Horse News

Kirsten Stade of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) on Wild Horse & Burro Radio (Wed., 2/24/16)



Join us on Wild Horse Wednesdays®, Feb. 24, 2016

3:00 pm PST … 4:00 pm MST … 5:00 pm CST … 6:00 pm EST

Listen to the archived show (HERE!)

You can also listen to the show on your phone by calling (917) 388-4520.

You can call in with questions during the 2nd half hour, by dialing (917) 388-4520, then pressing 1.

This is a 1 hour show.  It will be archived so you can listen to it anytime.



Our guest is Kirsten Stade, Advocacy Director for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

PEER is known to wild horse & burro advocates for the many reports they have published about the BLM’s skewed data minimizing the effects of livestock grazing on public lands.  PEER also published the famous PEER WHITE PAPER titled “Horses to Slaughter: Anatomy of a Coverup within the Wild Horse & Burro Program of the Bureau of Land Management.”

PEER works to strengthen and enforce scientific integrity rules and data quality laws.  PEER, along with the Center for Food Safety, filed a lawsuit to stop the use of neonicotinoid insecticides (neonics) linked to the destruction of bee colonies.  They also filed a lawsuit to stop the planting of genetically engineered crops on wildlife refuges in the Midwest.  PEER is now focusing on pharmaceutical chemicals polluting our waters.  PEER also protects environmental and public health whistleblowers.

For nearly 20 years, Kirsten Stade has worked on public lands ecology and conservation, and has published research with WildEarth Guardians on the impacts of livestock grazing on fire ecology and ecosystem health in the American west.  She has a Master’s degree in Conservation Biology from Columbia University and a Bachelor’s in Earth Systems from Stanford University.

This show is hosted by Debbie Coffey, V.P. and Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

To contact us:, or call 320-281-0585


1/20/16 – Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation, on BLM’s plans to sterilize wild horse and burros.  Listen HERE.

1/27/16 – Marjorie Farabee, Dir. of Wild Burro Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation, on threats to shoot wild burros in Arizona.  Listen HERE.

2/8/16 – Representatives of 4 major wild horse & burro advocacy groups and advocates speak out against BLM’s plans for barbaric sterilization experiments on wild mares.  Listen HERE.

2/10/16 – JONATHAN RATNER, Western Watersheds Project’s Director for Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, talks about the environmental toll of privately owned livestock grazing on public lands.  Listen HERE.

4 replies »

  1. Talk about BLM chasing its own tail – and their supposed “scientific research” – here is a good example.

    You may remember that a few years ago the BLM Director’s Challenge awarded $300,000 to assist field offices in on-the-ground volunteer field research about our wild horses and burros and our public lands. When contacted, the Eagle Lake (Twin Peaks) field office representative stated that the volunteers would be assigning ALL use and/or abuse found on the public lands range to the wild horses and burros. When asked how the usage would be differentiated between the domestic livestock (about 82% per BLM AUM data) and the wild horse and burro usage (about 18%) the BLM representative said again and again that ALL usage discovered and documented would be shown as wild horse and burro usage – regardless of the fact livestock was permitted about 5 times more than the permitted wild horses and burro usage. No kidding!

    BTW, per information I acquired, the Eagle Lake/Surprise BLM field offices never approved a single volunteer for this project although they did KEEP $ 9,000 of the $ 25,000 that was supposed to go to this research.


  2. From PEER

    Unconstitutional Restraints on Publishing and Weak Integrity Protections at Issue
    Posted on Nov 19, 2015

    PEER cites instances of USDA scientists ordered to retract studies, water down findings, remove their name from authorship and endure long indefinite delays in approving publication of papers that may be controversial. Media requests for interviews with scientists are either indefinitely delayed or denied. Of particular concern is a gag order barring release of any scientific work reflecting on any federal policy

    “USDA is raising a bumper crop of hypocrisy this year,” Ruch concluded, noting that Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, a USDA entomologist based in South Dakota, is slated to receive a national award next week in Washington DC for “civic courage” in recognition of his resistance of agency censorship. “Dr. Lundgren’s experience raises doubts about whether groundbreaking science can still be conducted inside USDA free from interference.”


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