as the BLM and the Dept of Ag.
        And least I forgot the damn helicopter companies helping the BLM and the killer buyers. They all deserve lasting lives in “worst than hell” environment.


  33. Animal abuse is running rapid all over and needs to stop and now— what is wrong with people anymore doesn’t anyone have any compassion or feeling anymore– it is really getting to be a big problem in our society and needs to change for the better NOT WORSE!


  34. Just read the Animal’s Angels report from observations at the Billings, MT auction last October. Read it fast to not to cry. How they can continue despite the atrocities that happen to our equines and a little calf is heart wrenching. The USDA cannot investigate itself. Humane handling has to be instituted for all animals.


  35. When will the brutality and heartache stop for our horses? I wish we could start a human chain link fence and hold on tight to protect our wild ones. We must save them. Our horses are crying out, Help us before we are gone. So we must save them. It is up to us. The government is using a very poor method. We must come up with solutions. Let us make money and buy them back their land. Buy back their space and create eco spaces for them to roam free once again. We will, we must protect them.


    • Judith: I’m with you. If all of the advocates put in $25.00, we would be in a great start to saving these horses by buying land and letting them have their own land to roam and enjoy their families. I’m all for this, and I, for one, would gladly give the $25.00 or more, if I could. I have saved three horses and hope for two more after the first of the year but I would gladly give to this endeavor. Come on folks, let’s do this together for these beautiful animals. Maybe, R.T. would be our Chief Executive Officer in charge of this. How about it, R. T.? We, and the horses, need your expertise.


      • to lynne I am all for us all putting money into the pot. And as I said we really need a multistate coalition of nonprofits and advocates In different states- then advocates donate specifically for the purchase of land as determined by whole coalition. There is much power with more people involved. I am willing to start trying to talk to different horse advocate non- profits- anyone willing to help me? Louise in Reno


      • Louise. Count me in. I will do anything you want me to do to start this ball rolling. I know of two or three rescues /sanctuary non-profits here in California that might be willing or able to help. Let me know if you want me to check with them about helping us secure a living legend land for the start of saving our icons. I would love to see R.T. help us as he is such a great person to get his advocates and associates on board.


      • Lynne My email is email me and let’s try to get something going. I just talked to hidden valley horses tonight. They are the organization who has been helping with horses at auction here in Reno. They are interested.


  36. I listed this under “crimes”,.because that’s exactly what this is! Here’s a copy of what I said to him. I don’t want or need a form letter back! I would like a real response! And a flat out answer to my question Governor Sandoval. Yes or no,..are you going to do anything about this????? It’s a CRIME, will it be handled like a crime? to him.


    • Most likely the governor will do nothing. Keep in mind as I have said before, the developer who’s security abused the foal is not someone the governor will want to rebuke. They know each other well and the developer is very influential. Politics as usual. Louise in Reno


  37. Just called and was requested to leave a email message regarding the wild horses at which I will do now. I left a strong voice message also, though this is supposed to be only for those without internet. Public hearing is at 9 Am on Weds 12 Dec. Address is Nevada Dept. of Agriculture, 405 S. 21st Street, Sparks, NV 89431. Tel. 775-353-3600. Hope as many of you will come as possible and stand up against these outrageous and excessive roundups of the wild horses around historic Virginia City.


  38. Apparently the governor’s office told a couple of people that it was the property owners and not the NDOA that were seen dragging the foal? Were the NDOA onsite and if so why did they allow and thus approve this animal abuse and just who was doing the capturing and who was in the “responsible person” seat for this action? If it was the private property owners then wouldn’t it be similar to me going onto the capitol grounds and pulling out the shrubbery and knocking over statues and killing wildlife that might live on the property … i.e. destruction of public property? And if the wild horses were on private property then again why was the Nevada state “fence out” law not enforced?

    I know it is hard to understand just what the facts are when we are not there (regardless of many good people trying to explain) but it seems like there should have been some charges filed -per the photos I saw of the foal being drug by it’s neck.

    Regardless, it comes back to the bottom line – IT IS ALL ABOUT THE ANIMALS. Thank you to ALL who are devoted to these horses. Many thanks.


    • The men in the photo are actually hired security, as I am told, for the developer. The trap is the State’s Ag dept, still wrong, still bad. The people were hired guns…none the less, the State trap is the main source of the pain and suffering.


  39. I don’t care WHO they are! In my opinion, it’s still inhumane to treat these poor horses in this manner! They must be stopped!


    • I totally agree with you just good for folks to know the whole picture in order to work on ways to make them accountable for their evil actions.


  40. Ken Salazar has turned out to be not only incompetent but complicit with the ranchers who would just as soon exterminate the horses for a few more blades of grass for their cattle that they pay $1 each per year to graze on OUR lands! To reduce numbers.. use the contraception that sanctuaries do with the older mares and put the young mares and fillies up for adoption and allow the excess males that are not adopted back out! There will always be some left for reproduction and the contraceptives last for a few years so after just a few years the numbers of new foals with no hope will be lessened greatly! The fact that Ken Salazar has been allowing wild horses to be moved off our lands to TO Mexican slaughterhouses should be grounds for dismissal… even charges.. as that is ILLEGAL not to mention immoral and against the peoples’ will! OBAMA, TAKE NOTICE!


  41. Please stop the cruelty and slaughter of our American heritage these horses do not destroy anything they benefit the land unlike cattle that destroys everything they are beautiful to see in our landscapes so much enjoyment for everyone just likke our Salt River horses


  42. As of Feb. 2018 it is decided they need a NonProfit to take the management of these horses. Do not let it be a feedlot mentality under the guise of equine wellbeing do so. I do not know what they will do if a nonprofit does not take them on. ???????????


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