Horse News

Happy Birthday: World Famous Wild Stallion Turns 19

Tribute by R.T. Fitch ~president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Cloud Lives Nineteen Glorious Years in the Wild


Today is the day! 19 years ago renowned cinematographer, Ginger Kathrens watched a shaky, palomino foal stumble out of the bushes atop the Pryor Mountains and the documented saga of Cloud the Wild Stallion of the Rockies began.

Forever chronicled in three PBS Nature documentaries the story of Cloud would put a face and a name on America’s wild horses that all of the efforts and dastardly deeds of the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) could not wipe out nor besmirch.

And the observation and documentation of Cloud’s life continues to this very special day. Last week I was fortunate to be blessed with spending several days atop the Pryors with Ginger Kathrens, now Executive Director of the Cloud Foundation, as we followed and filmed Cloud, his family and members of his herd for future generations to love and enjoy.

To hear Ginger and myself discuss our trip to the Pryors on Wild Horse and Burro Radio please feel free to click (HERE)

To buy a candle for Cloud and to aid in funding the appeal to remove the fence in the Pryors please click (HERE)

To watch “Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies” please click (HERE)

To watch “Cloud’s Legacy: The Wild Stallion Returns” please click (HERE)

To watch “Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions” please click (HERE)

To visit the Cloud Foundation please click (HERE)

Happy Birthday Cloud!

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17 replies »

  1. How anyone could seek to destroy such beautiful animals and part of the history of our country is beyond me. The present Interior Department is only concerned with people and has no concept of what its mission and duties were and are.


  2. Wishing Cloud a Happy Birthday. Long live Cloud and his band free from the hands of the BLM and humans. Let these wild horses continue to be wild. Leave there natural environment alone. No BLM, No horse killers, No fracking, No Corporate interferences. Let them be. Thank you for the beautiful clip of Cloud and his band.


  3. Thank you RT and the whole crew at Wild Horse Freedom Federation for sharing Cloud’s story and for your strong support and friendship. We love you guys.


  4. Happy Birthday Cloud- glad to see that in spite of so many great odds you are still running free and caring for your band. Thank you on your birthday to the advocates who have told your story and watched over you, sharing your perils and your triumphs. They have helped others to learn of your story and brought new supporters to the cause of keeping wild horses wild.


  5. Thank you for sharing Ginger and RT….Happy Birthday Cloud and pray for many more……Love Cloud….This makes my day….


  6. Today is my birthday also and what a better buddy to share it with! I have followed Cloud for many, many years. I pray he lives a very long time!


  7. Happy Birthday our dearest Cloud. We have watched you grow up and are so proud of you being our Ambassador for our wild horses. We continue to fight for the rights for all the wild horses to roam free on public lands again. We must help and carry the torch for freedom. Are wild horses are in peril and we have a responsibility to help you be free. FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM. TAKE THE FENCES DOWN. R.T. Fitch, Ginger Kathrens, Marty Oakley, Debbie Coffey thank you to all of you and your input on the radio show. What a great discussion on Cloud and the Pryors. I hope to get over there and share this incredible experience soon.
    I have talked with Craig Downer and maybe we both can get over there to share an experience with Cloud and his family band as well as the others there. How special indeed. I am so glad that Cloud was not seriously hurt. He is a strong horse.
    Oh how I love our wild horses. They are incredible animals.
    Every time I am with my two horses, my Freedom Thunder Tobiano, my smart, fabulous boy, that mustang spirit, ( he has some mustang in his blood) yep he does and Donde Dieu, my beautiful thoroughbred (in French stands for God’s Gift) remind me why I keep on fighting for our wild horses to be free. I will always fight for their Freedom, always and never give up.
    Craig has written and composed some beautiful melodies and I am putting lyrics to his music. I hope to sing them someday for all of you about the wild horses. Woohoo. Oh we are sooooooo proud of the work you all keep doing. The Force of the horses is with all of us. I love you all dearly. Can’t wait to see you again soon. God bless our wild horses and all of you. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOUD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Judith


  8. thank you RT for the update on Cloud.. have been following him for several years now.. so glad this boy is still doing well and has his band…Happy Birthday Cloud.. and many many more….carlene


  9. Happy birthday to Cloud and all the other wild ones out there that have somehow escaped the hands of humans. As long as Mother Nature is in charge then we know that whatever will be is for the best regardless of what we think is best … as R.T. and Ginger said on the radio show the other night. As long as they make their decisions as free wild horses and burros … it doesn’t get any better than that!


  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANDSOME MAGNIFICENT STALLION CLOUD !!!!!! May Freedom return to all Mustangs very soon !!!!! And Thank You RT and Ginger for bring there with Him !!!!


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