Horse News

Video: National Day of the Horse Message from Equine Advocates

From Equine Advocates and endorsed by Wild Horse Freedom Federation

We’re about to send our E-Blast on this, but I wanted all of you to see our new video with a special message about Wild Horses & Burros…and Horse Slaughter. With the help of Ginger Kathrens and Terry Fitch, whose amazing images helped me tell the story of Hayden, a Wild American Mustang captured on the Pryor Mountains during a brutal round-up in 2009 when he was only two years old. Hayden arrived here on October 1, 2013. He will be the pasture mate of Nelson, the other Wild Mustang who lives here at the sanctuary (Nelson’s buddy had passed away and we had been searching for a buddy for him for quite some time.)

I literally was able to trace Hayden’s entire life from the day he was born until now and that is thanks to Ginger and Terry, who both witnessed his capture firsthand and documented it…And then Ginger had his baby pictures when he was a foal. It is short message, but I am hopeful it will have an impact in inspiring more people to become more involved in Wild Horse & Burro issues heading into the New Year.

Enjoy!…And please feel free to forward. (Preview)


The story of Hayden, the Dun-Striped Mustang, has as many treacherous twists and turns as the Yellow Brick Road. Captured in 2009 during a cruel and unnecessary BLM round-up in the Pryor Mountains of Montana, Hayden survived capture, being uprooted and separated from his family, being auctioned off, being shipped from Montana to Colorado and then arriving at Equine Advocates Rescue & Sanctuary in Chatham, NY on October 1, 2013. The plight of America’s Wild Horses & Burros as told through Hayden’s eyes is our way of personalizing the horrendous fate of tens of thousands of Wild Equines in America today. We are most grateful to Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation and Terry Fitch of the Wild Horse Freedom Federation for their amazing and graphic photography as they witnessed Hayden’s capture firsthand. There are also breath-taking shots of Hayden with his dam (mother) when he was a foal and of him with other Mustangs when they were all still wild and free. For more information about Hayden’s story, please visit…

This video was produced by Cathy Grier, a.k.a. NYC Subway Girl who also appears and sings in the video. Cathy is a New York-based singer-songwriter and activist who has received wide attention for her subterranean performances and for capturing unique glimpses of subway life via her website She is also an animal lover and has performed for and worked with Equine Advocates on other projects involving equine protection.

Link to The Cloud Foundation
Link to the Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Click (HERE) to visit Equine Advocate’s YouTube Presentation

Click (HERE) to visit the National Day of the Horse on Facebook


9 replies »

  1. 2,482,037 hits.Why not all these people call and email Congressmen,Senators,and the White house to demand the Horse is Honored,not sent to the kill floor for the profit of a few? It seems like we are financing with our tax dollars the horrendous abuse of our horses thru the Government agencies and we need to hold them accountable.Let your Voices be heard today for the Voiceless.



    On December 13, the National Day of the Horse, please help us stop this ludicrous waste of money and inhumane treatment of our nation’s wild horses.
    As a constituent, I am writing to you to act in your capacity as a member of the Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee, which has jurisdiction over the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and its National Refuges. Your action is needed to prevent horses from the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in Nevada from falling into the slaughter pipeline via a known slaughter middleman, Stan Palmer, in Mississippi.

    Since 2010, the FWS has paid Palmer nearly $1 million to dispose of hundreds of Sheldon horses. This year, over 230 Sheldon horses were sent to Palmer. FWS and Palmer must be made to account for the present whereabouts of all Sheldon horses already shipped to Mississippi this year.

    The wild horses in question are America’s War Horses. Their ancestors served as cavalry remounts in battle throughout WWI.

    Palmer receives federal contracts to “adopt out” horses captured in roundups at Sheldon. The FWS’ own investigation found that Palmer could not account for a large number of the horses sent to him between 2010 and 2012, despite the requirement to keep records of where these horses end up and ensure that none are at risk of poor treatment or slaughter.

    Despite this, the FWS has again contracted with Palmer in 2013, and has shipped to him more than 230 horses captured in September, 2013. These horses are leaving Palmer’s property by the truckload to unknown destinations. A Palmer employee recently urged people on Facebook to “show up with your trailer and load em up….need gone asap!!!!” adding, “when they leave my house they are no longer my business.”

    Please ask the EPW Committee to use its oversight powers to implement an immediate investigation of this situation, obtain a full accounting and visual confirmation (through microchips) of each of the Sheldon horses sent to Palmer, and ensure the long-term welfare of these horses.

    Thanks for considering this action in recognition of the National Day of the Horse.

    Senate Majority Committee Members
    Barbara Boxer (Chairman)
    Max Baucus
    Thomas R. Carper
    Benjamin L. Cardin
    Bernard Sanders
    Sheldon Whitehouse
    Tom Udall
    Jeff Merkley
    Kirsten Gillibrand
    Cory A. Booker

    Senate Minority Committee Members
    David Vitter
    James M. Inhofe
    John Barrasso
    Jeff Sessions
    Mike Crapo
    Roger F. Wicker
    John Boozman
    Deb Fischer


  3. Cool video by Cathy Grier:don’t stop singing. And to Equine Advocates thank you, the animals who arrive to your hands are very fortunate. Perhaps ‘Press Exclusive’ gave ‘Hayden’ a big shoutout from miles away “its ok buddy& hay,Nelsons here too” I agree fully with Rachael Bannisters comments.I wish I could file a complaint with the Ombudsman Ontario. Yesterday, bay filly X Squared (one of Press Exclusives many foals) won a race at Woodbine and her Breeder/Owner Frank Di Giulio & Trainer Bob Tiller pick up yet another cheque, approx. $31,500.00
    These boys love their Ontario Sired Program.Same people refused Ottb/Broodmare PressEx a retirement home so put her back into year end Cths mixed sale some time ago to collect a few hundred bucks. Hopefully Bill C-322 will pass in 2014 and Horse Slaughter in Canada will stop. And also, in my opinion, BLM gang need to be round up and put in their own round pen.


    • I’d enjoy seeing the people responsible for the horses’ lack of shelter and windbreaks out in the Wyoming wind and cold themselves with no way to get out of it. Then when someone asked us if they have shelter we could say Absolutely!! Of COURSE THEY DO! And then of course they’d be out in that weather separated from their families and their babies would be out there too with no protection. Sound familiar? That’s exactly what they’re doing to our wild horses…


  4. I just wanted to give anyone that has Senator John Cornyn, TX as as their state Senator a reminder about the letter he wrote to me in response to to one I wrote to him over 2 years ago about horse slaughter. He was on a committee similar to the one in the Louie C comment. And what he said was that he would not support the anti-slaughter bills that was sitting in committee at that time. The reason was the fact that if the bills passed it would remove the right of a horses owner to do what ever they wanted with their property. This is the politician that is given the largest donations from the lobbyists that make daily trips to the Senators offices to ply their trade. During that time this man was given over $ 200,000.00 and I believe this is small potatoes as to what he actually gets under the table from the racing industry, quarter horse breeders and numerous other special interests. This man is a powerful senator as to what he is able to get done in the senate for his benefactors. He’s from TX so you can imagine the donations he gets from the ranchers there. None of the other politicians on the committee bothered to answer me. I had sent at least 12 of them copies of the CD showing the cruelty that went on in one of the slaughter plants in Canada. These people are the ones we have been up against trying to get the older anti-slaughter bills passed. All Cornyn has to do is pick up the phone and tell any of the other Senators not to cosponsor the S.A.F.E. Act and they will do that. The US Senate is what has blocked all of the other bills in the past form becoming law, I believe with this man’s help. As far as I know there is only about 28 or 30 senators that have signed on to cosponsor S. 541 this includes the group of original cosponsors this is exactly what happened to all the previous bills.


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