Horse News

Feel Good Sunday Update: Abandoned Horse Hit by 130 Paintballs Released from Hospital


Investigators continue to seek suspect responsible for shooting the animal more than 130 times

Penn Vet New Bolton Center surgeon Dr. Nikki Scherrer stands with 20-year-old Lily after successfully removing her sightless right eye.  ~ Source/Penn Vet New Bolton

Penn Vet New Bolton Center surgeon Dr. Nikki Scherrer stands with 20-year-old Lily after successfully removing her sightless right eye. ~ Source/Penn Vet New Bolton

A horse found abandoned and injured by more than 130 paintball bullets last month is on mend, according to CBSPhilly’s report Thursday that the animal has been released from the care of Penn Vet specialists at the New Bolton Center.

She has been transferred to a rehabilitation stable, CBSPhilly reports.

The 20-year-old an Appaloosa and Arabian horse, which has been named Lily, had her right eye removed due to an ulcer, among other treatment at the vet center.

Sources reported Lily was found last month at an auction farm in New Holland, Pennsylvania. Afterward, 65-year-old Phillip S. Price of Rhode Island was charged in connection with transferring and abandoning the animal. Police are still searching for the individual(s) who shot Lily with the paintballs.

The Lancaster County SPCA is continuing to investigate the case and is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of anyone responsible for shooting Lily. The Humane Society of the United States and PETA together contributed an additional $9,000 to the original reward.

All inquiries about adoption and donations are being handled by Omega Horse Rescue, an Airville-based nonprofit rehabilitation center.

Anyone with information about the individual(s) responsible for Lily’s attack is urged to call the Lancaster County SPCA at 717-917-6979.

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7 replies »

  1. What a terrible thing to do to this horse. I surely hope he is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent. New Holland is not known for their humane treatment st this auction. At least she is safe and will find peace with humans that will love her until her final day. Let’s get these Republican Legislators off their asses and get the Safe Food, Safe Horse Act passed!! Maybe then we will be able to clean up these auctions and Kill Pens will be a thing of the past!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So good to hear about the new life for this horse and people with respect and caring in their hearts. I hope she will find a loving forever home,

    By the way (sorry to bring up this horrible subject) the BLM shoots the Southern Nevada/Arizona wild burros with paint balls. Read it for yourself. “During the initial flight, all the animals seen are marked with a paint ball.” Boy oh boy I bet those BLM get a real kick out of that – riding around in a helicopter with their buddies and shooting paintballs at wild burros and getting paid to to do it! SICK.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes GG-
      WE are living in a “sick” society right now, this is not the only site I visit
      I could not even post the number of videos of “animals” that are being abused with paintbal gunsl and many of the people (some you can tell are children) are laughing and cheerring.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Paintballs? And then assume that is 50% of the population? Well, how much more exact could they get? (sarcastic comment)


  3. Wouldn’t you just love to find out who did this handcuff him or them to a fence and let the well aimed paint balls fly especially between their legs just below the waist line and down a little. I’m sure that after a few dozen direct hits you would hear the howls of pain.


    • 130 need to hit the person that did this. When there is no consequence, there is no change in the behavior. It seems that people only learn by action and not words, so here is the appropriate action.


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