Horse News

Tribute to the Lost Wild Horses of Wyoming

Report and photography by Carol Walker ~ Wild Horse Freedom Federation Advisory Board
Forward by R.T. Fitch ~ co-founder/president Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“This past week we have been following the extraordinary adventures of Wild Horse Freedom Federation‘s Carol Walker as she has endured sub-zero temperatures in an effort to capture the last images of wild horses in Salt Wells and Adobe Town where the BLM is attempting to manage the herds into total extinction.  The current operation has concluded and what Carol shares with us today are the ghostly images of 40 PZPed mares being released into another area, not their home, without their mates and without their babies…at times like these, it is difficult to say ‘Keep the Faith’.” ~ R.T.


photography by Carol Walker, soundtrack from Opus Moon “and they run” available on iTunes, produced by R.T. Fitch

In Carol’s own words:

I found myself quite emotional about the images when I was working on them, especially the poignancy of the mare stepping out first in this strange new world, and then also when the whole group moves away together, not looking back – but why should they? This Salt Wells Herd has been targeted for zeroing out by the Rock Springs Grazing Association, and even the mares and stallions who belong in this area can never go home – they have been relocated as if they are merely inconvenient objects. This has become highlighted by the fact that tomorrow the scoping document for the Great Divide Basin Herd Area comes out – they are planning to round up this herd even though it has only been 2 years since the last round up. This is another herd that is targeted for complete zeroing out.

Today on my way home I went through the Adobe Town Herd Area to the area where the mares had been released yesterday.  I did not see them – they were long gone. But a few miles away I saw a few family bands of wild horses, grazing despite the bitter below zero cold. And I also saw cattle in front of Haystack Mountain.

Please visit Carol’s website at

65 replies »

  1. As I said on Dec 5th – its 24 BELOW reportedly in Laramie. What about the ones who weren’t released? These morons have GOT to be stopped.


    • Maggie, agreed. Even those released have to find water, avoid holes now covered with snow, try to see barbed wire fences in the snow, avoid predators, dry up from sudden loss of foals, and, oh yea, find food and shelter in a place they have never been before, in the coldest weather in recent memory. If any other US citizens did this we would jailed more or less immediately once the authorities found out. Why does the HSUS not have any authority here? Or the DVM who was most likely on the scene to treat these mares with PZP? Or was there no veterinary oversight whatsoever? Amazing to have so little information from a government which is collecting minutiae every day on every citizen with no qualms.


      • Icy, remember the helpfulness of the vet on the wild horse & burro panel!!! He really wasn’t on the horses side. And I’m sure any vet they hired wasn’t there for the horses. Do they actually USE a vet to administer the PZP? I bet they don’t.
        Yes the law applies to US – not the BLM. Just like they claim the 71 law protects the horses & burros from the public – certainly not from the wonderful caring BLM.
        (detect a little note of sarcasm?)


  2. The wild ones don’t need no stink’n BLM to manage their God-given life.
    No wild animal should EVER be kept in captivity, NOT EVER !

    Let wild be wild !

    Run free precious 40, run free


  3. Today I find the saddest day amongst many for the Mustangs, I have heard their cries in the night, I have cried for them and with them, i have Loved them all my Life,i have been with them, and have only found an innocent beauty only wanting to Please, and to live their lifes in Peace and serenity, so much like us in so many ways , on many occasions I felt like i was looking into a Huge mirror, wishing I could run with them, and be like them…….they suffer monumental rapes from people who are jealous , and could only be like them in their dreams , those who take from them, take from themselves something that can never be replaced their Soul………….. when they maim them they maim themselves, how they live and breathe, and sleep with themselves, I can only imagine , Today again I think of the Horse we all Named Freedom. and how he loves Freedom so much so , that he had to leave his family, only stopping once in his Quest to turn and look at what he had to leave behind and the love he has for them for this moment in time I can only imagine what he truly felt , but I know he made the only choice he could , but i am sure a part of him was left with those of his herd !!!!!!!!! The Bravery and courage he expressed that day in that moment were a true thing of wonder !!!!!!! We must save them , we just must ………………………….. UNITED is the only way !!!!!


  4. I think the do this to show us they can. this woman is in some ones pocket .
    If married and children of her own and may be grand children I would hate to have to tell the I was the one who did this to the wild horses. She is an idiot, and they do stupid things, but theses are living animals who are suffering.


  5. The problem’s run deeper than just the BLM and RSGA…it’s the amendments and CFR’s added and altering the original Act. Congress has allowed the dilution of the Act in 1976 with FLPMA and it’s “multiple use” language. They have hidden the true cost to the American Taxpayers of the ‘grazing permit’ program instituted by the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. Although the original intent of TGA was to restrict ranchers from overloading the range with alien cattle and sheep today it’s used as a weapon against the native species by protecting ranchers ‘so called’ rights to public grass.

    Congress has the right to exempt areas of public land from the ‘multiple use’ policy which I believe is a ‘war front’ we need to be focusing upon. Congress needs to protect Horse Ranges and HMA’s by exempting them and honoring the wishes of the last known Act to be passed “Unanimously”.

    The law does require the BLM to remove wild horses and burros from private land at the land owners request. Again it’s the law.

    As bad as I hate to say it the BLM is a policing agency acting under orders mandated by Congress. They do need tighter restrictions on the contractors they hire and the humane handling of the animals until we can get the laws changed. There is also a problem with the BLM”s ‘interpretations’ of certain CFR’s and amendments i.e. Public meetings concerning the use of helicopters in roundups. The CFR states that public hearings must be held in the area where the choppers are to be used. The BLM has now decided that ‘in the area’ now means ‘in the same state’. With this interpretation they avoid multiple meetings and multiple angry crowds. That’s just one example, I’m sure you can think of others.

    In a conversation earlier this week with Dean Bolstadt I discussed other issues i.e. live streaming webcams at all wild horse and burro holding facilities and the killing of animals due to certain ‘defects’ i.e. ‘club foot’. He responded positively to both issues noting the BLM would not be opposed to webcams and that they had taken note of comments made on the Wild Horse and Burro Program’s FB page about the killing of ‘club footed’ animals and were taking much closer looks at each animal’s situation. (A 10 year old club footed horse was killed because of it’s condition even though it had survived in the wild for 10 years)

    Mr. Bolstadt did explain, often chapter and verse, the laws they have to uphold. We too often think the decisions are made ‘willy nilly’ when in fact they are doing Congress’ bidding.

    We as a group have to focus more on Washington and our representatives who have created this fiasco. Just like they fund ‘Wildlife Services’ which kills many thousands of native animals every year on behalf of the ranchers they force the BLM, via legal mandate, to protect the grass and water for the welfare cattle and sheep.

    When the next election campaign comes to your town questions need to be asked, email and letters need to be written, phone calls must be made asking Congress to begin the process of repealing those CFR’s and amendments that have legally changed the original Act.

    Our Congress today can’t agree on anything except when it’s time to adjourn so we have to concentrate on electing representatives that will work with us to restore the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 to it’s original intent. The protection of these American Icons, not as pasture ponies on some ranch in Oklahoma, but free to live their lives in freedom with their families on the open range.

    Our enemies are the laws Congress has passed at the behest of cattle associations and welfare ranchers, among other commercial interests, so that they can make more money at the expense of the wild horses, burros and other wildlife that depend on the public lands to survive.



    • Thank you, Steve, for stating what is often overlooked. We need to change the system, starting with those that create the system.


  6. Thank you, Carol, for going to this horribly cruel roundup . It must have been emotionally draining for you to have been there and we all can’t thank you enough..
    God bless you and all wild horses. I hope those responsible for this atrocity get the punishment they deserve.


    • Barbara said it all for me – years of involvement in this fight leaves me in tears when I read her words and look at the pictures. I remind myself there is a reason everything happens, but there are days when I want a better answer than that! I am ashamed of my government and the majority that are representing it. I am proud to be part of a larger group that never stops fighting till the fight is over. Thank you, Carol – until you are better paid. Blessed Be!


  7. I’m so thankful that there is someone who is able to be there and see & document what is going on. Unfortunately, the BLM has managed to prevent this from happening in so many cases. Somehow – some way – we need eyes on the ground to make sure any abuse or mistreatment is documented. I realize as we all do the abuse starts the moment the helicopters start. Or perhaps even before that, during the secret meetings where the decisions are made. I get the feeling there are many of us that aren’t youngsters and aren’t able to travel across the country financially, and I do believe that these monsters realize that and use that to their advantage. Somehow there HAS to be a way to stop the roundups & give the wild horses & burros their homes back AND stop the slaughter. There has to be..


  8. Thank you Carol, for bearing witness. We all cry and we all try and yet ….. I think we can see the future for our wild ones because what we used to call ‘the future’ is now becoming the present.


  9. This is so very sad these mares are released in the dead of winter!! not knowing the area and with out there male leads…I have been praying all day for them!! I really hoping they make it but not sure..I hate humans how could they take there family from them.. how would we like it if someone tore us from our family and dumped us in a frozen unknown place without any food or water! Evil Humans!!!


  10. And it also looked as if they had not seen drinking water in quite a while. Note the extreme tucked up appearance of some of them, including the first mare out. I did not see a tree or large bush in existance for them to shelter by. I’m sorry, but I hate the BLM (mostly) They screw the law to their own purpose and the Cattle Ass.


    • Shirley, , I noticed that tucked up mare too. Also you’re right, there was not a tree in sight . Another person made the comments the snow will hide holes and fencing too. The BLM could care less if they all die and are probably planning for them to. I am a Christian too but I can’t help but hate the soulless ones responsible for robbing us of OUR wild horses and burros. It starts at the top and our Congress does nothing either.


  11. I always feel this incredible sadness when ever I think about our wild horses and all those who have perished in slaughter houses and on PMU “factory lines”. That’s what I call them as they conveniently throw away the foals and keep the mares in constant torture until there is no more to give.

    At first seeing them run free gave me a small feeling of joy; and then I started to cry. I haven’t cried that much even while forcing myself to view horrendous slaughter house videos.

    I was not crying from that fleeting feeling of joy. I was crying for their loneliness and the losses they have to face. Their families, stallions, foals, herds. None to be seen, yet you can hear them crying out in the song and the wind; and now they vanish searching for those they will never see again.


      • Thank you for your kind comment. I do feel everyday for the lost, lonely and abused. I constantly hug my horses and tell them what is going on outside of their paddock. We stare at each other for a while and say a prayer together. My horse Merlin is a Rocky Mountain Horse which means he has Mustang in his genetics. I think he understands intuitively what I am saying. Blessings back to you.


  12. my heart is absolutly broken!!! after all of the public outcry , they did this anyways. its like our voices were never heard. so now i guess we get to watch what little is left dwindle away due to them sterilizing the mustangs. this is not much differentf rom the government removing my native ancestors off there land and the now legal hunting of the wolf. dammit!!!!!!


  13. I wrote to Ken Salazar and I wrote to Sally Jewel, I’ve signed umpteen petitions and the bastards still do exactly as they please in direst conflict with the “Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act”. How do we actually DO something about the BLM?


    • Tom, I think we all feel this way. One idea I had is to try (like Wild Horse Annie) to get the whole nation to speak up… not just by the numbers but by getting some coordinated feedback sent to Congress in 2014 FROM EVERY STATE IN THE UNION, since WE own these horses and burros and supposedly the BLM is working on our behalf (?). I”m still looking for a website to host a national map which could show as each state finds at least one person committed to hosting a Town Hall Meeting on the WHB situation. Some links and talking points could be included on the website, along with links to contact elected officials in each state.

      The idea is to get a national discussion going on, even with folks who have little or no interest in WHBs. I believe if people begin to know what is going on (and that they are paying for) even the uninterested would be outraged.

      This is the real power in our nation, our people, allied. Nothing else will change the powers in our Government who are working against “we, the people” on so many fronts now.

      If the public weighed in from EVERY STATE just prior to the 2014 midterm elections, we could put the WHB situation on a national agenda, and perhaps get some Congresspersons voted out or in, based on the public will.

      This is how our system is supposed to work. I’m not sure it can anymore but there are no other legal means.

      If the public weighed in on this, we could see changes like removing the BLM from managing WHBs (they’d probably be happy) and implementing more citizen oversight, perhaps in an entirely new organization. We could install live webcams at all holding and roundups…. and get the DOI out of the horse slaughter business.

      It has to change at the top, and the only way that can happen is to start a grassroots grassfire at the bottom. Maybe a cheatgrass fire, which heats up and runs fast!


      • IcySpots

        Your idea is EXACTLY what needs to be done! Petitions and letters to the White House and our state House and Senate leaders are not enough nor does it seem like they are working or they are all just falling on deaf ears because they all have their own personal agenda’s that do NOT include the mustangs.

        Its the WHB preservation groups and advocates who must rise up and make “Joe and Jane Public” aware of what is happening with the mustang herds still roaming free but the ones in holding facilities as well, just like Wild Horse Annie did.


  14. I was at the doctors yesterday and this lady and I started chatting about how cold it is here. I told her I have a friend that was braving -10 degree weather to document the abuse our government is perpetuating on our wild horses. At first was like why?–meaning why brave this incredible cold? Because she was trying to get the word out. She said something about having a friend who works with Defenders of the West. I don’t think she quite got it.

    The first thing to come to mind is the genetically unviable numbers. BLM’s own Dr. Cothran has said that these numbers are way too low. Yet, somehow because RSGA pervades in Court because THEY want cattle. Doesn’t seem to matter what we want.

    Moving horses off their range? Doesn’t that sound a bit like the Warsaw Ghetto to you? Hitler wanted the Jews gone so he them rounded up, placed in the Ghetto where nothing worked and then said see how dirty these people are? What do expect when you put people between a rock and a hard place?

    I tried to raise awareness in that brief moment. Will that lady go home and an Internet search? I don’t know. Will she ask her friend what he knows? I hope he can help shed some light on her. I hope so. Without hope we have nothing.

    In the meantime a moment of some good news (in a way). I was at Costco the other day and saw they now have a smaller box of steaks for sale. I think this is 6 lbs for about 80 dollars. It’s grass fed, organic beef. They’ve been selling this big box for close to 200 dollars. I don’t the sale figures–if they think they’ll be more buyers at smaller more manageable boxes. I was amused to think ANYTHING FOR A BUCK. It doesn’t change my own commitment–no red meat till the ranchers start sharing resources. And while I won’t participate in boycotting all of WY, I will commit to doing my best to stay out of Rock Springs, to not buy gas, food or to give them directly any of my hard earned dollars. I’ll have to pay state taxes wherever I am–so Rock Springs may see a portion of that. But I can choose to hit their pocketbook by not touring, or in any meaningful way helping their economy.

    Carol thank you for braving the cold, really cold weather to document this. I know these pictures were not easy to look at. I don’t know how to make our government stop but then I’m not sure short of war what anyone could’ve done to stop Hitler. We keep on keeping on the best we know how and then some. And my heart aches for what you had to endure this week. Thank you for being strong enough to endure this travestry.


    • Margaret (from another Margaret!)
      I was watching the movie trailer for The Monument Men – then saw an interview with one of the remaining men who was a part of it – going into Europe during WW2 & saving the paintings, sculptures, books etc that the Nazis had stolen. Somehow it hit very close to home – thinking about the attitudes towards our wild horses & burros and towards all wild creatures. The attitude that what THEY want & believe is all that matters – no one elses opinions – no one elses feelings – nothing. Its not all that different, is it?


      • Yes Icyspots where are the 73 foals????????? The silence is deafening ?????? Kudos to Carol for all she did , it must have been devastating for her !!!!!! But where are the FOALS ??????????/


      • You know where they are, all of you know where they are, They have been shipped. To adoption venues. All across the country They will die or live. No one will know. The babies are the best hid.

        Be at Billings, June 4, 2015 and show BLM who you are.


  15. A bit of history
    WYOMING … candal.htm
    April 15, 1922
    Senate Investigates the “Teapot Dome” Scandal

    On April 15, 1922, Wyoming Democratic Senator John Kendrick introduced a resolution that set in motion one of the most significant investigations in Senate history.

    On the previous day, the Wall Street Journal had reported an unprecedented secret arrangement in which the secretary of the Interior, without competitive bidding, had leased the U.S. naval petroleum reserve at Wyoming’s Teapot Dome to a private oil company. Wisconsin Republican Senator Robert La Follette arranged for the Senate Committee on Public Lands to investigate the matter. His suspicions deepened after someone ransacked his quarters in the Senate Office Building.

    Expecting this to be a tedious and probably futile inquiry, the committee’s Republican leadership allowed the panel’s most junior minority member, Montana Democrat Thomas Walsh, to chair the panel. Preeminent among the many difficult questions facing him was, “How did Interior Secretary Albert Fall get so rich so quickly?”
    Eventually, the investigation uncovered Secretary Fall’s shady dealings and Senator Walsh became a national hero; Fall would end up as the first former cabinet officer to go to prison. This and a subsequent Senate inquiry triggered several court cases testing the extent of the Senate’s investigative powers. One of those cases resulted in the landmark 1927 Supreme Court decision McGrain v. Daugherty that, for the first time, explicitly established Congress’ right to compel witnesses to testify before its committees.


  16. If you choose not to post my comment, I’ll understand. First of all, I pray to God that He will forgive my thoughts on this tragic subject. I am a Christian, & I am usually against violence & causing harm to others, however, I am making an exception for this unspeakable act of animal abuse. The ONLY way to stop the “BLM”, is to go out & KILL every last BLM employee/worker/contractor, & their “leaders”. They deserve nothing less than cold blooded murder! You can not fix stupid, you can not change the hearts of those who have long ago lost their hearts. You can’t reason with non-thinking sub-humans, they are programmed to think one way, & one way only, regardless of any senseless attempt at arguing. Our wild horses & burros will continue to disappear from the wild as long as the BLM is allowed to go on, period, until there are no more. I just wish we really could get a vigilante army together & go after them, shoot to kill, no questions asked. Then, see what our seemingly socialist, or communist government has to say about that! We are the only ones who can make them stop, make them go away, strip them of their power. Unfortunately, going to court & fighting, or being all legal & polite, may help some, but it will not stop them. We all should know that is true, as much as we’d like to believe that our government & legal system is on our side, or “for the people”, it’s not. If we truly wish to see & make change, we have to do it ourselves. WE ARE the change we wish to see, no one will do it for us. We MUST rise up, & take back what is OURS, or, admit to defeat, suck it up, & remember what was. Enjoy the photos & videos, until they too fade away, enjoy seeing American Mustangs maybe in sanctuaries, or maybe your own, if you’re lucky enough to be able to adopt one. But, if we don’t take a more direct, physical course of action, they will be lost in the wild, forever, just another relic from our past, dust in the wind.


    • Valerie, I think we all agree your anger is justified, but employees can all be replaced. See Steve’s post above for the real culprits, our Congress and our laws. We do (theoretically anyway) have the power to change them through our elected officials, which is our only legal recourse. It seems even if we get close enough to observe what goes on at our expense during roundups and incarceration, we are labeled terrorists… though we own these animals and those who “manage” them are paid by our taxes. I am reminded of the years and years of people lining the fences at Rocky Flats in CO, which finally ended with closing down the nuclear trigger producing plant NW of Denver. We could do that with wild horse roundups, but as you surely know, they way they are announced, located and conducted makes it nearly impossible to organize large groups of observers, which is surely intentional.

      So keep your anger, and polish your sword, but aim it at the actual enemies. It will be much more effective and will keep you from turning into the sort of indiscriminate killer loosed already on our Wild Horses and Burros.


  17. Our Government and BLM and all other Government Agencies are trying to play God when they are just playing the Devil’s Advocate. Something very serious has to happen before this comes to a hault. These poor mares are confused and misplaced. Does the Government care one bit, I don’t think so.


  18. The Ghost’s in The Daylight run like Fire on The Ridge,
    Their Hooves pounding wildly the dirt kicks up like a mist,
    They Run into the Wild searching for their family,
    That sadly for them no longer exists…
    The horses tremendous performance as our tears truly run,
    they fight to find their way back to their home they were from.
    The horses whinnies and neighs, they cries and wild horse calls,
    Fall upon a silence desert as the nighttime does fall.
    The BLM organized and stole them from our lives,
    The Emblem of America and Our Many Freedom’s Die,
    The organization tears and pulls at our Rights,
    Stealing horses from us right before OUR watchful Eyes.
    The ghostly hoof prints in the desert deserted and alone,
    The band of barren mares are still searching for their home.
    The night line isn’t comfort but many fears instead,
    When the BLM return and make sure the last are dead?
    The hatred of the horse must not remain,
    We must restore the Emblem of this countries Love refrain.
    Many Freedom’s were earned on the back of the horse,
    You have to children, jobs, and lives and they were forgotten the most.
    We cannot allow them to be destroyed right before our eyes,
    We must throw ourselves in front of the BLMs oncoming lies.
    Like the mighty trees people once chained themselves to,
    Wild Horse Annie knew exactly what to do,
    She chained herself to the heartbeat of horse,
    Regardless of what the others did, she never changed her course.
    We Stand and Fight, the Right is OURS since many veterans that died,
    Were horses that fought and gave their lives,
    We are here today, we exist
    The horses paved the way for the lives we now live,
    From East to West, South to North
    We join together to SAVE the horse.
    We shall NOT leave, together WE Stand,
    We keep up our Vigil for this Ghostly Band!
    In the Immortal Words of Wyatt Earp,
    “You Tell The I’m coming and Hell’s Coming With ME!”
    I can already hear the whoops and hollars,
    From and Joyous Wild Horse Annie!
    Come one, Come all, We will Stop the BLM AND BY GOD SAVE THEM ALL!


  19. This is the Agencies way to get MORE freed up money-you think on this-they cant reproduce they are alone when does the agency take a reduction in money? When do they quit receiving our money since they now have less horses and in the future will have even less at the rate they are going? Why are OUR tax dollars being funneled to this agencies ongoing animal cruelty rituals while they MOCK animal rights and people who care? Because they are following orders from the queen sheba of horse slaughter herself……. the freed up money should be spent on horse advocates removing horses to safety instead of this! This is really a sickening diatribe and reminds me of the repulsive way they hauled horses for the Ken L Ration Company in Illinois to kill by the literal thousands…..this is absolutely the same thing!


    • Good points! Well, the BLM is now crying that feeding the 50,000 wild horses all ready in captivity is taking up most of their 80 million a year budget. Poor, pathetic, idiotic government officials bought off by their contractors and private corporations. The Catoors make at least 1 million a year and I believe $6 million is available for roundup contractors which does not have to go thru the competitive bidding process that is the government standard for avoiding corruption. No accountability, no public over sight, no justice for our “protected” wild horses. Yeah, what will they spend their spiraling out of control budget on now?


  20. Trail of Many Tears…babies taken away along with their mates, zapped with a sterilizing drug that has not been thoroughly tested for side effects, taken away from their home land and dumped into a foreign territory in the bitter cold of winter… Does this in any way sound like “Effective Herd Management”? To me it’s more like effective genocide of what the BLM claims on their website to be “An American Icon and Symbol of Freedom”. Why not at least release them back into their home range so they know where water, shelter and food are? Why release 40 mares and 38 stallions??? That’s absolutely the most unsound horse management I’ve ever heard of. And yet, we pay the BLM 80 million a year to do this…in spite of the National Academy of Science report, that the BLM ordered and paid for with our tax $$$, but clearly has not read, that indicates removing the horses is not necessary, at all. And what about all those damn welfare black angus cattle you see in the video. Something is really reaking of government corruption. Wild Horse Warriors continue to fight for our wild horse & burro’s right to be free. We shed many tears during the battles…


    • Yeah about those Angus…..I want OUR taxpayers share of Angus we pay for their feeding, pasturing, and reproduction….I refuse to pay for it at the grocery-where’s our government subsidized ANGUS STEAKS? Oh wait, they would substitute horse…..I am so sick of the organized Crime tactics to recruit our taxdollars and keep spending it at a high mortality rate~!


      • Glad you get it, the private rancher “welfare cattle” program. Grandfathered in from 30 years ago. Time to revamp their Grazing Rights Program and make it self supporting. Then the cattle ranchers, which many are corporate owned, won’t find it so profitable. Our other large threat to wild horse habitat is the mineral, oil, energy, and gas frackers. These corporations have huge clout in Congress, because you see, there are no insider trading laws/rules/penalties for anyone in Congress. Go figure, that congressmen are investing heavily in these pure for profit corporations that get huge government subsidies and special privileges to destroy the environment set aside for the public and wild life.


    • They removed our entire Little Colorado herd here in Sublette County, WY one year after gas drilling began. Ranchers here shared the land with those horses for decades. No more wild horses now but plenty of gas wells. Know the true enemy of our wild ones…see how many wells are slated to be drilled in the Salt Wells/Adobe Town HMA.


      • Sandra, do you mean the wells are using fracking for natural gas ? Sally Jewell , the Sec. of Interior , is for fracking which means Obama is too and it will contaminate the water with toxins such as methane and benzene and kill the animals that drink it. Since our wild horses are supposed to be protected and the BLM wouldn’t want their bodies to be found it looks like that’s why they’re being removed.This is actually two crimes really-wiping out our wild horses and ruining what little potable water there is.


      • Gas frackers will be the death of all in their path. They destroy the underground water tables and water poisoning is a very real threat. And who profits? The large corporations and Congressmen that invest in them with no fear of being thrown in jail like Martha Stewart for insider trader. Really, punish Martha Stewart for a few thousand, when Congressmen are making billions???


      • Yes, Barbara….they fracked for the gas here, 88 contaminated stock wells. My point was that BLM land is designated as “multiple use” and one of those uses is for mineral extraction. That industry likes to hide behind ranchers when it comes to removing the horses in places like Salt Wells/Adobe Town. BLM completely zeroed out our local herd and never said a word to anyone about it.


  21. I am disgusted with the animal abuse of the horses and it is just sad that we the people of US have disregarded the horses as pest’s WTF! but yet oh save the dogs and cats that all these ranchers have and lets let the community raise funds for the SPCA’s t feed and care for them….what about ALL the animals raise money for all SPCA, even the ferral cats get better treatment than these horse’s….GOD is watching all the people killing his horses.


  22. It’s BLM that needs thinning out! They are responsible for such needless and heartless actions and I’m horrified that my tax paying dollars are paying their wages. BLM…..YOU’RE FIRED!!!!!


  23. Dear Valerie, i am sure all of us here have had and share your thoughts, but stooping to their level is only going to put us in there category of Horror, Our Mustangs are Precious, we care nothing about the Greedy Bastards that hold them prisoners, death is much to easy for their captures, i would like nothing better to try them in a non bias court of Law for their Crimes and to give to them what they really deserve…….. I say try them as horse thieves, in Texas it is still Hanging for that crime ………………….


  24. Can you horse lovers arrange to take food and water so they can survive? Surely there are enough of you to join together to prevent these poor mares from starving….please please DO something, turn your kind passionate words I to acting to DO SOMETHING TO SAVE THEM, Nola. U.K.


  25. Year after torturous year it continues. Even though the LAW is supposed to PROTECT them, BLM’s malicious targeting of the American Wild and Free-roaming Horses and Burros is one of the most horrific assaults on innocent living beings carried out by U.S. government SINCE the attempted annihilation of the Native Indigenous Tribes of North America! The similarities are chilling! The government determination to drive to extinction all the wild horses and burros just never stops. It cuts to the core of American values by decimating the icon that so strongly symbolizes the spirit of America – that of strength, survival, freedom, excellence, and persistent determination.

    Despite millions of phone calls, messages, emails, petition signatures, letters, demonstrations, protests, and personal attendance to meetings – by concerned people the world over, imploring BLM to STOP their deliberate, systematic crimes against the wild horses and burros, yet BLM forges ahead, without the slightest twinge of conscience, and lacking even the smallest hint of compassion or decency. They continue to purposely use heartless and brutal methods, and they do this over and over, round up after torturous roundup, year after year… and they are NEVER held accountable for their crimes!!
    (Read my full rant on this:
    It’s long, as I am very fired up!)


  26. The real culprits? Us. Wringing our hands over and over, knowing the horses are again under attack and have been through roundups, and birth control, since 2002 – and yet here you are again. Oh dear oh dear, what can we do? Get up and move. Be at Billings on June 4, 2015 and deliver your comments on BLM’s proposed roundup of the last f the young Pryor horses, in person.


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